Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 121: Crazy escape


As soon as the whistling sound fell, the originally silent beast mountain range suddenly became lively, and countless beasts who were sleeping were awakened, and then all kinds of beast roars came from all directions, and all the sounds of the beasts were full of fear. , and has not always dared to provocate like this tiger roar.

Hearing the sound of the tiger's roar, Jian Chen's expression changed slightly, and suddenly became extremely serious, "Oops, this is the voice of the golden-haired tiger king." Jian Chen's tone was full of unprecedented solemnity. The Golden Tiger King is a fifth-order beast. Like humans, there is an insurmountable sky between the fourth and fifth steps, and it is also a watershed of strength. Once you cross this sky, you are quite the same. Yu underwent a transformation, and since then, he has entered a new world. The strength of the fifth-order monster and the strength of the fourth-order monster are completely two worlds, and with Jian Chen's current strength, even the fourth-order monster can't deal with it. , not to mention the fifth-order Warcraft that has entered another world.

"No, it's the voice of the Golden Tiger King, hurry up, hurry up, get out of here, or all of us will die." Captain Cross of Zhou's mercenary group exclaimed loudly, his tone full of trembling , Before he finished speaking, he hugged the cub of the Golden Retriever King and ran towards the outskirts of the forest at the fastest speed. Afterwards, the members of the Zhou family mercenary group who were fighting with the flame mercenary group also abandoned their opponents and ran with Cross towards the periphery of the forest as if fleeing for their lives.

However, just when Cross, who was holding the fifth-order cub, just ran a few steps, Jian Chen's figure appeared in front of him like a ghost. His throat was stabbed, and at this dangerous moment, Jian Chen still did not intend to let him go.

Cross's expression changed slightly, and the giant sword in his hand immediately swung out, collided with the light wind sword stabbed by Jian Chen, and at the same time scolded: "You lunatic, now the fifth-order Warcraft Golden Retriever King is coming. , you still dare to stop me, if you don't run, it will be too late for you."

Jian Chen was indifferent, as if Fang Buddha had heard what Cross said, the light wind sword turned into a silver-white light and continued to stab at Cross.

Cross raised his sword to resist, and after a few rounds of lightning-like fighting, Cross was unable to dodge and was pierced by Jian Chen’s left shoulder. At the same time, Jian Chen’s left hand grabbed the cub in Cross’s arms. .

Cross endured the pain from his left shoulder, and his body immediately retreated, avoiding Jian Chen's grasp of the cub's palm, and shouting at the same time: "Everyone, come on, stop him for me, this cub treats us all week. The mercenary group is too important and must not be lost."

Hearing this, there was a hint of hesitation in the eyes of the mercenaries of Zhou's mercenary group, but there were still a few people who did not disobey Clos's order, and immediately rushed out five people holding holy soldiers to launch a fierce attack on Jian Chen, and they died to death. to hold him back. And Kloss rushed towards the outskirts of the forest with the cub, and a dozen mercenaries who were unwilling to stay here to die also fled slightly to the forest behind Kloss.

The mercenaries with only the strength of the Great Sage will naturally not pose any threat to Jian Chen. When Jian Chen eliminated the five mercenaries, Cross had already taken the remaining dozen or so mercenaries and disappeared without a trace. .


The roar of the tiger in the distance is getting closer and closer, and the fifth-order Warcraft Golden Retriever King is rapidly approaching in this direction. Jian Chen's eyes also showed a hint of anxiety, and then he quickly came to the head of Kende and said: "The Golden Tiger King is quickly approaching here, and it won't take long to reach where we are now, Ken Commander De, we shouldn't stay here for long, we have to leave as soon as possible."

Captain Kend and the other members of the Flame Mercenary Group are now covered in blood, and their bodies are covered with countless wounds, large and small, but fortunately the battle did not last long, otherwise, the members of the Flame Mercenary Group would inevitably suffer There are some losses.

"Everyone, get out of here quickly."

There was no time to deal with the still bleeding injury, and everyone immediately ran at full speed towards the periphery of the forest as fast as they could escape, but because everyone was injured, the speed was not very fast.


Another angry tiger roar came over, this time the sound was even closer, faintly, everyone could hear the golden tiger king running fast in the jungle, and the wind pressure brought by it blew the surrounding leaves. swoosh" sound.

The faces of everyone in the Raging Flame Mercenary Group turned pale. Captain Kende ran quickly and looked behind him, then immediately took off his space belt and stuffed it into Jian Chen's hand, saying: " Jian Chen, your strength is the strongest among us, only you have the greatest hope of escaping, now I will give you this space belt, you must take it out successfully."

Seeing the space belt that Captain Kent forced into his hands, Jian Chen was about to refuse when Captain Kent said again: "Jian Chen, don't refuse, if we can't leave this forest alive this time, Our family is going to ask you to take care of us. If we all die here, their lives will be extremely difficult. My parents, my wife, and one of my children, their future Whether you can live a good life is entirely up to you." Captain Kent's tone was somewhat pleading.

Looking at the head of Kent with complicated eyes, Jian Chen nodded with a heavy face, reached out and took the space belt handed over by the head of Kent and held it tightly in his hand, comforting: "Uncle Kent, we We must be able to escape, the target of the golden tiger king is not necessarily us."

"Ah, help!" Suddenly, a cry for help came from behind.

"Kabudes, it's Kabudes, he fell into the swamp, come on, Kabudes, grab my hand..." The speaker was Xiaodao, and his tone was full of anxiety.

Hearing the sound, everyone stopped immediately, Jian Chen dodged, and came to Xiaodao at the back of the team, only to see Xiaodao lying on the ground in pain, his right arm completely reaching into the swamp beside him, and In the team, the figure of Cabudes has disappeared.

Jian Chen's expression changed slightly, he immediately fell on the ground, and his right hand inserted into the swamp like lightning along the direction of the knife, but only grabbed the empty palm of the knife that was placed under the swamp.

"Cabodes..." Xiaodao closed his eyes in pain, his tone full of sadness.

"Alas!" Jian Chen secretly sighed, and immediately put the knife on his shoulders and shouted in a low voice, "Let's go." After speaking, he ran forward.

The rest of the flame mercenary group also sighed secretly, a look of grief flashed in their eyes, and then without a moment's hesitation, they fled towards the forest periphery again. hope.

Because of the night, the Demonic Beast Mountains are very dark, and the visibility is very low. You can't even see the road. On the way, everyone fell a lot, but as soon as they fell to the ground, they immediately got up and ran again. Whenever possible, try to walk on the roots of trees to avoid falling into the swamp.

Just before everyone ran for a long time, suddenly, Jian Chen, who was running ahead to open the way, suddenly stopped.

"Jianchen, why are you listening, hurry up and run." Captain Kent, who was following behind him, said anxiously.

Jian Chen didn't speak, he stretched out his finger and pointed to the front. Seeing this, Captain Kent looked up and saw that in the dark night, a dozen figures could be vaguely seen parked in front of them.

"It's from the Zhou family's mercenary group." Jian Chen said.

Hearing this, Captain Kent flashed a stern look in his eyes, and said solemnly: "It's them, they don't escape, what are they doing standing there."

"I can't escape, the road ahead is blocked by a fourth-order monster, how can there be a fourth-order monster here, come, come with me, we'll go around from the side." After speaking, Jian Chen immediately got into the jungle next to him among.


Another tiger roar came from behind. This time the sound was even closer. The tiger roar was so loud that everyone in the flame mercenary group was temporarily blinded. After the whistling, I saw A huge black shadow shot from the rear at a very fast speed and rushed towards the Zhou mercenary group in front.

Afterwards, there was only a scream. In just a short meeting, several members of the Zhou family mercenary group fell to the ground, and one person was bitten by the huge black shadow and lifted up high. .

"No, the Golden Tiger King's speed is too fast, and it came so quickly. Let's go quickly, otherwise we won't have a chance." Looking at the shadow, Jian Chen instantly guessed the shadow's movement from his body shape. , immediately exclaimed, and then, Jian Chen no longer hesitated, and immediately got into the dense jungle beside him.

Ahead, the dozen or so members of the Zhou family's mercenary group only supported them for less than a breath, and they all died in the hands of the Golden Tiger King. come over.

In the face of the genuine fifth-order Warcraft Golden Retriever King, these mercenaries with only the strength of the Great Sage are naturally vulnerable.

Cross held the Golden Tiger King's right hand in his left hand, and a giant sword in his right hand was in front of the cub's throat, and he stalemate with the Golden Tiger King.

The Golden Tiger King's body is four meters long and one person is tall. In the dark night, only a dark shadow can be seen, and it cannot be seen clearly.

"Roar!" The golden-haired tiger king roared in a low voice, his eyes turning crimson, his fierce tiger eyes staring at Carlos, obviously taking care of the child in Carlos' hands, making him not dare to act rashly. It has entered the fifth-order Warcraft strength, and already has a certain wisdom.

"Back up, back up, back up immediately, or I'll kill it with one sword." Carlos stared at the golden tiger king in front of him in horror, trembling slightly, and shouted sharply.

"Ow! Ow!" The cub of the Golden Tiger King struggled uncomfortably in Carlos' hands, and obviously felt a little scared. Although it was an innate fifth-order beast, it was still young and didn't have the slightest ability. .

Seeing that the Golden Tiger King was still unmoved, Cross gritted his teeth, and the giant sword in front of his right neck suddenly pressed down for a few minutes. Suddenly, several golden hairs slowly fell down.

"Roar!" The golden-haired tiger king hurriedly let out a low roar, and the huge figure suddenly retreated slowly, but the red-red fierce light in its eyes was a bit more intense.

On the side of Cross, there was a fourth-order beast of the tiger class, staring at him.