Changying the Lady

Chapter 72: Wei Gaoan


Wei Qing's two younger sisters, Wei Qiong and Wei Ying, are gentle and approachable, generous and decent in speech. In addition, they have not shown any disdain for Wei Changying. This made Wei Changying gradually feel at ease, believing that even though there were speculations about his appointment on behalf of his brother, it did not cause a stir in the city.

On the scene, no one brought it up openly out of concern for face.

She could accept such grievances, and she was secretly grateful that Wei Zhengya died in time - four major events happened in Fengzhou overnight, especially the assassination of Wei Zhengya, a famous figure in the country, which made the whole world angry. Uproar! Although Beirong refused to admit it, Fengzhou had all the witnesses and material evidence, and the case had already been completed.

The Wei Dynasty and Beirong have been enemies for a long time. Who would believe the words of their enemies

Thinking that public opinion should be focused on these four things now, not many people may continue to pay attention to me.

Wei Changying felt certain and behaved a little more generously.

When it was time to go back, the three people who were chatting happily walked back together. Wind lanterns were hung every few steps under the corridor. Maybe it was because there were too many white flags hanging, but the corridor was not very bright.

When the three of them walked to the corner, a figure suddenly rushed out and jumped directly on Wei Changying!

This person had great momentum, but Wei Changying was not knocked down. He just took a small step back unprepared. When she lowered her head, she saw that the person who hit her fell to the ground first.

She hurriedly leaned over to help him: "Tenth brother? What are you doing running so fast, but it hurts from the fall?"

The person who failed to hit someone but fell to the ground was none other than Wei Zhengya's youngest son, Wei Gao'an, who ranked tenth and was only nine years old. During his lifetime, Wei Zhengya had a reputation of being quiet and elegant. He only had one concubine, a maid from the Xiao Liu family - the concubine who died on the couch with him this time.

Wei Gao'an was born from this concubine.

In the impression, this cousin was raised under the knees of Xiao Liu and Wei Changlin. Although he was a concubine, Xiao Liu regarded him as his own son, so his temperament was the same as Wei Changlin's, he was lively and noisy.

But now he should be keeping vigil in the mourning hall to pay homage, so why is he here

Wei Changying murmured in his heart. Seeing that he remained silent, he suspected that the child was ignorant and could not bear the hardship of keeping a vigil, so he ran out to play alone. Not only is it disrespectful to do so, but it is also a big problem for defender Gao An to spread the word when he has grown up. Wei Changying wasn't familiar with his cousin, but he didn't want to see him waste his whole life just for fun. He helped Wei Gao'an up and whispered: "Go back to the hall quickly! I met the two clans of you and me. Sister, it’s okay, but it’s serious if others see it... Go back quickly, ah?”

After Wei Gao'an stood up, he raised his head and looked at her steadily, then lowered his head after a long while. Wei Changying thought he had figured it out and wanted to go back, so he stepped aside to get out of the way so that he could return to the mourning hall. Unexpectedly, Wei Gao'an lowered his head, but instead of saying goodbye, he suddenly shouted and slammed his head towards Wei Changying!

Wei Changying was taken aback. She had been practicing martial arts for many years, and her steps were nimble and agile. Although Wei Gao'an's sudden attack surprised her, Wei Gao'an was an ordinary child after all, and his attacks could easily be subdued. Wei Changying grabbed his arm, held him down easily, and said angrily: "What are you doing!"

"I'm going to kill you!" Wei Gao'an struggled hard, but he was not strong enough to break free from Wei Changying's control. When he was angry, he raised his legs and kicked Wei Changying. While kicking, he shouted loudly, "It's all you." ! If my father hadn’t spoken for you, how could those soldiers kill my father? If not, how could my biological mother die! Now my father and biological mother are gone, and my aunt is lying on the bed without eating or drinking... It was you! You still have the nerve to come to our house to express your condolences! I heard that you lost your virginity long ago in the woods! Why do you have the nerve to do that, you slut?"

His shouting suddenly stopped because Wei Changying suddenly released his hold on his arm and slapped him hard on the face!

Wei Changying's blow was so severe that Wei Gao'an was beaten so hard that he stumbled a few steps and hit a pillar in the corridor before he could stand still. Half of his cheeks were swollen, and traces of blood oozed from the corners of his mouth... This The sudden slap in the face obviously stunned him. After being stunned for a long time, Wei Gao'an found his voice in confusion: " shameless bitch actually dare to hit me? How can you have the shame to hit me?" I?!"

"This is what you, a cheap servant, gave birth to!" He was so angry that he was trembling all over. At this moment, without saying anything, he stepped forward, drew his bow from left to right, and slapped her four or five times in the face - originally, He When they arrived at the Shuangting Courtyard, they had been training the maids who served Wei Zhangying. After more than ten years, they had already become good at beating people. This slap was so skillful and smooth that Sister Wei Qiong was dazzled by it. I almost blurted out and shouted "Hello", but realized when the words reached my lips, I quickly raised my sleeves to cover my mouth!

"Qin Ge, Yan Ge, the Tenth Young Master is already nine years old after all. Now his biological father and biological mother were both killed by the soldiers and injured at sea. The Tenth Young Master does not want to watch over his father and biological mother in the mourning hall, but sneaks out to play. —The eldest lady taught him the importance of filial piety, but was beaten, kicked, and viciously slandered by him... If the prince's wife hadn't been in poverty now, she would have asked the prince's wife to seek justice!" According to He, he wanted to smash Wei Gao'an's mouth completely! It was only then that she relieved her hatred, but she also knew that this was impossible, so she slapped Wei Gao'an a few times until he could not speak for the time being, and then ordered in a deep voice, "Send him to the madam first, and let the madam discipline him for the prince's wife." ! No one in the family is disrespectful at the funeral of a close relative. His biological son is so unfilial that he has completely ruined the Wei family's reputation!"

Sister Wei Qiong looked at each other, knowing very well that what He did was not only to cover up Wei Changying and herself for beating Wei Gao'an, but also to prepare Wei Gao'an for telling the truth after he recovered, and to tighten Wei Gao'an's hand. The fact that he ran away during the wake gave him a solid reputation as unfilial. Then no one would believe anything he said in the future. Including slandering the guard chief Ying for losing his virginity, he would only be considered unfilial to his cousin for disciplining him. Hold a grudge and take revenge.

However, Sister Wei Qiong did not sympathize with this clan brother either. Wei Gao'an felt aggrieved, but what he knew was the truth! What's more, not only was Sister Wei Qiong's brother admired by Wei Huan, Wei Qing also narrowly escaped death when he was assassinated last time. The only elder brother of the two sisters is Wei Qing. Their father is mediocre, and their future lies in this brother. If Wei Qing really died, even if Wei Huan wanted Wei Qing to take care of them, how could it be better to have his brother alive

Wei Gao'an cursed Wei Changying for dying in the woods - Wei Qing was accompanying Wei Changying. If Wei Changying died, even if Wei Qing returned safely, could Mrs. Song and Mrs. Song spare him? Even if Wei Huan cherishes his talent, he still has a thorn in his heart? The best result is that the future is ruined!

It was related to their personal interests and their only brother, so Sister Wei Qiong looked at this scene calmly. Instead of showing any unbearable expression because of Wei Gao'an's age, she said softly and softly: "Brother Gao'an is here today. This is really unfilial, no wonder Sister Chang Ying was so angry that she took action. This brother is young and ignorant, and refuses to listen to reason. My sister is disciplining him now for his own good. He doesn't know now, but he will always do it in the future. To understand.”

The three sisters all said that Wei Gao'an sneaked out of the mourning hall just for fun, so he could only do it for fun.

... But Wei Changying didn't hear the gesture from Sister Wei Qiong at all.

After instinctively slapping Wei Gao'an, Wei Changying trembled all over! The indescribable anger, grievance and humiliation made Wei Changying feel that his whole body was cold for a while, and then the anger burned his whole body into unbearable heat. In such ice and fire, Wei Changying felt that his mind was blurred, and his consciousness seemed to be about to collapse. Falling into a very far and deep place, where there is nothing, indescribable purity and peace of mind...

In the corridor, Mr. He, who let Qin Ge and Yan Ge drag Wei Gao'an to Mrs. Song, turned around and realized that something was wrong with her. He shook her and asked, almost crying in fright, but she saw Wei Changying suddenly turned around and walked directly to her. Heading towards the carriage yard.

Just when He was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he noticed that Wei Changying's steps were light and fluttery. He did not look like a person who had practiced martial arts for many years, but he seemed to be weak after a long illness and might fall down at any time...

- When He returned to Ruiyu Hall accompanied by praying to God and trembling with fear all the way, Wei Changying fell ill overnight.

She was lying on the couch in a daze, half awake and half asleep. Wei Changying was sad and confused, and she was too angry but she didn't want to take revenge... She just wanted to sleep like this. Even if he doesn't wake up, he will feel relaxed.

Mrs. Song was helping out at Jingping Gongfu. Ruiyutang did not go to Jingping Gongfu to express condolences in person because Mrs. Song was still angry and an elder. She only let Chen Ruping pay a visit. Little Liu, Mrs. Song and Mrs. Pei are not here, so naturally Mrs. Song will be the home temporarily for a few days.

The old lady has always treated Wei Changying as a precious treasure like eyeballs. She was afraid that her love was not enough, but she heard about what happened to her beloved granddaughter in the Jingping Palace, and she even fell ill on the bed because of it. He thought that Old Man Song People will definitely be furious and immediately give Duke Jingping a good look!

However, after listening to He's embellished and tearful statement, Mrs. Song's eyes gradually became gleaming... However, she did not pursue the intentions of the two gossiping juniors at all, nor did she try to deal with Wei Gao'an. Instead, he slowly tapped the handkerchief at the corner of his eyes, pressed Jingying away calmly, and said lightly: "This matter... I understand. As the old saying goes, it is better to guard against the people's mouth than against the river. . At that time, the king of a country couldn't do it, let alone our family? Even if they killed these people, wouldn't others dare to say it in front of you? It would be more vicious and shameless to talk about it in private. A hundred times a thousand times...are we going to kill everyone?"

He was stunned and never thought that this would be the result. She had always had a decent reputation in front of Mrs. Song and Mrs. Song because she breastfed Wei Chang Ying. At this moment, she asked unwillingly: "Did the eldest lady suffer this?" I’m sorry, let’s just forget about it?”

As soon as he said this, Chen Ruping, who was standing behind Mrs. Song, cast a reproachful and warning glance.

He immediately realized that what he said was too much. Even if Mrs. Song was here, she would only dare to say it in private when no one was around!

It was just that Mrs. Song's eyes turned cold for a moment, but she did not have an attack. Instead, she said quietly: "You don't understand. The Shen family will be here in three days. Although she may not be the winner..." If the Shen family's attitude is wrong, what should they say? This marriage must also be called off, so that the granddaughter will not suffer the grievance and humiliation of marrying her. Although this is the unanimous view of Wei Huan and Mrs. Song, but now that the Shen family has not arrived, will this marriage be consummated? It's hard to tell if it's not Chengdu, and of course it can't be revealed.

So the old lady was lost for a moment, then she mumbled the words and said word for word, "The rumors in Fengzhou are not as powerful as those in the imperial capital! Chang Ying still has the protection of her elders in Fengzhou. If she can't handle it now, she will How can we get to the imperial capital?"

After dismissing Mr. He, Chen Ruping silently opened Mrs. Song's sleeves, but saw several pinch marks with deep blood on the old lady's skinny wrists. This was the result of the old lady hearing Mr. He's description of Wei Chang Ying's presence. The experience of Duke Jingping... I pinched it myself.

Chen Ruping took the ointment and applied it on the old lady, and said in a low voice: "Didn't the old lady... know that this must be the case before the eldest lady passed by? How... why did you still hurt yourself?"

"Knowing that this child will definitely hear unpleasant things being said about her when she goes to express condolences, I know that when I really heard Mr. He talk about those people who dared to slander and humiliate my only granddaughter like this, how could I not be sad and embarrassed?" Mrs. Song's eyes were filled with tears. She looked pained, but endured it and said, "But you can't let Mrs. He see it. Although Mrs. He is a bit impatient, she has no problem with her loyalty. She has always doted on Chang Ying indiscriminately. I'm afraid When she sees me wavering, she will keep begging me to take action... If she begs a few more times, maybe I will really take care of it. "

"These people treat Chang Ying like this, of course I can't forgive them! But not now, if the Shen family still has to marry... If she doesn't let her hear those words in Fengzhou first, do you want me to take advantage of my granddaughter? Just after getting married, I heard that she couldn’t bear the slanderous news in the imperial capital!”

Mrs. Song trembled with her hands, covered her face, and sobbed, "I even ordered Yu Wei to live with helpers in Duke Jingping's mansion. She doesn't have to come back these days, just to let the child survive alone... Even if she doesn't go Imperial Capital, I can’t keep an eye on her all my life. Let her grind now and get through the pain of thousands of arrows piercing her heart. No one can use this to threaten her in the future - Wei Zhengya is dead. , How can I let him use this criticism to control Chang Ying for the rest of his life?" (To be continued)