Chaotic Lightning Cultivation

Chapter 593: The Jade Emperor summoned him


When the immortal official spoke, he had a strange look on his face. He was obviously very novel. He said to himself, "Usually the three powerful Xuanwu armies are bullies, and they are always the defendants. Why are they being bullied this time?" , do you want to complain? This is so strange! '

In fact, it was not only the immortal official who found it strange, but also everyone present, including the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother of the West, all looked surprised. Then the Jade Emperor smiled bitterly and said, "You said General Snake came to me to complain because he was wronged?"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The immortal official nodded.

"Haha~" All the immortals in the hall laughed, and even the Queen Mother of the West couldn't help but smile.

The Jade Emperor even laughed loudly and said: "It's really strange. It turns out that the three powerful Xuanwu troops were sometimes bullied? Call him in quickly and let's all hear what's going on!"

The immortal official hurriedly agreed and turned around to go out. Only a group of immortals were left laughing in the hall. No wonder they were all gloating about their misfortune. It was true that the three powerful Xuanwu troops under General Snake were too domineering and often caused trouble, but there was nothing they could do about it!

Because, after all, these three powerful Xuanwu armies are directly subordinate to Emperor Xuanwu, and the Jade Emperor has no control over them. Even if they caused trouble, as long as it was not to the extent of murder and rebellion, the Jade Emperor could only turn a blind eye. At most, he would reprimand the leader of the team, Hunyuan Jinxian, and ask him to go back and discipline them strictly.

However, Emperor Xuanwu's subordinates were less protective than the others. After they returned, they would only say a few words to the people below, but they were reluctant to punish them severely. Over time, these guys developed a domineering temperament, causing trouble everywhere and annoying everyone. So when all the immortals heard that they had suffered a loss this time, they all gloated. Even the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother of the West felt particularly happy!

But the smiles on their faces did not last long, as they were wiped out by the terrifying scene before them, so that each of them frowned and looked shocked.

It turned out that the Snake General flew up to the main hall with his subordinates. Each of the eighteen mythical beasts were seriously injured and lay on the floor! Fortunately, the Jade Emperor's main hall is large enough, with a radius of nearly ten thousand feet, otherwise it would not be able to accommodate them.

All the immortals saw those mythical beasts with broken bones and tendons, covered in blood, and some even missing arms and legs. They looked extremely miserable. Especially a white tiger and a blue dragon, their whole bodies were soft and soft, as if they were a ball of dough. It was obvious at a glance that at least 80% of the bones in the body were broken to become like this. How painful would that be? Even if they have strong vitality, countless immortal elixirs, and such serious injuries without thousands of years of cultivation, they can't even hope to recover as before!

Seeing this, can the immortals present not be shocked? Even if some of the immortals occasionally get into fights, beating people like this is a bit too much. Especially for the three powerful Xuanwu troops who are used to being arrogant, this loss is really big. No wonder General Snake is so angry, and his face is as blue as a Li Gui You!

When the Jade Emperor saw this situation, he stopped smiling, frowned and asked, "General Snake, what's going on?"

General Snake knelt down directly in front of the Jade Emperor and cried: "Your Majesty, my children just had a little quarrel with someone, but they were beaten like this. Please, Your Majesty, make the decision for us?"

"Huh?" When the Jade Emperor heard this, he frowned and said, "It is indeed a bit excessive to have a mere verbal dispute like this. Who did it?"

In fact, the main reason why the Jade Emperor was angry was not because of the tragic situation of the three powerful Xuanwu armies, but because he was angry that the people who did it did not look at the timing. The martial arts competition was about to begin, and as a result, the top three Xuanwu troops, which were the favorites to win the championship, were eliminated. This made him, the organizer, really disgraceful, didn't he? To act like this on his territory is obviously not to give him face, right? How could he not be angry

It was precisely because General Snake valued this that he came to complain. In his opinion, the Jade Emperor had to severely punish the perpetrators even for his own sake. Although it won't do anything to the guy from the Chaos Giant Spirit Clan, as long as the opponent is disqualified, General Snake will be angry.

So when the Jade Emperor asked this question, General Snake immediately shouted: "Your Majesty, we don't know who that guy is, we only know that he is a golden immortal from Zhu Rongtian!"

"A Golden Immortal?" After hearing this, the Jade Emperor immediately exclaimed: "General Snake, are you kidding me? A Golden Immortal from Zhu Rongtian beat so many of your men like this?"

When General Snake heard this, his old face suddenly turned red and he hurriedly defended: "That guy is from the Chaos Giant Spirit Clan, and he also controls three super powers: dazzling sky fire, sharp gold aura, and thick earth aura. Who can defeat the juniors?" Have you passed?"

"Ah!" Upon hearing this, the surrounding immortals gasped, but what followed was a surprise, and even the Jade Emperor's eyes lit up.

You know, Zhu Rongtian is the Jade Emperor's territory, and Huode Xingjun is also the Jade Emperor's subordinate, so the people there are also the Jade Emperor's people? How could he not be happy if there was such a powerful person among his own

Of course, the Jade Emperor would not show it too obviously. He just smiled faintly and then asked: "Master Huodexing, do you know who this person is?"

Huode Xingjun hurriedly came out of the queue and saluted: "Your Majesty, it may be my Zhu Rongtian's first Golden Immortal, Song Zhong. He is the only person from the Chaos Giant Spirit Clan in our place!"

Upon hearing this, many immortals from the Jade Emperor family showed joy. Who wouldn't like the talents of the Chaos Giant Spirit Clan

The Jade Emperor was even more surprised, but in order to save General Snake's face, he still asked lightly: "Sure enough? Then why did he do such a vicious thing?"

"Your Majesty!" Mr. Huodexing frowned and said, "I don't know the specific situation, but I know Song Zhong's character. This child is an honest person. He has never been domineering or caused trouble in Zhu Rongtian!"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help laughing. Mr. Huo Dexing is really a good example of criticizing Sang and Huai! Don't you know? The three powerful Xuanwu troops only talk about how good they are. And the snake general was obviously scolded, but he had nothing to say. After all, he only praised his own people and didn't say anything about their shortcomings, right? It's just that everyone knows in their hearts who is the one who is domineering and causing trouble.

General Snake was unwilling to suffer a secret loss, and immediately said angrily: "You said he won't be domineering and cause trouble, so he won't be domineering and cause trouble? What do you say to the people lying on the ground here?"

Mr. Huo Dexing said calmly: "I don't know what to say. I only know that some people can't afford to lose! After beating others, they will be proud of themselves and pretend not to know anything. When their own people are beaten, After being beaten, he immediately jumped out to complain, with an aggrieved face, well, what do you want me to say about this?"

"You~" General Snake rolled his eyes and almost couldn't help but go over and beat him up. However, General Snake hadn't gone crazy after all, so he still held back in the end. The weapons and armor of the three powerful Xuanwu armies were all transported by Zhu Rongtian. If he fought Lord Huodexing, let alone winning or losing, he would be in the future anyway. We have to worry about logistics.

Therefore, General Snake did not dare to offend Huode Xingjun too much, so he turned to the Jade Emperor and said, "Your Majesty, no matter what, my people have been injured so many, do you have to give us an explanation?"

The Jade Emperor was embarrassed when he saw it, and he kept scolding General Snake in his heart for being despicable and shameless. If it were anyone else, General Snake would not have come to complain to the Jade Emperor at all, he would have gone there and beaten him up in person. However, Song Zhong was from the Chaos Giant Spirit Clan, and General Snake did not dare to beat him, so he had no choice but to file a complaint and pass the responsibility of offending the Chaos Giant Spirit Clan to the Jade Emperor.

Although the Jade Emperor is nominally the Lord of the Immortal Realm, in fact there are not many places that he can really govern, and there are a lot of great gods that cannot be offended, and the Chaos Giant Spirit Clan is one of them. If the situation were different, he would definitely not care about it, but after all, this happened at his martial arts competition, and General Snake is under the command of Emperor Xuanwu, so he can't deny him any face? Besides, there were also a bunch of other Hunyuan Golden Immortals under the command of the Heavenly Emperor and the Great God who also came to watch the fun. He couldn't be too partial in any way.

So in desperation, the Jade Emperor had no choice but to smile bitterly at Lord Huodexing: "Call Song Zhong here, and I'll ask what's going on!"

"Yes!" Lord Huodexing was not in a hurry and casually sent Lord Liehuo to call Song Zhong.

In a short time, Song Zhong followed True Lord Liehuo to the main hall. Following True Lord Liehuo's instructions, Song Zhong respectfully saluted the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother of the West. The Jade Emperor and Queen Mother Xi immediately liked Song Zhong when they saw Song Zhong's calm and calm demeanor.

The Jade Emperor then asked Song Zhong to stand up, and then said: "Song Zhong, General Snake sued you for beating his subordinates. I wonder if this is relevant?"

"Yes!" Song Zhong nodded, then pointed at the mythical beast lying on the ground and said: "These crooked melons, idiots, and cowards were all beaten down by me alone!"

"Haha~" All the immortals in the hall, including the Hunyuan Golden Immortal who followed General Snake to watch the fun, couldn't help laughing. Even the Queen Mother of the West and the Jade Emperor couldn't help it, and the corners of their mouths twitched.

General Snake immediately became angry, his face turned green with anger, and he couldn't help but cursed: "Song Zhong, you are going too far!"

Then General Snake immediately cried to the Jade Emperor: "Your Majesty, did you see it? This kid is so arrogant after beating someone? If he is not severely punished, where is the justice of the Immortal family? Where is the majesty of heaven?"