CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 91: Gong Ou flew to England


He was sick again.


Mu Qianchu shook his head and said, but his face was pale, cold sweat broke out from his forehead, and even the color of his lips changed.

"Come and sit here." Shi Xiaonian struggled to help him sit down on the sofa, and asked worriedly, "Where are your medicines? Don't you always take medicines?"

Mu Qianchu gritted his teeth, reached into his shirt pocket, and took out a small box with slightly trembling fingers. He wanted to open it but his hands were shaking so much that he couldn't see clearly and everything in front of him was shaking.

A splitting headache.

He tried not to make any sound.

"I'll do it." Seeing this, Shi Xiaonian hurriedly snatched the box from his hand, opened it, and poured out two pills. A breath of choking breath brushed her nose, and she was stunned, "Have you changed the medicine?"

The last time she was on the Island on the Clouds, she didn't smell any special smell from the medicine.

Hearing this, Mu Qianchu's eyes deepened, but without saying anything, he pressed his hand on his forehead and pressed his nails deeply into his temples to relieve some of the pain.

Shi Xiaonian didn't take the medicine to heart. He rushed to the desk and picked up the mineral water bottle given by the hotel, unscrewed the cap, and then came back and handed it to Mu Qianchu.


Mu Qianchu spoke with difficulty, put his hand out and put two pills into his mouth, raised his head and drank the water.

"Are you okay?" Shi Xiaonian stood in front of him and looked at him worriedly, "Do you have such a severe headache every time?"

"..." Mu Qianchu pressed his head and said nothing.

"Isn't that operation very successful? Why did it leave such big sequelae?"

Shi Xiaonian asked.

At that time, Mu Qianchu completely recovered his vision after undergoing one major operation and several minor operations, which can be regarded as a perfect case in the medical field.

As a result, he still suffered from the sequelae of headaches.

"..." Mu Qianchu looked at her silently, a drop of cold sweat slid down his forehead, and he smiled palely, "I'll tell you this later."

When he said this, Shi Xiaonian stopped asking.

The two of them sat and stood.

The air flowed in silence, and the two people were thinking about their own thoughts.

As time passed quietly, Mu Qianchu's face gradually returned to color, and the pain between his eyebrows slowly disappeared.

"I'm fine. I'll leave first. It will be difficult to explain if I bump into Shi Di." Mu Qianchu stood up on the edge of the sofa, swaying slightly.

Shi Xiaonian quickly reached out to him.

Her original intention was to give him a hand, but Mu Qianchu suddenly grabbed her hand, straightened his body, and looked down at her, his narrow eyes full of complexity.

Shi Xiaonian froze and looked at him blankly. The light in his eyes made her feel dazed.

When he was young, Mu Qianchu liked to hold her hand tightly and let her take him everywhere.


He is not the young Mu Qianchu, he is Shi Di's husband, a person she has given up on.

"..." Shi Xiaonian's eyes flashed and she quickly withdrew her hand.

"..." Mu Qianchu's eyes dimmed, and her feminine face was even paler than when she was sick just now, "Your hands..."

There was a Band-Aid on the palm of her hand.

"It's okay, just wiped off a small injury."

"Really?" Mu Qianchu moved his lips but said nothing. After a while, he spoke, "Then I'll leave first."


Shi Xiaonian nodded immediately and had no intention of asking him why he helped her. She just wanted him to leave quickly.

Mu Qianchu's current appearance reminded her of when he first lost his memory, and she didn't recognize him again.

"By the way, if you are willing, I want to hear what they are talking about." When he reached the door, Mu Qianchu suddenly looked back at her and said, "I really want to know what kind of woman Shi Di is. "

When he said this, there was no gentleness in his voice, only indifference.


Shi Xiaonian looked at him blankly, not knowing whether to agree or not.

Seeing that she didn't answer, Mu Qianchu said nothing and said goodbye again, "Then I'll leave first and I'll call you again."

"Okay." Shi Xiaonian nodded, "I will get the phone back for you."

To help her, his phone was still next door.

He took the first step, and she was the only one to take it back.


Mu Qianchu nodded, turned and left.

Watching his back disappear through the door, Shi Xiaonian blinked, with a hint of doubt in his eyes. He was wondering why Mu Qianchu's tone was so cold when talking about Shi Di.

What can I say? I really want to know what kind of woman Shi Di is...

His voice was so indifferent, as if he didn't love the Flute of Time at all.

Shi Xiaonian couldn't understand and sat alone in the room for a long time.

She waited until dusk before she walked out of the room, found the waiter Mu Qianchu had been looking for before, and took her cell phone back.

By this time, Shi Di and Tang Yi had already left.

The eavesdropping plan was completed flawlessly.

Now just wait for her to go back and hear what the content is.

Shi Xiaonian deliberately marked the time and went back late. Today is a rare day. When she goes back, she will be tied to Gong Ou 24 hours a day. When she thinks of this, her head gets big.

She felt that she and Gong Ou were about to become conjoined twins, so sticky that they couldn't be separated.

It wasn't until night that Shi Xiaonian slowly drove back to Tianzhigang.

She returned to the luxury duplex apartment in Tower A with her backpack on her back, reached out and opened the door. The air was filled with a fresh smell, and it was quiet inside.

"I'm back."

Shi Xiaonian shouted loudly and put on her slippers at the entrance.

Gong Ou must not be very happy when she comes back so late.

Her voice disappeared into the quiet air, and no one answered her.

This man didn't come out and scold her immediately? Are you still at the company and haven't come back yet

Shi Xiaonian was stunned for a moment, and then walked in. There was no one there. The living room was in a mess. The furniture was staggered and the tea set was broken on the floor. It looked like it had been robbed. She couldn't help but frown.

Gong Ou lost his temper again.

Every time he gets angry, the furniture suffers.

"Dingling, ringing, ringing..."

The landline phone suddenly rang.

Shi Xiaonian put down her backpack, walked to the wall, picked up the phone and answered, "Hello?"

"Miss Shi, you finally got home safely." Feng De breathed a sigh of relief on the other end of the phone, "Where have you been? The young master is sending us everywhere to look for you."

"Looking for me? Didn't I say I was going for a ride today?"

Shi Xiaonian said, what is there to find? She is an adult, how could she lose it

"Then why did you turn off your phone? The young master can't even get through when he calls you. He's so anxious." Feng De asked.

The phone is turned off

Shi Xiaonian held the microphone with one hand and took out the mobile phone with the other hand. The phone was out of battery.

Well, it seems that when I answered Mu Qianchu's phone call at the hotel, there was only 1% battery left.

"I didn't notice that my phone was out of battery." Shi Xiaonian said calmly.

"Forget it, as long as you get home safely, the young master will get off the plane in about three hours. Remember to call the young master." Feng De warned her.

Shi Xiaonian stood leaning against the wall, holding the microphone in his hand, "Getting off the plane? Where did he go?"

Gong Ou is no longer in S city

"The young master has something to go back to England, and I'm going back to the castle to take care of some things." Feng De explained the whole story concisely and clearly.

Gong Ou went to England

"How many days will he be gone?"

"At least a week."


At least one week…

Shi Xiaonian opened her lips slightly, and suddenly her eyes lit up and her heart began to beat violently.

One week, that is to say, she is free this week? No longer have to be tied to him 24 hours a day

The god of good luck actually started to take care of her!

Shi Xiaonian was overjoyed, coughed slightly, and pretended to have a normal tone, "Really, I understand."

"Well, then I will withdraw the people I sent out. Miss Shi, remember, you must take the initiative to call the young master. Remember, remember!" Feng De warned her again and again for fear that she would not take it seriously.

"Yes, yes, I remember."

Shi Xiaonian responded repeatedly, then hung up the phone. He suddenly jumped up happily and sat heavily on the sofa nearby.


She was finally free, even if it was only for a week.

Shi Xiaonian lay back, made trumpet shapes with his hands and shouted loudly into the silent living room, "Freedom! I'm coming!"

One week, Gong Ou left for one week.


Shi Xiaonian happily rolled around on the sofa. After being excited for a while, she charged her mobile phone and started to clean up the mess in the living room.

When people are happy, even doing housework becomes easier. Shi Xiaonian hummed a light song, swept up the broken tea sets and threw them into the trash can.

Suddenly, her eyes fell on the coffee table.

A piece of A4 paper was placed on the corner of the coffee table, with black writing on it flying like dragons and phoenixes.

Shi Xiaonian was startled for a moment, then walked over and picked up the paper. It was a letter Gong Ou wrote to her before leaving -

Shi Xiaonian, if you have the guts, how dare you not answer my call! You asked me to write it by hand, and I will make sure I don’t kill you when I come back!

Remember, I am going abroad for a week and you should stay at home. The rules are as follows:

First, you are not allowed to touch the water or enter the kitchen until your hand injury recovers. I asked Feng De to send some maids;

Second, while I am away, you are not allowed to have visual, verbal or physical communication with any man, not even Feng De, who was driven back to the palace by me;

Third, you are not allowed to go out frequently, stay at home and paint;

Fourth, turn on the phone! Answer the phone! Answer the phone! Just answer my calls!

If you can't do the above four points, just wait for me to deal with you!


When Shi Xiaonian looked at the letter with strong handwriting on the back of the paper, she was speechless for a long time.

If he was so authoritarian and arranged everything for her while she was away, and didn't allow her to go out frequently, why didn't he just put a dog leash around her neck and keep her at home

How could he be interested in her? It was clearly like raising a pet dog.

Shi Xiaonian curled her lips in frustration and put the A4 paper back, her excitement suddenly cooled down a lot.

She stood up and continued to clean up the messy living room.

By the time I finished cleaning up, it was already an hour later.

Shi Xiaonian was so tired that she was out of breath. She stretched out her hand to wipe off the sweat, and her eyes fell on the bag beside her. Then she realized that she hadn't heard the secret of Shi Di yet.

Shi Xiaonian picked up her backpack and mobile phone and walked to the study room.

Opening all three display screens, Shi Xiaonian was about to fiddle with them when she suddenly discovered that the content she wanted to eavesdrop on now was all on Mu Qianchu's mobile phone.

She didn't know how to connect that mobile phone to the computer in front of her.

Gong Ou had done it for her before. Her fingers were clicking on the keyboard so fast that she couldn't understand a single key, let alone do it herself... (To be continued)