Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 160: A fifth-order monster appeared


The sudden roar of the Heaven-shattering beast instantly made Jian Chen's face serious, staring straight ahead, thinking inwardly, "Just a roar has such a powerful aura, this is at least a fourth-order peak. The magical beast." Just when Jian Chen thought of this thought, suddenly, a powerful and terrifying energy wave came from several miles away, and the surging energy wave turned into a ripple visible to the naked eye that swept the heaven and the earth, towards the sky. It spread rapidly in the distance, raging along the way, towering ancient trees rose from the ground, and flew high into the sky by the surging energy fluctuations.

Standing several kilometers away, Jian Chen's face became extremely serious, his eyes were a little horrified, and he looked at the surging energy that was rapidly coming in front of him. After being stunned for a while, he couldn't help but exclaimed: " Looking at the power, it is estimated that it is at least a fifth-order Warcraft."

The energy ripples spread very fast, and spread to Jian Chen several miles away. At this time, the powerful energy had weakened a lot, and finally turned into a gust of wind whistling past Jian Chen. , Jian Chen's clothes fluttered rapidly, and the long black hair behind him that was tied into a whip by a straw rope was also blown away.

The roar of the monsters in front kept coming, accompanied by a roaring sound, strong energy fluctuations continued to rage from the front, and the entire mountain and forest seemed to be shaken.

Jian Chen stared at the front with a dignified expression, and when he heard the roars of two completely different beasts, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes, and he murmured in a low voice: "It seems that there are two fifth-order demons there. The core is fighting." Jian Chen hesitated for a while, then immediately started to move forward and hurried forward.

Jian Chen ran all the way against the gust of wind that was completely transformed from the aftermath of the energy, and soon crossed a distance of several miles, and then hid far away from the scene in front of the viewer.

I saw that about 500 meters away, two monsters with completely unequal volumes were fighting fiercely. Where they fought, the ground had become pitted, and large pits several meters deep appeared around them. The lush trees were also uprooted by the strong winds that were transformed into the aftermath of the intense energy they fought. After flying out, some of the more fragile weeds were destroyed into powder for the first time, and the entire venue was in a mess.

Jian Chen hid carefully at a distance of 500 meters. In order to avoid being noticed by the two demon beasts who were fighting fiercely in front of him, his entire body was tightly attached to the ground, and his eyes were fixed on the two demon cores fighting in front of him.

Although the bodies of the two demon beasts were moving fast, Jian Chen's eyesight was still able to see their appearance clearly. Among the two war beasts, one of them was completely black, with a body like an ox, and his head had two feet. Behind it, there are a pair of short black wings.

The other end was a snow-white monster with a petite body the size of a yellowish dog. Although the two monsters were quite different in size, they were evenly matched.



Angry roars came from the mouths of the two demon beasts continuously, and as the energy light groups charged with surging energy spit out from their mouths, and then collided in mid-air, there was a deafening roar, the surging sound. The aftermath of the energy raged between the heavens and the earth, eclipsed the heavens and the earth for a while.

"Is this the true strength of the fifth-order beasts!" Jian Chen stared at the two beasts fighting in front of him in awe. The attention of the two monsters caused trouble.

Although Jian Chen's strength has now reached the level of a high-level saint teacher, even the peak fourth-order monsters are not afraid, but after seeing the powerful power displayed by two fifth-order monsters at this moment, he does not have much confidence in being able to learn from fifth-order monsters fleeing from the chase.

Although there is only a first-order difference between the fifth-order and the fourth-order, the gap between them is one in the sky and one in the ground, and the two cannot be compared at all.

The two monsters of completely unequal size fought for a long time, and the fierce battle finally stopped. The ups and downs, the rapid breathing sound in the mouth.

Jian Chen had a panoramic view of the previous scene, looking at the tragic state of the two beasts, Jian Chen's heart moved: "Look at this, the two beasts seem to have been beaten to death, and they don't even have the strength to stand up. You must be very weak." A bold thought suddenly appeared in Jian Chen's heart, and just as this thought came out of his heart, Jian Chen's whole body seemed to be boiling at this moment, and even his heart was stunned. Uncontrollably vigorously jumped up.

Jian Chen lay on the ground quietly, the light in his eyes flickered uncertainly, and his expression was hesitant. After hesitating for a while, he finally made up his mind. With a bite of silver teeth, he didn't hide his figure, stood up directly from the ground, and quickly charged towards the two demon beasts with his body technique.


The two demon beasts spotted Jian Chen who was rushing towards him at the same time, and they couldn't help but let out a low roar, their eyes flashing fiercely and staring at Jian Chen, but they didn't take any action.

Jian Chen suddenly stopped when he was only 100 meters away from the two demon beasts. At this moment, his face had become extremely solemn. Although he was facing two seriously injured fifth-order demon beasts, Jian Chen still didn't dare to dare. There is the slightest relaxation.

Jian Chen slowed his pace, and approached the two beasts step by step with a vigilant expression on his face, and the silver-white light wind sword also quietly appeared in his right hand. The sword glow is uncertain.


The fifth-order monsters have initially acquired a certain level of intelligence. These two monsters seem to know Jian Chen's intentions, and at the same time, they made a roar with a bit of intimidation and threat at Jian Chen, as if to warn Jian Chen. Do not get close to dust.

However, Jian Chen turned a deaf ear to their roars, and was still cautiously approaching the two beasts step by step. At this moment, Jian Chen really wanted to rush forward and slash two fifth-order monsters under his sword, but for his own safety, Jian Chen had to be so cautious, after all, he was facing fifth-order monsters this time. , not the fourth-order Warcraft.