Changying the Lady

Chapter 112: The second room turmoil


Wei Changying followed his example and was not afraid of his threats. He sneered: "After I leave this door, I will naturally behave like a lady! I am the daughter of the Wei family. Which girl in the family will not be praised by others?" Zhenjing Xiande? What’s more, I’m a direct descendant of this sect! Do you believe what you said? I want to accuse you of deliberately slandering me!”

Shen Zangfeng said with a smile: "My husband said so many affectionate words to you and you didn't learn it. Why do you want to learn such unreasonable words? You are really naughty."

"Bah, you are the one who has to behave!" Wei Changying hit him again and threatened, "If you keep talking such glib nonsense, see how I beat you!"

Shen Zangfeng's face straightened up and he said, "Yinger underestimates my husband too much. Do you think my husband is someone who is afraid of being beaten?"

"You!" Wei Changying was speechless. After a moment, he punched him bitterly, "I beat him too many times. I don't believe you are not afraid!"

Shen Zangfeng smiled and said, "I told my husband that hitting is a sign of intimacy and scolding is a sign of love. The so-called..."

"You say it again!" Wei Changying raised his pink fist with a threatening look on his face.

There happened to be a knock on the door. Qin Ge and Yan Ge coughed outside, and then reported through the door: "Master, young madam, the eldest young madam is here. I want to ask the young madam to go to the main room tomorrow."

Wei Changying hurriedly pushed Shen Zangfeng away, straightened his clothes again, and then said, "Come in and talk more carefully."


Qin Ge and Yan Ge came in empty-handed, obviously not taking Shen Zangfeng's instructions to get snacks seriously, and said: "The eldest young lady said that there seems to be something going on at Luqiao's place, and I would like to ask the young lady to come together tomorrow to be a witness. .”

Wei Changying was confused and said, "What's going on?"

"The man sent by the young lady was in a hurry. He didn't explain anything, and the maid didn't know either."

Wei Changying glanced at Shen Zangfeng and first told the maid: "In that case, you go down first." When only the couple were left in the small study, she asked, "Is this Luqiao?"

Shen Zangfeng shook his head and said: "You have to ask Aunt Wan. I don't know much about the second brother's backyard. This Luqiao was born a male fetus after she was pregnant. I only found out after the second brother was so happy that he took me to drink with him. of."

Shen Lianshi actually took the baby boy out of Lvqiao's belly and happily took his brother to drink with him. This shows his expectation for this concubine's eldest son. He didn't expect this expectation to be gone after just two months, and he didn't know how sad he is now. What does it look like

Wei Zhangying was not very concerned about her second uncle's mood. What she was wondering about was that Lu Qiao had already had a miscarriage, and something was going to happen, so that Mrs. Liu, the eldest young lady who had always been the head of the family, could not make the decision, and had to put her talents aside. Pull the passerby over to bear witness? Witness what

Since Shen Zangfeng suggested asking Mr. Wan, Wei Changying left the small study and asked someone to bring Mr. Wan to the hall for questioning.

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Wan was slightly startled and said: "My maid doesn't know much about Lu Qiao. There are several concubines in the second young master's backyard, and Lu Qiao is not outstanding. If she hadn't been pregnant this time, no one would have paid attention to her. Really I don’t know his temperament, so I don’t dare to make any assumptions, lest I mislead the young lady.”

Wei Changying pondered and said: "So that's it? I really don't know what will happen if my sister-in-law asks me to go tomorrow."

Wan held the handkerchief and smiled, but stopped talking.

In the evening, Wei Changying took the opportunity to ask Huang. Huang smiled and said, "Young madam, think about it, the second young master has three daughters but no son. Even if Luqiao is just a concubine, how can the second young master not be happy? The Second Young Master is so happy that everyone in the Shen family knows that he values Lu Qiao's pregnancy... Didn't our Young Master even feel ashamed because of Lu Qiao's miscarriage? "

"Normally, the five-month-old fetus is stable, and nothing will happen sooner or later, but something happened when the young lady came in and the second young lady followed her to the Su family." Mrs. Huang sneered and said, "Second Young Master The wife has two legitimate daughters. Although she has no legitimate son, she may not be willing to let the concubine take the lead. After all, the second young master and the second young lady are both young! Who can say that the second young lady cannot have her own biological son? ?”

Wei Changying was surprised and said: "A bastard is just a bastard after all!"

"Young Madam, you can't use our family's rules to trick the Shen family." Huang shook his head and said, "Although the Shen family also has differences in their share of expenses for the concubines, they are not treated equally, but in the most important position of the feudal lord, But he never cares about his legitimate concubines, only about his talents. After all, the Shen family is in Xiliang, and they have to fight with the Di people from time to time. If the leader is incompetent, the whole family will be affected! The family is far beyond our Wei family! Unless our legitimate son cannot take over the leadership, such as Duke Jing Ping, or our eldest master... But the Shen family is different!"

"In this case, if there is one more concubine, my own flesh and blood will be in more trouble in the future." Huang said earnestly, "That's not all! Young Madam, please think about it. The second young master has three young ladies. But there is no son. No matter who the biological mother is, the eldest son is always looking forward to it. When the bastard is born, can the second son personally teach the children in the future? After all, the second young master is getting older and his energy cannot keep up. Secondly, the second young master will have more and more things to worry about in the future, and the concubine may not be as good as him in terms of status. The legitimate son may not be inferior to the legitimate son in the eyes of the second son!"

"Such a trouble..." Mrs. Huang's voice lowered, "If it were in our room, my maid would have advised the young lady to eradicate it!"

Wei Changying felt a chill in his heart and said, "Could it be that... the second sister-in-law... she..."

Huang said: "As soon as the second young lady walked away, something happened to Luqiao on the back. She was not in the house, so she just pushed her! In addition, Mrs. Deng is seriously ill now, and she, the daughter of the Duanmu family, has to go to the entrustment." Miss Duanmuba, please ask Divine Doctor Ji to come forward. Even if Madam comes back, she will speak for her! How could the Duanmu family let go of such a good opportunity? "

"Could it be that what my sister-in-law asked me to talk about tomorrow is what I found at Lu Qiao's place?" Wei Changying couldn't help but murmured.

Huang said: "Since Duanmu dares to do this, he must be quite sure that he will not be caught. And if this is the case, the young lady should immediately send someone to the Su Mansion to report to the madam for making the decision. Why would she openly invite the young madam to come there? What kind of witness? This is to make the matter public - the dispute in the Shen family's backyard involves the second family's only unborn child, and everyone would be shameless. "

"Then..." Wei Changying pondered and said, "What do you think my sister-in-law is asking me to witness tomorrow?"

Huang said with a smile: "Duanmu didn't leave any clues, but I can't resist someone who knows something." The maid thought, maybe Luqiao's hopes were in vain, and she was dissatisfied, so she bit her to death, but she was not in the house. The eldest young lady is impatient to get involved in too many affairs of the second house, so she plans to invite the young lady to come over and settle the matter together!"

Wei Changying thought for a moment and then asked: "What about after I go?"

"The young madam depends on what the eldest madam will do. Didn't Wan say that? The young madam has just come through the door, so she doesn't know anything about it. The eldest madam is the sister-in-law. Let the young madam go and the young madam will go! As for talking about things The young lady is always here to deal with it, so why should the young lady worry?"

This is to let Wei Changying go back, but everything has nothing to do with it. He just entered the door on his own, and he is not in charge, so he blames everything on Liu.

Wei Changying remembered Huang's instructions, and then talked about Wei Shengxian's affairs: "Auntie said, can I promise that this matter will not matter?"

"I asked the second lady to follow me as a favor, but it doesn't matter." Huang said indifferently, "What do those people in the Song family who want to adopt their son to take advantage of us have to do with us? Besides, the old lady is not close to the children of the concubine. , but I don’t like to see a concubine being bullied - isn’t this a slap in our family’s face? After all, the head of the Song family is the young lady’s biological uncle, so it can be done by just writing a letter... Send someone to deliver the letter tomorrow. Send it to the Song family and hand it over to Miss Cousin."

Seeing that Mrs. Huang did not object to this matter, Wei Changying felt relieved and said with a smile: "Yes, today I found that my eldest sister is very cold to me and looks at my aunt very unkindly... What's the reason for this? ?”

"It's nothing." Mrs. Huang smiled softly and said, "Miss Wan didn't like the slave girl very much before and wanted to drive her away, but the old lady told her to stay in the imperial capital. How dare she disobey her? What about the old lady? Perhaps it was because of this that she made Miss Wan angry, so she was not happy to see the maid now, which actually caused the young madam to suffer. "

She said it in an understatement, but she also knew that Wei Changwan must have suffered a big loss at the hands of the Huang family to make Wei Changwan hate her so much, and even hate her so much for Wei Changying, the pearl of the Wei family who the second wife did not dare to offend!

It's just that Wei Changying has met this cousin once, and under the influence of Mrs. Song, he is wary of everyone in the second house. He is just curious when he asks, but he has no sympathy for Wei Changwan. , smiled and said: "It's okay. I came home today and felt that I had nothing to say to my second aunt. The seventh sister is already very eloquent. If the eldest sister can also be very eloquent, I really don't know how to get out of it?"

The two of them talked for a few more words before Wei Changying returned to the inner room. Shen Zangfeng had been waiting for him. After taking a bath, he changed into an azure brocade robe and sat alone under the lamp playing chess when he saw Wei Changying come in. , he raised his sleeves to brush the chess pieces into chaos, and said teasingly: "What did Ying'er say to Aunt Huang? It's been a long time since I came back, so I asked my husband to wait."

"I won't tell you." Guard Chief Ying spat.

Shen Zangfeng smiled and came over to hug her.

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