Chaotic Lightning Cultivation

Chapter 574: Shocking discovery


This time, the demon race panicked and the human race rejoiced. Under the mediation of the only remaining leader of the demon clan, Our Lady of Yaochi, many demon clans finally stopped their civil war and avoided the fate of complete annihilation. But the rise of human immortals is inevitable, and many of them, who were once bullied by monsters, began to kill those monsters.

Under this situation, Our Lady of Yaochi made a decision that broke the hearts of all the demon clan, that is, she married Shaohao, one of the five most powerful men in mankind at that time, who was later the Jade Emperor. The Holy Mother of Yaochi was later called the Queen Mother of the West.

You know, Shaohao is the son of Emperor Jun and a human woman. In terms of seniority, he is better than the Holy Mother of Yaochi. Although the immortals have a long life span and don't care much about this, for the Holy Mother of Yaochi. This is definitely a stain too. But in order to prevent the demon clan from becoming extinct, she had no choice but to humiliate herself, which can be said to be a great sacrifice.

The sacrifice of Our Lady of Yaochi was not in vain in the end. After she got married, she resolved the grievances between the demon clan and the human immortals. And took advantage of the situation to help Shaohao re-establish the order of the immortal world, forming a situation where the five heavenly emperors jointly control the immortal world, and it has been maintained smoothly until now.

Of course, not all monsters are willing to compromise with humans. There are still some strong dragons who are unwilling to reconcile and insist on avenging Zhulong. They have been fighting until now. The Sea Dragon clan, which dominates the sea and the sky, is the best example. Even if they were beaten and lost all their land territory, they still insisted on fighting against humans at sea, forcing the heaven to send Emperor Gou Chen to lead his army to resist. They are constantly harassed by dragon soldiers from all over the world. The two sides are still fighting non-stop until now. A large number of heavenly soldiers and generals are fighting to death at the seaside every moment. It can be said to be extremely tragic!

After reading this, Song Zhong had a general understanding of some situations in ancient times, but this was not what surprised him. What surprised Song Zhong was that the animal skin scroll recorded the various powerful powers of the ancient gods and their proud treasures.

Among them, the treasure used by the Heavenly Emperor Donghuang Taiyi was an innate supreme artifact called the Chaos Bell!

According to what Song Zhong has inquired about over the past few months, the most powerful treasures in the immortal world are all made from innate objects. The so-called innate objects refer to the spiritual objects that existed in the chaotic universe before the creation of the world. They all contain the mystery of heaven and have great power. After being refined into treasures, they are so powerful that they can absolutely destroy the world!

It's just that innate spiritual objects were extremely rare even in the chaotic period. After Pangu created the world and separated the immortal world and the mortal world, they could no longer be born and became a dead ring. So this kind of thing is very rare. Moreover, it cannot be refined by ordinary immortals. Even the Hunyuan Golden Immortal does not have the ability to refine treasures with innate spiritual objects. At the very least, it requires the help of the Emperor of Heaven.

This kind of innate treasure is divided into three levels according to the level of the refiner. The lowest level is refined by the Emperor of Heaven and is called the emperor-level treasure. The second one is refined by several super powerful saints and is called the emperor-level treasure. The Infinite Sacred Artifact is finally a treasure refined by Ancestor Hongjun who became the Dao of Heaven. It is called the Supreme Artifact!

Among them, the number of supreme artifacts is limited, only a few, and there are only dozens of infinite sacred artifacts. Although there are hundreds of emperor-level treasures, most of them are in the hands of the Emperor of Heaven, and very few of them end up in the Hunyuan Gold. Immortal hand. If any Hunyuan Golden Immortal could possess an emperor-level treasure, then he would definitely be a perverted existence that was extremely arrogant.

As recorded in the animal skin scroll, the Chaos Bell controlled by Donghuang Taiyi is the supreme artifact!

The reason why Song Zhong was shocked by this thing was because there was an illustration on the animal skin scroll, which showed Taiyi Donghuang holding the Chaos Clock. When Song Zhong looked at it this way, why did he feel that the Chaos Bell was exactly the same as his natal magic weapon, the big bronze bell.

Whether it is the momentum, the shape, or the extremely exquisite reliefs on it, there is not even the slightest difference.

The animal skin scroll even records several simple and magical functions of the Chaos Bell, including sound attack, summoning various monsters, heavenly soldiers, etc. These functions are exactly the same as those of Song Zhong's big bronze bell!

If there is any difference between the two, it would be that Song Zhong's big bronze bell is still less powerful and not as terrifying as the animal skin scroll says. It is recorded above that when the Chaos Bell is in the hands of Donghuang Taiyi, he can call out thousands of Hunyuan Golden Immortal-level monsters with a wave of his hand. Once the bell rings, the Golden Immortal City within millions of miles will be To lose one's soul.

Of course, this may also have something to do with Song Zhong's strength. After all, no matter how good the treasure is, it still needs an immortal to use it to fully exert its power.

This result surprised and delighted Song Zhong. Naturally, he was happy because he might have accidentally obtained a real supreme artifact, the Chaos Clock, but he was shocked because he was afraid that this was just a coincidence. If his happiness was in vain, it would be great fun.

In fact, if Song Zhong really wanted to identify it, it would be very simple. He could identify it with Lord Liehuo or Lord Huodexing, and he would be able to figure it out in 80% chance. But the problem is, Song Zhong doesn’t have the courage

What is the supreme artifact? A treasure that even the five heavenly emperors don’t have! Among the four leaders of the Monster Clan back then, only Donghuang Taiyi was so lucky that he obtained this Chaos Bell, thus firmly establishing himself as the giant of the Monster Clan. Without the Chaos Clock, Donghuang Taiyi would definitely be the weakest among the four giants. And after having this thing, even if Zhulong is so arrogant, he doesn't dare to provoke him.

If this thing suddenly appeared on a golden immortal, no need to ask, it would definitely cause an uproar. By then, Song Zhong might not even be able to save his life! Even the Chaos Giant Spirit Clan will certainly not be able to stop the greed of many super powerful immortals and demons from all walks of life.

As a person who came up from the next level of fighting, Song Zhong knows the dangers of human nature better than anyone else. The saying that ordinary people are not guilty and only bear the blame is true. This principle is applicable everywhere.

After thinking of this, Song Zhong secretly wiped a cold sweat, and couldn't help but feel happy in his heart, "Fortunately, I read this animal skin picture scroll at this time. If I hadn't read it, I would still be in a state of ignorance. In the martial arts competition later, As soon as the big bronze bell was revealed, the surrounding experts recognized its origin. Hey, I'm afraid my life may not be saved! '

While Song Zhong was secretly glad, he also made up his mind. Regardless of whether the big bronze bell was a Chaos Bell or not, in short, it could no longer be used until it was clear. Fortunately, I had only shown this thing in front of some low-level immortals before. The Chaos Clock is something that disappeared millions of years ago in the fairy world. No one would have thought that it would appear in the lower world, so there is no need to worry about being exposed for the time being, but you have to be careful in the future.

At this time, Song Zhong immediately became worried again, thinking that the only treasure he could get his hands on was a big bronze bell. If he couldn't use it in the competition, then he would have to do it with bare hands! But in this way, can he beat the proud disciple of Lord Tiantian? If he loses, Lord Agni Fire will have to lose all the people he eats to Lord Split Heaven, right? How could I do such a thing? That's so sorry!

After thinking of this, Song Zhong suddenly became anxious, like an ant on a hot pot, not knowing what to do. He even regretted coming to this so-called martial arts competition. Isn't this causing trouble for himself

In desperation, Song Zhong had no choice but to search in his natal space, intending to pick out an emergency item from a pile of treasures. But he looked around and couldn't find the right one.

Immortals at the Golden Immortal level usually use fourth-, fifth-, or even sixth-grade immortal weapons, and the best ones Song Zhong has in hand are third-grade immortal weapons. Although it may seem that the difference is not much, in fact it is a world of difference. A third-grade immortal weapon will suffer heavy damage if it is fought head-on with someone else's fifth-grade immortal weapon, and it will be destroyed if it is used a few more times. Although Song Zhong is rich, he can't waste the immortal weapon in vain

Just when Song Zhong was depressed, his eyes suddenly glanced at the big stone tablet he just bought! I don't know the grade of this thing, I don't know if it is public, but Song Zhong can clearly feel that it seems to be very strong. Because after Song Zhong got it, he squeezed it with all his strength. With the terrifying power of his Chaos Giant Spirit Clan, he could even crush a second or third-grade fairy weapon, but he couldn't do anything about this stone tablet, which shows that its hardness is definitely not good. Low.

Song Zhong suddenly became interested, so he used a blind trick to leave an illusion outside to replace himself, but his real body entered his natal space. He was punched and kicked against the big stone tablet. Song Zhong's hands and feet were sore from the impact of the big stone tablet, but nothing happened to him.

Now Song Zhong was finally sure that the quality of this thing was definitely not low, otherwise it would not be able to withstand his full attack. No wonder the stall owner was a little reluctant when he used it to pay off twenty or thirty thousand purple jade! There is indeed something extraordinary about this thing.

So Song Zhong was happy. He directly showed his prototype, a giant of 180 feet, picked up the big stone tablet, weighed it, and waved a few more movements. It feels really good, it fits perfectly in the hand, just like a brick, and it is very convenient to take pictures of people.

So Song Zhongju decided that from now on, his main weapon would be this big brick!

After taking care of the guy who took advantage of him, Song Zhong came out again and continued to watch the martial arts competition with everyone.

Before I knew it, more than a month had passed. Finally it was the turn of the Golden Immortal-level immortal to appear. In the previous competition, all the immortals and real immortals performed well, which made the onlookers very addicted to watch. Many immortals sit there for more than a month and never leave for a moment. Fortunately, we are all immortals. If we were mortals, we would be exhausted. But for immortals, this is a piece of cake.

There are volcanic lava everywhere in Zhu Rongtian, and the sun in the sky is scorching and almost never sets, so there is no night here, it is always daytime, but the light and shade change slightly.

When it was Song Zhong's turn to take the stage, it was the time of day when the sun was at its strongest, and the scorching sun shone almost straight on his forehead. Immortals with lower cultivation levels have to use magic power to protect them. Xiaocha and Xiaoxue both hid in the cool gauze tents they brought with them, looking extremely relaxed. But Song Zhong could only brave the scorching sun and come to the middle of the field.

Celestial Immortals and True Immortals are not very strong, so a hundred miles square venue is enough for a competition between them, but this is not the case for Golden Immortals. They can cover hundreds of miles square with a single spell, and they may float hundreds of miles away in a flash, so a hundred miles square area is not enough for them to perform.

Therefore, the site was re-divided and divided into nine pieces. Each piece was more than 3,000 miles square, which was almost enough for the Golden Immortal to perform.

And Song Zhong came on the field in the first wave. His court was No. 5, in the center. The opponent is a strong player in the late Golden Immortal stage, named Gang Meng! The surname is Gang, the name is Meng!

After Song Zhong heard the referee sign up, he almost laughed. I thought to myself, why are there still people with this name

With curiosity, Song Zhong arrived at the field and took a look, and found that his opponent could indeed be called fierce. This guy was from the demon clan in the fairy world. Song Zhong couldn't guess what his prototype was, but looking at his current appearance, he knew he was definitely a fierce type.

I saw that this man was ten feet tall, with bulging muscles and green skin. He was naked to the waist, with an animal skin apron around his waist, and each carried a giant hammer in his hands. The hammer head is round, nearly eight feet in diameter! The dark metal shone with a dim light, with countless formation restrictions engraved on it, and a faint murderous aura shot out from it.

Even if Song Zhong is a layman, he is sure that this thing is a sixth-grade treasure at least! For a Golden Immortal to be able to obtain such a treasure, it can only mean one thing, that is, he has the support of a powerful force behind him. Otherwise, it would be extremely difficult just to rely on one's own efforts. Even if you get it, it will be taken away by others.

Just when Song Zhong was sizing up the other party, the other party was also sizing up Song Zhong. He looked at Song Zhong with curiosity on his face, and then murmured in a weird low voice, "For such a villain, I'm going to die." Dad still has to tell me to be extremely careful? Damn it, is he confused? '

Although he thought he was muttering in a low voice, no matter how quiet his loud voice was, it was still clearly heard by the people around him. Song Zhong just smiled bitterly and didn't say much.

On the contrary, the Daluo Jinxian-level True Lord who was the referee for them couldn't help but smile and thought to himself, 'It's not your father who is confused, it's your kid who is an idiot! The guys from the Chaos Giant Spirit Clan, even the intermediate Golden Immortals, are not something you can fight against, right? '

Of course, as a referee, this true gentleman will not remind anyone, lest people say he is unfair, which will cause great loss of face. So after he coughed twice, he solemnly announced the start of the competition. Anyway, all the rules had been handed out in advance. Everyone knew it and it was impossible to deny it, so he didn't bother to talk nonsense.