Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 190: Barry Shadow Powder


"I heard that there are people fighting in the city not far from Tianfeng Auction House. I don't know who is so bold, who dares to fight in Fengyang City, is it impatient to live? Once caught by the city guards, the punishment will be But it's very serious."

"Yeah, I heard it too. It seems that a group of people besieged a person together, and they also caused a fatal accident."

"What do you know, I came from the street over there, let me tell you, those who fight are all masters, and they also have a great background, even the city guards dare not provoke them, they go all the way. After the fight, not a single city guard came to stop it."

"Yeah, I also heard that all those people have the strength of the Great Sage Master. The person being chased is really powerful. Facing so many Great Sage Masters alone, he can not only escape, but also kill a lot of them. people."

"Will the person who was besieged by a group of great sages be the earth sages, so powerful."

Perhaps it was because the fight between Jian Chen and a group of great sages was too sensational, and the news spread very quickly. Walking on the street, Jian Chen could hear the voices of pedestrians everywhere.

Jian Chen continued to walk in the direction of the city gate while listening to the voices of the pedestrians. Just when he had just walked for less than a cup of tea, suddenly, several powerful momentums came from far behind.

Feeling the sudden momentum, Jian Chen's figure paused slightly. When he looked back, he could vaguely see many people on the roofs of the houses on both sides of the street, jumping towards him quickly, and Among them, there were actually quite a few familiar faces in Shi Ran, those who had chased and killed him before.

Jian Chen's face changed slightly, and a bad premonition suddenly appeared in his heart.

"What's the matter, did they find me? Or are they just passing through here? Looking at their appearance, they obviously don't seem to be on their way. Could they really be found? No, it's impossible, now my appearance is not the same. It's impossible for them to recognize me anymore."

For a time, Jian Chen was a little undecided in his heart. Now, he and Wuyun are two completely different people. Except for a few wounds on his body that have not had time to treat, it is impossible to tell that he is Wuyunlai. Those wounds were also bandaged by him and covered with clothes, and there was no flaw at all from the outside, and the group of people behind them saw this menacing momentum, which made Jian Chen feel a little uneasy.

"Maybe it's not for me. They seem to be in such a hurry because they have other things in mind. The more this time, the less they can't mess up. If they run now, doesn't that mean that they have a problem? ." Jian Chen secretly thought in his heart, forced himself to calm down, and still kept walking towards the city gate at the same pace as before, but now his walking speed was a little faster than before.

He had managed to escape from the encirclement of the crowd before, but now he doesn't want to fall into it again, but at this time, he must not be in a mess. On the other hand, Jian Chen is also very confident in his appearance. Now, he is no longer Wuyun, but Jian Chen.

Soon, the group of great sage masters from the rear leaped over the roofs of the houses on both sides of Jian Chen, and the speed did not slow down in the slightest.

Seeing this scene, Jian Chen finally let go of the heart in his throat. Fortunately, these people did not see through their identities.

However, just when an old man just passed by Jian Chen, his face suddenly changed, he suddenly turned his head and stared at Jian Chen who was standing in the crowd on the street, shouting: "I found it, here, surround him." Before falling, he jumped off the roof first, and finally landed five meters away from Jian Chen, staring at him with a vigilant look, being on guard.

Even if he was only facing a high-level holy teacher, this old man with the strength of the great holy teacher did not dare to be careless. He witnessed the scene where Jian Chen killed several great holy teachers with his own eyes.

After hearing the old man's words, the rest of the great sage masters immediately turned back, and followed the shape of the old man's position, and in the blink of an eye, they surrounded Jian Chen.

The sudden change caused Jian Chen to be stunned for a moment, and then his heart sank, but his expression did not change at all. He bowed his hands to the crowd and said with a smile; "Brothers, I don't know if you are..." Jian Chen In his heart, he still can't believe that his identity will be discovered. He is very confident in his grooming skills. His current appearance, and Wuyun's face that looks like he is in his forties, can be said to have undergone earth-shaking changes. , and even his hair was deliberately trimmed by him, and there was nothing in common between the two.

The more than 20 Great Sages who surrounded Jian Chen looked at Jian Chen's face, which was obviously only twenty years old, and their expressions were filled with doubts.

"Old Hemu, did you find the wrong person?" a middle-aged man in a white robe said to an old man.

"Yeah, old man Hemu, you're looking for the wrong person, where is Wuyun." As soon as the middle-aged man in the white robe finished speaking, another big man said in a sullen voice, with some dissatisfaction in his tone.

The old man known as Old Man Hemu stared at Jian Chen carefully, with some doubts in his eyes, and thought to himself, "Is it really the wrong person?" Just when this thought hit Old Man Hemu's mind When it appeared in the middle of the night, a small snake with only the thickness of a finger sprang out from the sleeves of the old man Hemu.

Seeing this scene, the old man Hemu was slightly startled. He stared at Jian Chen, who was in his twenties at most, and exclaimed, "You are cloudless!"

Listening to the exclamation of the old man Hemu, the other twenty or so great sage teachers also showed a hint of surprise in their eyes, and their eyes were full of disbelief when they looked at Jian Chen.

"Old Hemu, are you sure you didn't recognize the wrong person?" The old man in the red robe was still a little unsure.

The old man Hemu didn't answer the old man in red robe, he sneered and said to Jian Chen: "Wuyun, your ability to change your appearance is so great that all of us can't recognize you, but no matter how hard you are No matter how I change it, I still can't escape the smell of my spirit snake."

Jian Chen's face also became a little dignified with these words. The other party obviously has a secret method to detect his identity. Now, he can't avoid it.

Listening to Elder Hemu's affirmative words, the twenty or so great sage teachers were very surprised in their hearts, but their movements were not slow. No one dared to act first.

Jian Chen glanced around for a week, and finally landed on the old man Hemu, saying: "What method did you use to find me?"

Hearing this, the old man Hemu showed a smug look on his face, and said: "It's okay to tell you, when you jumped into the well, I sprinkled my special medicine powder on you, and this snake in my hand , I am very fond of this medicinal powder, as long as you are within a hundred miles, I can find you through this spirit snake."

Jian Chen suddenly realized, and continued: "Could it be that I can't wash off this medicinal powder when I enter the water?"

"Hmph, you too underestimate the Baili Xingying Powder made by my old Hemu. The Baili Xingying Powder made by our Yaogu cannot be washed with water. If you don't soak it in special medicine for a day, Then we have to wait for seven days for the medicine to slowly wear off." Elder Hemu said proudly.