CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 65: Letter of severance of parent-child relationship


"What's so good?" Min Qiujun said worriedly, "Your father and Qianchu's sister were fighting fiercely, but Qianchu didn't care at all. He went shopping with Shi Di all day long, completely ignoring the overall situation and throwing everything aside. Leave it to your dad to do it alone.”

She clearly knew that Mu Qianchu and Shi Di had a good relationship, but she couldn't help but feel pricked when she heard it again.

"It's a good thing that they love each other." Shi Xiaonian said.

"It's nice to be in love, but they are not at peace either. I found out from the Mu family servants that Qianchu and Shi Di had quarreled several times after they got married," Min Qiujun said.

"A quarrel?" Shi Xiaonian opened his eyes wide in shock, "Isn't this impossible?"

She believed that the weather was fickle, and that Mu Qianchu and Shi Di were not in a good relationship. She had been pestering Mu Qianchu for so many years and they still didn't break up. Wasn't this proof that they were in true love.

"The reason for the quarrel seems to be all because of you." Min Qiujun looked at Shi Xiaonian with a somewhat uncomfortable tone.


Shi Xiaonian stiffened. Was she the reason for the quarrel? How can this be.

"The servants said that every time they mention you at home, the two of them quarrel. Qianchu seems to have changed after getting married. He is such a gentle and elegant person and he actually quarreled with Shi Di." Min Qiujun shot He patted his head and said, "Your sister calls us to cry whenever she has a quarrel. No matter how hard I try to persuade her, it's no use."

At this time, the server brought two cups of coffee.

Shi Xiaonian sat there and couldn't figure out how it was okay no matter how entangled she was back then, how come she became their trigger after marriage.

She doesn't go to see them now, she stays far away, but they are not at peace.

what is this

However, Mu Qianchu was indeed a little strange. In order to give Shi Di a perfect wedding, he even refused to take medicine to treat pain. How could he refuse to give in to Shi Di verbally now? This doesn't make sense.

"Your father was so upset that he couldn't sleep well for several nights. All the business and family matters bothered him, so he just..."

Speaking of this, Min Qiujun stopped talking.

Shi Xiaonian looked at her adoptive mother and saw the embarrassment on her face. She vaguely felt that what her adoptive mother said next was the main topic of the day.

Sure enough, Min Qiujun looked at her for a long time, then took out a document from his bag and put it in front of her. He said with difficulty, "Your father hopes you sign this document."

Shi Xiaonian put her hand on the steaming coffee cup and looked down at the document.

There were dense words on the document, but she couldn't read it clearly. She only saw a huge title -

Letter of severance of parent-child relationship

Cut off the book.

Shi Xiaonian's face instantly turned pale. She put her finger on the cup and spilled the whole cup of coffee on the table. She picked up the document without thinking. The document was not splashed, not a single word was wet. The coffee dripped on her body and was hot. Very powerful.

"Xiao Nian--"

Min Qiujun exclaimed and quickly stood up and picked up a tissue to wipe the stain for her.

Shi Xiaonian stood up and pushed his hand away, "I'm fine."

"No, you get burned easily..."

"Let's talk about business." Shi Xiaonian looked at the concern in her eyes and suddenly felt a little ironic. She pushed her adoptive mother's hand away and said coldly, "Aren't we here to talk about the signature?"

The waiter came over and cleared the table.

"Xiao Nian..." Min Qiujun sat down and looked at her with an embarrassed face, his face full of bitterness, "I have been arguing with your father for a long time, but he still insists on doing this. He thinks it is because of your previous entanglement. If Qianchu and Shi Di's marriage is not going well now, he will definitely kick you out of the house."

"Have I not been kicked out of the house?" Shi Xiaonian laughed at himself, his eyes becoming sour, "A few years ago, you stopped letting me stay in the Shi family."

Can expulsions be repeated over and over again

"Xiao Nian."

"Now they have to expel me from the legal sense. It doesn't matter. I just sign. Anyway, I don't think I can still be the daughter of the Shi family." Shi Xiaonian smiled indifferently.

Min Qiujun looked at her with compassion.

Shi Xiaonian still had a smile on her face, smiling very indifferently and not caring at all, "Mom, where is the pen? You must have brought a pen with you. Oh, I can't call you mom now."

Come prepared.

"Xiao Nian, don't be like this." Min Qiujun looked at the smile on her lips and felt extremely uncomfortable, but he still took out a pen from his bag and gave it to her, "Your father is the one who makes the decision in the family. I can't compete with him, but from now on, I I will secretly come out to see you."


The mother has to look at her daughter secretly.

"It doesn't matter. I've thought about this day for a long time. I'll just sign."

Shi Xiaonian took the pen from her hand and turned directly to the last page of the document. The second the tip of the pen touched it, tears fell on the paper drop by drop. She couldn't control the tears at all.

She is far less calm and strong than she imagined.

She didn't care about the Shi family as much as she thought.

Min Qiujun looked at her in astonishment, "Xiao Nian, you--"

"Why did you adopt me and then abandon me?"

Shi Xiaonian lowered his head, the hand holding the pen was trembling, and his voice was so choked that he couldn't utter a complete sentence, "What did I do wrong? Ever since you were little, you and your father have always preferred Shi Di. You secretly stuffed food for her. , secretly take her to cram school alone, you secretly take her to take another family photo, if I am so redundant, why don't you send me away early in the morning, before I can remember, that would be great."


Min Qiujun looked at Shi Xiaonian blankly, not expecting that she knew all these things.

At first, the couple adopted a baby from an abandoned baby island because they could not have a child. Unexpectedly, after the adoption, she found that she already had a baby in her belly.

Shi Di's biological child was hard to come by, so it was inevitable that the couple would be partial to him.

She thought that Xiao Nian didn't even know when she did these things.

"Just because I'm not your biological child, all the mistakes are mine, and I will bear all the consequences." Shi Xiaonian said with some excitement, tears kept falling, "At the beginning, the person who took care of Mu Qianchu It's me. When he recovers his eyesight and returns to Mu's house, you will do your best to help him and Shi Di, and secretly tell Mu Qianchu that Shi Di was the best friend to him before. You only blame me for being entangled, but have you ever thought about my feelings?"


"Now, I give up and admit defeat. I no longer pester them. In the end, I am still the one who is wrong."


Shi Xiaonian clutched the pen in her hand, tears were already streaming down her face, her voice was trembling fiercely, "I'm going to become an orphan again, and no one wants me anymore. Why should you abandon me like this? Can you abandon me casually because I'm not your biological child?" ?Parents can abandon it at will, right?"

She actually cares about this family, she cares about family ties.

Why does it end like this.

Min Qiujun sat opposite her and cried after listening to her words.

Shi Xiaonian kept murmuring, "Why abandon me, why don't you want me, why don't you want me anymore? I have always wanted to do well, I have always wanted to be your daughter well, and I have not dared to take a single step wrong when I was young. I work so hard...why can't you see it?"

She was like a child lost in the wild.

From childhood to adulthood, she studied hard and got no praise; she worked hard at housework, but didn't get praise; apart from pestering Mu Qianchu, she never did anything else to displease her parents. Why did they abandon her like this? Why

Min Qiujun is not a hard-hearted person. He couldn't listen to it anymore, so he cried, "Forget it, Xiao Nian, if you don't want to sign, we won't sign..."

The document Shi Xiaonian wrote was suddenly taken away.

She stayed for a moment, raised her head, tears blurred her vision, and she saw Gong Ou standing beside her with a pale face, holding the document firmly with one hand.

Why is he here

"Ha." Gong Ou stared at the document in his hand and sneered, "I thought it was some big deal that made you cry like this. Shi Xiaonian, can you still be successful?"

"Who are you--"

Min Qiujun looked at Gong Ou in astonishment.

"Are you her adoptive mother?" Gong Ou looked at Min Qiujun and asked coldly.

He is obviously a young man, but he has a very strong aura. In front of him, Min Qiujun feels that he has become inexplicably humble, and even the answer becomes involuntary, "Yes. I am Xiaonian's mother."

Why do I always feel that I have seen such a handsome young man somewhere, and he looks familiar.

"Does a person who abandons his own child deserve to be called a mother?" Gong Ou waved his palm, pushed Shi Xiaonian in, sat down next to her, and looked at Min Qiujun coldly, "Her biological mother is not worthy. , you don’t deserve it either.”

"Miyao, what are you doing? This is my business."

Shi Xiaonian couldn't care less about crying and hurriedly said to Gong Ou.

Gong Ou glared at her with tears on her face in disgust, "Look at you like this, what qualifications do you have to tell me that it's your own business! I'll handle it!"

He was extremely arrogant.

"I..." Shi Xiaonian was so blocked that she couldn't speak. She looked really cowardly like this.

Gong Ou

Min Qiujun looked at Gong Ou in shock. Is he that Gong Ou? NE’s Gong Ou

Gong Ou withdrew his gaze from Shi Xiaonian and looked at Min Qiujun across the table with a cold look. He raised the document in his hand and said, "I saw that your signature is already on it. Ms. Min, why do you want to talk to Shi Xiaonian?" Cut off ties?”

"This..." Min Qiujun met Gong Ou's gaze and answered uncontrollably, "It's... because they are sisters who don't get along."

This reason sounds somewhat strange.

"Oh, then why don't you cut off the relationship with the younger daughter, but the eldest daughter?" Gong Ou asked with a sneer, suddenly realizing, "By the way, Shi Xiaonian is an adopted daughter, so the one she wants to throw away is naturally the one she doesn't kiss. .”

"That's not the case. A lot of things happened in the process that outsiders won't understand."

Min Qiujun couldn't help but defend his biological daughter.

At least regarding Mu Qianchu's matter, their family believed that Shi Di was right.

Mu Qianchu, who has normal eyesight and is excellent, should naturally be with Shi Di. As sisters, they should give in to each other, rather than fight with each other, which will turn everything upside down.

Hearing this, Gong Ou laughed even harder, and the curve of his lips was full of ridicule. He looked at the document in his hand and said, "Abandoning my daughter can be so sanctimonious as Ms. Fujian. This is the first time I have seen such a troubled face. "

While they were talking, Shi Xiaonian sat there with her head lowered and her hands tightly holding her clothes. (To be continued)