Chaotic Lightning Cultivation

Chapter 102: Big upset


The next moment, the individual sword lights separated by the Green Shadow Divine Sword surged to dozens of feet, and the number increased tenfold. The giant dragon formed by the wave of sword shadows was already almost dozens of feet thick, completely covering up the sword. Xiaopang's big iron clock is wrapped in it.

The sword light at this time can cut into the black iron more than half a foot deep with each strike. Thousands of sword shadows can cut off a thick layer in an instant. Moreover, the sword shadow not only slashed the iron bell, but also the surrounding land was not spared. The sharp sword energy ran wildly on the ground, causing dust and rocks to fly around. The little fat man in the iron clock also felt the ground shaking, as if he was not standing on the ground, but on a small boat bumping on the sea. He couldn't even hold the wine glass in his hand steadily.

Seeing this situation, Xiaopang was not worried at all. He just sneered and then enlarged the big iron bell. From three feet high, it withstood the attack of the green sword shadow dragon. It kept growing bigger and finally exploded. It reaches 30 feet high and exceeds ten feet in diameter. The whole thing is like a hill, standing upright on the grass, which is daunting.

When Mu Zirong saw this, he was immediately overjoyed. He thought that he had forced Xiaopang to deal with it with all his strength, so he attacked with all his strength. The green sword shadow was like a gap in the Milky Way, falling down into the sky, and it crazily hit that Big iron bell.

Under her desperate attack, countless black iron fragments fell down like rain, and the clanging sound was continuous and vibrated for miles.

As the black iron continued to fall, the size of the big iron bell finally began to become slightly smaller. Mu Zirong thought that he had gained a certain advantage, and while he continued to attack fiercely, he couldn't help but said proudly: "Damn fat man, can't you hold on anymore? Just wait, I will smash this broken bell in a moment, and then You chop it into pieces!”

"Haha, really?" After hearing this, Xiaopang couldn't help but laugh loudly: "Then I would like to congratulate Senior Sister again and congratulate Senior Sister. Let me tell you the truth, after your unremitting efforts, you have made this iron The bell has lost one-tenth of its thickness. As long as you continue to persist for half an hour, 80% of it will be broken. Haha, I look forward to your visit!"

After hearing this, Mu Zirong was immediately stunned! You must know that after taking the Yuanyuan Dan, the vitality can only be converted into spiritual energy within a short period of time. This process will not last for more than a quarter of an hour, and this temporary transformation of spiritual energy is irrecoverable. You can use as much as you need. How long it would take to disappear, according to Mu Zirong's current crazy appearance, let alone half an hour, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to hold on for even half an hour. How can we fight this

Seeing that she had risked everything, even taking the Yuan-stimulating Pill, but could not win, all kinds of emotions of despair, loss, pain, and resentment all came up, and she was in a daze for a moment, unable to control those things that were beyond her own strength. The spiritual energy soared so much that the huge spiritual energy generated by the Yuan Yuan Pill was like a wild horse running wild in her meridians.

This situation is commonly known as obsession. You must know that Mu Zirong is just an innate monk. Her meridians can only hold her own spiritual energy. It doesn't matter if she has a little more occasionally. However, if the spiritual energy surges to the level of a foundation-building monk, it will easily have an impact, especially if it is not restrained. At that time, her meridians were severely damaged by the flowing spiritual energy.

Mu Zirong suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood in the air, then passed out and fell down like a green onion. At that time, she was floating dozens of feet in the air. If she fell to the ground, she would die or suffer broken bones!

Seeing this scene, the referee at Jindanqi was so frightened that he didn't dare to let Mu Zirong have any shortcomings. He hurriedly caught it, and then activated his spiritual energy to help her suppress the raging spiritual energy. Under the powerful cultivation of the Jindan cultivator, the spiritual energy flowing in Mu Zirong's body finally stopped and gradually dissipated. This allowed Mu Zirong to temporarily overcome the risk of death. However, her meridians were still affected to a certain extent, and the consequences of the Yuan-stimulating Pill became more serious. I am afraid that she will need to be raised for at least ten years to be able to heal. recover.

Xiaopang saw the whole situation clearly through his spiritual consciousness. Mu Zirong was almost furious when he saw his words. He felt relieved at the same time, but also a little worried. This time he was Not passed.

After putting away the big iron bell, he quietly watched the golden elixir monk heal Mu Zirong. With great difficulty, the Golden elixir monk rescued Mu Zirong. After she woke up, she quickly realized the situation in front of her, but surprisingly she didn't make a fuss. She just stared at the little fat man with extremely cold eyes, and then said viciously: "Damn fat man, my aunt, today Admit defeat, but don't be proud, we will still have fun in the future, and my aunt will never be done with you in this life!" After saying that, she closed her eyes and ignored Xiaopang again.

Seeing this, the Jindan cultivator could only give a bitter smile and then said to Xiaopang: "Song Zhong, I would like to congratulate you for successfully advancing and becoming the first in the group!"

Xiaopang heard something in the other person's words and hurriedly asked, "Then what?"

"Then I advise you to prepare for the funeral as soon as possible! You are dead!" After saying this, the Jindan monk didn't even wait for the fat man to reply, and flew away with Mu Zirong, who could not move, in his arms.

Seeing the two people disappearing into the sky, Xiaopang couldn't help but sneer and said: "Hey, what the hell? You bastard who can't afford to lose! I haven't asked you to fulfill your promise to be my slave, and you still dare to threaten me. Me! For the sake of you being a woman, this Taoist master will not care about this matter with you now. However, if you dare to cause trouble to me in the future, I will ask you to pay back the principal with interest!" After that, Xiao Fatty also drove away with his flying sword.

The little fat man won happily and walked away happily, waving his hands without taking away a single cloud. But he didn't expect how much trouble he would cause this time!

Is Mu Zirong an ordinary person? Those are seeded players, inner elites, and ranked among the top three!

Before the competition, almost everyone had a relatively reliable consensus on the outcome. That is the seeded players. Most of them will advance. If there is an accident, the next few may be squeezed out. But for the top five, it is almost impossible for accidents to happen.

Miss Shui Jing in the first group is recognized as the number one among the younger generation, far ahead of her peers, almost invincible and impossible to defeat.

The second to fourth groups are all the children of the inner sect elders, and each of them has a powerful magic weapon. In the innate realm, when even foundation-building monks can only use magic weapons, their magic weapons will undoubtedly become a guarantee of victory. With their magic weapons, they can compete with ordinary foundation-building monks without falling behind. How can they not be able to defeat the disciples from the outer sect

As for Hong Ying in the fifth group, without a good magic weapon, he can compete with the elites of the inner sect who have magic weapons. His strength is so strong that he is fully qualified to look down on his peers. At the same time, she is the precious daughter of the head couple. With this strong relationship, almost no one would dare to win against her.

Therefore, these five people are all the favorites to advance. This is the consensus reached by everyone in Xuantian Villa. However, under this almost certain situation, Mu Zirong, who was ranked third, was eliminated by someone in the second round. You can imagine what a huge upset this was!