CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 8: Please sit in the polygraph chair


Life is worse than death.

He is the president of NE Multinational Group, she is just an ordinary person, he definitely has this ability...

But she couldn't resist at all.

Hearing this, Shi Xiaonian closed her eyes in pain, and grabbed the windbreaker on her body with both hands, wishing to scratch it, but she could not.

The Imperial Castle, this magnificent building that cost hundreds of millions of dollars to build, is located deep in the forest. It is not a tourist attraction, but a private residence.

Gong Ou's private residence.

No outsiders are allowed here.

Shi Xiaonian was tied to the castle. Normally, she might have admired this most mysterious castle with the intention of finding inspiration, but at this moment, her heart was only numb.

Along the way, she asked the bodyguards for help, tried to escape, and grabbed her mobile phone to call the police, but she was subdued by the bodyguards at all times.

How could she, a weak woman, defeat so many strong bodyguards

The bodyguard finally told her, "Miss, who asked you to provoke Mr. Gong? Who is Mr. Gong? If he wants you to live, he will live, and if he wants you to die, he will die. Why bother to resist in vain."

One sentence extinguished all her illusions.

When you encounter a man who has violated you but is unable to retaliate or even escape, how can you not be numb

Shi Xiaonian was taken into the castle, got on the elevator, and was pushed into a room as luxurious as a fourteenth-century Western palace.

Standing in the room was an old man in his sixties, energetic and kind-looking, with his hands behind his back and dressed like a housekeeper.

"Hello, Miss Shi, I am Mr. Gong's housekeeper Feng De." The old man smiled and briefly introduced her, then extended his hand and said, "Please sit down."

Only then did Shi Xiaonian notice a high-tech reclining chair and a flat-screen display next to the old man, with complicated numbers and programs that she couldn't understand jumping on them.

She vaguely understood what it was.

"This is the polygraph chair, please sit down."

Feng De said politely and gently, very kindly and kind-hearted, unlike Gong Ou who was arrogant and unreasonable.

"What on earth do you want to do?"

Shi Xiaonian asked with a pale face.

What is the purpose of deploying the polygraph chair

Where did she offend Gong Ou, and why did she treat her like this

"The young master said that Miss Shi refused to admit that she had given birth three years ago and wanted me to do a test." Feng De explained patiently.

Three years ago again, another baby was born...

Before this, apart from seeing Gong Ou in newspapers and news, she had never seen him in person, so how could he have any children.

"You are mistaken."

Shi Xiaonian whispered, all thoughts were in despair.

The bodyguard mercilessly threw Shi Xiaonian into the polygraph chair, and wrapped the numerous threads on the chair around her fingers, arms, and body, restraining her so that she could not move...

Shi Xiaonian instinctively struggled, but fighting Gong Ou in the steam room had used up all her strength.

She was out of strength.

She was slumped half-sitting on the polygraph chair, like a dying fish on a chopping board.

"Then Miss Shi, I'm going to ask questions."

Feng De smiled kindly at her, took out a document from behind and opened it.

"Can I leave after asking?" She just wanted to leave this hellish place now.

Feng De smiled and did not answer. Instead, he looked at the document in his hand and began to ask questions gently, "Name."

"Shi Xiaonian."

Feng De glanced at the flat screen next to him, nodded, and continued to ask, "Miss Shi, what were you doing three years ago?"

"I created the comic series "His Exclusive Desire" three years ago." This comic series had made her famous for a while, so she remembered it clearly.

"Besides, what other important things happened?" Feng De continued to ask. (To be continued)