Changying the Lady

Chapter 55: Elders


"So the eldest cousin is also here?" Wei Changying knew that Song Zaitian was also here, but today he was going to meet Shen Zhou. He was so nervous that he forgot about Song Zaitian. At this moment, he was reminded by Mrs. Song. He glanced quickly and bowed respectfully, "I often heard my mother talk about my uncle and my two cousins, but I couldn't remember them when I was young. I thought we would meet in the future, but I didn't expect to see my eldest cousin now. "

Although Wei Changying seemed closer to Song Zaitian than when he met Shen Zhou before, this did not offend Shen Zhou. After all, Wei Changying has not yet left the cabinet. Even though she is already considered a member of the Shen family according to her title, Shen Zhou has just said this. However, it is the way of a lady to be a little reserved before officially entering the house, and it shows that she is the legitimate daughter of the Wei family. Noble.

What's more, Shen Zhou was her elder, and it was their first time to meet him. With Wei Huan and Mrs. Song present, Wei Changying seemed to be less dignified if he talked too much. Song Zaitian and Wei Changying are the same generation, and they are direct cousins. Mrs. Song also said that Wei Changying had met this cousin when he was a baby. At this time, a proper intimacy can further demonstrate Wei Changying's generousness and good receptiveness. things.

Wei Changying slipped away and caught a glimpse of his eldest cousin, who had bright eyebrows and elegant manners. The bookish air between his eyebrows was very strong. It was obvious at a glance that he was a child of a scholarly family. Wearing a light crimson brocade robe, a soft bun on his head, a jade belt around his waist, and a ring on his thumb - he sits in a dignified and respectful manner, yet still looks close to the Wei family, and has the demeanor of a member of the family, although There is no grace that attracts the attention of the whole house, but it is also impeccable.

According to Mrs. Song and Mrs. Song's usual teachings, such a person may not show off, but he is extremely rigorous, has plans and opinions for everything, and does not like to be disobeyed. Wei Changying thought: Does this eldest cousin look like that stubborn uncle

Although Wei Changying speculated that his eldest cousin was not really an easy person to talk to, Song Zaitian kindly asked his cousin to stand up and said with a smile: "Cousin Lao, my father often misses my aunt. When I first met my cousin, My cousin has not yet reached the age of 18, and will be leaving the palace in a blink of an eye. Time flies. This time when I came to Fengzhou, my father even asked me to bring a special gift for my cousin, which is a way to make up for my cousin in advance. "

His gentle words and gentle demeanor make it easy for people to like him. He is a role model of a friendly brother and sister in the family. Just being mentioned in public that he was leaving the cabinet, the guard chief Ying's cheeks, as white and tender as mutton fat, were still stained with a layer of crimson. He turned away slightly and glanced at the hall. Mrs. Song laughed at the right moment: "Yu Yu." I'm just being polite, you kid has had a hard time along the way."

Taking advantage of the situation, he called Wei Changying to stand behind him.

Wei Changying regretted that he could not leave yet, but he still maintained a dignified expression on his face and stood by as he was told. She had just stood up when she heard Wei Huan speak to Shen Zhou: "This war in the north of the state..."

But before the official business was finished, he didn't know why he called Wei Zhangying over to pay his respects.

Taking advantage of the situation, Wei Changying looked at Shen Zhou calmly.

The future uncle was about fifty years old, and his face was indeed as heroic as his voice. Frankly speaking, Shen Zhou has good facial features, broad eyebrows and a square mouth. However, with his lion-like beard and hair, bronze-like complexion, and even though his eyebrows are restrained, there is still a murderous aura that cannot be concealed - when it comes to excitement, he He excitedly rolled up his sleeves, not even caring about the tea on his front. This kind of roughness and informality was far from the elegant, fair-skinned beauty that is admired among today's wealthy families...

Wei Changying, who was deeply influenced by the mainstream aesthetics of the society and always judged men based on Wei Zhenghong's appearance and bearing, fell into deep regret after seeing his uncle's appearance clearly.

…Forget it, I didn’t expect Shen Zangfeng to be very popular with me anyway.

Husband-in-law, as long as he can survive being beaten by me, that’s fine!

She so comforted herself.

Due to this huge disappointment, Wei Changying didn't even have the intention to listen to the words of her elders. It wasn't until she was about to light the lamp that a servant came in to report, waking her up: "Song Changshi and his son Song Duan have arrived in the front yard, and they want to see them." Angel."

Wei Changying was startled when he saw his grandfather caressing his beard with an indifferent expression and said with a hint of smile: "Ah, I think they have finished their work... In this case, then... what does Dan Xiao think?"

Danxiao is Shen Zhou's name. According to the rules of naming elders and peers, Wei Huan naturally called him this to show respect for the angel. But although Shen Zhou was half a hundred years old, he was not as good as Wei Huan in terms of seniority and age, and the two families were about to become in-laws, so he did not show off at all and said humbly: "That's the name Wei Gong called me." Then he answered. , "It's getting late now, and I feel very sleepy. I'm afraid I won't be able to announce the decree. How about...asking Song Changshi to simply wait one night and announce the decree to praise their father and son tomorrow?"

Wei Huan smiled calmly and said: "That's how it should be. You were in a hurry today, and now it's too late. It's not beautiful to announce the decree in a hurry... Song Han and Song Duan are both reasonable people, so they will not be offended. "

The two looked at each other and smiled. Wei Huan nodded to the audience: "Go ahead."

The servant who came in before to ask for instructions understood and bowed: "Young man, go and tell Song Changshi and his son."

Hearing this, Wei Changying understood something...

Because he knew the plot of the Tang Dynasty, Rui Yu Tang knew that Song Han and Song Duan had taken the credit from common people Mo Binwei, but he could not tell it publicly, so as not to fall into Wei Qi's trap. But Rui Yutang couldn't do nothing, especially this time it was Shen Zhou who came to Fengzhou to praise the people - Wei Changfeng had just escorted his two sisters back from Xiaozhushan, and then invited Deng Zongqi to the Wei family. To recuperate, wasn't Corporal Li Xian Mo Binwei sent out immediately

As long as the truth is not revealed, Song Han and Song Duan are now considered to be the heroes of the great victory. Ordinarily, after Shen Zhou announced the decree to praise Wei Huan and Wei Shengnian, even if he did not immediately announce the decree to praise Song Han and his son, he should still call them When I arrived at Ruiyu Hall, I first offered some condolences and encouragement... Even if Shen Zhou didn't bring it up, Wei Huan should bring it up to show that he, as a superior, was not jealous of his capable subordinates.

This will also be an opportunity to further enhance the reputation of Song Han and Song Duan.

But Wei Huan wanted to talk to Shen Zhou and Song Zaitian about the inside story in detail. He didn't want Song Han and his son to be in front of him, and he didn't want to be known as a neglected hero, so... I'm afraid he might have to try to cause something to trip up Song Han and Song Duan. Because they were unable to come before; or the people they simply sent "never" found them; even when they came, they couldn't enter Wei's house... In short, it was Wei Huan who sent people to find their father and son, but these two people couldn't find them. It was delayed - of course the responsibility lies with Song Han and Song Duan.

Therefore, Wei Huan, who was "kind-hearted" and "sympathetic" to his subordinates, specially invited Shen Zhou to the back hall in order to avoid the embarrassment. Not only did he ask Song Zaitian to accompany his old wife, he also called his granddaughter who was engaged to the Shen family to come out to meet him. , in order to cover up Song Han's neglect of the angel and also to ease the atmosphere.

This is also why after Wei Changying met with Shen Zhou and Song Zaitian, he was not sent back to the Shuangting Court, but was kept. Moreover, after leaving her behind, the elders did not mention the engagement or wedding. But he immediately got down to business.

Calling her here was just a pretense to further prove Wei Huan's tolerance and protection of Song Han and his son...

Just as Mrs. Song said before, the Song family in Jiangnan is one of the six clans in the country, and the clan leader Song Xinping is known as a person who has never changed his promise. Such a family must be true to their word. Even if they knew that the current East Palace was dissolute and not a good match, how could they regret the marriage? ! This kind of regretful marriage was definitely not done by the Song family! The Song family has always kept their word - but if Concubine Deng or someone else intervenes and prevents Song Zaishui from continuing to marry the prince, there is nothing that can be done!

The Song family is also a victim!

The current situation is that Wei Huan spared no effort to promote Song Han and his son, but the father and son failed to live up to their expectations. Such tardiness not only neglected the angels, but also lost Wei Huan's face. Even so, Wei Huan still called out his granddaughter to defend him. They smooth things over, such a good Shangguan can be said to be the most benevolent and righteous - everything is the fault of Song Han and his son. Maybe they are relying on their great contribution to the victory of Zhoubei University, and now they are starting to be proud and complacent

Speaking of which, an important minister like Wei Huan was helpless when he returned to his hometown to retire but met such a short-sighted governor of the state...

This can be said to kill three birds with one stone. It not only buys time to communicate with Shen Zhou and Song Zaitian first, but also discredits Song Han and Song Duan, shaking their image of heroes in the minds of people who don't know the inside story. At the same time, it also takes care of personal matters. —Let the direct granddaughter pay a visit to the elders of her husband’s family.

Moreover, there is a little bit of Wei Huan's selfishness here: How can he not know whether Wei Changying's granddaughter is really virtuous and gentle? Although Mrs. Song and Mrs. Song taught her carefully, Wei Changying was not an obedient person! Now that he has something serious to talk about, how can Shen Zhou still have the time to pay attention to his nephew-in-law... and take this opportunity to let his granddaughter, who can't make him feel at ease, get away with it...

In Fengzhou, whoever the Wei Clan wants to deal with can naturally be picked at their fingertips.

When Wei Changying got up early the next morning, he heard Zhu Shi and Zhu Lan chatting in the corridor. It was exactly what happened last night. She called the two of them forward and asked, and it turned out that word had spread throughout the mansion that Song Han and Song Duan were so brave that even angels were being ignored, and they even lost the face of the clan leader.

This was in the Shuangting Courtyard. In the evening, Nanny Shi reported to Mrs. Song that the rumor had spread that there was a nose and eyes, and even the reason for neglect was supplemented: Song Han and Song Duan relied on their great achievements in the north of the state. , was very dissatisfied with Wei Huan for not letting him join in the greeting when the angel arrived, so that after Wei Huan accepted the order to praise his father and son, he wanted to send people named Song Han and Song Duan to come see the angel first, but this compliment was ignored by Song Han As a humiliation, he deliberately delayed his arrival until the lamp was turned on.

It's not over yet. It was clear that Wei Huan and Shen Zhou had a tacit understanding last night and sent Song Han and Song Duan away on the pretext that it was getting late and Shen Zhou was tired from the journey. However, the rumor turned out to be: "The angel rushed on his way during the day, and first read out the imperial edict praising the clan leader and the third master. He was obviously tired. Besides, he had been waiting for Song Han and his son for a long time, so he had to ask why! I didn’t want the servants to be ordered to ask them why they were late, but this father and son, so majestic, changed their colors on the spot and walked away.” (To be continued)