Chaotic Lightning Cultivation

Chapter 6: Sword flying


As a popular ability, the secret to flying with a sword is not hard to come by, it can be said that everyone has it. Even if Song Zhong didn't give him a gift, people would just throw him a copy. Last night, Song Zhong had already memorized the sword-driving formula with great enthusiasm. So when he got up early this morning, he was excited and ready to start the maiden flight of his life.

I have to say that Xiaopang's slightly fat figure is really not helpful for flying. His flying sword was already in tatters, but now that he was greedy for a fat master like him, it became even more overwhelming. After he stepped on the poor flying sword, the spine of the sword was bent, and it flew with him dangling in the air. It was really thrilling, just like crossing a single-plank bridge.

Fortunately, Xiaopang can be considered a person who has practiced. He runs so many miles every day, and his body balance is pretty good. After more than two hours of back and forth, he was finally able to barely control the flying sword, flying in the air. It flew back and forth. Although the posture was like a sow climbing a tree, which was incomparable with the ease and ease of other people, it still did not fall down.

Speaking of which, this was all thanks to Song Zhong's flying sword rubbish, because the flying swords of ordinary disciples could fly three to four hundred miles in a quarter of an hour. But Song Zhong's Feifei Sword was only half as fast as others. You know, the faster the flying sword is, the harder it is to control. So in this way, Song Zhong could control it better, which allowed him to learn preliminary flying in a short period of time.

The feeling of flying in the sky for the first time was so refreshing. Song Zhong had never had a similar experience before. In excitement, he directly drove the flying sword to the place he frequented most, the gutter.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, Xiaopang flew to the gutter. He put away the flying sword, looked at the garbage below, and said with emotion: "I came here once before, and I ran for at least half an hour, but now I only use It took less than a third of the time, and I was still using the crappiest flying sword. If I changed it to a good one, I don’t know how much faster it would be! It’s still flying fast as expected!”

After sighing, Xiaopang summoned the flying sword again, and then flew down the gutter. The reason why he came here was not just to reminisce about the past, but also to have business to attend to.

Through these two days of observation, Song Zhong also had a preliminary understanding of his natal magic weapon. First of all, the decomposition ability of this baby is really not ordinary. Whether it is a spell, elixir or magic weapon, it can all be decomposed. It's just that its decomposition speed is not the same. The more advanced something is, the slower it decomposes. However, high-end items contain a lot of precious materials, so in comparison, it is more cost-effective to disassemble high-end items, which can not only increase the aura of the space, but also obtain high-end materials.

You must know that there is only so much black soil in the natal magic weapon. Only things wrapped in black soil will be decomposed, so strictly speaking, its decomposition ability is also limited, and it is impossible to decompose too much in one go. In this case , naturally we should choose high-end things and decompose them first!

As for high-end things, Song Zhong didn't have them in his hands. The garbage he picked up while working was all low-end. If he wanted to get high-end goods, with his ability, he could only try his luck in the gutter.

Although Song Zhong has never learned to refine weapons, he has been in the cultivation sect for many years, so he knows something about it. High-end items are usually magic weapons, and there are also high-end elixirs and charms, but those items are relatively rare, and those that are still in the gutters are 80% used waste and not worth the effort. So now he is focused on finding the magical weapons and flying swords that failed to be refined.

Among flying swords and magic weapons, the lowest and most common material is black iron, which is the material of the flying sword at Song Zhong's feet. This kind of thing is only worth a hundred kilograms of a low-grade spiritual stone, which is super cheap. Song Zhong didn't want to sell this kind of thing, so when he was looking for garbage, he didn't want anything black, only colored flying swords or magic weapons.

After Xiaopang flew in the gutter for a few hours, he actually found several colorful treasures, including a flying sword that was broken into two pieces, a battle armor that was almost in pieces, and various refining items. A magical weapon that failed to be made, or even a magic weapon.

You must know that magical weapons are used by low-level disciples, while magical weapons are used by masters above the Golden Core stage. The two are not on the same level at all. The materials for magic weapons are extremely rare, so even if the magic weapons are broken, many people are reluctant to throw them away. Therefore, Song Zhong was extremely lucky to be able to find several discarded magic weapons. Once the refining materials for these magic weapons are broken down, how many spiritual stones can be exchanged for them? Song Zhong's mouth watered just thinking about it.

However, the good times did not last long. Just when Xiaopang was excited, he suddenly felt the magic weapon in his Dantian trembling violently. The numb and sour taste was so uncomfortable, it felt like there was a vibrating egg stuffed in the buttocks. Song Zhong's anus tightened, his legs trembled, and he accidentally got off the flying sword.

Fortunately, Xiaopang was looking for something, so he flew at a very low altitude, so he didn't fall to death. Otherwise, he would have had to look good this time. But even so, Song Zhong fell hard. He only felt sore all over and couldn't get up for a long time.

Although Xiaopang was already so unlucky, the magic weapon in his Dantian still did not stop beating. Instead, it became even wilder, as if urging Xiaopang.

"Damn it, this magic weapon is broken, right? Why don't you jump when you have nothing to do!" Song Zhong, who was bruised and swollen from the fall, couldn't help but cursed loudly.

The natal magic weapon obviously cannot speak, so it can only express its protest by beating at a faster frequency. Little Fatty was so tortured by it that he couldn't help but beg for mercy: "Hey, dear, stop dancing. If you dance again, my balls will be shattered by you! I still count on it to help me carry on the family lineage!"

The bead ignored Xiaopang's plea and continued to beat restlessly. Song Zhong had no choice but to get up reluctantly and said with a wry smile: "Okay, okay, Pindao, I surrender. What on earth do you want to do? Why did you suddenly jump up here? Is there something you are looking for here? "

The bead suddenly stopped for a moment, and then began to beat more violently, as if it was very excited. Song Zhong immediately understood that this was the other party's expression of happiness. It seemed that he was right. He quickly said: "Okay, okay, don't jump. I know you are looking for something. I will find it right away, okay? You are so If I jump, I can’t even stand up, so how can I find it for you?”

After listening to Song Zhong's words, the bead finally became completely quiet, except for occasionally beating, which seemed to prove its existence.

Seeing that it was quiet, Xiaopang breathed a sigh of relief, and then subconsciously raised his legs and took a step forward. As a result, the bead immediately jumped violently, making Song Zhong tremble and sit on the ground again.

Xiaopang immediately wailed: "My dear, can you jump more gently? I'm going to be jumped to death by you!"

The bead became slightly lighter, but it was still dancing. Song Zhong then hurriedly asked: "Did I go in the wrong direction?"

The bead immediately vibrated violently several times.

"Okay, okay, I'll go in another direction!" Xiaopang said, turning to the left. As soon as he took a step, the bead started beating again.

Song Zhong was so frightened that he quickly continued to spin. The bead immediately stopped jumping and became very honest.

Song Zhong finally knew the direction and walked forward quickly. He didn't dare to wield the sword now, for fear that the bead would jump up and hit him again. In desperation, he could only use his walking stick. Song Zhong walked for a long time in the vast mountains of garbage, but he still didn't feel the message from the bead. He thought to himself, why is there no movement? Could it be that he was tricked by this bead

Thinking of this, he immediately tried to turn around and take a step. As a result, the bead seemed to be offended and immediately jumped angrily. Song Zhong felt his belly trembling, and he was so frightened that he quickly said: "Baby, baby, don't jump. I just want to know, how far do we have to go?"

The bead was quiet for a moment, and then beat more than ten times in a row.

Song Zhong immediately became depressed and said with a bitter smile: "Baby, I don't know what you mean by this? Otherwise, I will fly with my sword. When I get to the ground, you remind me, but you can't shake it too much. If you fall again, If I do it once, I will be dead!"

The bead vibrated slightly three times, seemingly in agreement. Song Zhong then cautiously resumed flying with his sword. At the same time, he said with some surprise: "Baby, can you understand what I said?"

The bead didn't respond this time, and just stayed quietly, as if it had no idea what Song Zhong was saying. Xiaopang was somewhat disappointed with this, but then he immediately said to himself: "Even if you don't understand what I said, judging from its behavior just now, it is enough to prove that it is spiritual! What a spiritual treasure, Isn't that a spiritual treasure? It's developed. No wonder my parents attach so much importance to this guy. Sure enough, Jiang is still hot. It seems that there will indeed be no garbage in the caves of ancient monks. "

You must know that spiritual treasures are more advanced items than magical treasures. Generally, only super masters who are above the level of distraction will have one or two items, and not many Nascent Soul masters have them. The masters of distraction are legendary beings. Even the master of Xuantian Villa is now only a master in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

If this bead is a spiritual treasure, then there is no doubt that Xiaopang will get a big deal. In fact, judging from the heaven-defying ability of this bead, it is not surprising at all that it is a spiritual treasure.

Just when Xiaopang was happy, the originally quiet bead suddenly started to tremble again. Song Zhong did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly fell to the ground, looked around, and found that this place was still a mountain of garbage. There is rubbish all around, and it is still old rubbish. Many broken weapons are rusty. You must know that cultivators' magical weapons are all made of top-quality materials. Even the lowest-grade black iron will not rust in less than a few thousand years. This shows how old the garbage here is.

At this time, the bead was beating again to influence Song Zhong. Song Zhong did not dare to neglect, and immediately followed the instructions of the bead and slowly came to a point. When he stood there, no matter which direction he walked, the bead would tremble.

No matter how stupid Song Zhong is, he still knows that when he reaches the right place, everything will be at his feet. He hurriedly squatted down and began to clean up the garbage at his feet. However, there was really too much garbage here. Song Zhong dug all day long, and until it got dark, he didn't dig to the bottom. He just dug down more than ten feet deep, almost burying himself in it.