Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 129: Please come to the door


The middle-aged man couldn't believe that, with the strength of his high-level saint teacher, he would die in a weaker than himself. Many are only in the hands of young people who are less than the strength of the senior great saint, and this young man seems to be only in his twenties.

Thinking that it took me 50 years of cultivation to have the strength I have today, but I still can't beat a young man in his twenties. In the end, it was because of the dude of the Tianxiong family that not only harmed himself. The power of the Holy Spirit, which he had cultivated for fifty years, was destroyed, and even his life was buried in this wilderness. Thinking of this, the middle-aged man felt a burst of sadness in his heart. As the vitality in his body continued to flow away, the middle-aged man's piercing eyes gradually became dim, and finally turned into a hollow, and the burly body slowly fell down.

Jian Chen slowly retracted the Qingfeng sword, the blood on the Qingfeng sword was flowing as if it had life, and one after another gathered towards the tip of the sword, and finally turned into drops of bright red blood, which fell down along the tip of the sword. Invade the wet soil that has become pitted because of the battle of several people on the ground.

Jian Chen took a few breaths and killed two junior saint masters and one senior saint master, which also caused a lot of consumption to Jian Chen. Facing three opponents whose strength was far stronger than himself, Jian Chen He has already gone all out. If it weren't for this period of training, his strength has improved a lot on the basis of the intermediate great saint. I am afraid that it will take him longer to kill these three saints. time.

However, after killing the three of them, the sadness in Jian Chen's heart because of the passing of Captain Kent and others was surprisingly diluted a lot.

Jian Chen glanced at the bodies of the three people indifferently, and finally his eyes fell on the space belts around the three people's waists. Come down and look inside.

Since he spends a hundred times more magic cores than others on his cultivation, Jian Chen urgently needs a large number of magic cores. With the high price of magic cores, Jian Chen obviously doesn't have that much money to buy them. If he wants to get the magic core, he can only get it by hunting monsters and making some dead money, and this kind of scraping items from people who have died is very common in Tianyuan Continent. After all, the battles that took place on the continent Among them, there is almost a 30% chance or more, all of which are caused by coveting the things on the other side.

After taking off the space belts of the three of them, Jian Chen checked the items inside. Although these three people possessed the strength of saint teachers, they were obviously not very rich. Except for some daily necessities and outdoor equipment, there was almost nothing in the space belts. Well, in the end, Jian Chen only found less than ten Amethyst coins, fifteen second-order magic cores, and five third-order magic cores in the three space belts.

Jian Chen didn't hesitate to put those few magic cores into his space belt immediately. Then he glanced at the money that was less than ten amethyst coins on the ground, hesitated for a while, and finally put them together. Income into the space belt, although the money is not much, but for those ordinary people, it is a lot of wealth, it is a pity to throw it here to waste.

After collecting the things, Jian Chen directly threw the three people's space belts aside, and left here without disposing of their bodies.

After returning to Wacker City, the sky was approaching evening. Jian Chen ate something at random in a restaurant, then asked for a room and went back to his room to rest.

Since what Jian Chen wanted was a very ordinary room, the furnishings in the room were very simple, a wooden table, a few stools and a bed, and nothing else. Despite this, the inside was cleaned. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as spotless.

At night, a bright full moon hangs high in the night sky, exuding bright silver-white moonlight, rendering the dark sky into a faint silver-white, even the scattered thin clouds in the sky are clearly visible. .

Jian Chen moved the chair to the window, sat down like this, looked up at the full moon in the sky emitting bright moonlight, and fell into deep thought.

In Jian Chen's mind, he kept recalling the two days that the flame mercenary group faced the pursuit of the fifth-order monster golden tiger king. Finally, everyone in the flame mercenary group used their own lives to drag the golden tiger king to cover themselves. This scene of escape. Although two days have passed, the sadness in his heart caused by the death of the flame mercenary group has also been diluted a lot, but Jian Chen still cannot forget this scene. This scene is like a brand. , has been deeply reflected in the depths of his soul, I am afraid that he will never forget it in this life.

It can be said that he and the flame mercenary group met by chance. Although after getting along these days, everyone's relationship has become a lot more integrated, but at the last moment, they would rather die than cover Jian Chen to escape, although one of them There is also a bit of selfishness, and they also understand in their hearts that facing the pursuit of the Golden Retriever Tiger King, they simply do not have enough ability to escape, but this still brings a great impact to Jian Chen's heart.

"Captain Kent, what is your biggest wish in your life..."

"My biggest wish in my life is to make the flame mercenary group the first mercenary group in the mainland..."

Scenes and scenes from the past continued to emerge in Jian Chen's mind. Jian Chen sat in front of the window, his eyes that had been somewhat dull, gradually recovered, he clenched his fists tightly and murmured in a low voice. Said: "Captain Kent, your strength is the most powerful in our flame mercenary group. I didn't expect that at that time, you were the first to leave."

"In these days, you are the one who takes care of me the most. Now that you are gone, your biggest wish in your life can't be fulfilled. Then, let me fulfill your wish for you. I, Jian Chen, assure you. , In this life, I will try my best to make the Flame Mercenary Group the first mercenary group on Tianyuan Continent." Jian Chen's tone was full of firmness.

Taking off the space belt given to him by Captain Kent from his waist, Jian Chen held it in his hand and stared at it, and in his mind, he couldn't help but recall the space belt when Captain Kent gave him the space belt. the words said.

"Jian Chen, don't refuse, if we can't leave this forest alive this time, our family will ask you to take care of them, if we all die here, their lives will become extremely difficult. My parents, my wife, and one of my children, whether they can live a good life in the future depends entirely on you."

Thinking of this, Jian Chen let out a long sigh and suddenly felt very self-blame in his heart. Captain Kende gave this space belt to himself before he died, asking him to help take care of his family, but until now, he has He didn't even know the names of the family members of the head of Kent, or even where they lived, which made him how to deal with it.

Now, Jian Chen's heart suddenly became very worried. Since Captain Kend asked him to take care of his family, Jian Chen had already guessed in his heart that Captain Kend's family must be very poor. After the head of Dean, can his family live a happy life

Thinking that the future life of Head Kent's family is likely to be extremely difficult, Jian Chen's heart is full of urgency. He wants to find Head Kent's family as soon as possible, and entrust Head Kent to himself. In the hands of his family, so that they can live a happy life.

Jian Chen had been sitting in front of the window until the middle of the night before returning to bed to start practicing. Now, Jian Chen needs to get stronger, stronger, stronger.

The night was very calm and passed by in a hurry. Early the next morning, Jian Chen, who was immersed in his practice, suddenly opened his eyes. For some reason, a bad premonition suddenly appeared in his heart.

Jian Chen got out of bed, went to the window, and observed the situation outside. At this moment, Jian Chen's face suddenly sank. He saw that outside the restaurant, he was surrounded by hundreds of people wearing white robes. The clothes on one person's body are exactly the same, so it can be seen that they belong to the same faction, and in the crowd, Jian Chen accidentally discovered the young master of the Tianxiong family who escaped from him yesterday.