Changying the Lady

Chapter 40: Injury


The servants hurriedly served and sent the two women back to the hut. Because this hut was really too simple, there was no room to sleep in either the main hall or the study. The group did not care about the significance of this place and opened the bedroom directly. Although the bedding was taken away because it was unoccupied, one of the large couches was very large. It's spacious, and it's late summer and early autumn, so with a little tidying up, it's enough for Guard Chief Ying to lie down on.

After sending Wei Changfeng out, the maids gently untied the clothes of the two of them to check their injuries. Only then did Wei Changying's lower back appear. All the maids gasped in unison. One of them stood close, The mother-in-law who did it even uttered an ouch!

"How is the injury?" Wei Changying felt as if she had hit a stone on the ground when she fell, and the pain in her waist was severe. However, she had suffered a lot when practicing martial arts. Although she was temporarily injured due to the position of the fall this time. I couldn't muster the strength for a while, and it was difficult to speak, but I really didn't think it was a big deal. But now that I saw this scene, I couldn't help but be a little surprised, and I hurriedly asked.

Midorifang couldn't bear to look at her waist twice, and then said with difficulty: "Miss, your waist... is bruised... and even your back..."

"When I fell down, I felt like I hit something." Wei Changying is a martial arts practitioner after all. When he was a beginner, it was inevitable that he would be bruised and bruised throughout the day. Hearing this, he felt relieved, because now that he lay down, he didn't need to After spending all her energy to stand, she tilted her head and spoke fluently, "Is it just bruises? The wound is not broken?"

Midoriya bit his lip and said: "The wound is not broken, but the bruise is..."

Due to long years of martial arts practice, Wei Changying's skin is not as delicate and delicate as ordinary ladies', but more flexible. However, the bright and flawless skin that should be expected at this pampered age has not diminished at all. Now the dress is spread out and only one back is exposed. Even in a humble room, it still exudes the unique brilliance of youth, which even beautiful jade cannot compare with.

Because of this, the large bruised purple color on the waist is shocking.

"Nothing, just go back and wipe it with medicinal wine." Wei Changying secretly wiped away a cold sweat after hearing that Green Fang only mentioned the purple color. The bamboo forest just now, no matter how gentle the slope, is still sloping. Song Zaishui, who was in urgent need of help, jumped down without seeing the terrain clearly. If he was unlucky, there would be sharp bamboo branches where he fell, and now this thin Xia Shang could not stop him... Although he was on his back. I'm not afraid of what will happen to my face because of the fall, but the scratches and scars on my back are not pretty after all...

Now it was just a few bruises. For her, it was just a matter of going back and lying down for two days. As soon as she was relieved, she suddenly thought of Song Zaishui, and hurriedly looked up and looked under the couch: "How are you, cousin? Have you ever been injured?"

Although Wei Changfeng scolded Chun Jing at the top of the mountain before, on the way to send the two of them down, Wei Changfeng was completely focused on Wei Changying, but he left Song Zaishui aside. This is not because he is young and cannot take care of the overall situation when something happens. After all, there are enough attendants around the three of them, but because Wei Changying is his biological sister and Song Zaishui is just his cousin... Wei Changfeng usually respects the two of them. Secondly, Wei Changfeng first heard that Wei Changying ordered Chunjing and Xia Jing to prevent Song Zaishui from entering the forest, and then he was injured while trying to save Song Zaishui. Although he was young, he was talented and intelligent, and he could not figure out anything. When they came out, Song Zaishui's sudden fall was very suspicious

Originally, if it was just the cousin who fell on purpose, Wei Changfeng would not blame her like this, but Song Zaishui fell on purpose, which affected Wei Changying. Wei Changfeng felt sorry for his sister, and he was angry in his heart. He was young after all. He was born with dignity and was not worried about Song Zaishui's status and future. In anger, he obviously showed his face to his cousin.

He did this, and Lufang and others felt sorry for their young lady. Although they did not dare to be as obvious as Wei Changfeng, they also ignored Song Zaishui intentionally or unintentionally. Before, the two cousins swarmed in to check the injuries, and Lufang and others took the lead. Seizing the large bed and leaving only the imperial concubine's couch under the window for leisure, Song Zaishui's master and servant - just now in the green room, the mother-in-law was shocked, not only because she felt sorry for Wei Changying, but also because she was deliberately shocked to show Song Zaishui.

Now Wei Changying personally asked Song Zaishui. Although Lvfang and others remained silent, there was some anger in their eyes - their young lady was injured trying to save Song Zaishui, but she couldn't even get up... But Song Zaishui was here , without even saying a word, Chunjing helped him to the imperial concubine’s bed, and actually sat there silently...

It's really heartless...

Song Zaishui was a delicate person, and she was certainly aware of the resentment of Wei Changfeng and the servants of the Wei family, but she had no intention of explaining it, and whispered: "I'm fine."

Chunjing, the maid next to her, moved her lips, but was immediately blocked by Song Zaishui's cold eyes.

Wei Changying was lying on the couch and did not notice this scene. Hearing this, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good." The huge stone in her heart was lifted, and she groaned and urged, "Where's the doctor? Where's the medicinal wine? What? None? What’s going on with Changfeng? Send someone out to ask!”

Lvfang knew that the master liked to torment people when he lost his mind, so he hurriedly comforted her for Wei Changfeng, and said softly: "Fifth Young Master has already ordered Young Master Qing to ride his horse back to the city to ask for the doctor. Miss Please bear with me for a moment!”

"Sigh... If there is no doctor or medicinal wine, why don't you ask someone to boil some water and give me a hot handkerchief to rub it?!" Wei Changying was used to falling and beating when he was a child, and he has long been experienced in dealing with bruises. It's perfect, but Midoriya and others, because Wei Changying has passed the stage of laying the foundation in recent years, and rarely gets injured after practicing martial arts, so he has forgotten all these simple soothing methods - after all, it was not the person who was injured back then. they.

Being reminded by the guard chief Ying, his face turned red with embarrassment. Midoriya quickly saluted: "My maid is confused! My maid, do it now!"

Wei Changying said again: "We haven't had lunch today yet - can the stove here be used?"

Two more women reached out and wiped their skirts twice, then hurriedly saluted: "Old slave, go take a look."

There were only a few people left to command the group. Wei Changying bit his sleeve forcefully. Before he could decide who to torment next, he suddenly heard Song Zaishui softly say: "Slowly, ask someone to knead the hot handkerchief first. You are like this." I couldn't see my lower back. I saw that I had fallen very hard. I don't know if it was just a flesh injury or a bone injury..." At this point, she paused for a moment and then said in a softer voice, "It's better to wait for a while and wait for the doctor to see you. Let’s talk later.”

Wei Changying spit out his sleeves and said sadly: "I don't think it's that miserable? My bones... my bones must be very hard."

"Wait until the doctor comes to see you." Song Zaishui said calmly, perhaps in a bad mood.

Wei Changying thought that my cousin had a narrow idea today. Although I stopped her, I was injured and I was afraid that I would not be able to step down now. So he did not go against her wishes like usual, but he responded obediently: "Okay."

The two sisters were speechless for a while, but the room became quiet.

-The eldest daughter of the Wei clan and the future crown princess who was a guest of the Wei family both fell and were injured on Xiaozhu Mountain. This was a big deal. Wei Qing rode back to the city. In less than an hour, he brought two doctors with him. catch up.

But when the doctor went up the mountain and outside the hut, Wei Changfeng, who had been waiting impatiently for a long time, was not happy, but had a headache again - the position of Wei Changying's injury was really not suitable for outsiders to see, but these two doctors were both men!

After struggling like this for a long time, Wei Changying couldn't hold back anymore. He bit the handkerchief and ordered the maid to press her hands over the bones in her back to confirm that the bones were intact. Miss Wei herself confirmed that it was just a flesh wound and only needed to dissolve the congestion. The doctor who was in a dilemma finally breathed a sigh of relief, wiped off the cold sweat, and based on the situation she described, he took up a pen and prescribed a prescription for removing congestion and blood, and told him what needed to be paid attention to. Since it was confirmed that it was only a problem of congestion, Wei Changying's experience Rich, but don't care about the doctor's words.

However, it echoed what she had said to Song Zaishui before - although the bones were not injured, they were not suitable for moving now, and they had to stay on Xiaozhu Mountain for two or three days before returning home.

In this way, not only will there be more people to serve, but also firewood, rice, vegetables, bedding and clothing will have to be brought in, so that Wei Changying will not have a bad life while he is recovering from his injuries.

Compared with the result that Wei Changying only suffered flesh wounds and was not in danger of losing his appearance, the waiters were thankful to God. As for the need for a big fight for two or three days, that was a trivial matter.

Wei Changfeng repeatedly confirmed to the doctor that his sister was fine. Although the doctor Wei Qing hurriedly invited was a good doctor in Fengzhou City, how could he accurately diagnose this new trauma and just feel the pulse from behind a tent? It was Miss Wei who said that the bones were fine. The doctors did not dare to let Wei Changfeng go to Wei Changying to confirm, and they were afraid of taking responsibility, so they had to use a bunch of advanced terms from medical books to answer. Wei Changfeng also had knowledge of medical books. The more I asked, the deeper I got involved.

The two doctors worked hard to deal with him, almost dripping with sweat. Just when they thought they could say goodbye, Wei Changfeng also wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "My cousin also fell down just now. I don’t know if I’m frightened, but I’d like to ask you two to take a look.”

These two doctors were both born and raised in Fengzhou. Although they were not descendants of the Wei family, they had heard that the future princess was a guest in the Wei family. Her dignity was higher than that of the eldest lady of the Wei family, so they both responded cautiously. .

Wei Changfeng originally thought that Song Zaishui was fine. After all, it was Wei Changying who gave her a cushion when she fell. At most, she was frightened, so he prescribed a calming decoction. He asked the doctor to diagnose Song Zaishui just because he didn't want to lose the Song family's face - she was his cousin after all. Although he was annoyed that Song Zaishui had implicated Wei Changying, since Wei Changying only had a flesh wound, there was no need to treat his cousin as an enemy.

This will allow the doctor to diagnose, and also mean to apologize for the previous deliberate neglect.

Who would have thought that the doctor would just let him go without looking at it. Once he looked at it, he asked Song Zaishui to put his wrist out of the curtain to take a pulse. Chun Jing inside cried out, "Miss's arm is dislocated!"

Wei Changfeng was surprised, and Wei Changying behind the curtain was also surprised: "When did you dislocate your joint? Why didn't you tell me?"

Then Chunjing said: "Fang..." Then Song Zaishui's weak but cold voice interrupted her, and said lightly: "I was scared just now. I don't know when I dislocated my joint. I was numb before. This It took me a while to realize it, but if Chunjing hadn’t reminded me that there was something wrong with my arms hanging down, I wouldn’t have noticed it yet.”

She said so, but who here doesn't know how the pain of dislocation can only be felt after an hour or two? Song Zaishui must have felt guilty for causing trouble to his cousin, so he just couldn't bear to mention it. Such pain may not be a big problem for Wei Changying, but for Song Zaishui, who was out of breath even after climbing a building more than thirty feet high and was completely weak in the boudoir... This kind of perseverance, even those who were dissatisfied with her before Wei Changfeng also changed his face and shouted: "Let's not talk about this for now - hurry up and connect my cousin's arm!"

... Song Zaishui not only dislocated her arm, but her left knee happened to hit a piece of gravel when she fell down. Fortunately, there was no blood, but she was also hit with a large bruise, so that when she came down from the top of the mountain, she couldn't focus at all. It was through the help of the maid. It's just that Chun Jing and Xia Jing were suppressed by her and didn't dare to say a word...

Seeing that her injury was no worse than that of Wei Changying, Wei Changfeng was annoyed and worried at the same time. He hurriedly ordered the elder of the two doctors to connect Song Zaishui's arm bone, and prescribed another blood-transforming medicine. After taking the pulse It was confirmed that apart from these two injuries, Song Zaishui had nothing else to do... After finishing these things, Wei Changfeng wiped a piece of handkerchief wet in his hand. Just as he was about to speak, he heard the roar of people outside. It was Mrs. Song who came in person. Got it! (To be continued)