Chaotic Lightning Cultivation

Chapter 594: Tread hard on General Snake


Seeing that General Snake was a Hunyuan Golden Immortal, Song Zhong was so angry that he almost shed tears. The Jade Emperor and other immortals also felt compassion, stopped laughing, and secretly began to blame Song Zhong.

The so-called killing is just a nod! You, Song Zhong, have beaten people like this, and you insist on stamping on the Jinluan Palace. It's really too much. Although General Snake and the Three Strong Xuanwu Army are domineering and causing trouble, they are still meritorious officials! During the fight against the extraterrestrial demons, had they shed blood, been injured, or even lost their lives? Otherwise, people in the fairy world would not be so indulging in their mischief.

For these heroes, when they make troubles and make mistakes, the superiors always lift them high and lower them slowly, punishing them lightly and not being willing to deal harsh blows. In their opinion, Song Zhong's beating of someone like this this time was already a little excessive, but now he still wanted to ridicule and humiliate him like this, which was a bit unkind.

So the Jade Emperor frowned and said, "Song Zhong, General Snake sued you for beating his subordinates over a minor quarrel. Is this true?"

"Your Majesty!" Song Zhong bowed his hands and saluted, and then said angrily: "General Snake is spitting blood and talking nonsense!"

Upon hearing Song Zhong's words, many immortals showed astonished expressions and said to themselves, this is right. Everyone in the Chaos Giant Spirit Clan knows that although they are powerful, they are very kind and even indifferent. He will take the initiative to bully others, and even if he gets into a fight, he will often hold back and rarely beat him to death. The sudden and ruthless attack this time was probably due to the anger of the three powerful Xuanwu armies. In fact, with the domineering style of the three powerful Xuanwu armies, this possibility is very high!

The Jade Emperor understood immediately, his expression softened slightly, and then asked: "What on earth is going on?"

"Your Majesty, I just took a confidante out to play, and suddenly I was stopped by seven guys from the Seven Killers Army. They kept saying that they wanted to buy the woman next to me! Although I, Song Zhong, am not talented, how can I Would you do such a despicable thing? So I immediately sternly refused. But those guys not only did not restrain themselves, but spoke arrogantly, they even took the initiative to attack me by relying on the strength of their numbers! They wanted to rob my confidante!" Song Zhong was angry! He said: "In broad daylight, in the bright universe, at the center of the heaven, at the feet of the Jade Emperor, these bastards would do such a thing, how unreasonable is it? Your Majesty, tell me? How can I not beat them?"

All the immortals, including the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother of the West, immediately showed angry expressions upon hearing this. Immortals, they are shameless and skinny, and they absolutely abhor such despicable things like robbing civilian girls! What's more, do it in Jade Emperor Heaven? Where does this put the Jade Emperor's face

So the Jade Emperor immediately asked General Snake angrily: "General Snake, how do you explain?"

"This~" General Snake knew something was wrong as soon as he heard it. Once he was charged with such an obscene crime, his reputation would be ruined? So he quickly denied it: "That's not the case at all! As far as I know, it's true that his subordinates wanted to buy the Asura woman next to him, but they didn't rob it. How could we do such a despicable thing as rob a civilian girl? Things? It’s just that Song Zhong really shouldn’t have uttered such arrogant words. Isn’t it true that buying and selling cannot be done with justice? It’s fine if he doesn’t sell. He also humiliated our brothers in the Xuanwu Three Powerful Army, which aroused public outrage and started a dispute with him. Then Because of this quarrel, we took action!"

Then General Snake put on an aggrieved look and cried, "But God is pitiful, our brothers know how to be merciful even if they take action. After all, we are all from the heavenly family, and we can be considered colleagues. There is no deep hatred, Why fight to the death? But Song Zhong relied on his strength and won the power without mercy. Even after my brother said he would not fight, he still pursued and killed so many people that he was seriously injured. !Your Majesty, do you want to make the decision for us?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, this Song Zhong is simply bullying people too much. You must punish him severely in order to uphold the justice of the Immortal Family and the majesty of Heaven!" The mythical beasts on the ground also cried and begged.

"This~" the Jade Emperor frowned and said, "Song Zhong, what do you have to say?"

In fact, the Jade Emperor was secretly complaining that he couldn't do it anymore. Anyway, the matter was over, and there was no witness or material evidence. It was likely to turn into a situation where the public said the public was right and the mother-in-law said the mother-in-law was right. Once the two parties disagree, the Jade Emperor will need to make a decision. But the Jade Emperor couldn't make a decision at all. If Song Zhong was punished, it would not only offend the Chaos Giant Spirit Clan, but also make his own people look at him with chills. After all, he was a subordinate of his own line.

But he wanted to punish General Snake, and he was afraid that Emperor Xuanwu, who was trying to protect his subordinates, would not accept it. If he said that he was protecting his subordinates, everyone would look bad.

However, just when the Jade Emperor was in trouble, Song Zhong suddenly sneered and said: "As the saying goes, facts speak louder than words, I don't need to talk nonsense. I just ask your majesty and all the immortals to see it with their own eyes and know the truth!"

As he said that, Song Zhong raised his hand and showed a piece of snow-colored jade, and then moved it a little higher. Suddenly the jade gave off thousands of rays of light, and then faint shadows appeared in front of everyone. They were Song Zhong and the Seven Killing Army. People were negotiating, and there were voices among them.

When General Snake saw this situation, he secretly screamed that something was not good. It turned out that he recognized the stone in Song Zhong's hand. It was a very rare treasure, the photo jade. Function records images over a period of time. There are not many such things in the fairy world, it is very rare. But there are some in Song Zhong's treasure house. Xiaocha looks pretty and often takes them out to play with.

Of course, when Song Zhong was fighting with others today, Xiao Cha was too smart to think of using this photo jade to record the situation at that time so as to keep it as evidence. But don't forget, although Xiaocha is silly, Xiaoxue is a shrewd master. When the two sides started to confront each other, she knew something was wrong, so she quickly quietly opened a piece of photo jade that Xiaocha asked for and told what happened today. Record the whole process. Then when Song Zhong went to Jinluan Hall, he handed it to him.

Now Song Zhong only needs to play the situation at that time, and it will be clear who is right and who is wrong.

The record on the front of the photo jade is that a guy from the Seven Kills Army first beat up Song Zhong, but Song Zhong punched him on the ground. This confirmed that it was the Seven Kills Army who was at fault. But this is not over yet. The most exciting thing is the last paragraph, which is what the other three powerful Xuanwu troops said when they came to support.

I saw the people from the three powerful Xuanwu armies above were cursing arrogantly, "This is the bitch. I like a woman from him. Not only did he refuse to give it to me, but he also spoke rudely and even injured our brother. It's too much." Damn it!"

"You bastard cake, you are going too far!"

"If you don't even give me a bitch, are you looking down on our brothers?"

"The woman who wants him is to give him face, but he still dares to disobey? It's so shameless to give face to her!"

When the image of the photo jade was placed here, Song Zhong turned it off and put it away. Then he looked at General Snake with a sneer and said with disdain: "Have you all seen it? This is the face of the three powerful Xuanwu armies who think they represent heaven's justice! In their eyes, stealing other people's women is just to save face. ? General Snake, I'm sorry, I didn't give you face this time, I apologize to you!"

Saying that, Song Zhong also specially bowed his hand to General Snake!

General Snake originally held his head high and his chest high, but now his head is so low that it is almost touching the ground. He wants to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it

One by one, the surrounding immortals looked at General Snake with strange expressions, and secretly said in their hearts, "The three powerful Xuanwu armies are finished this time. It's a huge shame!" '

As for General Snake, he was so aggrieved that he almost cried! In fact, he didn't know that his subordinates would be so useless, yet he foolishly stood up for these guys and went to the Jade Emperor to file a complaint! But now it's good, in front of the Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother, and all the gods from the thirty-third heaven, I have played the trick of the evil one complaining first! How can I meet people in the future? The old face accumulated over a million years is all lost!

Now that the truth was revealed, the Jade Emperor was very angry and said directly to General Snake: "What a good subordinate under the general's command!"

Faced with the Jade Emperor's responsibilities, General Snake had no choice but to pretend to be stupid. He could only blush and said, "I am ashamed of my lax discipline. I am willing to be punished by Your Majesty!"

"Oh! You!" The Jade Emperor shook his head in disgust, and then said: "You are a subordinate of Emperor Xuanwu. I can't punish you. It's better for you to go back and deal with it yourself! Someone, bring the three Xuanwu troops involved in this matter Soldiers, send them all back!"

When General Snake heard this, he felt extremely miserable. The so-called sending him back means disqualifying him from the martial arts competition. And not only the 18 injured people, but also those who were not injured, as long as they participated in the siege of Song Zhong, they had to go back. As a result, most of the people who came here from the three powerful Xuanwu armies were almost completely wiped out! It’s a shame that I and my old brothers were bragging about how many top ten places we wanted to get!

But despite this, General Snake didn't dare to say no, he really didn't have the shame to defend himself any more! He just wants to escape from this place now and stop being embarrassed!

So General Snake agreed, and immediately fled in embarrassment with his subordinates. Even he was embarrassed to stay here and went back with him.

It is said that after returning, General Snake was scolded by Emperor Xuanwu. He himself was so depressed that he beat the few remaining uninjured guys half to death.

After sending General Zou Snake away, the Jade Emperor comforted Song Zhong with some kind words and rewarded him with several pots of royal wine before letting him go back. It can be seen that the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother of the West still value Song Zhong very much and work very hard to win over him.