Changying the Lady

Chapter 87: Good stone, really!


Wei Zhengya has been buried, Shen Zhou's uncle and nephew have bid farewell, but Fengzhou City has not been able to return to peace.

Because Situ Weiqi returned from leave.

Although the focus of Zhibentang has always been in the imperial capital, after all, it still belongs to the Fengzhou Wei family and has not been able to achieve the prestige of the Wei family in the imperial capital. The ancestral home of the Fengzhou Wei family is Fengzhou. No matter where their descendants are or how successful they are, their ancestral home can only be in Fengzhou. Even though there is a new ancestral hall in the imperial capital, how can we ignore the destruction of the ancestral hall in our ancestral home

In particular, the destruction of the ancestral hall this time was caused by arson by the Rong people.

If something went wrong, Wei Qi would quietly send his nephew back to take charge of the repairs, and then pay homage to the place. But this time it happened that the Rong people sneaked into Fengzhou and wreaked revenge on the Wei clan in Fengzhou - now the whole world knows that Wei Huan, the head of the Wei clan, accused the Rong people of the vicious acts in blood and tears in the memorial, and he knew that his ancestral hall was destroyed. It's listed in...well, the first one.

The Valve Master attaches so much importance to it, and Wei Qi hasn’t come back personally to take charge of the repairs, is he still a human being

Therefore, no matter whether Wei Qi was willing or not during this period, he could only cry out to the Holy Father to ask for leave, return home with his wife and children to repair the ancestral hall, and apologize to the ancestors who had been disturbed.

There are examples such as Song Han, Song Duan, and Wei Zhengya who were assassinated by "rong people". Wei Qi came back very cautiously. He took advantage of his authority as Yanzhou Xingtai and used the reason that the Liao City was being built as a temple. He specifically requested an edict from the Holy Emperor to allow him to transfer an army from Yanzhou, firstly, to escort him back to Fengzhou, and secondly, After Wei Qi arrives in Fengzhou, this army will go to the north of Fengzhou to search and resist the Rong people.

In this way, Wei Qi came back much later than Shen's uncle and nephew.

It was not until the day after Shen's uncle and nephew left Fengzhou that they entered Fengzhou in a dusty state.

The first thing after entering the city is, of course, to go back to the ancestral home immediately to apologize to the ancestors.

After receiving the news, Wei Huan had already led his people to wait outside Zhibentang's ancestral home.

Wei Qi had no choice but to get off the sedan chair to see the lord of the clan, and asked his descendants to come up one by one to see him. After all, Wei Huan was not only the lord of the clan, but also had the same seniority as Wei Qi. He personally waited outside Zhiben Hall to show his respect for the ancestral hall of Zhiben Hall. For taking the matter of damage seriously, due to emotion and reason, I know that this branch of the church must also be extremely grateful.

After some polite greetings, it was past noon.

It was impossible to send Wei Huan away after the ceremony, so Wei Qi could only continue to invite Wei Huan into the house for a chat.

Wei Qi almost vomited blood when describing this - because Wei Huan pointed out as soon as he sat down that after his personal investigation and investigation, the reason why Zhi Bentang's ancestral house was set on fire and destroyed by the Rong this time was because of lax defense and the second reason. The buildings around the ancestral hall are all made of wood and are easily destroyed by fire.

So he suggested that Wei Qi simply stop repairing and rebuild the entire ancestral hall when he comes back this time. Yes, use stone instead of wood! And it is a long bluestone that only comes out of the mountains.

Wei Huan even had two pieces carried and placed outside the current ancestral hall so that Wei Qi could visit them at will.

"Don't worry, Qingyue. The old man who made the stone has personally seen it. It's hard to leave traces on a fine steel sword when someone cuts it. It doesn't change its color when someone burns it." Wei Huan's eyebrows were dancing, as if he had gone through all kinds of hardships to solve the problem. After facing the big problem, he was relieved and said with great sincerity, "Even a strong man cannot lift a piece of bluestone without four or five people! It is definitely an excellent stone! If you use this kind of stone to build an ancestral hall, it will be foolproof!"

... There are no decent mountains in Fengzhou. According to Wei Huan, this kind of long bluestone must be harvested in other states and counties. Oh, the nearest one is the mountains in Qingzhou, which can take several days to reach at high speed. Qingzhou is the birthplace of the Su family, so it is indispensable to go and say hello to the Su family.

Regardless of the time it takes to go back and forth and negotiate with the Su family, this stone cannot leave even a trace when cut with a fine steel sword! It doesn't change color even after being burned - you can imagine how difficult it is to harvest!

Looking at transportation, a piece of bluestone is so heavy that it requires four or five strong men to lift it... many mules and horses are needed for this? !

Even if it is successfully transported to Fengzhou, how much manpower and material resources will be used to build it

As long as the money is paid off, neither Ruiyu Hall nor Zhiben Hall can afford to build an ancestral hall now. The problem is that Wei Qi is still holding the post of Situ. This time because Wei Qi has to repair the ancestral hall, Wei Qi is back. How can the rest of the hall not take leave together and accompany him

These people have more or less errands in the court. The affairs of the court cannot stop waiting just because a court official leaves. This means that if the Zhibentang people stay in Fengzhou for one more day, their mission in the imperial capital may be taken away or ignored, including Wei Qi.

Originally, the damage to the ancestral hall was not serious, just one corner was damaged. However, we found that there were ready-made wood in the ancestral house of the ancestral hall, and we could find a craftsman to repair it. It would take at most three to five days, and we didn't even need to bring out the memorial tablets inside.

As a result, now that Wei Huan has opened his mouth to rebuild, just moving those many tablets to other places and then demolishing the original ancestral hall cannot be done in three to five days!

After it was demolished, it had to be rebuilt with such terrifying bluestone...

Wei Qi silently swallowed a few mouthfuls of old blood, then forced a smile and said: "What the Valve Master said is absolutely true, but..."

He was interrupted before he finished speaking, and Wei Huan said with a clear face: "Don't worry, Qingyue, this time the soldiers sneaked into Fengzhou, it was all the fault of the governor in Shengnian! I had previously ordered him to submit a memorial to plead guilty. , I guess you have also seen the memorial... All in all, Zhibentang's ancestral temple was destroyed, and it is his fault in the prime of his life. The cost of the reconstruction, including the cutting and transportation of bluestones, will be borne by Ruiyutang!"

If the sect has to help pay for the construction of an ancestral temple, where is the reputation of the branch? In this way, let alone seizing the position of Shangzhu Kingdom, do you still have the nerve to plan to turn Zhibentang into the Imperial Guard in the future

And Wei Qi did not ignore that Wei Huan said that Rui Yu Tang was "responsible" rather than bear the cost! In other words, Ruiyu Hall will pick and transport it by itself, so it is Ruiyu Hall who has the final say on how long this ancestral temple will be built - Wei Huan has already stated in advance that the bluestone has to be collected far away, and it is very... Very, very difficult to pick...

Wei Qi immediately refused: "How can the ancestral temple ask the lord to bother when we know that we have little property?"

"Alas! I am ashamed to be the leader of the clan!" When Wei Huan heard this, his tears immediately fell down, and he began to express his heartache and anger at the destruction of Zhibentang's ancestral temple. In short, it seemed that Wei Qi did not agree to rebuild, and it was Use bluestone to rebuild the ancestral temple and he will not leave...

In the end, Wei Qi could only use his killing move, and he fell back, and his descendants rushed towards him one after another, shouting at the heavens and the earth. They said that he was too sad about the incident at the ancestral temple on the way, and he was tired from the journey, and now he has fainted from exhaustion and so on... Only then... Send Wei Huan away.

Wei Qi sent Wei Huan away by fainting this time, but Wei Huan came again the next day.

After working for four or five days, Wei Qi saw that the church was unwilling to accept the clan leader's suggestion that the news of building an ancestral temple that was not afraid of fire and not easily destroyed was about to spread. Wei Qi had no choice but to ask for a private discussion with Wei Huan. Ichiban.

After this conversation, although Wei Huan no longer enthusiastically recommended the long strip of bluestone from the distant mountains to Zhibentang, Wei Qi fell ill overnight... It was natural for him to become ill. After all, something happened to the ancestral temple, so sad! Traveling all the way, tired... Didn't you faint for the first time when you came back

-At Wei Qi's age, if this disease was more serious, he would have just reported to his old age.

"This old guy Wei Qi has retired and has lived in Fengzhou since then. Where are his descendants?" Mrs. Song asked slowly while sipping her tea.

Wei Huan said: "If he is willing to retire, he will naturally let his descendants go back."

"That's alright." Although Mrs. Song is a little dissatisfied, she knows that Zhiben Hall can open another hall outside of the original sect and survive for a hundred years. They have their own means. It is impossible to completely wipe out Zhiben Hall with the help of a reconstruction of the ancestral hall. , it would be good to be able to force Wei Qi to retire, so he asked, "What about the position of Situ?"

"I want Shangshu Daxingtai Wei Yu to take over." Wei Huan said thoughtfully, "Although this person is a bit more upright, he is from our Ruiyu Hall, and Shangshu Daxingtai is only one level lower than Situ. Wei Qi It's appropriate for him to be promoted after retirement."

Mrs. Song thought for a moment and said: "His descendants..."

"Although there are many children, they are all loyal." The meaning of loyalty can also be understood as honesty. An honest person, on the one hand, is not easy to have thoughts that shouldn't be born, and on the other hand, is incapable of giving birth to thoughts that shouldn't be born.

Mrs. Song nodded: "Changfeng is too young and knows that our sect is eyeing us. Our Ruiyu sect is weak and we can only support the side branches."

"The day before yesterday, Changfeng asked Wei Qing to go to the north of the state. I was going to agree, but now Wei Qi and the Yanzhou Army are going to the north of the state... I am a little worried." Wei Huan frowned, "After all, Mo Binwei has been taken over by Wei Xin. Yong encouraged him to go away. There are too few people in our clan who are good at military affairs. Among the young people, Wei Qing is the best. It would be bad if he is harmed by the Yanzhou army. Although our family is mainly literary, the world is uneven, so we still need to understand military strategy. Talented.”

Mrs. Song asked: "We can't let Wei Qi send the Yanzhou army back to Yanzhou?"

Wei Huan said: "He also made it clear that he doesn't trust us."

"Since he must deploy this Yanzhou army to Fengzhou, then he should tell the chief minister Wei Xinyong about it." Mrs. Song said without thinking, "Wei Xinyong took the post of Chaoyun County Chief Shi as an excuse. After leaving the imperial capital, Chaoyun County was a remote place in the southwest. I'm afraid Wei Qi didn't pay attention at all. The death of Wei Xinyong's father and sister was inseparable from Wei Qi's eldest son Wei Xinming, and Wei Qi also protected his eldest son...if it weren't for Wei Xinyong. Even when he was young, he had already been silenced!”

"If Wei Qi knows that the reason why Wei Xinyong left the imperial capital is to accumulate power to avenge his father and his son, and also to win over people like the real hero of the great victory of Zhoubei... Let's see if he still has the intention to put this Yanzhou army into Go north and make nails!”

Wei Huan pondered: "In this case, Wei Qi may even discuss with me how to deal with Wei Xinyong together..."

"If the price he offered is enough, it's not impossible." Mrs. Song sneered, "Last time Wei Xinyong was aware of the assassin's arrangement in advance, but did not inform us first. It was not because he wanted revenge, but he himself He was alone and weak, so he deliberately sat on the mountain and watched the fight between the tigers and waited until Chang Feng and Chang Ying were desperate before someone intervened to save them. This was to first make Chang Feng and Chang Ying directly owe him a favor, and secondly, Let’s make the feud between our family and Zhibentang even deeper!

"If it weren't for Changfeng being the only direct grandson, and we all have high hopes for him, without Changfeng, our Ruiyu Hall's momentum would have been greatly reduced. Wei Xinyong would definitely have taken action a little later, so that we could form a relationship with Zhiben Hall. Let’s kill Sun Daqiu! As for Chang Ying, he was also afraid that our family would be in decline over the years and it would be better to have an in-law like the Shen family, so he saved us! I will definitely sit back and watch one of them die, so that we can be like him and wish we could destroy this hall and then be quick!"

Mrs. Song said hatefully, "The most hateful thing is that he knew that our family was already recruiting Mo Binwei, but he still wanted to interfere with it! After rescuing Chang Feng and Chang Ying, he hid his identity and deliberately misled Chang Feng. , the people behind Chang Ying may not have any good intentions, so they forced Chang Feng to go to the hidden valley to see the next generation leader of Rui Yu Hall. What nonsense! If necessary, the other party can be sold at any time. How many years do you want this relationship to last

"Two direct grandchildren, he detained one and released the other. The one who was released has told the news, why don't we send all our manpower to the forest to search thoroughly?! In this way, the manpower to guard Mo Binwei will naturally be greatly reduced. , he took the opportunity, as a remnant of Fengqishan Bandit, to fabricate the ridiculous news that our family had planned to murder Mo Binwei if he was unwilling to take Chang Feng as his slave, and forced Mo Binwei to kill the guard guarding the door as a surrender. The reputation goes with it!"

"If this little thing hadn't been so cunning and plotting against Mo Binwei, how could Chang Ying have mistakenly thought that something unexpected would happen to Chang Feng after he left, pretended to be Chang Feng and left, so that his reputation would be ruined!" Mrs. Song said, He tugged at the veil bitterly and said, "Since the price offered by this church is enough, it is appropriate to sell him."

Wei Huan said calmly: "He is not from our Ruiyu Hall, so we can't expect him to think about Ruiyu Hall everywhere. Besides, there is nothing wrong with Mo Binwei being deceived by him. If it weren't for Mo Binwei, what would happen now Can Wei Xinyong make Wei Qi fearful? If Wei Qi doesn't fear him, all the Yanzhou army will plot against us!" (To be continued)