Changying the Lady

Chapter 46: Emperor Yiwei


In the hut, after Song Zaishui got up, Wei Changying was nowhere to be seen. He was relieved when he learned from Xinli that Wei Changying had gone out for a walk and brought many people with him. Then Wei Qing introduced Gu Yiran and Deng Zongqi to see Wei Changfeng. Song Zaishui naturally stayed in the room quietly without making a sound. However, not long after the outsiders left, a guard rushed into the house to report that something happened behind the house, involving the chief of guard. Ying-Song Zaishui was naturally shocked. He was about to leave the room to take a look, but was held tightly by the painting hall!

The reason is simple. Song Zaishui's knee injury has been "recurring" in the past few days. Moreover, no matter what happens in the future, Song Zaishui, who is not well now, will definitely not be able to help in the past. It rained all night last night, and it's not easy to walk anywhere now. Don't let this charming guest fall and bump into each other. Injury will be added to the injury, which will not only cause more chaos on Xiaozhu Mountain - how should the painting hall explain to Mrs. Song

Huatang was not Song Zaishui's maid, and it was Mrs. Song who asked her to stay and take care of her niece on her behalf. Although Song Zaishui was anxious, he could not reprimand and drive away like Chunjing and the others, so he had no choice but to sit on the couch and wait.

The wait was like an eternity, but luckily Wei Changying finally came back, and after she entered the house, she immediately took off her curtain hat and threw it to Green Fang, but Green House also immediately turned around and went out with the curtain hat, taking it off. Behind the curtain, Wei Changying's expression was obviously not good, but looking at her moving freely, it didn't look like something had happened again.

Song Zaishui breathed a sigh of relief - this time Wei Changying needed to stay overnight in Xiaozhu Mountain, and it was all because of saving himself, so no matter what happened to Wei Changying on Xiaozhu Mountain, Song Zaishui could not escape the relationship anyway, even if he missed his relatives For the sake of Mrs. Song, she didn't care about her niece, and Song Zaishui's own conscience was uneasy.

Seeing that Chief Wei frowned and said nothing, she hurriedly asked: "What's wrong?"

"It rained heavily yesterday and dispersed all the realgar trees around the house. As a result, a bamboo leaf green crawled into the new bamboo pavilion behind the house. It didn't stay anywhere but stayed on the pillar behind me. If it hadn't just come down the mountain That Mr. Deng has a sharp eye and will suffer a big loss today." Wei Changying said unhappily.

Although she just pulled out Luqi's hairpin and killed another Zhuyeqing, she has been practicing martial arts with Jiang Zheng since she was a child and has been very diligent. Even Jiang Zheng praised her for her good understanding and high talent, so she prided herself on her skills. But when something happened today, there were still flaws everywhere. Without Deng Zongqi's look back, God knows what would have happened to him today

Xiaozhushan is a bamboo mountain, and snake medicine is always available in the hut, especially the medicine that detoxifies the green bamboo leaves. Although Wei Changying was startled by the snake so close, she was not worried about her life. What she was angry about was - could she be able to defeat Shen Zangfeng in the future if she was so careless

Shen Zangfeng can also use traps, tricks, etc...

On the road to living the life you want, it is truly an arduous journey!

The more Wei Changying thought about it, the more frustrated and painful she felt. She decided not to think about such an unhappy thing for the time being, and quickly changed the subject: "By the way, why did Wei Qing bring these two strangers up the mountain? They were looking for Changfeng to do it. What?"

Song Zaishui took a sip of tea and said: "I just listened a few times through the door. It seems like last night, after we all fell asleep, a group of people were on their way at night. They didn't want to get lost because the lanterns got wet by the rain. In the inn, I recognized Xiaozhushan and knew that Mr. Zhushan had a hut on the mountain, so I wanted to stay here. "

Wei Changying said: "Ah, so this is the noise I heard when I was in a daze?"

"The reason for the commotion was that they almost got into a fight with the guards at the foot of the mountain." Song Zai Shui said, "Both sides regarded the other as a thief. Later, the name of a prominent family was reported there, and the guards inspected several of their belongings. But they were not sure, so they sent a few people up the mountain to call Changfeng's cousin. My cousin took Wei Qing down to the mountain to interrogate them in person before confirming their identities. But since we are on the mountain, of course we can't let them stay on the mountain. Fortunately, the guards of the Wei family built a few bamboo huts at the foot of the mountain and made two of them available for them... They were just about to set off, so they specially brought two people up the mountain to say goodbye. "

Wei Changying was a step late when he thanked Deng Zongqi just now and didn't hear Deng Zongqi mention the overnight stay. It suddenly dawned on him now and he said: "So that's what happened. I mean, how could Wei Qing bring two people up the mountain so early in the morning for no reason? Come and see Changfeng.”

He asked curiously, "The children of the Gu family in the imperial capital are not in the imperial capital, and the children of the Deng family in Rongcheng are not in Rongcheng. What are they doing here in Fengzhou? Moreover, they said they were on their way just now?"

Song Zaishui hummed and said, "They seem to be going to Qingzhou."

"Qingzhou?" Wei Chief Ying said in surprise, "That's the Su family's place... It's getting weirder and weirder. What are you doing there?"

"He said he had something to do." Song Zaishui said, "I didn't really listen to him. I'll ask my cousin later."

When Wei Changfeng returned to the hut, the two sisters asked him together, but he had no intention of answering. He first asked Wei Changying how he was in danger in the pavilion. They found out that it was because the colors of green bamboo leaves and bamboo pillars were so similar that the Feng family went first. After entering the pavilion to clean up, Song Zaishui didn't find anything. His expression changed, he patted his chest and said, "Oh my God! I'm really indebted to Deng Zongqi today!"

But Wei Changfeng said with a sullen face, "It's all my fault. I only wanted to build a bamboo pavilion there, but I almost killed my eldest sister." He was very angry and ordered people to demolish the bamboo pavilion. Wei Changfeng Chang Ying hurriedly stopped him: "It's just finished. Why are you tearing it down? There's nothing strange about this pavilion. It's all because the heavy rain washed away the realgar and didn't make it up in time."

Wei Changfeng said without hesitation: "If I hadn't said that I wanted to build a bamboo pavilion there, my mother wouldn't have sent the craftsmen here. There is no pavilion behind the house. How could my eldest sister suffer such a disaster today?"

"Did you not see the green bamboo leaf I killed later? That green can you see it clearly if you don't look carefully?" Wei Changying frowned, "And it's better to have it on my head than at my feet. My head He is wearing a curtain hat and wooden clogs on his feet!"

Song Zaishui knew that Wei Changfeng insisted on demolishing the bamboo pavilion, but he still felt that he had harmed his sister on a whim, so he smoothed things over and said: "Anyway, Chang Ying has nothing to do now, so I won't demolish the pavilion for now - the pavilion made of bamboo can be protected from the rain." Open up the place and pour in realgar, so nothing will dare to come near it, won’t it?”

Wei Changying nodded before Wei Changfeng said anything, "That's good."

Wei Changfeng still felt scared and angry. He wanted to say something, but Song Zaishui and Wei Changying had already urged him to talk about Gu Yiran and Deng Zongqi. However, they could not persuade the two sisters, so they had to say: "Gu Yiran is the emperor of the imperial capital." A descendant of a branch of the Deng family, Deng Zongqi is the direct son of the Deng family. There are also descendants of the Liu family and the Duanmu family at the foot of the mountain. There are a total of four descendants of the noble family and some other servants. I didn't pay much attention to them last night. In the evening, the two members of the Liu family and the Duanmu family got into trouble with our guards and injured someone. I scolded them after I got down, thinking of their families, and later asked someone to vacate the bamboo house for them to spend the night. Probably for this reason, I am too embarrassed to come up today, so I only asked Gu and Deng to go up the mountain to say goodbye."

"Children of the Liu family and the Duanmu family?" Song Zaishui and Wei Changying looked at each other, both very surprised, and said, "How come these four children... came to Fengzhou?"

Wei Changfeng said: "Where is Fengzhou? They are going to Qingzhou!"

"Then what are you going to do in Qingzhou?" Wei Changying asked doubtfully.

"It's nothing, it's just inconvenient to spread the word." Wei Changfeng looked around, and the servants all retreated in awe, and then he whispered, "They are all Imperial Guards, but they are going to Qingzhou here for the sake of the emperor." I have carried out an errand in accordance with the Holy Majesty's secret decree."

Hearing this, both Wei Chief Ying and Song Zaishui were moved: "Yi Wei?! Secret decree? What's the errand?"

Yiwei is the last of the three guards of the emperor, but not everyone can enter. In the early years of the Wei Dynasty, three guards were set up to guard the forbidden area. These three guards were the personal guards, the Xun guards, and the Yi guards.

Among them, the personal guards can only be replaced by the sons of officials above the third rank, which is the seventh rank. There was news from the imperial capital before that Shen Zangfeng was replaced by his father Yin after his hair was tied. The xunwei is one level lower than the personal guards, only From the seventh rank, only the grandsons of officials of the third rank and above or the sons of the fourth rank are accepted. The last Yiwei also requires the grandsons of the fourth rank and the sons of the fifth rank to enter.

Don't look at the fact that the highest personal guard among the three guards is only seventh grade, because the three guards directly guard the palace and have a very high status. Don't look at each other based on their grades. There are a total of 4,963 places for the emperor's three guards. Even the lowest Yiwei is limited to the sons of fifth-grade officials. They always prefer to fill vacancies rather than filling them excessively.

... There is an unspoken rule for the promotion of officials in the Wei Dynasty, that is, those who have experience of serving in the prison will be given priority for promotion. Therefore, this identity has always been valued by every family.

If Wei Huan hadn't filed for old age, Mrs. Song wouldn't worry about her only legitimate grandson leaving her easily. Wei Changfeng should now join the Xun Wei to calculate his seniority.

It can be said that it is basically impossible for common people to appear among the three guards. From top to bottom, they are basically ranked according to the current family power and the prosperity of the heirs in the Wei Dynasty.

Although the families of Gu Yiran and Deng Zongqi are not as good as the six clans in the country, they are well-known throughout the Wei Dynasty. Especially Deng Zongqi is the direct son of the Deng family, but they can only supplement Yiwei. It can be seen that How many nobles gathered in this forbidden army of the Emperor of Wei!

The Three Guards were originally established to protect the Emperor, so the Three Guards had express provisions not to leave the capital without authorization. These people were nominally under the jurisdiction of the Commander-in-Chief of the Forbidden Army, but in fact they were the Emperor's own troops and were personally commanded by the Holy Emperor. Every move is closely related to the holy will.

Now four Yi Guards appear at the foot of Xiaozhu Mountain, heading to Qingzhou, or a secret order... Everyone will be curious and surprised.

Especially in Fengzhou, news of a great victory in the northern part of the state was announced not long ago, and angels are rushing over with a decree of praise... Could it be related to this matter? Why is the Su family involved again

Wei Changying knew more about the great victory in Zhoubei. For example, Song Han and Song Duan plundered other people's military achievements and intended to cheat marriages. He thought that the Holy One was aware of the matter and discovered this. Did he send someone else to investigate

However, Song Zaishui and Wei Changying ran through thousands of guesses in their minds in an instant, but they still didn't get it right - and they were completely unrelated, because the real reason was: "The Holy One has recently hired a new palace attendant. She was very pampered, and within a few days she was promoted from the last eighth-grade beauty to sixth-grade Xiaoyi, and even the rewards were similar to those of fourth-grade talents. With such an imperial favor, Zhong Xiaoyi, the upstart in the palace, was nowhere to be found. She often frowned, and the Holy Spirit inquired in person. Zhong Xiaoyi told her the reason, but she was originally from Qingzhou. Her family was poor at that time, so she became a palace maid for the sake of her younger siblings. Now she is a palace concubine, well-dressed and well-fed, but she misses her younger siblings even more. While we are still in the human world, do we have enough food and clothing..."

Guard Chief Ying was stunned and said, "Then the Holy One sent four Yi Guards to Qingzhou to find Zhong Xiaoyi's younger siblings?"

Wei Changfeng said calmly: "I thought so at first, but... According to what Gu Yiran said, the reason why they had to rush on their way was because Zhong Xiaoyi's beauty was coming in two months, and the Holy One decided to do it here. It was Bo Zhong Xiaoyi's smile to bring Zhong Xiaoyi's younger siblings to the imperial capital and bring them into the palace on the day of Zhong Xiaoyi's death. The reason why it was a secret decree was because Zhong Xiaoyi had an order to do so. Chen was not allowed to let Xiaoyi know, so Gu Yiran didn't dare to stay and traveled day and night. As a result, he missed Sutou yesterday and his lantern was soaked by the rain. He was lost for a long time before he found it at the foot of Xiaozhu Mountain."

"..." No wonder Gu Yiran and others dared to tell Wei Changfeng that it was a secret order. Wei Changying looked at Song Zaishui speechlessly with a look of disgust on his face. The debauchery in the East Palace had already made Song Zaishui panic all day long. Unexpectedly, Your Majesty...

Nowadays, the Hulu are eyeing the Wei Dynasty. They are afraid that they want to drink from Ma Zhongyuan day and night. Even the country is not peaceful. Even fierce bandits can appear less than a hundred miles away from the city of Fengzhou. In this case, the Holy Spirit still has Depressed and depressed because of his new wife Na Xiaoyi, he issued a secret order for four Yi guards to travel day and night to Qingzhou, thousands of miles away from the imperial capital, to look for the Zhong family's younger siblings...

Even though Wei Changying didn't know much about the situation in the court, he still felt that something was wrong with Wei... (To be continued)