Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 180


At this time, an old man in a wide red robe walked out of the crowd, glanced at the hundreds of people who had already surrounded the entire street, a smile appeared on his face, and said with a smile: "This is really lively, It's rare, it's rare, it's really rare, I haven't seen such a scene for many years."

"Hmph, iron the old thing, you can't stay at your Cheng's house, and you have nothing to do in Fengyang City." I saw an old man with a childish face standing tall on the roof next to the street, facing the body. The old man in the red robe shouted.

Hearing this, the old man known as the ironing old ghost smiled coldly, looked at the old man standing on the roof, and said, "Huang Pingshu, since you can come to Fengyang City, don't you allow me to iron it? ."

"Hmph, ironing the old ghost, I haven't done a good calculation with you about the account five years ago. Taking advantage of this opportunity, why don't we settle the matter completely." Huang Pingshu's eyes lacked a little chill. Staring at the ironing old ghost, he said in a deep voice, the cold killing intent in his tone was undisguised, which made many people present clearly feel it.

"Yes, that account five years ago should really be forgotten." The red-robed old man pondered slightly. As he spoke, a strong holy force emerged from his palm and quickly condensed into a handle that was two feet long. machete.

Seeing that the situation between the two had become more and more serious, a middle-aged man standing beside the red-robed old man stepped forward, came to the red-robed old man's side, and said, "It's not to settle the hatred between you two now. It’s better to wait for the current affairs to be dealt with and settle the grievances between you two.”

The red-robed old man nodded slightly and said, "Well, Huang Pingshu, the current situation is not the time to resolve our grievances. Let's talk about our grievances after we deal with the current affairs."

The old man with Hefa Tongyan glanced slightly at Jian Chen, and he knew in his heart that this was not the time to settle personal grievances, and then snorted coldly, "Then let you go for the time being."

At this moment, from afar, dozens of silhouettes stepped on the buildings on both sides of the street, and they were approaching here at an extremely fast speed. From the formation they moved forward, it could be seen that these people did not belong to the same force.

And as these people approached, those standing on the houses on both sides of the street also gave way to those people.

As dozens of people landed on the roof of the house, they stared at Jian Chen who was surrounded by everyone, and one of them said, "This must be Your Excellency Wuyun."

Jian Chen turned his head to look, and saw that the speaker was a middle-aged man in a white robe. The middle-aged man only had short hair that was about an inch long, and there was a small scar on his resolute face.

Jian Chen said: "Yes, I am Wuyun, I don't know why you all come to block me with so much enthusiasm."

"Hehe, Your Excellency Wuyun, the old man may I ask, did you take the corpses of the two fifth-order monsters that appeared in the auction?" The red-robed old man said with a smile.

A faint smile appeared on Jian Chen's face, and he said, "I didn't expect that a nameless junior like me would be able to arouse the attention of so many forces, to actually investigate all these things clearly, yes, those two in the auction Fifth-order Warcraft, I took it for auction."

Even though he was facing powerful forces from all sides, Jian Chen did not show any timid expression. He was surrounded by hundreds of people.

"Your Excellency Wuyun, the next one is the deputy pavilion master of Floating Clouds Sword Pavilion - Zhou Tong, since you have the corpses of fifth-order demon beasts, the demon cores in those two corpses must also be on you, our Floating Clouds Sword Pavilion, I am willing to pay a price that satisfies you and buy one of the fifth-order magic cores, I wonder if Your Excellency Wuyun can give up your love."

"Of course, if Your Excellency Wuyun sells us a fifth-order magic core, we will be your friend in the future, and if Your Excellency Wuyun encounters some small troubles, you can also ask our Liuyun Sword Pavilion to help you. The solution, I don't know what Your Excellency Wuyun thinks." Zhou Tong stood on the roof and said with a smile.

Zhou Tong's voice just fell, and a dark-skinned, tall man said: "Your Excellency Wuyun, we are from Yangmen, I don't like mother-in-law and mother, let me explain to you directly. , the two fifth-order monsters in your hand, we Yangmen also want to buy one, the price will definitely satisfy you, I wonder if Your Excellency Wuyun is willing to buy one for us Yangmen."

Seeing that two forces have already asked for the fifth-order magic core, the rest of the forces are not far behind.

"Mr. Wuyun, we are members of the Youlan family, although our Youlan family is not a big family in Tianyuan Continent, but in Huoyun City, no one dares not give our Youlan family a little face, as long as Your Excellency Wuyun is willing to sell a fifth-order magic core to our Youlan family, then our Youlan family can guarantee that Your Excellency Wuyun will stay in Huoyun City comfortably, and no one will dare to trouble you. "The speaker from the Youlan family was a middle-aged man in luxurious clothes.

"Mr. Wuyun, we are the Mutian family..."

"Mr. Cloudless, we are members of the Kadel family..."

The representatives of the numerous forces present all opened their mouths to buy a fifth-order magic core from Jian Chen.

Seeing that there were at least a dozen people present, Jian Chen smiled wryly, and said, "I'm afraid I will disappoint everyone, I don't have a fifth-order demon core on me, and the two fifth-order beast corpses are mine. The ones I put up for auction were not killed by me, but two corpses I picked up in the wild."

"Hehe, Your Excellency Wuyun doesn't have to cover up, the corpse of the fifth-order beast is so precious, even the powerhouse of the sky sage cannot abandon it, and we have already observed it from the body of the fifth-order beast, then The two fifth-order magical beasts belonged to cannibalism, and they were picked cheap by others after they both lost, and it was obvious from the wound that the person who picked the cheap was not strong, otherwise, he would also use the magic core. It's not necessary to make the wound so big, and this person must be Your Excellency Wuyun." An old man said with a smile, looking at it, it seemed that he was having a very friendly conversation with someone.

"That's right, Mr. Wuyun, we just want to buy the fifth-order magic core from you, it's not a robbery, even if you sell it to us, you will not suffer, and the fifth-order magic core is too much for you. It is not safe, and it may bring you disaster, and once you sell it to us, you can get a lot of money. With this money, you will have no worries about food and clothing in your life, and you can buy a lot of money. The magic core of Floating Cloud will enhance your own strength, and it is just around the corner to break through to the Great Sage Master and become an Earth Sage Master, so why don't you do it." Zhou Tong, the Deputy Pavilion Master of Liuyun Sword Pavilion, said earnestly.