Changying the Lady

Chapter 82: The expert takes action


Chief Wei sighed and said: "Normally, I can't say how gentle and considerate I am to these two cousins. I don't think I have failed in my duty as a sister, nor have I deliberately felt sorry for them. However, I have been slandered and criticized by others. , when they heard it, not only did they not come to confront me and ask for the truth, but they believed others' words and avoided me like a tiger... Of course I was unhappy. "

Huang's smile deepened when she heard her frank words. She knew that although Wei Changying was weighing, he did not doubt his ability. This shows that Mrs. Song's personal introduction is effective. It can be seen that the eldest lady trusts Mrs. Song very much. The old lady praised Mr. Huang, and the eldest lady even skipped the school exam in person.

... It’s no wonder that the old lady is so worried about her granddaughter. She is a direct blood relative and trusts her so much. Which elder could bear to let her down

Mr. Huang was thinking about it. Mr. He had always been impatient. There were no outsiders here, so he just said whatever he was thinking. He put his hands on his hips and said, "They..."

"Congratulations, sister, please be patient." Huang stopped her with a smile on her face and said softly, "Since the old lady has left the matter to the eldest lady, she always listens to the eldest lady. Once the eldest lady has said something, we will do it. Not too late."

Wei Changying finally saw it: He was no match for Huang. The most important thing was that He's trust in her, Sister Huang, was not much worse than his trust in his grandmother, Mrs. Song... Now Seeing Mr. Huang coming, Mr. He was so dissatisfied that he didn't even want to think about anything. He only thought about going into battle in person to kill...

Shaking his head secretly, Wei Changying reluctantly decided to give up the idea of helping He Shi to consolidate her first helping hand. Anyway, He Shi himself was happy to give up his position. If you insist on elevating this wet nurse to be higher than Mrs. Huang, I am afraid that the result will be a headache for Mr. He, aggrieved for Ms. Huang, and neither side will be happy.

She raised her fingers to brush the broken hair on her temples, and continued: "Then again, although what they did this time makes me feel very cold, they are still cousins, and the third aunt treats me well. Really. I have some thoughts on what to do with them... Well, I don’t want to embarrass them too much.”

I don't want to be too embarrassed, but what I mean is to do nothing, and Wei Changying is not willing to do it. It's just that she doesn't want to let these two cousins go for nothing, but she also can't bear to punish them too severely, so she has to find a good balance between them.

With a smile, Mrs. Huang first praised her: "The eldest lady is kind-hearted, and she will be blessed in the future." Then she changed the topic and naturally transitioned to the reason for punishment, "But the maid must also persuade the eldest lady, this There are state laws and family rules. Although the eldest lady feels sorry for the fourth and fifth ladies, if the rules in the family are messed up, it will be a big deal! For the sake of the Wei family, even if the eldest lady cannot bear to scold the fourth and fifth ladies, in the end It can’t just pass by silently.”

Wei Changying squinted his eyes and thought to himself, after all, he is the one whom his grandmother trusted. Regardless of others, his ability to criticize is really amazing... Now everyone is tacitly discussing how to punish Wei Gaochan and Wei Changyan. Taking it out on yourself - this is a matter of public and private matters.

As a result, when it comes to Huang's mouth, these two young ladies will shake Wei's foundation even if they are not punished! What she said was reasonable and well-founded, but she couldn't fault it.

Seeing Mrs. Huang's words with a serious look on her face, she continued, "My maid, let's stop being wordy. The eldest lady is the most righteous and understands it. She just loves her sister and is reluctant to say it. To put it simply, brothers and sisters in the same family are basically the same. We should work together to fight against the outside world! This is a truth that even the illiterate people can understand. The Fourth Miss and the Fifth Miss are both ladies who have been literate since elementary school. They have heard the stories of virtuous women and martyrs from all over the world. The common people among Penghao have been taught so much that they don’t know right from wrong and are deceived by outsiders. They know that the eldest lady is in danger, but they don’t want to support their cousin and refute the rumors. The lady is adding insult to injury!"

"So no matter how much the eldest lady helps the fourth and fifth young ladies to argue, the fourth and fifth young ladies are still at fault! Even if the mistake was made half out of confusion and half unintentionally, people make mistakes and they should follow the rules!" Huang made a point and said, "If you do everything according to the rules, you will never go wrong!"

Wei Changying carefully savored the ulterior motives in her words: Wei Gaochan and Wei Changyan were indeed at fault this time, and it was not the moral responsibility of sisters. Huang compared them with the illiterate people in the countryside. , just to emphasize their transgressions. Therefore, the key point should be that while Huang was saying that they had made mistakes, she kept insisting on the word "rules" everywhere. At the end, she also pointed out clearly that everything should be done according to the rules, and there would never be anything wrong!

Huang herself said she didn't want to be wordy, but she still explained the faults of Wei Gaochan and Wei Changyan again and again and that they had violated the rules. To punish Wei Gaochan and Wei Changyan, there is no need to emphasize the rules like this. Of course the Wei family has family rules, but now in the backyard of Ruiyu Hall, Mrs. Song's words are the rules.

Therefore, her seemingly wordy words must have meaning.

Recalling that Madam Song had reminded him to "listen more to what you, Aunt Huang, say about the elegance of the imperial capital," Wei Changying speculated that there was a hidden meaning in Huang's words - that he was taking the opportunity to remind himself of what he should do after arriving at the Shen family. Is there anything the wife should pay attention to? Everything is done according to the rules, but the responsibility cannot be placed on yourself

After pausing for a moment to let Wei Changying think, Huang obviously had no intention of solving the problem immediately, but instead spoke out his own suggestions: "According to the rules of the Wei family, what the Fourth Miss and the Fifth Miss did this time must not go unpunished. Not only does not punishing violate family rules, but if you condone evil deeds, it will harm the fourth and fifth ladies. As the saying goes, deep love leads to deep responsibility, and the eldest lady must understand this truth! The third lady is affectionate and values family ties. Although she cannot dethrone her husband because of love, she can take it lightly out of consideration... From the maid's point of view, it is better to punish the people around them, so as to avoid the fear of the fourth and fifth ladies. "After punishing the servant, how about the eldest lady comforting the fourth and fifth ladies?"

As he spoke, he looked at Wei Changying with a deep smile.

Wei Changying pondered for a moment and finally understood. He asked tentatively: "What Aunt Huang means is that the fourth and fifth sisters are young. Because they are in a boudoir, they are inevitably naive and easily deceived by servants. What happened before... What happened? It was also the instigation of bad people around them that caused the rift between us sisters. So if we want to punish them now, should we punish them as well?"

In fact, Huang made this suggestion in a high-sounding way, but the key points were only three sentences -

The first sentence is "rules".

The second sentence is "half confused and half unintentional".

The third sentence is "deep love brings deep responsibility".

Emphasizing the importance of rules, identifying the culprit of the whole thing, and pointing out Wei Changying's pity for his sisters - after clarifying these three points, it is very clear what to do based on taking these three points into consideration.

Originally, the dilemma for Chief Wei Ying was that she would be angry if she didn't punish her cousin, but she couldn't bear the punishment if she was punished severely.

The problem is that because of her favor with Mrs. Song, even if she does not explicitly punish the two cousins, she only needs to show her dissatisfaction with them. The servants and stewards all swarmed forward, openly and covertly stepping on the third room to please themselves.

After all, Wei Shengyi in the third room is cowardly and incompetent, and Pei has low self-esteem and family background. There is nothing in this room that can compare with other rooms. You have been living a cautious life, but if you offend the eldest daughter of the eldest son, who is deeply loved by Mrs. Song, how can you live a good life

In the past two days, Wei Changying vaguely heard that on the day at Jingping Gongfu, when he was not paying attention, Zhu Shi even spat on Wei Gaochan's skirt... Zhu Shi was just a little envoy in Shuangting. She was just a girl, even though she was He's niece, He was not partial to her. Normally, one would have to look at the ambassador's face before doing anything, but Wei Gaochan, a concubine but a serious lady from the Wei family, was so presumptuous...

Wei Changying knew that Zhu Shi did this, nominally to complain about his master, but in fact, if he hadn't been deeply loved by his grandmother, would Zhu Shi dare? Wei Gaochan, a rich lady, asked a young maid to vomit on her skirt and left without even daring to reprimand her. Didn't she have a wet nurse or an ambassador by her side? Why don't you even talk about reprimanding Zhu Shi? Why don't you dare to say anything? Is there not one bold person among those many people

In the final analysis, I was afraid that reprimanding Zhu Shi would lead to Wei Gaochan being bullied even more...

Although Wei Changying did not intend to mention what happened that day, he still felt an indescribable sadness when he thought that his cousin, who was related to him by blood and was also a young lady, did not even dare to scold a little maid.

Therefore, I want to punish my cousin, but I don’t want to punish my cousin and let the three families suffer and plummet.

But the way of the world is to step on the low and worship the high, even if Wei Changying expresses his thoughts clearly - I want to punish my cousin, but I don't want you to go to the third house together. Everyone will also ignore the last sentence: The eldest lady has already said that she wants to punish her cousin, but the next sentence... just take it as a polite word! My lady, can we just say that she hates these two heartless cousins to death

The things that the eldest lady is embarrassed to say or do, that’s where we can help in a different way!

Now Huang proposes to go beyond Wei Gaochan and Wei Changyan themselves and target the servants around them. This not only offends them and vents their anger for Wei Changying, but also does not directly punish the two young ladies, so as to avoid Wei Changying's anger. Could not bear.

Huang's greatness is not only in choosing the culprit, but also in her ability to advance and retreat. She could clearly see Wei Changying's scruples and embarrassments. The reason why he had to make suggestions that could be explained clearly in a few words was to go round and round, and he was only willing to reveal two or three points. Apart from the fact that he had something to say and took the opportunity to teach the Chief of Guard Ying some things he should pay attention to when becoming a daughter-in-law in the future, it was also to abide by his duty as a servant.

You are the aunt introduced by the old lady in person. Everyone knows that you are here to teach and assist the eldest lady in the ways of the backyard. The old lady also said that she wants the eldest lady to listen to you more... But you are a servant after all! After everything has been said, what should Wei Changying, the master, say

Do you keep agreeing with you

So where does the dignity of the eldest lady, Guard Chief Ying, exist

Especially the He family, whom Wei Changying was originally close to, has been usurped by the Huang family. Huang family behaves like Wei Changying is far inferior to her aunt. Even if Wei Changying wants to use her because of the talents of her grandmother and Huang family, I will also feel unhappy! Not only is he unhappy, but he may also suspect that Huang is trying to control him and turn himself into a puppet!

But now Huang is raising points everywhere but not telling the whole story, so that Wei Changying can also have a chance to perform. Because he never overshadowed the guest, he did not arouse Wei Changying's vigilance and resentment, but he left a very deep impression of being capable, shrewd and thoughtful.

Of course, Huang would not tell Wei Changying about this servant's scheming. Even if Wei Changying saw it, he would not expose it.

The master and the servant understood each other tacitly and continued talking about business.

- As usual, Mrs. Huang praised the intelligence of the Chief of Guard Ying, and explained with a smile: "Miss, please think about it. I heard from Sister He that the messy words outside before were closely related to the eldest lady. However, the eldest lady is going to pay homage to Mr. Ping." The front of the house didn’t know anything! Why did the fourth and fifth ladies know about it? , who else could talk about it? Let alone those rumors related to the Wei family, even if they are about other people’s affairs, such things should not be heard by the eldest lady! Whoever dares to spread such rumors, I think Sister He will definitely take care of it."

Mr. He nodded and said with murderous intent: "If there are servants with such bad mouths in the Shuangting Court, it would be strange if I didn't smash their mouths myself! I don't have to dirty the ears of the eldest lady! In other words, the third room is a mess, what? Even if the lady’s family listens to her words, she is not ashamed!”

Wei Changying bit his lip and said with a half-smile: "In this case, it is not just as simple as punishing these servants. After all, this time they can spread unreasonable words to the boudoir and instigate the fourth sister. The fifth sister is alienated from me. Who knows what she will do next time? It’s better not to teach the fourth sister and the fifth sister bad words!”

She quickly summarized Huang's teachings: When you act after leaving the cabinet, the most important thing is to comply with the rules. If you do not follow the rules, no matter what the reason is, it is already wrong first. Even if the final result is good, you will inevitably end up in the wrong place. The impression of breaking the rules.

What's more, as long as you break the rules, you will be held accountable. When I was in my parents' house, I turned a blind eye because of the favor of my elders. However, this may not be the case in my husband's house. Even if there is no investigation for the time being, it is still a record that can be settled at any time.

But this compliance with the rules does not mean that you really have to be strictly controlled by these rules - no one will like a selfless person who only follows the rules rigidly...

The so-called "do everything according to the rules" really means paying attention to how to use the rules to achieve your own goals. For example, this time Wei Changying said that she didn't want to punish her two sisters too harshly. In her parents' house, she could just express this. But in her husband's house, if she did this, she would be criticized because the two sisters violated the family rules and would be punished according to the rules. of. If Chief Wei Ying said she would not be punished, she would have broken the rules. Whether others suspected her of having ulterior motives and deliberately indulging her sister, or whether they thought she was deliberately trying to win people's hearts... they would have something to say.

So Huang used "half confused and half unintentional" to remind Wei Changying how to exonerate Wei Gaochan and Wei Changyan: confusion hinted that Wei Gaochan and Wei Changyan might have been deceived; unintentional hinted that these two My sister Xu did not expect the meaning and consequences of their actions. All in all, Huang shied away the responsibility for Wei Gaochan and Wei Changyan with just one sentence.

On this basis, Huang once again emphasized the "deep love and deep responsibility", allowing Wei Changying to stand on the moral level of pity and care for his two cousins regardless of past grudges!

—Although everyone knows that these two cousins are sorry for me, I don’t blame them at all! Not only was it not strange, but I even endured the sadness and saw the truth through their unjust actions, that is, they were all deceived and instigated by servants with ulterior motives!

If such a servant continues to stay with my cousin, sooner or later he will harm the two cousins, and indirectly take revenge for me. But as a sister who loves her sister and repays kindness with kindness, I will not do this! So now I'm dealing with these servants, it's definitely not to slap the two cousins in the face, it's definitely not revenge! It’s for their own good, and I love them so much that I do it for their own good! ! !

Regarding Wei Changying's decision, Huang smiled calmly and said: "My servant takes the order of the eldest lady!"

Note: This is the meaning of this chapter. There are absolutely no insinuations. All conjectures are declined. (To be continued)