Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 157


As soon as this person finished speaking, someone said, "Yes, Captain, although we haven't met Jian Chen, we have found at least hundreds of corpses along the way, and many of them are even in They died in the same place, and judging from their appearance, many of them were acquaintances in Wacker City, and almost all had the strength of a saint. Since Jian Chen was able to kill a team composed of masters at the master level , then his strength is probably at least as good as that of the Great Sage. Even if we meet him, we may not be able to capture him, but will suffer losses because of it. If the situation is serious, even if the entire army is destroyed, it is not It's not possible."

Hearing these words, the heavy expressions of the dozen or so middle-aged men couldn't help but become a little darker again. These thoughts had all been circling in their minds, and they originally thought that these dozen or so of them were composed of at least intermediate-level saint teachers. If the team wanted to capture Jian Chen alive, it was simply an effortless task. After all, such a lineup would have the strength to fight against the Great Sage, and the news given by the Tianxiong family clearly stated that Jian Chen would be Chen only has the strength of a great saint, and at most is no more than a saint, so when they came, they didn't take Jian Chen in their eyes at all.

However, as he stayed in the Warcraft Mountains day by day, the rumors about Jian Chen became more and more powerful, especially recently, there were rumors that several great sage masters had died in Jian Chen's hands. . Although more than a dozen of them did not believe such astonishing news, as they continued to walk in the Demonic Beast Mountains, the corpses they encountered in one place finally shook their confidence.

Now, more than a dozen of them have also fallen into an embarrassing situation where it is difficult to ride a tiger. They want to continue to capture Jian Chen, but they are worried that they are not Jian Chen's opponents and want to withdraw from the Demonic Beast Mountains, but they are unwilling. The reward of ten thousand amethyst coins really moved them too much.

"Head of the regiment, let's give up this mission. We have come this way in the past few days. Isn't the corpse that can be seen at any time not enough to prove a fact? If we really meet Jian Chen, even if all of us are together. It is absolutely impossible for him to be his opponent, and we will all die here." A middle-aged man with a black scar on his face said in a deep voice, in his eyes, there was a faint hint of timidity.

"I support Yun Zhiping's proposal, Commander, the ten thousand amethyst coins are certainly a lot of money, but we have to spend it in a name. If we throw our lives here, even if we have No matter how much money you have, you will enjoy five blessings." It was a dark-skinned man who spoke.

After listening to the words of these people, a middle-aged man with a knife scar on his face and a resolute expression nodded slightly and said, "Okay, now I announce that everyone will immediately withdraw from the Demonic Beast Mountains."

After hearing this, a dozen people suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and then the tense expressions on their faces could not help but relax.

"It's too late to leave now!"

However, before everyone was happy for long, a crisp voice came from not far away.

The sudden voice made the expressions of the dozen or so middle-aged men change.

"Who is there, come out for me." The middle-aged man with a scar on his face immediately stood up from the ground and shouted sharply. At the same time, more than a dozen middle-aged men also stood up from the ground one after another, staring at the direction where the voice came from with fierce eyes.

Immediately, a man in animal skin slowly walked out from behind a big tree. This man had long black hair and was bound by a straw rope behind his back. His face was covered with dirt, as if Like a little cat, he couldn't see his face at all.

The sharp eyes of more than a dozen big men converged on the man in the animal skin. The middle-aged man with a scar on his face shouted in a deep voice, "Who are you!"

Hearing this, there was a smile on the face of the man wearing the animal skin, but this smile seemed a bit gloomy under the cover of the dark face. "I'm the one you're looking for."

Hearing this, the eyes of more than a dozen big men showed a trace of confusion, but after they reacted, their expressions all changed drastically.

" are Jian Chen." A big man shouted, with a look of panic and disbelief in his expression.

The man in the animal skin on the opposite side nodded slowly and said with a smile; "Yes, I am Jian Chen."

The expressions of more than a dozen big men suddenly became exciting. Everyone, look at me, and I look at you. No one thought that Jian Chen, who they had been searching for for several days before, would end up just when they were about to quit Warcraft. When the mountains took the initiative to appear in front of them.

If such a scene had happened a few days ago, a dozen of them would have surrounded Jian Chen with great excitement without the slightest hesitation, but at this moment...

For a time, a dozen people felt bitterness in their hearts.

"Hand over all the magic cores in your hands, I can let you go. If not, then there is only a dead end. I will give you a cup of tea to consider." Jian Chen said without waiting for more than a dozen people to speak. Although his tone was flat, but listening to the people in the ears of the dozen or so people, their hearts became heavy.

More than a dozen people looked at each other, and then the man with scars said solemnly: "Your Excellency Jian Chen, you want all the magic cores on our body as soon as you open your mouth, you are going too far, after all, we have to come here. It is also extremely difficult, almost every one of them is obtained by us risking our lives to fight with monsters." The tone of the man with the scar was extremely unwilling. Now, after hearing the rumor that Jian Chen had killed several great masters, the scarred man gave up the idea of becoming an enemy of Jian Chen.

Jian Chen smiled coldly and said, "I can't control these things. The time for a cup of tea will come soon. If you still don't want to hand over the magic core, then don't blame me."

After hearing this, the faces of the dozen or so big men turned ugly, the man with the scarred sword hesitated for a while, then stepped forward and said, "Your Excellency Jian Chen, if you can defeat me within five moves, We will hand over the magic core, otherwise, we would rather fight the jade and burn it all, and never compromise."

A bright light flashed in Jian Chen's dull eyes, he carefully looked at the man with the scar, and said, "Okay, I will defeat you within five moves." After that, a strong holy power emerged from his right hand. , quickly condensed into a long sword four feet long and two fingers wide.

"You stand back!" The middle-aged man waved his hand, and then he also sacrificed his holy soldier, which was a two-handed giant sword.