Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 11: Kargas College


Bi Yuntian reached out and touched Jian Chen's head lightly, looking at Jian Chen with doting eyes, then slowly walked forward and said, "Third sister, this is just a fight between children. It's just trouble, we don't need to worry about it, we don't have to be angry for such a thing, after all, Xiang'er and Ke'er are just ignorant children, now let me help Ke'er treat the chest injury."

Hearing Bi Yuntian's words, even though Yu Fengyan was still very angry, she couldn't say anything else. If she were to bother with a child who was a few years old for this matter, I'm afraid the other three sisters in the room would be too. Treat her differently.

Bi Yuntian came to Chang Yangke and slowly closed his eyes. The next moment, Bi Yuntian's hands slowly exuded a faint white brilliance.

At the same time, a gleam of light flashed in Jian Chen's eyes. He clearly felt that there was a special energy between heaven and earth that was slowly gathering towards his mother's hands, and then the faint white light formed. Moreover, this special energy is exactly the kind of special energy that Jian Chen felt contained in the primordial energy of heaven and earth.

Jian Chen focused on the movements of his mother Bi Yuntian's hand. At this moment, he suddenly realized that maybe he could understand the use of this special energy from his mother. The special energies that are linked together by vitality are not so simple.

The white brilliance in Bi Yuntian's hand became stronger and stronger, and the light was soft and not dazzling. After brewing for a few breaths, Bi Yuntian waved his hands gently, and saw that the milky white brilliance broke away from her palm and moved towards Chang Yang Ke's. The chest floated away, and finally slowly merged into the injured part of Chang Yangke's chest. Because Chang Yangke's chest wound was covered with a layer of white cloth, Jian Chen couldn't see what happened to the wound when the milky white brilliance melted into Changyangke's wound.

After doing all this, Bi Yuntian let out a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, Third Sister, Ke'er is all right now, and his wound should be back to normal now."

A happy smile finally appeared on Yu Fengyan's face, and after expressing her thanks, she walked quickly to Changyang Ke's side, and asked with concern: "Ker, how are you feeling now, does the wound still hurt? "

Chang Yangke reached out and touched the injured part of his chest, hehe smiled: "Mother, the baby is no longer in pain, it's very comfortable." After speaking, he stretched out his hand and tore off the hemp yarn wrapped around his chest.

After removing the hemp yarn, I saw that Chang Yangke's chest had become smooth and clean, except for some dried blood scars left on it, no wounds could be seen.

Seeing this scene, Jian Chen immediately understood that this mysterious power should be called the magical energy of light holy power. This kind of energy has a very magical effect on healing. No matter how serious the injury is, in light Under the treatment of holy energy, he can recover quickly, and his mother is a holy teacher of light, so he can skillfully use this energy for healing. Legend has it that some powerful sage masters of light can make people reborn from a broken arm, and even have the magical effect of bringing back the dead.

In Jian Chen's heart, he couldn't help but secretly think that he could feel the existence of the holy power of light and absorb it smoothly. I wonder if he could control the holy power of light to heal his wounds like his mother.

As soon as he came up with this idea, Jian Chen couldn't wait to try it, but in the end he was able to hold it back. The situation here was really not suitable for him to experiment.

At this moment, the door suddenly opened, and Jian Chen's father Changyang Ba and Changyang House's housekeeper Chang Bo walked in at the same time.

"What's wrong with Ke'er, the injury is not serious." As soon as he entered the room, Changyangba asked with a concerned tone.

"Thank you husband for your concern. After the fourth sister's treatment, Ke'er is now fine." A faint smile appeared on Yu Fengyan's face. Changyangba cared so much about her son, and she felt very happy in her heart.

"It's fine!" Chang Yangba nodded slightly, then looked at Jian Chen softly, and said, "Xiang'er, how are you living these days?" His tone was full of concern.

"Thank you for your concern, the child is doing very well." Jian Chen's tone was very flat. Since he passed the Holy Power test, today was the first time Chang Yangba took the initiative to speak to Jian Chen.

Hearing Jian Chen's indifferent but indifferent tone, Chang Yangba sighed inwardly and said, "Xiang'er, come to the study with your father." After speaking, Changyangba turned around and left. here.

Soon, Jian Chen followed Changyangba and Changbo to the study. Changyangba sat on a chair and stared at Jianchen for a while, and then asked, "Xiang'er, I heard that this morning you Qiu Er in the kitchen was injured."

"Yes!" Jian Chen already knew in his heart that his strength had been revealed, and he simply stopped hiding it.

There was a hint of joy in Changyangba's eyes, and a smile on his face, and he said softly: "Xiang'er, tell Dad, have you cultivated the power of the Holy Spirit?"

Jian Chen nodded slightly, and replied in a still light tone: "Yes!" Jian Chen knew that this matter could not be concealed, so he admitted it very readily.

Although he had already guessed in his heart that Jian Chen had cultivated the power of the Holy Spirit, but at this moment, after receiving confirmation from Jian Chen's mouth, Chang Yangba couldn't help but feel a little excited.

"Uncle Chang, please help Xiang'er to test the strength of the Holy Power." Chang Yangba said with joy on his face, and said to Uncle Chang beside him, his tone was very polite, not like the head of a family treating a Steward's attitude.

Uncle Chang smiled, then took out a fist-sized holy stone from the space ring he was wearing and came to Jian Chen. He said in a gentle tone, "Fourth Young Master, put your hand up!"

When Jian Chen put his hand on the holy stone, Chang Bo also activated the holy stone. Immediately, Jian Chen once again felt a mysterious energy emanating from the holy stone, following his arm, and swimming away in his body. After a circle, he returned to the holy stone. At the same time, the entire holy stone suddenly emitted a faint red light.

Seeing the red light emanating from the holy stone, Chang Yangba immediately showed an excited look on his face, and even Chang Bo showed a faint smile, looking at Jian Chen with a look of relief.

"Patriarch, judging from the intensity of the light, the Holy Power within the Fourth Young Master has reached the fourth level." Chang Bo said with a light smile.

"Fourth floor... Fourth floor..." Chang Yangba slowly stood up from the chair, at this moment his excited hands were tightly clasped together, although he had guessed the result before, but that It was just a guess. Now that he knew the truth, he had another taste in his heart.

Jian Chen reached the fourth level of holy power at the age of seven. Such achievements may not be outstanding in the entire Tianyuan Continent, but in the Gesen Kingdom, it is enough to be regarded as a first-class genius. And his third brother, Chang Yang Ke, was three years older than Jian Chen, and the holy power in his body had just reached the fourth level.

Chang Bo put the holy stone into the space ring again, looked at Jian Chen with a look of relief, and said with a smile: "Fourth Young Master, you really did not disappoint me."

Chang Yangba quickly calmed down. At this moment, his gaze towards Jian Chen has completely changed, and his eyes are full of surprise, excitement and relief.

When Jian Chen left the study, it was almost noon, and right after Jian Chen left, Chang Yangba looked at Chang Bo, and said with a bit of doubt: "Chang Bo, since Xiang'er has the Holy Spirit in his body. Li, then why didn't it come out in the last test, I thought Xiang'er was a waste person who couldn't cultivate."

Uncle Chang frowned slightly, thought for a while, and said slowly: "I don't know this either. Maybe it was something wrong during the last Holy Power test, but it's not important anymore!"

Chang Yangba nodded slightly and said, "Xiang'er is only about seven years old now, and the power of the Holy Spirit in her body has reached the fourth level. If this continues, I estimate that Xiang'er will break through the Holy Spirit by the age of eighteen at the latest. Ten layers of strength, condensed holy soldiers, and Xiang'er has been gifted since childhood, so I want to send Xiang'er to Kagas Academy to study as soon as possible, I don't know what Chang Bo will think!"

Hearing this, Chang Bo thought for a while, and said: "Kagas College is the most famous college in our Gesen Kingdom, but the entry threshold is not low, it must reach the strength of the eighth-layer holy power, and the age No more than eighteen years old, the main family wants to send the fourth young master to Kargath Academy as soon as possible, I am afraid it will not be possible in a short time, although the holy power in the fourth young master has reached the fourth level, but it is far from the eighth floor. It is estimated that it will take a long time, after all, it will be more and more difficult to improve the power of the Holy Spirit."

"I hope Xiang'er can cultivate the holy power in her body to the eighth level as soon as possible in the past few years." Chang Yangba said softly.

Uncle Chang smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, Patriarch, I believe that the fourth young master will reach the eighth level of holy power sooner or later. This is only a matter of time, because when I tested the fourth young master just now, I found the holy power in the fourth young master's body. It's not far from the fifth floor."

Hearing this, Changyang Ba was overjoyed and murmured, "I hope Xiang'er's future achievements can really surpass Changbo and become the pillar of the family."

Chang Bo stood by and smiled without saying a word, and his eyes showed an undisguised look of expectation.

… .

After leaving the study, Jian Chen immediately returned to his room at the fastest speed, closing the door tightly, recalling the frightening scene that happened when he fought with Chang Yangke.

Although Jian Chen knew that he fought against Dugu in his previous life, he was able to break through at the last moment and reach the state of using the sword with a god, but he dared not imagine that his supernatural power of using the sword with a god could still be used after his reincarnation. freely. When he thought that he could use such magical powers, Jian Chen couldn't help feeling excited and excited.

However, when Jian Chen recalled the inexplicably generated sword qi on the branch, he felt very puzzled. Now he doesn't have the strength that was powerful enough to win the world in his previous life, the one he controlled. How could such a sharp sword aura appear on an ordinary branch

Frowning for a while, Jian Chen finally decided to try again. He looked around the room, and finally broke a two-foot-long wooden bar on a wooden hanger to use it as a sword. .

Holding this two-foot-long wooden stick in his hand, Jian Chen's heart slowly fell into peace. Gradually, Jian Chen seemed to realize that the wooden stick in his hand was not a wooden stick, but a sword. , a divine sword, an invincible divine sword, as if it had merged with him. Although Jian Chen did not look at the wooden stick in his hand, the texture and structure of the wooden stick clearly appeared in his mind, and even Even Jian Chen can know the internal structure.

Jian Chen took a deep breath and slowly calmed down the excitement in his heart. Then, with a thought, he tried to control the wooden stick in his hand to fly up alone.

Just when this idea came to Jian Chen's mind, he suddenly found that his "god" had established a very subtle connection with the wooden stick in his hand, and at the same time, the wooden stick was slowly separated from Jian Chen's mind. The palm floated alone in the air. According to Jian Chen's thoughts, it flew forward slowly and slowly, and a faint white light suddenly appeared on the wooden bar, which was strong and sharp. The sword energy of Qi emanated from it.

At this moment, Jian Chen felt that his "god" seemed to be completely integrated with this wooden stick. This wooden stick was like his own arm, and he could control it to make any movements at will. At the same time, he also felt The sword qi that suddenly appeared on this wooden stick seemed to be related to his own "god".

Then Jian Chen's thoughts moved, and he saw that the wooden sliver floating alone in the air suddenly turned into a white light, and quickly revolved around Jian Chen's body at an extremely fast speed. Can't see clearly.

Jian Chen's heart beat violently uncontrollably, and his face also showed a look of ecstasy. He didn't expect that the God Yujian, which he realized at the last moment in his previous life, could still be used after his reincarnation.

Today, the divine power of Shen Yujian is not only Jian Chen's most powerful attack method, but also a way of protecting Jian Chen's life.

… .

Before I knew it, a few years had passed, and now Jian Chen was fifteen years old. During these few years, Jian Chen seldom went out, and spent all day in his room practising the Purple and Green Sword Canon. Jian Chen's strength has been exposed, and he is even recognized as a cultivator genius, so his status in Changyang Mansion is rising. It is meticulous, and among them, the most exciting is Bi Yuntian. The waste son who was originally considered to be unable to cultivate has now transformed into a cultivation genius, and even at the age of seven, he has cultivated the power of the Holy Spirit to the limit. On the fourth floor, one can imagine the joy in Biyuntian's heart that his son is so outstanding.

However, Jian Chen found that after his strength was revealed, his eldest aunt Linglong and third aunt Yu Fengyan always looked at him with a bit of unkindness in their eyes. For this situation, Jian Chen, who has memories of his previous life, knew it by heart. Belly Ming.

In the past few years, the holy power in Jian Chen's body has reached the eighth level, and this is also the reason why Jian Chen deliberately slowed down his cultivation speed, because in the past few years, Jian Chen spent almost half of the time Use it on the swordsmanship he learned in the previous life, otherwise, I am afraid that the holy power in his body would have already broken through the eighth layer. Even so, Jian Chen is now not far from the ninth layer of holy power.

Now, in Changyang Mansion, Jian Chen's strength has steadily surpassed second sister Changyang Mingyue and third brother Changyangke. Although Changyang Mingyue is three years older than Jian Chen, the power of the Holy Spirit is still on the seventh floor. As for Changyang K, maybe he doesn't have any talent for cultivation. At the age of seventeen, he has barely reached the fifth level with the power of the Holy Spirit.

In the early morning, a large group of people gathered outside a hall, including Jian Chen's parents and three aunts, even the third brother Changyang Ke and the second sister Changyang Mingyue. Besides them, there were also some elders in the Changyang mansion. , and not far from the crowd, a three-meter-sized bird Warcraft quietly squatted on the ground.

Today was the day when Jian Chen went to Kargath Academy to study. The minimum standard for admission to Kargath Academy is that the Holy Power in the body must reach the eighth level, and the age should not exceed 18 years old. For this standard, Jian Chen is currently has been reached. And today also happens to be the annual admissions meeting of Kagas College.

Bi Yuntian looked at Jian Chen with tears on his face, his eyes full of doting, and said, "Xiang'er, you must study hard in the academy and try to avoid troubles, you know." Bi Yuntian's tone was full of meaning of concern.

Jian Chen nodded obediently and said, "Don't worry, mother, I know what to do."

Chang Yangba came to Jian Chen and said, "Xiang'er, this space belt is specially prepared for you by father, although it is not a very valuable thing, and the space inside is not large, but you can still fit small things. Now, if you can break through the tenth layer of holy power and condense into a holy soldier and become a holy man before the age of eighteen, my father will give you a space ring and a fourth-order magic core." Said, Changyang Ba A very delicately crafted belt had already appeared in his hand. Judging from the size of this belt, it was obviously tailor-made for Jian Chen.

Seeing that Chang Yangba cares so much about Jian Chen, Linglong and Yu Fengyan, who are standing on the side, both have a hint of deep jealousy and dissatisfaction in their eyes, but at this time, everyone's eyes are focused on Jian Chen, and no one pays attention. That's all.

Jian Chen took the belt and said, "Father, it won't take long before I can reach the saint." Jian Chen's tone was full of strong confidence.

A faint smile appeared on Changyangba's face, and his eyes were full of relief when he looked at Jianchen.

"Fourth Young Master, it's getting late, it's time for us to hit the road." At this time, the housekeeper Chang Bo who was standing on the side spoke.

Jian Chen finally glanced at his mother, and then without looking back came to Uncle Chang and said, "Uncle Chang, let's go."

Chang Bo stretched out his hand and hugged Jian Chen on the back of the flying beast. Then he jumped up and sat down beside Jian Chen. He smiled lightly at Jian Chen and said, "Fourth Young Master, sit tight."

Afterwards, Uncle Chang slapped the beast on the back. Immediately, the flying beast seemed to be instructed. It stretched out a pair of wings that were ten meters long and flew straight into the sky. fly away.