CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 82: To pay homage to his brother



Shi Xiaonian was confused.

What shooting star? What the hell is a shooting star

The screen of her mobile phone that she had put on the dining table lit up, and a piece of news jumped into her eyes--

The Perseid meteor shower will arrive around 12 o'clock tonight. According to analysis, the best location to watch the meteor shower is at the top of Hexue Mountain. However, according to people familiar with the matter, the top of Hexue Mountain was booked by a mysterious person, and the road leading to the top of the mountain has been blocked since yesterday.

Meteor shower

Hexue Mountain, isn’t this the top of Hexue Mountain

So the mysterious person in this Gong Ou

Shi Xiaonian slowly woke up, her face turned red and white, and she asked blankly, "Gong Ou, if I choose the outdoors, is it just to watch the meteor shower in the wild?"

"Otherwise?" Gong Ou asked, picking up a small sun-dried egg with a fork and putting it to her lips, "Eat."

Shi Xiaonian bit the sun egg with sluggish instructions and movements, "So, we are here to watch the meteor shower today?"

Not some wild shame game

Just watching a meteor shower is so innocent? This is not in line with his Gong Ou style.

"Yes. Otherwise, what do you think we are here for?" Gong Ou raised his eyebrows and looked at her.

"No, it's nothing."

How could Shi Xiaonian dare to tell what he thought he was here for

"Your expression tells me that you seem to think a lot of things." Gong Ou stared straight at her with a pair of black eyes, analyzing her like a sharp knife.

Shi Xiaonian was so embarrassed that she couldn't speak.

Gong Ou picked up another piece of sun egg and fed it to her like a small pet. Shi Xiaonian chewed the sun egg and asked vaguely, "Then why do you want me to wear this student uniform..."

Hearing this, Gong Ou paused while holding the knife and fork, and his black eyes became deep.

Shi Xiaonian looked at him puzzled.

"When I was 17 years old, someone invited me to see shooting stars, but the person didn't come, so I stood alone in the field all night. I didn't even change into casual clothes, and I was still wearing my uniform."

Gong Ou suddenly said, describing the whole thing in a voice without emotion.


Shi Xiaonian was startled.

It turned out that he had been missed before, but what did this have to do with her wearing a uniform.

"I can't bear it when others fail to make an appointment with me. Therefore, even if more than ten years pass and I watch the shooting stars again, I still want someone to stand in front of me in uniform and honor that appointment!" Every word Gong Ou said was condescending. I pushed a piece of sun egg into her mouth domineeringly, "You will be that person."

Be that person

Is it a girl

Shi Xiaonian discovered that she had been with Gong Ou for so long, and all she knew about him was his superficial appearance, such as that his private life was a mess, that he was the richest man in the world, that he had a bad temper and was paranoid... But about more details There are so many deeper aspects of him that she doesn't even understand.

Gong Ou continued to cut pieces of sun eggs and fed them into her mouth, and stopped talking. His handsome face had no expression, and the depth in his black eyes was elusive.

At night, it was so quiet that there was no sound.

Shi Xiaonian looked at him and broke the silence for a while, "Why haven't I heard you mention it before?"

"What's there to say about being rejected?" Gong Ou said angrily, and continued to force-feed the sun eggs to her, forcing her to eat them.

“You’d only be upset if someone important didn’t give you a date.”

Shi Xiaonian said softly, falling into his own thoughts.

Just like her, she was fooled by Mu Qianchu. He said he would never forget her, he said he wanted to marry her, and he made so many promises to her when he was young.

In the end, no one from Mu Qianchu came true for her.

She was also worried about it.

When she finished speaking, the fork in Gong Ou's hand was inserted straight into a piece of sun egg. His black eyes became darker and darker, and he said coldly, "It's not important! People who break appointments are never important to me!"

If it wasn't important, he wouldn't go out of his way to watch another meteor shower.

He also wanted her to wear a student uniform to commemorate his memory.

That person must be very important to make him hate him so much.

Shi Xiaonian realized that she was a substitute today, replacing the person who broke the promise...

"Then why don't you wear a student uniform today?" Shi Xiaonian asked. If we want to remember the past, shouldn't we remember it thoroughly

"I'm not 17 years old. Wearing a uniform is too stupid." Gong Ou raised his eyebrows.


Shi Xiaonian was speechless, so just being stupid to her was enough, right

But knowing that Gong Ou didn't bring her to the wild to do that kind of thing, Shi Xiaonian let down her guard a lot and gained an appetite. She reached out to pick up a knife and fork to eat something, but Gong Ou slapped her away.

"Your hand is injured, stop moving!"

Gong Ou took away her hand and continued to feed her, his movements were domineering but cautious.

Shi Xiaonian had no choice but to stop moving and let him feed her, eating the sun eggs one bite at a time.

After a while, she looked at Gong Ou's stern face and couldn't help but said, "In fact, if you really care about it, just ask that person out again."

Wouldn't it be enough to make up for the lack of love in my heart by asking that person to watch a meteor shower? Why should she be a substitute

She believed that with Gong Ou's domineering and authoritarian methods, anyone could be forcibly captured to attend an appointment.

Hearing this, Gong Ou glared at her fiercely, and his tone suddenly became extremely bad, "Shut up! Eat yours!"

Gong Ou forced a piece of sun egg into her mouth, and Shi Xiaonian almost choked to death.


Shi Xiaonian quickly covered her painful mouth. The man was confused. It was just her kind suggestion. Should he be so cruel

Suddenly, a light flashed in her eyes.

It's a shooting star.

Shi Xiaonian quickly stood up from the dining table and patted Gong Ou, "Gong Ou, the meteor is coming."

The top of the mountain is the place closest to the sky.

Streams of light streak down from the night sky, the light is bright but falls softly, drawing the most beautiful arc in the dark night sky.

What a nice view.

Shi Xiaonian looked at the meteor shower falling in the sky in amazement. After a few seconds, she lowered her eyes and looked at Gong Ou--

I saw Gong Ou still sitting in front of the dining table in that posture, not looking at the sky. His black eyes were fixedly looking at the table, without focus, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The next second, Gong Ou put down his knife and fork, walked out from the dining table, held the wine bottle in his slender hands, walked out from under the big tree step by step, stopped at the edge of the cliff guardrail, tilted the red wine in his hand, and poured down all the red wine.

Like a red wine rain.

It's like holding some kind of ceremony.

Shi Xiaonian stood behind him and looked at him in confusion.

After pouring the wine, Gong Ou threw the red wine bottle aside, bent his straight and slender legs, sat down by the guardrail, raised his eyes to look at the shooting stars on the horizon, his handsome face was very pale.

"come over!"

Gong Ou calls her.

Shi Xiaonian pulled up her miniskirt, walked slowly over, and sat down next to him.

The two of them sat on the ground, Shi Xiaonian pressed his hands on the guardrail, and glanced at Gong Ou from time to time.

I don't know why, but I always feel that Gong Ou is very different today than usual, not so aggressive and domineering, as if he is hiding a lot of worries.

"Do you know how to satisfy someone's date most completely?" Gong Ou suddenly asked.


Shi Xiaonian looked at him in confusion.

"It's death."

Gong Ou's thin lips opened slightly and he spoke word by word. His slightly cold voice quickly disappeared in the wind.

He said, do you know the best way to satisfy someone's promise is to die

Shi Xiaonian stared at Gong Ou in a daze, forgetting to pay attention to the beautiful shooting stars on the horizon. What did he mean by this...

"He's dead." Gong Ou sat on the ground, looking up at the shooting stars on the horizon. There was no expression of appreciation on his face, and his pupils were darker than the night. "That year, he didn't come to see the shooting stars. He broke the appointment because he was there. He died on the way here.”


Shi Xiaonian opened her lips slightly in surprise, and finally understood why Gong Ou looked at her so harshly when she just proposed to ask that person out again.

It turned out that no matter how domineering and powerful he was... he couldn't get a date back.

"Can I ask, who is this person?"

Shi Xiaonian asked cautiously.

Is she his childhood girlfriend

"my brother."

Gong Ou said.


Another unexpected answer.

Shi Xiaonian looked at him in shock.

It turned out that he had an older brother, and his older brother was already dead.

It turned out that it was his brother who pleased him to make a date.

No wonder Gong Ou was stunned for a moment when he saw her wearing a student uniform. In fact, he wanted her to wear a boy's uniform, but Feng De, the all-powerful butler, misunderstood him and got her a sexy student uniform. uniform.

Under the night sky, meteors fell one after another, swaying in arcs.

Like a golden rain falling.

So clear, so beautiful.

"That year, I waited there. After waiting all night, all the meteors fell." Gong Ou's voice was low, without any strong emotions. "There was no signal on the mobile phone in the wild. It wasn't until the next day that I found out that he He died in a car accident on the way here. He and the car fell down the mountain, and his flesh and blood were all mangled."

He described it very plainly, but when Shi Xiaonian heard it, his heart was shocked.

She could almost think of the shocking car accident scene at that time, and she could also imagine a young man waiting alone in the wild, waiting all night, waiting for a bad news and going crazy.


Gong Ou suddenly sneered, "Tell me, how much does a person want to break an appointment to choose such a desperate method."

His sneer seemed particularly sad on this night.

Shi Xiaonian listened quietly and said after a long time, "He just doesn't want to break your promise, so he..."

She didn't go on and had nothing to say or persuade.

She thought that Gong Ou knew better than anyone else that her brother was going to go to the appointment, and he was just blaming himself for making that meteor appointment with his brother, which resulted in his brother's car crashing and people being killed on the way there.

"He was originally planning to work on the NE system, but he didn't finish it after it started. He also broke the appointment. He couldn't finish a single thing. What kind of man is he!"

Gong Ou said, no matter how much ridicule in his tone, he couldn't cover up the pain.

Shi Xiaonian sat beside him and listened quietly.

It turns out that the NE system that shocked the world was originally developed by Gong Ou's brother. It turns out that there is such a story here, which she has never heard in any news.

Miyao probably cares about his brother very much, so he continued to develop the NE system, and even developed it to a global monopoly popularity.

"Although this statement is very old-fashioned, I am still willing to believe it." Shi Xiaonian raised his head and looked at the meteors that had gradually become sparse, and said seriously, "After death, people will turn into stars. Gaze at the ground. I believe that your brother... he has always been proud of you." (To be continued)