CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 72: Gong Ou goes and comes back


Gong Ou's character is really terrible.

Shi Xiaonian walked out of the hotel step by step, sat down on a flower bed, and looked around. There was no Gong Ou, nor Gong Ou's car.

Of course, since he was so angry, he drove away.

Are you still waiting for her

But how is she going to go back? She can take a taxi.

When Xiaonian stood up and was about to leave, he suddenly saw the waiters sneaking to the side with sly smiles on their faces.

The direction they were walking in... wasn't it the place where Gong Ou just lost his ring

Shi Xiaonian tightened the bag in her hand.

She couldn't accept Gong Ou's ring, it seemed too intimate. But he spent the whole day relaxing with her today, and she didn't want his ring to just disappear.

After thinking about it, Shi Xiaonian walked over there.

Several waiters were digging around in the grass. When they saw Xiao Nian coming over, the waiters yelled "Ah", stood up straight, looked at her with embarrassment, and then left with a bang, no longer daring to take it seriously. Looking for the ring in front of her.


Shi Xiaonian watched them running away, put down the bag, and then bent down to find it on the ground.

Outside the restaurant is a parking lot and green belt, with lush growth and rows of bushes.

She remembered that Gong Ou had just thrown it in this direction.

Shi Xiaonian walked over and rummaged in the grass, looking for any clues about the ring.

Time passed quickly, and before she knew it, it was getting dark. Shi Xiaonian picked up all the dirt with her hands, and her vision became worse and worse. She could only take out her mobile phone, turn on the flashlight on it and shine it on the bushes, and then continue Search for it.

"Why can't I find it? It's obviously over here."

Shi Xiaonian was talking to himself.


Could it be that it was thrown here and popped out again

Shi Xiaonian expanded the search area, and the sky became darker and darker, and his stomach became more and more hungry. In the end, Shi Xiaonian simply knelt on the ground regardless of the image, and touched the grass with his hands over and over again.


A snail was caught in her hand, and it felt wet and sticky against her fingers. Shi Xiaonian quickly threw it away and shook her hand.

When will this be found

Aren’t rings supposed to be easy to find, and don’t diamonds shine? Why is it so hard to find

Shi Xiaonian frowned and searched over and over again in the night.


A dazzling trumpet sound suddenly sounded, followed by two strong beams of light hitting her, the light piercing directly into her eyes.

Shi Xiaonian knelt on the ground, covering her eyes with her stained hands and looking forward.

The sound of the trumpet suddenly stopped.

It was quiet under the night.

The lights suddenly dimmed, leaving only the cold moonlight.

Shi Xiaonian blinked her uncomfortable eyes and looked forward, only to see Gong Ou's cool convertible sports car parked not far away, facing her. In the driver's seat, Gong Ou sat expressionlessly. Above, black eyes looked straight at her.

Gong Ou

Didn't he leave

Shi Xiaonian looked at him in astonishment.

Gong Ou suddenly pressed the car door with one hand, jumped out of the sports car, and strode towards her.

Shi Xiaonian was kneeling on the ground, subconsciously trying to stand up, only to realize that her legs were already sore and numb that she couldn't stand up at all. Gong Ou ran to her, his black eyes staring at her fiercely, as if he was trying to kill her. As if eating.


Isn't he getting more and more angry and running back to beat her to relieve his anger

Shi Xiaonian leaned back slightly in fear, looking up at him with fearful eyes.

The next second, she was pulled up by Gong Ou forcefully. Gong Ou held her tightly in his arms, holding her slender body tightly with his hands.

She bumped into his chest hard, and the warmth from his body suddenly enveloped her.

Shi Xiaonian was choked by him and couldn't breathe, her eyes were glazed over, "Gong Ou..."

What is he doing

Gong Ou hugged her tightly, lowered his head to her ear, breathing heavily, panting heavily and growled into her ear, "Shi Xiaonian, I really want to kill you like this!"


Shi Xiaonian felt a chill in her heart, and just as she was about to say something, she heard Gong Ou say in her ear again, "But I can't let it go, Shi Xiaonian, I can't let it go!"

Shi Xiaonian's body shook and her eyes widened in shock.

He said, "When I miss you, I can't bear it."

He hugged her and said in an almost surrendering tone, "You win! Shi Xiaonian!"

"Gong Ou..."

What does she mean by winning

"Listen clearly, I want you to bet on me! If you make trouble for me again, I, Gong Ou, will be sure to bet on you!" Gong Ou hugged her tightly and growled.

It was obviously such a domineering oath, but his voice revealed a hint of compromise, a humble compromise.


It's time to decide her.

Shi Xiaonian's heart tightened, what does this mean? Isn't he angry


Gong Ou suddenly let go of her hand, pulled her away, strode into the hotel, walked to the front desk, and said sternly, "Get the best and most expensive room!"


The front desk nodded immediately.

Shi Xiaonian was forcibly taken away by Gong Ou and pulled directly to the room upstairs. Gong Ou took out the room card and opened the door. This was a relatively comfortable and tidy suite.

As soon as he entered, Shi Xiaonian was forced to sit up on the bed by Gong Ou Qiangjiang Temple.

Gong Ou walked into the bathroom, and the sound of water came. After a while, Gong Ou came out with a wet towel, stood in front of her, picked up one of her hands with a sullen face, and wiped off all the dirt on her hand.

"No, I'll do it myself."

Shi Xiaonian was not used to being served by others.

"Don't move." Gong Ou glared at her and continued to wipe her hands. He went back and forth in the bathroom several times to wipe her hands clean, and then ordered her, "Put your face up."


Shi Xiaonian didn't move, and his chin was immediately lifted by him, without giving her any chance to refuse.

Gong Ou held Ye's chin with one hand and wiped the stains on her face with a warm wet towel in the other.

His face was ashen, but his movements were unexpectedly gentle.

Shi Xiaonian felt uncomfortable sitting there, her eyes wandering. She was not used to Gong Ou like this. She could barely adapt to him getting angry and yelling, but she couldn't adapt to him being so gentle all of a sudden.

"My face was dirty when I picked up a ring. Are you an idiot?"

Gong Ou scolded her, but the movements of his hands were more gentle, carefully wiping off the stains for her, for fear of hurting her with too much force.

"Did you see it all? I thought you were gone." Shi Xiaonian lowered his eyes, not looking at his scorching gaze.

"I want to come back and beat you up!"

Gong Ou snorted coldly.

Sure enough, he was going to come back and beat her up. Shi Xiaonian was silent and suddenly heard Gong Ou say, "Since you don't want the ring I gave you, why do you still want to pick it up?"

"That ring is too expensive."

Shi Xiaonian said honestly.

"You know I have money, so throwing a few rings is nothing." Gong Ou spoke arrogantly, holding her chin with his hand, "Look at me and answer me!"

Her chin hurt from being pinched by him, and Shi Xiaonian had no choice but to raise her eyes and look at him.

Gong Ou lowered his eyes and stared at her closely. The light in his black pupils was so scorching that Shi Xiaonian's throat was choked and she couldn't speak.


The lights in the room were dim, and Gong Ou stared at her, refusing to give up until he got the answer.

Shi Xiaonian pursed her lips, forget it, sooner or later she will have to say it clearly.

"Gong Ou." Shi Xiaonian met his gaze and said calmly, "I am very grateful for the gift you gave me, but I really can't accept it."


"You should know better."

"I am not sure!"

"I don't love you." Shi Xiaonian finally said the words, feeling a little frightened in her heart. She didn't know what kind of behavior Gong Ou, a paranoid, would do, whether he would kick her to a pulp again, or whether she would get angry directly. Destroy her.

She said, I don't love you.

It's that simple.

Gong Ou stood in front of her, his tall figure stiffened due to her words, his handsome face lost all color, he just looked at her expressionlessly, his breathing became heavier and heavier in the quiet hotel room. .

Suddenly, Gong Ou pressed her shoulders with both hands, his handsome face pressed towards her face, his teeth clenched, "Then why are you still looking for the ring?"

"I don't love you, and I don't want you to suffer any loss."

Shi Xiaonian said honestly.

"From today on, you are not allowed to say these four words again!" Gong Ou stared at her deeply, speaking each word from his throat.

Which four words mean I don’t love you

But this is true.

Shi Xiaonian was sitting on the bed, her face obscured by the dim light. After a long time, she made up her mind, slowly raised her hand and put it on his wrist, raised her eyes and looked into his eyes, almost pleading. , "Gong Ou, please let me go free."

"..." Gong Ou stared at her with his eyes lowered, without saying a word.

Shi Xiaonian continued boldly, "Why don't we start as friends? You let me be free, okay? We can keep in touch like friends."

"I have no friends here!" Gong Ou stared at her, almost gritting his teeth and said, "I might as well tell you that I was very angry today and wanted to come back and strangle you to death, but when I came back I saw you kneeling Looking for the ring on the ground! Looking for the ring I lost! There has never been a woman who would pick up something I don’t want without caring about the image! At that time, I was thinking, I must have this woman!”

Shi Xiaonian looked at him in astonishment.

So, it was her behavior of picking up the ring that made his heart flutter again

She suddenly felt that she had done a huge mistake. Why should she pick up the ring again... She shouldn't have done that.

"So, Shi Xiaonian, just kill your heart, I won't let you go!"

Gong Ou spoke arrogantly, and suddenly lowered his head and kissed her lips.

"Well… "

Shi Xiaonian was shocked and reached out to block his chest, but was easily grabbed by one of his hands. She could no longer move.

Gong Ou sealed her small mouth, and repeatedly ravaged her pink lips with his thin lips, grinding her teeth against her. Shi Xiaonian opened her mouth in pain, and Gong Ou's fiery tongue immediately went straight in, attacking the lips in her mouth. Every inch soft.

"Well... don't be like this... let's talk... um..."

When Xiaonian got a breath, she frowned and said, a moan leaking out of her mouth, adding even more ambiguity to the quiet hotel room.

They haven't finished talking yet.

She knew that with his character, if he didn't have this chance to talk clearly, she would never be able to talk clearly again.

"There's nothing to talk about!" Gong Ou pressed her lips tightly, staring at her closely with his black eyes, "I will never ask you again, everything will be done according to my Gong Ou's way! Don't expect another chance. Trample on my face!”

With that said, Gong Ou directly pushed her down on the huge bed. (To be continued)