Chaotic Lightning Cultivation

Chapter 571: Innate purple jade


After listening to Lie Yangzi's words, Song Zhong was also moved in his heart. It has been almost a year since he came to the Immortal Realm. He has been busy in the Donghuang Realm all day and has almost no contact with outsiders. Now he has this opportunity, then But I really can’t let it go.

At this time, the fairy-level competition is still in progress. Those who have a winner will leave the game and be replaced by others to continue. If there is no winner, they need to keep fighting. According to the Immortal's endurance, it is not uncommon for the fight to last for days and nights when the opponent is evenly matched. This is why this selection meeting takes several months.

Song Zhong then thought that although the previous competition was good, the level was slightly lower after all and was not as good as the later competition between the True Immortal and the Golden Immortal. Instead of wasting time at that time looking at the things sold by those Immortals, he might have gone earlier. You can still get some good stuff.

Just when Song Zhong thought of this, Xiaoxue and Xiaocha happened to be waving to him down there, obviously something was up. Song Zhong then said hello to Lie Yangzi and flew down.

Seeing Song Zhong coming, Xiaocha immediately ran over, took Song Zhong's hand and said: "There are many immortals selling things there, let's go and take a look!"

"Yes, yes, let's go and see it together!" Xiaoxue also laughed.

As soon as Song Zhong saw the ambiguous smiles of these two people, he immediately understood their plans, so he couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "You two guys are obviously interested in my pocket, right?"

"Hehe!" When the two little girls saw that their plot was discovered, they no longer tried to hide it. Xiaoxue smiled and said: "When you invite a girl to go shopping, shouldn't you show some sincerity?"

Xiaocha also joined in the fun and said, "Don't be so stingy? You are already the Lord of the Realm!"

Song Zhong didn't care about this anyway, and besides, he had to go, so he just waved his hand and said, "Forget it, forget it, let's go together!"

"Yeah, you're so kind!" Xiaoxue and Xiaocha cheered immediately, and then each hugged Song Zhong's arm.

Not to mention, Song Zhong felt really good being in close contact with two soft things. Of course, he didn't dare to show off his squinting look, but he took the two of them seriously and flew up, bypassing the competition venue, and went straight to the place where the immortals gathered.

Song Zhong arrived at the distance of several thousand miles in just a short flight. After arriving here, Song Zhongcai was surprised to find that there were quite a lot of people here. When you were far away, it looked like nothing. But when you got closer, you were shocked. There must be at least 100,000 people here.

Fortunately, immortals are not as crowded as mortals, so there will not be a huge crowd.

Immortals are also very particular about setting up stalls here. They cannot just lay down a layer of cloth and just put things on top. That would be too disrespectful.

Generally speaking, they will first cast a spell to raise a platform several acres in radius and dozens of feet high on the ground out of thin air. This is their territory. Then put the table on the table and put your things neatly. At the same time, he also needs to write some introductions to the items on the side of the high platform, and sometimes also writes the things he wants to purchase. People who come to buy things will look at each other next to each other, which is very convenient.

Even though there is no one to manage or organize, the immortals are very self-disciplined. There was no shouting or shouting, nor did he deliberately make his stage extra big or high.

In fact, the height of the table is regulated. The height depends on the strength of the stall owner. The Golden Immortal is the highest, followed by the True Immortal, and finally the Heavenly Immortal and Earth Immortal. Everyone has a clear hierarchy and is divided into different areas according to their strength, showing extremely good qualities.

Song Zhong took a general look and found that there were tens of thousands of high platforms for selling things here. The Earth Immortals were the most numerous, most of them were them, the Golden Immortals were the least, there were only a few hundred, and as for the Daluo Golden Immortals, there was none. .

Generally speaking, immortals of any strength will go to a high platform to see things. Only items of the same level are more suitable for them. Items that are too low will not be appreciated, and items that are too high will not be used. It is all a waste.

However, for Xiaoxue and Xiaocha, who just wanted to watch the fun, they didn't care about that. Xiaocha's strength is a tragedy. After Song Zhong's pressure, he could barely reach the level of Nascent Soul.

To put it bluntly, many children born by high-level immortals have higher immortal energy in their bodies as soon as they are born than Xiaocha, who has been practicing for hundreds of years! In other words, Xiaocha's strength in the fairy world is simply at the bottom and can no longer be at the bottom. Anyway, Song Zhong has completely given up on her!

As for Xiaoxue, Song Zhong looked at her as being at the level of a heavenly being. However, Song Zhong always felt that this little girl had something to hide. But he couldn't see any flaws. Anyway, it just gave people a vague feeling, like being in a fog.

Of these two little girls, one is a complete waste and the other is a little angel. Normally, they are nothing here, but they are extremely arrogant. Xiaocha was spoiled by Song Zhong and wanted the best in everything, so she just dragged Song Zhong to Jinxian's stage.

Xiaoxue seemed to disdain low-level items, so she tried her best to pull Song Zhong to fly to the highest platform.

Song Zhong had no choice but to follow. Fortunately, Song Zhong's strength was there, and the stall owners didn't give them a bad look. However, immortals are very arrogant, and they do not treat guests as hospitably as mortal shopkeepers. On the contrary, their attitude towards guests is completely indifferent. One by one, they were either sipping tea by themselves, or meditating with their eyes closed, letting others come and go.

Their products have prices marked on them. Some can be purchased with white jade or purple jade, while others need to be exchanged for other items. If you want to buy something, you can just put down the money and take it away. If you are short of money, you can also say it. Generally, people won’t care too much about things that are not very expensive, but don’t bargain. That will make people look down upon you, and even directly Drive away.

Although it was Song Zhong's first time to come to such a place, he had already learned the rules here from Ling Xiaozi, so he would not make a fool of himself.

But Xiaoxue and Xiaocha were different. They were chattering and curious about anything good they saw. Xiaocha didn't understand it at all, but Xiaoxue was different, she understood everything. Whenever Xiaocha was interested in something, she would immediately tell her its advantages, disadvantages and uses, as if it were a treasure trove.

Even the arrogant fairy stall owners couldn't help but glance sideways and express appreciation, obviously agreeing with Xiaoxue's pertinent comments. Most immortals are very upright. They are not afraid of you saying that their things are bad. As long as what you say is reasonable and insightful, they will feel very happy.

And Xiaoxue's extraordinary knowledge made Song Zhong, who was watching secretly, couldn't help but be surprised, thinking, "Do the people of the Asura tribe have such great knowledge?" '

In fact, what Song Zhong didn't know was that when he was observing Xiaoxue, that Xiaoxue was also secretly observing him, and he came to a conclusion that was even more surprising than Song Zhong.

Because in the series of reviews just now, Xiaoxue clearly highlighted several very good artifacts and materials. They are all rare and exquisite products, and the prices are also very reasonable. With the financial resources shown by Song Zhong, he can definitely afford it. After all, Xiaoxue lives in Zichen Palace. Even she is a little surprised by the luxurious decoration inside. People who can live in such a place cannot be poor!

But what surprised Xiaoxue was that although Song Zhong clearly heard Xiaoxue's hint, he had no desire to buy it at all. What does this mean? This can only mean that Song Zhong despises those things

Xiaoxue really couldn't understand how rich Song Zhong was, and why he didn't even bother with such a good thing

In fact, Xiaoxue guessed right. Song Zhong did disdain those fairy weapons and materials. The most powerful of those immortal weapons are only the third grade. Now Song Zhong can injure or even break them with a full blow, making them useless.

As for those materials, they were all Zhu Rongtian's specialty ores. When Song Zhong decomposed them, he didn't know how much he got out. He couldn't use it himself, so why would he spend money to buy it

Therefore, these things that are considered good in Xiaoxue's eyes are nothing at all in the eyes of Song Zhong and even Xiaocha.

After visiting dozens of stalls, Xiaoxue finally understood that these two guys were both very discerning and had no regard for ordinary things, so she wisely chose to deal with it and stopped looking carefully. explained.

After wandering around dozens of stalls, Xiaocha finally saw a very beautiful piece of purple jade. This piece of purple jade is about the size of a walnut and has obviously been refined. It is covered with a layer of faint fairy mist, making it look extremely dreamy and simply beautiful.

Xiaocha fell in love at first sight and hurriedly asked Xiaoxue, "Sister Xiaoxue, what is this? It's so beautiful!"

"Oh, this is a rare thing!" Xiaoxue said with a slight surprise: "If I guessed correctly, it should be an immortal weapon refined from the essence of innate purple jade!"

"An immortal weapon made from the essence of innate purple jade?" Xiao Cha asked hurriedly, "Then what is its use? What grade is it?"

"Innate Purple Jade Essence refers to the natural purple fairy jade. It is purer than the artificial purple jade we usually use. What is particularly rare is that it is close to nature and has a special activity that is easily absorbed by people and increases mana. If I read it correctly, the function of this magical weapon is to allow the person wearing it to automatically enhance their magic power, which is equivalent to continuous practice." Xiaoxue then shrugged and said: "Because the innate purple jade essence is extremely rare, and The immortal power contained in it is extremely majestic, so from this perspective, this immortal weapon can be regarded as a fifth-grade artifact!"

When Xiaocha heard this, he immediately asked in surprise, "You mean, after wearing it, you don't need to practice and can increase your magic power?"

"Yes, and the rate of increase is not slow!" Xiaoxue nodded.

"Oh, such a good thing, how can you say it's useless?" Xiaocha immediately said anxiously.

"Although it sounds good, in fact this thing is not very useful. The magic power of the immortal must be cultivated by oneself to be stable. If you blindly expand the magic power, and the realm does not keep up, you may become a useless person, so unless you have to, At that time, no one would directly absorb the immortal power in it." Xiaoxue couldn't help but smile bitterly: "So it is just garbage!"

"No, no, I don't think it's garbage!" Xiaocha immediately hugged Song Zhong's waist and begged: "I want it, I want it! As long as I have this thing, I won't have to be bothered by you in the future. Forced to practice!"

After hearing this, Xiaoxue and Song Zhong suddenly had cold sweat on their foreheads. I couldn't help cursing secretly in my heart, 'This damn girl is so lazy! '

In Xiaoxue's opinion, a fifth-grade immortal weapon was extremely valuable, and no one would spend so much money on a piece of junk for no reason. So she looked at Song Zhong with a smile, wanting to see how he would refuse Xiaocha.

However, what surprised Xiaoxue was that after Song Zhong thought for a moment, he nodded helplessly and said, "Okay, okay, just buy it!"

When Xiaoxue heard this, she almost fainted. She couldn't help but exclaimed: "Are you crazy? Do you know how much the fifth product is worth? Buying such a useless thing with so much money? Are you a money man? There’s so much and there’s nowhere to spend it!”

In fact, it's no wonder Xiaoxue was surprised, because the value of the fifth-grade immortal weapon was too high. And this thing is really terrible. If we really compare it with practicality, it can't even compare to a level one or two fairy weapon. It's just rubbish among rubbish.

But she didn't know that Song Zhong had other plans. In his opinion, this thing may be of no use to others, but to Xiaocha, it is a god-given thing.

Because the biggest difference between Xiao Cha and others is that she never has to worry about her own state. The state transformed by Enlightenment Cha is probably no worse than Song Zhong, the golden immortal. Her only problem is the lack of magic power. So as long as this thing can make up for Xiaocha's shortcomings, it will be enough to produce a powerful immortal. This can be regarded as letting Song Zhong let go of his worries.

Of course, Song Zhong would not explain these words to Xiaoxue. He just smiled at Xiaoxue, then looked down at the piece of innate purple jade essence, and found that there was no price marked on it, so he clasped his fists with both hands and said to that person The stall owner said: "This Taoist brother, I want your innate purple jade essence, but I don't know why there is no price tag?"

The stall owner was a kind old man who was meditating with his eyes closed. Hearing Song Zhong's question, he couldn't help but said in surprise: "Do you really want that thing? You know, what the little girl just said is absolutely correct. , that’s a rather useless fairy weapon!”

"I understand, but I have other uses for it, so I want to buy it!" Song Zhong said calmly.