CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 76: Virus program


But how to find out what happened three years ago, Shi Xiaonian was in trouble.

She originally wanted to meet Tang Yi again and ask about the whole story, but Tang Yi was sent out of the country directly by Feng De.

The speed made Shi Xiaonian speechless, and at the same time he understood that Bai Guangou really didn't want her to investigate anymore.

It's strange. It was obviously Gong Ou who brought her into this whirlpool, but he didn't care about the truth at all, and misunderstood her with such domineering paranoia.

Now, all she has left to do is find a breakthrough in Ocarina of Time.

But she couldn't run up to Shi Di and ask directly, what does the incident on the Baja cruise three years ago have to do with you? Shi Di was not an idiot, so how could he possibly tell her.

How to check

After worrying for several days, Shi Xiaonian couldn't find any good solution.

After making a bucket of vanilla ice cream in the kitchen, Shi Xiaonian walked to Gong Ou's office and study with the bucket in her arms -

Gong Ou is sitting at the desk typing on the keyboard, with a handsome face focused and serious, and his slender fingers rising and falling on the keyboard.

"The ice cream is ready."

Shi Xiaonian walked over holding the ice cream bucket.

"feed me!"

Gong Ou didn't look at her, he only ordered domineeringly, his eyes fixed on the screen, and the movements of his fingers did not slow down, and he was still typing on the keyboard quickly.


The president is on top and she is on the bottom.

The CEO's orders are as big as the sky.

Shi Xiaonian walked up to him, grabbed a spoon, filled a spoonful of ice cream and put it to his lips. Gong Ou opened his mouth and bit down, tasting the sweet taste. His expressionless face softened a little, as if it was melted by the ice cream. .

Shi Xiaonian fed him spoonful after spoonful, her eyes falling on the huge computer screen, which was a bunch of codes she couldn't understand, "Are you making a virus again?"


Gong Ou responded.

"Is it used to deal with your mobile phone system again?" Shi Xiaonian asked.



A black line appeared on Shi Xiaonian's forehead. How could there be a boss like him who has been focusing on making viruses for eighteen years to defeat him

As if he knew what she was thinking, Gong Ou swallowed the scoop of ice cream she handed over, and tapped the keyboard with his fingers, and said in a low voice, "The virus is not a bad thing. It can not only be used to check yourself, but also Use it to deal with people you hate, and it can also get you what you need."

Women like her think that viruses are just like germs and not a good thing.


Shi Xiaonian was confused and responded lightly.

A virus is a virus, how noble can it be

"Ignorance." Gong Ou glanced at her and said in a low voice, "Keep feeding."


Shi Xiaonian took another spoonful and put it to his lips, standing beside him and looking at the screen full of incomprehensible codes.

Viruses can be used to deal with people you hate, and they can also be used to get you what you need.

Get what you need…

Shi Xiaonian's eyes rolled in her eyes, and a bold idea slowly emerged in her mind.

She looked at the majestic man at the desk, "Miyao, do you have the kind of virus that directly invades other people's mobile phones? It's like the eavesdropping technology in the movie, which can eavesdrop on other people's calls or text messages."

"Who do you want to invade?"

Gong Ou stopped what he was doing and looked at her with dark eyes, looking at her carefully.

"No, I'm just curious about whether there is such a virus." Meeting his gaze, Shi Xiaonian smiled guiltily.

"Are you bored lately?" Gong Ou glanced at her, reached out and opened a cabinet, took out a silver box similar to a small USB flash drive and threw it on the table, "Let's play with it."

"this is… "

Shi Xiaonian asked doubtfully.

"Plug this into the charging area of your phone. It only takes 30 seconds for the virus program to invade the phone without leaving any traces." Gong Ou said with a low and sexy voice.

Shi Xiaonian put down the spoon in his hand and picked up the small silver box. Can such a small thing invade other people's mobile phones

so smart.

If she could hack into Shi Di's cell phone, she would definitely be able to hear the private communication between Di and Tang Yi at that time, and she would be able to understand clearly what happened three years ago, but... Isn't that good? Hacking into other people's cell phones is too much. Not bright.

Just as she was thinking about it, Gong Ou held her on her lap.

Gong Ou hugged her with one hand, picked up a spoon with the other and elegantly put a mouthful of ice cream into his mouth, "If you want to hack into my phone, there's no need. My phone can't be hacked into."

Shi Xiaonian smiled awkwardly, "Of course I won't hack into your phone."

She is with him almost 24 hours a day now, why would she want to hack his phone? Isn't it boring enough

"Then whose phone do you want to hack into?" Gong Ou's eyes suddenly froze, and he pinched her chin, forcing her to look at him, "Which man's phone do you want to hack into?"

"I didn't say it was a man."

Just not a man.

Gong Ou's face softened slightly and he continued to ask, "Who is that?"

A person like her who paints actually wants to learn how to eavesdrop.

Shi Xiaonian bit her lip and said honestly, "I want to... hack into my sister's phone. I haven't thought about it yet. I'm just thinking about it."

She was still hesitant.

After all, she just heard a little bit of news from Tang Yi, so it would be disgraceful to use such a despicable method to eavesdrop on her own sister.

"Your sister?"

Gong Ou looked at her expressionlessly.

Shi Xiaonian thought he was going to ask why he was spying on his sister again, but when Gong Ou heard this, he just chuckled, pinched her chin with his fingers, and said with approval in his dark eyes, "It seems that you still can't let go." Your parents wanted to sever ties with you, but your adoptive mother said you two sisters didn't get along, but she just kicked you out... Naturally, this revenge will be repaid to your sister, well done."

He doesn't like virgin-type women.

It is only right that you must avenge yourself.


Shi Xiaonian was stunned for a moment. He thought she wanted to take revenge on his sister

"Whoever makes you unhappy, you have to make anyone unhappy. This is my Gong Ou's woman!"

Gong Ou hugged her and pecked her on the lips. The corners of his lips raised a condescending arc, "Do you want to hear some ugly information and expose it to her, causing her reputation as a star to plummet?"

His lips were cold from eating ice cream, and his kiss made her lips cold too.

Shi Xiaonian touched her lips, "I don't..."

Gong Ou misunderstood her again.

"This method of revenge is just like playing house, but if you want to play, just play by yourself first." Gong Ou didn't listen to her at all and believed that she was out for revenge.


Shi Xiaonian was helpless and wanted to explain. Gong Ou suddenly hugged her and said, "After a while, I will have a big gift for you."

His eyes darkened.

"Big gift?"

Shi Xiaonian was stunned.

What a big gift, and what kind of heart-shaped diamonds and glass ones? Please, she doesn't want it.

"Yeah." Gong Ou held her in his arms and continued to type on the keyboard with both hands, watching more and more codes on the screen to create his virus.

When Shi Xiaonian looked at him, she didn't want to tell him what the gift was now, and she didn't ask further.

After feeding him a bucket of ice cream, Shi Xiaonian stood up from his arms and said, "Then you work slowly, I'll go out first."

"kiss Me."

Gong Ou stared at the screen and said.


Shi Xiaonian obediently lowered her body, pressed her lips against his, and was hugged tightly by Gong Ou again. His warm lips tightly blocked her soft lips, and the kiss was fierce and airtight, covering all her The taste is swallowed up in the stomach.

When leaving the study, Shi Xiaonian was kissed so hard that her head felt dizzy.

As soon as Shi Xiaonian went out, Feng De went to the study, holding a document in his hand, and walked up to Gong Ou, "Master, the department to suppress the Shi family has been established. I don't know when it started?"

"Don't worry, do you have all the information collected by the Shi family?"

Gong Ou asked in a low voice, his fingertips crossed his thin lips, and there was still the warmth left by Xiao Nian on it.

"It should be almost done. The Shi family relies on the Mu family anyway, and is deeply entangled in the Mu family."

Feng Dedao.

Gong Ou took the document in his hand and flipped through the pages. The more he turned, the curve of his lips became more and more mocking, "The Shi family is really vulnerable. To take revenge on the Shi family, I will personally issue orders and follow my instructions." Just do what you say.”

"Are you coming in person?" Feng De was surprised, "You don't need to come for such a trivial matter."

The young master still has the entire NE to manage, so how can he have so much free time

Gong Ou closed the document, his dark eyes became sharp, and every word was cold, "I want the Shi family to fall overnight! I want the Shi family to kneel down and pick up the tears she shed one by one!"

This she, of course, refers to Shi Xiaonian.

Feng De could feel Gong Ou's vengeance, and couldn't help but sweat for the Shi family, "Yes, young master, then I will wait for your instructions."

The young master seemed to care more about Miss Shi than he thought.

He personally handled everything that happened to Miss Shi.

"Well, let's go down."

Gong Ou said coldly, his eyes fell on the document, and a faint light flashed in his eyes.

Shi Xiaonian wanted to take revenge on her sister, so she let her play first and would not notice his actions against the Shi family. When the Shi family is defeated overnight, this surprise gift will definitely make her overjoyed!

By then, it would be difficult for her not to fall in love with him.

After leaving Gong Ou's study, Shi Xiaonian was in a dilemma holding a small silver box similar to a USB flash drive.

She was full of curiosity about what happened three years ago, but using a virus... was too disgraceful. She had never done such a dirty thing before. Think about it again, think about it again.

When Xiaonian was walking in the huge apartment, his eyes fell on the garbage bag in the corner.

The trash hasn't been thrown out yet.

Shi Xiaonian put the small silver box into his pocket, picked up the garbage bag and walked out.

After leaving the duplex apartment, Shi Xiaonian walked into the elevator, pressed the first floor button, and stared at the numbers going down one by one.


The elevator door opens.

A sweet voice with a baby voice suddenly came to her ears, "Mom, please don't think so much, okay? Without Shi Xiaonian, this pestering spirit, our Shi family will start to be lucky. You keep thinking about her." What are you doing? I am your biological daughter."

The sound of the flute of time.

Shi Xiaonian stood at the door of the elevator, his face turned pale when he heard this, and he looked forward.

Shi Di was dressed fashionably and beautifully, walking on a pair of high heels while talking on the phone, with one hand still in her bag for keys, her sweet voice filled with complaints, "Besides, she always thought she was the one Qianchu liked in the past. It seems like she is so righteous, but now she has fallen to being a lover, which shows what kind of thing she is."

The agent walking behind Shi Di met Shi Xiaonian at the elevator entrance. He was stunned for a moment and quickly patted Shi Di. (To be continued)