CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 97: President Gong had unreasonable doubts


With this sentence, the movie ends in a beautiful song.

"It's quite touching."

Shi Xiaonian looked at the fine steel Mr. Jiang robot figure on the screen and said with emotion.

"What's so touching?" Gong Ou said disdainfully, "It's a science fiction movie with no technological content at all. It's all about romance."

From his perspective, the film had no redeeming qualities.

Technology is so blind. Is that how robots are made? It’s ridiculous.

"The focus here is not about science fiction, but about Mr. Jiang Wanmeng, who is also gentle and affectionate, and can tolerate another person without any bottom. This is something that cannot be done between people in real life." Shi Xiaonian stretched out his hand and scratched The robot on the screen, "It would be great if technology developed to the point where such intelligent robots could exist."

"What's good?"

"That shows that Mr. Jiang really exists." Shi Xiaonian said softly, with yearning in his eyes.

That can make people believe that there will always be someone in this world who will always be there when you need it, never leave, and always have a shoulder to rely on.


Gong Ou sneered coldly and glanced at the screen with his black eyes.

On his screen, the movie screen only took up one-fifth, and besides... it was all about her face, and her eyes were full of yearning. Did she like robots so much? Nothing difficult.

Shi Xiaonian recovered from the emotion of the movie, looked at Gong Ou's face on the screen and said, "It's almost dawn here, can I sleep?"

Hearing this, Gong Ou frowned, "You don't want to contact me so much?"

This doesn’t seem to be called contact, this is called long chat, and this is called boredom.

Shi Xiaonian complained silently in her heart and said, "No, I really should go to bed, otherwise I won't have the energy to draw tomorrow."

"Forget it, I'll let you go for once." Gong Ou frowned, and finally let her go. "Keep your phone on for me. When I want to talk to you, you must pick it up as soon as possible."

"Oh, got it."

Shi Xiaonian responded, reaching out to turn off the video, when she saw Gong Ou looking at her deeply on the screen.

His eyes were as deep as the sea, his thin lips were slightly raised, and he stared at her word by word and said, "Shi Xiaonian, I'm really hungry. I want to eat the food you cooked."

His voice was extremely deep and magnetic.

His eyes are telling of longing.

Shi Xiaonian, I'm really hungry, I want to eat your cooking.

She froze, staring at the handsome face on the screen, her heart skipped a beat, and with a swipe of her finger, the video was cut off by her, and Gong Ou's face disappeared from the screen.

But the strange feeling in her heart did not disappear.

Shi Xiaonian reached out and pressed her heart.

What's going on with her? Gong Ou just said one sentence. He has to say so many words every day. What's so touching about her.


Shi Xiaonian closed the notebook hard and lay down on the bed, blinking her eyes, but could not fall asleep again. All she saw was Gong Ou's last look.

That look told her plainly that he missed her.

Shi Xiaonian patted his head, covered his head with the quilt, and forced himself not to think wildly.

The night passed.

Shi Xiaonian didn't get out of bed until the afternoon. The result of not sleeping well all night was a headache.

She pressed her head and walked outside. Two maids were cleaning the house seriously. When they saw her coming out, they immediately bowed their heads respectfully, "Miss Shi, you're up. We made something simple. If it doesn't suit your taste, , let’s do it again.”

Shi Xiaonian was still not used to being served by someone, so she was stunned for a moment before nodding, "Thank you."

She walked into the restaurant and felt a little ashamed when she saw the delicious food on the table. She was so sweaty that she was just cooking a little bit.

In comparison, what she did before was simply abusing Gong Ou.

Shi Xiaonian found that she couldn't mention Gong Ou casually, and she couldn't even think about it, because as soon as she thought about it... the fatal phone call would follow, like now.

Shi Xiaonian picked up the vibrating phone, looked at the string of numbers on it and put it to her ear helplessly, "Hello."

"woke up?"

Gong Ou's lazy and magnetic voice sounded on her mobile phone. She didn't feel sleepy and was in good spirits.


Shi Xiaonian responded.

Needless to say, she also knew that the two maids must have tipped off the news, otherwise how could he have called at such a coincidental time.

"What time is it over there?" Gong Ou asked, obviously having to chat even if there was nothing to talk about.

Shi Xiaonian took off her phone and looked at the time and said, "Three o'clock in the afternoon."

"Go get something to eat."

Gong Ou ordered her.

"I'm about to eat, so I'll hang up first." Shi Xiaonian said and was about to hang up, only to hear Gong Ou's displeased voice, "Eat your food, who allows you to hang up."

"How can I eat if I don't hang up the phone?"

"Use headphones."


She had to talk on the phone while eating. It was probably the first time in the world that she died of radiation exposure due to overtime on the phone.

The argument couldn't be resolved with Gong Ou, who was far away in the UK. Shi Xiaonian had no choice but to put Bluetooth headphones on his ears, then sat at the dining table and started eating, chatting perfunctorily with Gong Ou.

There was obviously not much to talk about between the two of them, and Gong Ou just wanted to occupy her time.

Shi Xiaonian couldn't feel the existence of freedom at all.

When Xiaonian put a piece of rice cake into her mouth, she suddenly heard a strange voice talking to Gong Ou, "Second Young Master, it's time for you to go out."

Second young master.

Shi Xiaonian was startled. This was the first time she heard someone call Gong Ou the second young master.

Gong Ou also had an older brother who died in a car accident on the way to his appointment. Only in the UK, where he was born, would people call him the second young master.

"I know, get out."

Gong Ou drives people away.

"Are you going out?" Shi Xiaonian asked, feeling a little happy that he could finally hang up the phone.

"Well." Gong Ou's tone was not very good, and he suddenly said, "Shi Xiaonian, should you prepare a gift for me? You have never given me a gift before."


Shi Xiaonian was at a loss as to why the gift was suddenly involved again.

"I'm leaving for a week, and you have to prepare a gift for me after being separated for such a long time!" Gong Ou must be confident when asking for a gift, "I will see it when I come back."

Why does this man think so often

If I want to make a phone call, I won't let her sleep in the middle of the night. If I want to watch a movie, the screen must be synchronized. Now I want to ask for a gift.

Shi Xiaonian chewed the rice cakes in his mouth and found an excuse to say, "But didn't you tell me to go out less? How can I prepare gifts?"

She still has her own things to do.

"You are allowed to go out to choose a gift." Gong Ou said.


"Of course, the phone must be open all the time." He wanted to fully control her time and everything about her.

"..." When Shi Xiaonian heard this, his head hurt even more, "Mong Ou."


"Do you want to make phone calls with me during the week you leave?" Shi Xiaonian seemed to begin to understand his intention.

Gong Ou answered quickly, "Shi Xiaonian, you finally got the idea."

Shi Xiaonian's heart collapsed again and again, "Why?"

She didn't understand why she had to talk on the phone.

When others are present, her physical freedom is imprisoned, and when others are absent, her mental freedom is imprisoned? Is he so perverted

"Who knows what you will do if I'm not here, what if you go find a man." Gong Ou said, his tone was still confident, and he did not think that his behavior was excessive at all.

"Where can I find a man?"

"I don't feel at ease if I don't stare."

Shi Xiaonian completely understood, "I understand, you don't have that much to talk to me at all. You just think that I will mess around when you are not here."

She almost thought last night that he was missing her by pestering her to make phone calls and watch movies.

It turned out that he was suspicious of her, so he wanted to control her.

"..." After hearing this, Gong Ou remained silent, which was regarded as acquiescence.

"Miyao, don't you think this is too much?"

Shi Xiaonian pointed it out.

He didn't have any evidence to prove that she was messing around, so he was going to occupy her time like this 24 hours a day. This kind of behavior was really terrible.


"If you don't trust me, just drive me away. No need to do this. Aren't you tired of doing this?"

"Not tired." Gong Ou said.

"But I'm tired." Shi Xiaonian said while sitting at the dining table, putting down his chopsticks, his face full of depression, "You doubt me for no reason, I can't even breathe."

How about talking on the phone for a week

"Then I'll give you artificial respiration." Gong Ou was completely dismissive of her depression.


"Okay, why are there so many complaints? You have to do whatever I want from you. A phone call won't kill you." Gong Ou said domineeringly again, his tone always condescending.


Shi Xiaonian was speechless, not knowing what to argue with a suspicious paranoid.

"I'm going out first." There was a sound of standing up from Gong Ou's side. His voice was low and his tone was absolute. "Keep me informed on the phone. I call you and you must respond to me. Within this week, you must choose the gift for me. , you will give it to me when I get back, do you hear me?"

This woman didn't have the slightest intention to take the initiative to give him a gift.


Shi Xiaoxiu felt even more pain and didn't want to say a word anymore.

In the next few days, Shi Xiaonian wore Bluetooth headphones on her ears without even a chance to take them off. She wore them when eating, sleeping, and even when going to the toilet.

Her ears were so hot from wearing the headphones that she couldn't take them off.

If Gong Ou didn't respond in time when he called her for one second, he would get angry and lose his temper on the phone, talking about how he would deal with her when he came back.

She could only obey him and keep talking on the phone.

It made her feel breathless.

The initial happiness that she thought she was finally free had long since disappeared. Now she was nervous even when sleeping. Whenever there was a sound in her ears, she would wake up and her mouth would respond faster than her brain.

Her current state is that she can't even sleep well.

Let alone doing other things.

The great luck among misfortunes is that Gong Ou is also busy in the UK, so he doesn't want to chat with her all the time.

Often he seemed to turn off the microphone and just keep talking, but she couldn't hear what he was saying or doing.

There is always a charming bustle in S city at night.

The place is full of entertainment and lively.

The moon is as cold as water.

Shi Xiaonian was walking alone on the street at night. This was her first time going out this week to choose gifts. (To be continued)