Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 110: Depart from the Warcraft Mountains


"Good job!" The middle-aged man shouted, waving a machete to face Jian Chen without the slightest fear, but at this moment, his face has become serious.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

In the quiet little alley, there was a series of clanging sounds from the collision of weapons, and Jian Chen and the middle-aged man were moving quickly in the small alley. Jian Chen faced an intermediate-level saint teacher with the strength of an intermediate-level great saint, and in a head-to-head fight, he actually did not lose the slightest.

Jian Chen's movement is light and agile, moving around the middle-aged man like a ghost, and the silver-white light wind sword in his hand constantly turns into silver-white light and pierces in different directions. The middle-aged man's throat, and the machete in the middle-aged man's hand has been blocked by him, constantly resisting Jian Chen's attacks. At the beginning, the middle-aged man faced Jian Chen's tidal wave. The endless attacks occasionally have the ability to fight back, but as the speed of Jian Chen’s swords continues to accelerate, gradually, the middle-aged man has lost the strength to resist under Jian Chen’s intensive attack like a violent storm. Can only blindly resist.

It's not that the middle-aged man can't fight back, but that once he fights back, before his attack hits Jian Chen, he himself will be pierced through the throat by this lightning-fast sword.

The middle-aged man's forehead was already covered with a layer of fine sweat. He never expected that a young man who looked like he was only in his twenties would be so powerful. With the strength of his mid-level saint, he could They were almost unstoppable, and what frightened the middle-aged man most was that the young man's sword was too fast, not only the speed of stabs was astonishingly fast, but the frequency of swords was also frighteningly fast.

Now, the middle-aged man is very regretful in his heart. If he had known that Jian Chen had such a powerful strength, he would not have followed anything.

In the small alley, a dozen people stared blankly at Jian Chen, who was fighting with the middle-aged man. They also did not expect that Jian Chen, who looked younger than them, actually owned and waited for him. The strength to compete with the boss, although they still have more than a dozen people, but in the face of such a battle, they can't get in. Even if they go up rashly, they will die in vain. Although there are three of them with the strength of the Great Sage, but With the strength of their great saints, they can clearly see this kind of battle. With their eyesight, they can see at a glance that their boss has fallen behind, and that Jian Chen has no power to fight back. Only Blindly resisting, it can be said that their lives are not guaranteed at any time. Even if they and others rushed forward, it would be of no avail. They would just die in vain, because they had absolutely no confidence to escape Jian Chen's lightning-fast sword.

After Jian Chen and the middle-aged man fought again for a few rounds, taking advantage of a neutral block that the middle-aged man resisted, the fierce light in Jian Chen's eyes flashed away, and his right arm suddenly shook, stretched out like lightning, Driven, the light wind sword in his hand turned into a silver-white light and stabbed towards the middle-aged man's throat, and instantly came to the middle-aged man's throat. The fastest sword stabbed ever since the middle-aged man fought.

The middle-aged man was horrified. In the face of this extremely fast sword, he almost completely lost any ability to dodge and resist. The speed of this sword was too fast. The speed has reached an unbelievable level, and it is completely beyond his ability to dodge.

The middle-aged man's face turned extremely pale in an instant. Just when he thought he was going to die, the silver-white Qingfeng sword just touched his throat, and the momentum of the forward came to an abrupt halt. At that moment, it stopped so suddenly, and the sharp point of the sword just touched the middle-aged man's throat.

Although the Qingfeng Sword did not pierce the middle-aged man's throat, the middle-aged man still felt that it was difficult for him to breathe, and there was a sharp pain in the throat where the sword tip pointed, as if his own It seemed that his throat had been cut by a sword.

The middle-aged man's body maintained his original posture and stood there blankly. Now he dared not even move, for fear that if he made a slight movement, the silver sword would stab mercilessly. into his throat, and the middle-aged man's face was covered with fine cold sweat.

"Big... big... hero... hero, spare your life... hero, spare your life, next... next time... next time, the little one will never dare to offend the hero." The middle-aged man looked at him with fear. Jian Chen, with a trembling voice, begged for mercy. With his own worth and life in the hands of the opponent, the middle-aged man can no longer care about his own face and Jian Chen is much younger than himself. In his opinion, as long as he can get this one back Life, even kneeling down to Jian Chen is not impossible.

Jian Chen stared at the middle-aged man calmly, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he slowly retracted his sword and stood up, with a flat tone: "Today I am in a good mood, I don't want to kill, in the future, you can do it yourself, don't let me meet. You are still in this line of work, this place is so close to the Demonic Beast Mountains, with your strength, it is more than enough to hunt down some low-level demons." Leaving these words, Jian Chen strode away from the small alley.

"Yes, yes, we must obey the orders of the heroes, and we will never do this in the future." The middle-aged man said quickly, looking at him, it seemed that he did not dare to disobey Jian Chen's orders. . .

When Jian Chen's figure disappeared in the small alley, the middle-aged man let out a long sigh of relief, and reached out to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead. When he recalled the scene of the moment of life and death just now, the middle-aged man felt For a while, I was frightened, and just now, my life was hanging by a thread, and it was almost over.

After leaving the small alley, Jian Chen walked through several streets, then found a hotel and stayed there. At night, Jian Chen sat cross-legged on the bed, holding a fist-sized white stone in his hand while studying.

"What the hell is this thing? It looks like a stone, but the material is a little different from the stone. It's iron, but it's also a bit different from iron." Staring at the fist-sized fist in his hand, the weight was in vain. Jin's strange white stone, Jian Chen's face is full of doubts.

At the beginning, it was the strangeness of the two light spots in Jianchen's dantian that aroused Jianchen's interest in this white stone. At that time, Jianchen still clearly felt that the two light spots in his dantian were unbelievable. The coming of the dantian was similar to the mood swings of excitement and happiness, but from the moment he bought this piece of white stone, the purple and blue light spots in his dantian fell silent again, returning to the former state, now even if he Holding Baishi in his hand could not cause any change in the two light spots in his dantian.

Moreover, Jian Chen was completely unaware of the origin of this strange white stone. Although he had read a lot of books in the academy's library before, he still hadn't found any news about the white stone.

Jian Chen held the white stone in his hand and looked at it for a long time. Apart from learning that the white stone was very hard, there was no gain. Even if he soaked it in water and burned it with fire, it wouldn't be able to make Baishi change in the slightest. In the end, Jian Chen had no choice but to put Baishi into the space belt again.

Afterwards, Jian Chen observed the purple and green light spots that were dwelling in his dantian again. Now the two light spots were the same as in the past. They were quietly entrenched there, without any change. Although these two light spots were dwelling in Jian Chen's dantian, Jian Chen was helpless to them. He couldn't even get close. He could only watch from a distance. A mysterious power guards, once Jian Chen wants to get close, he will be hindered by this mysterious power, and this mysterious power is very powerful, with Jian Chen's current ability, it is still unable to break through this power, so, The area near the purple and blue light spots was completely a forbidden area for Jian Chen.

"Alas!" Jian Chen secretly sighed, now that such an accident happened in his dantian, he didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse.

This night, Jian Chen did not practice as he used to, but fell on the bed and slept soundly. It has been two or three months since he left the Gesen Kingdom. sleep once.

Sleeping is undoubtedly to supplement the gods that consume too much during the day, and Jian Chen's gods are already powerful. As long as he does not use the two abilities that consume too much of the gods, such as using the gods to control the sword and controlling the holy power of light, he can completely consume them for a few days. He didn't sleep at night, and in the past, he practiced every night. During the practice, his spirit could also recover quickly. Therefore, Jian Chen had never slept in the past few months, and it would not have any impact on him.

Early the next morning, Jian Chen woke up refreshed, then opened the window and looked at the morning scenery outside, breathing in the fresh morning air, and sighed, "I haven't slept for a few months, it's almost time. I forgot what it's like to sleep, but now I realize that sleeping is so comfortable!"

Afterwards, Jian Chen settled the bill and left the hotel directly, then went to buy a good horse, mounted it and hurried to the place agreed with Kend.

The place where the flame mercenary group gathered is still the dim hut, and at the same time, this hut is also the common resting place for the eight of them. A small mercenary group like the flame mercenary group simply does not have enough funds to buy it. There is a large area of the house, so only the common dwelling in this small place.

Before arriving at the hut, Jian Chen fastened the horse rope. Just as he was about to knock on the door, the door was suddenly opened. The door was opened by a thin young man who did not seem to be much older than Jian Chen, but was relieved to be a servant of the flames. In addition to Jian Chen, the youngest person in the corps - Xiaodao.

A faint smile appeared on Jian Chen's face, and he said, "Xiaodao, are you going out?"

Xiaodao laughed and said, "I heard the sound of horse hooves, so I guessed that you were here. Didn't this come to open the door for you, come in, Jian Chen, everyone is waiting for you."