Chaotic Lightning Cultivation

Chapter 573: Animal skin scroll


For some reason, Song Zhong fell in love with this stone tablet as soon as he saw it. He felt that he and this stone tablet were destined, so he put it away without saying a word, and then waved his hand and said: "Okay. Let’s settle things!”

The old stall owner was overjoyed when he heard this. But Lie Yangzi frowned and said, "Brother, do you know this thing?"

"I don't know him, but I just like him!" Song Zhong said with a smile.

When Lie Yangzi heard this, he almost fainted. He then said angrily: "Just because you like it, you spend 30,000 purple jade to buy it? You, you have suffered a big loss!"

"Haha, it doesn't matter, maybe if you suffer a loss, you will take advantage!" Song Zhong said with a smile.

When Lie Yangzi heard this, he was immediately speechless. Seeing this, Song Zhong smiled and took him to wander elsewhere.

Everyone walked around, visiting the high platform of Jinxian, and then strolled to the high platform of Tianxian to see if they could find something missing. So this journey took almost three to five days.

Not to mention, there was indeed a good thing, which was put on a stall by a guy who didn't know the goods, and was even discovered by Lie Yangzi.

This thing is called Caiyun Stone. It is shiny and beautiful. It is a very rare high-grade material with all attributes. As a result, the stall owner mistakenly thought it was a piece of multicolored stone of mixed quality, and the multicolored stone was just a relatively low-level weapon-making material. Although the two are very similar, if you look closely, you can still tell the subtle differences.

However, this requires not only extremely high vision, but most importantly, rich knowledge. It is not easy to distinguish ordinary immortals.

After Lie Yangzi found out, he threw down the corresponding white jade and took the thing away without saying a word.

After he had gone far away, he proudly showed off to Song Zhong. In fact, Song Zhong and Xiaoxue also saw this thing, but they gave in to Lie Yangzi and did not take action.

With this piece of colorful cloud stone, Lieyangzi's mood suddenly improved. He chatted and laughed with Song Zhong, and wandered around for a day or two. He really couldn't find anything good, so he returned to the high platform again. After all, this kind of picking up leaks depends entirely on luck. Lieyangzi has participated in many such events in the past and has only picked up leaks two or three times. It can be seen that this time, his luck also broke out.

After returning to the high platform, Lie Yangzi proudly told Lord Liehuo what he had missed. Zhenjun smiled and praised a few words, and then asked about Song Zhong's situation. When he learned that Song Zhong spent a lot of money to buy a piece of innate purple jade essence, his heart moved slightly, and he glanced at Xiaocha secretly, and then said no more. explain.

After Song Zhong, Xiaoxue and Xiaocha said goodbye, they sat back in their chairs and continued to watch the competition.

After these days of competition, many people have been eliminated, and the remaining ones are the essence of the immortal level. Each battle is very intense and takes a lot of time. Of course, there are also many players who are deliberately cautious because they are afraid of exposing their flaws. This kind of competition is a bit boring.

After watching it for a day or two, the exciting ones are over, but the boring ones continue. Song Zhong was a little tired of it, so he took out the animal skin picture scroll he bought and slowly began to appreciate it.

As a result, Song Zhong saw that it didn't matter, and he quickly became fascinated. At the same time, he also had a new understanding of the Donghuang Realm that belonged to him.

It turns out that in ancient times, the owners of the thirty-third outer heaven in the immortal world were not immortals, but various demon clans. Among them are the four major mythical beasts such as Qinglong, White Tiger, Xuanwu and Suzaku, as well as auspicious beasts such as Qilin and Phoenix, as well as countless other powerful monsters.

At that time, the demon clan was relatively united and fell under the rule of the four giants. These four giants are Zhulong, the ancestor of the dragon clan in the world, Our Lady of Yaochi, the leader of all birds in the world, and the two demon emperors who rule the great demons in the world, namely the East Emperor Taiyi and the West Emperor Jun.

At that time, the demon clan was the master of the fairy world and was in charge of almost all the realms. They had to stand aside in all the Western Buddhist realm and the Asura Demon realm.

There is no way, the demon clan is born with amazing powers, and there are so many that there are so many masters, and the four leaders are more powerful than each other, they are simply an invincible perverted force!

But later, there was a turning point. That is when human immortals began to multiply in the immortal world. At that time, they were still very weak and attached to the name of Di Jun.

But human beings are smart and know that they are weak, so they presented two beauties to Di Jun. They are the famous Xihe and Chang Xi. They gave birth to a lot of children for Emperor Jun. Relying on this merit, coupled with their amazing talents and beauty, and their loyalty to Emperor Jun, they eventually became his two queens.

Human immortals followed the rising tide and established a firm foothold in the immortal world. However, this situation aroused Zhulong's dissatisfaction. He believed that the demon clan was noble and powerful, but Di Jun married a weak human being, which was a kind of blasphemy against the blood of the demon clan.

Although Zhulong was dissatisfied, he couldn't do anything to Di Jun, who was also a giant of the demon clan. After all, he couldn't fight over such a trivial matter. However, this does not prevent Zhulong from venting his anger on humans.

With his deliberate connivance, the dragon clan began to massacre human immortals. The tragic situation of their kind made Di Jun's two human queens extremely sad, and it also aroused Di Jun's dissatisfaction. You know clearly that my wife is a human, but you still kill them. Isn't this a slap in my face

As a result, Emperor Jun sent troops to protect humans and openly confronted Zhulong. The relationship between the two giants of the demon clan has become tense.

At this time, the other two giants came forward to express their stance. Although they had a calm attitude, their words were biased towards Di Jun. Because Zhulong is too domineering, relying on his own strength, he often ridicules other giants regardless of the occasion to show his strength. This has long caused dissatisfaction among others. Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun are close friends in life and death, so they naturally help him at this time.

Zhulong is a tyrannical being that existed when Pangu created the world. He controls innate fire and innate water in his hands. He is known as the source of water and fire in the world, and is the strongest power of water and fire in the world. So in terms of combat power alone, he is the well-deserved number one among the four giants.

And this also developed his domineering personality. Relying on strength and tyranny, Zhulong is used to running rampant. How can he be suppressed by people uniting together? So in a fit of anger, he turned against the three of them and formally broke up, forming a one-on-three confrontation.

Of course, even though they broke up, the two sides would not start fighting right away. However, the cracks have already appeared, and they will only gradually widen. As many things happened later, the rift between the two parties eventually became irreparable. As a result, the demon clan's civil war broke out.

Although Zhulong is the most powerful among the four giants, it is a pity that he is not the enemy of the other three together. In the end, after severely injuring Donghuang Taiyi and Xihuanghuang Jun, they were brutally killed by three people, and their bodies were refined into a super powerful treasure, the Zhulong Lantern. This thing uses innate water as lamp oil and innate fire as fireworks. It is really powerful.

In fact, Di Jun and the others originally just wanted to teach Zhulong a lesson, but after the fight, both sides got really angry, and they unknowingly made a heavy move. Especially after being seriously injured, he couldn't care about anything else, so it became a battle of life and death.

However, the death of Zhulong is not the end of the demon clan's civil war. On the contrary, it is the beginning of the full-scale civil war among the demon clan.

Because Zhulong is the ancestor of the dragon clan in the world, the dragon clan at that time was really powerful to everyone. From five-clawed golden dragons, to fire dragons, blue dragons, sea dragons, to earth dragons, there are hundreds of varieties, each with several to hundreds of tribes.

The Dragon Clan, which was extremely talented in itself, had such a huge population base and created a very abnormal tribe with countless strong dragons in it. There are even some who have come from behind, and their strength is not much worse than that of Zhulong!

These guys didn't have much interest in fighting and killing, so when Zhulong went to war with the other three tribes, only some of them came back, and most of them were still wandering outside or sleeping in the mountains. They thought it was just a small fight and there was no big problem.

But who would have thought that Zhulong, the ancestor of the dragon clan in the world, died in the battle? Now those hidden dragon clan strongmen stopped working. My father was killed, can I still sleep as a son

So, the dragon clan from all over the world gathered together and launched waves of attacks against Donghuang Taiyi, Dijun and the Holy Mother of Yaochi. These guys also know that fighting alone is no match, and this is a battle of revenge. No one cares about fame and fortune. Zhulong was also besieged to death anyway.

Therefore, in order to take revenge, these powerful dragons would do anything and use all kinds of despicable methods. The first one found Donghuang Taiyi, who was still recovering from his injuries, and took advantage of his illness to kill him. Millions of dragon troops carried out the most intense sneak attack, almost breaking even Donghuangtian! Donghuang Taiyi was also besieged and killed by the powerful dragon clan.

After Di Jun and others suffered a big loss, they were no longer polite, and the two sides started a fierce battle that lasted for hundreds of thousands of years. The tragedy of this battle is simply indescribable. Even Emperor Jun died in it, and the Dragon Clan lost 90% of its members. The same is true for other demon clans.

After the fight, they were suddenly shocked to find that the strength of the demon clan had suddenly dropped to the freezing point, while the human immortals had become the strongest existence in the thirty-three days by relying on their powerful reproductive abilities.