Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 199: Break through again


In the blink of an eye, another half a month has passed. Now, it has been more than a month since Jian Chen came to Huangjia Village. In the past half month, Jian Chen rarely took a step out of the door. He was trapped in the cabin all day and devoted himself to improving his strength, only every two or three days, or three He only went out to eat a meal in four days, but he didn't stay outside too much. After the meal, he immediately returned to the cabin to continue his practice, rarely showing his face in front of outsiders.

After more than half a month of cultivation, the holy power in Jian Chen's body is also growing at a very fast rate, and at the same time, the consumption of the magic core in his space belt is also very fast, but fortunately It was he who had prepared sufficient third- and fourth-order magic cores before, and there were also some magic cores in the spatial belts confiscated from the great sage masters in Fengyang City, so in a short period of time, Jian Chen didn't have to worry at all. The magic core is not enough to consume. Moreover, in his space ring, there are still two fifth-order magic cores. These two fifth-order magic cores alone are enough to be worth hundreds of fourth-order magic cores. Up, it is enough to raise his strength to the stage of the Great Sage.

Now, Jian Chen's strength has reached the peak of the high-level saint teacher, and there is only a thin paper-like diaphragm blocking the distance from the great saint teacher.

At this last moment, Jian Chen stopped cultivating and slowly opened his eyes. At this moment, there was a little excitement in his plain eyes. Great Sage, he should have broken through more than a month ago. But unfortunately, because of the hidden dangers left in his body, he had to postpone the breakthrough time. And once he breaks through to the Great Sage, he will have enough ability to solve the feud of the Tianxiong family in Nawak City.

Taking a deep breath, Jian Chen slowly calmed down the turbulent mood in his heart, and then took out a dozen fourth-order magic cores the size of a child's fist from the space belt and placed them in front of his legs for his breakthrough. needs.

Because at the critical juncture of the breakthrough, the energy required is very huge, and at that time he did not have extra time to take the magic core from the space belt, so these things must be prepared before the breakthrough.

After everything was fully prepared, Jian Chen held a fourth-order magic core in each of his hands, slowly closed his eyes, and entered the state of cultivation again.

In a blink of an eye, another day passed, and at noon, Rothko, his wife Fanghui and their two children were sitting in the house eating lunch.

"This Jian Chen's cultivation is too hard. In the past half a month, he has only come out for a meal every two or three days. I don't know how he can bear it. This time, it has been four full days. It's time, Jian Chen hasn't even taken a step out of the door, sigh, I'm really worried that he will be tired and sick." Looking through the door to a small wooden house with a closed wooden door not far away, Fang Hui He shook his head and sighed, with a worried look in his tone.

Hearing this, Rothko laughed and said, "Hui'er, you have never been in contact with the power of the Holy Spirit, you will never imagine the magic of the power of the Holy Spirit, Jian Chen's cultivation is indeed very hard, at least a hundred times harder than I used to. , but this will definitely not cause you to get tired and sick. As for eating, let alone eating, on the Tianyuan Continent, it is normal for some powerful people to not eat for a few days or even ten days. In the past, when I was out on a mission, I and a few of my buddies didn’t eat for four or five days, and it wasn’t like we were still fighting robbers and robbers.”

Hearing this, Fanghui held back her mouth in disdain and said, "You are you, Jian Chen is Jian Chen, don't forget that you were all in your thirties at that time, and Jian Chen was only a 20-year-old. A young man in his early teens, with such a thin body, how can he compare with a strong man."

Roscoe sighed lightly and said, "Hui'er, you haven't walked on the Tianyuan Continent, and you don't know anything about this. Let me tell you, the strength of an individual has nothing to do with age. Yes, some people with talent and stupidity will not be able to condense a holy soldier and become a holy man in their entire life, while some people with good luck and good conditions have many mercenaries at a young age, which they cannot achieve in this lifetime. high."

"Just like the village head of our Huangjia Village, he is over 150 years old this year, and he only possesses the strength of a great saint. This is already the most powerful person in our village, and in Among some colleges on Tianyuan Continent, our village chief's strength is barely up to the graduation standard, and there are many people under the age of thirty who already have the strength of our village chief."

Fang Hui nodded, pondering, "It seems to be a good statement, but Jian Chen might not have such a strong strength. After all, he is too young."

Hearing Fanghui's words, Rothko was about to continue his defense when suddenly, a gust of wind blew in from outside the house without warning, rolled up a large amount of sand and flew into the house, and smashed several dishes of vegetables on the table. is full of sand.

"Oops, why is there such a strong wind all of a sudden." Rothko's face changed slightly, and he ran over to close the door immediately.

"Hey .... ... ...., Mother, my eyes into the sand, can't open." Luo Jia with a dinner on the dinner table covered his eyes and said with a few cry.

Fanghui hurriedly came to Luo Jia's side to comfort and said, "Dear, Jiajia, don't cry, my mother is here, let my mother blow the sand for you, come, open your eyes."

Roscoe looked back at the food on the table, which was already covered with a layer of sand, hesitated for a while, and said with a serious face: "You guys stay in the house first, I'll go out and have a look, this strong wind is really coming. It was too sudden, there was no sign at all, and it felt a little weird." With that, Roscoe opened the door and walked out.

Outside the house, the gust of wind was still raging everywhere, and the dust that rolled up the sky flew into the air, covering the sky and blocking the sun. Even the strong rays of light from the scorching sun in the sky were weakened by the thick layer of dust that had accumulated in the sky. a few points. Some clothes hanging outside were driven by the strong wind and flew high into the sky, fluttering with the wind. On the roof, a lot of tiles were blown away, and even a few fragile wooden houses were disintegrated by the strong wind.

"What's the matter, why is there such a strong wind all of a sudden..."

"This gust of wind is so strange, it came suddenly, and it's so violent..."

In the distance, the villagers of Huangjia Village also walked out of the wooden house one after another, all very puzzled.

Ross Koko light glanced around casually. When he inadvertently swept to the small wooden house where Jian Chen lived, his eyes suddenly froze, because he suddenly discovered from the smoke and dust flying in the sky that the wind seemed to live in Jian Chen. The small wooden house in the center is the center, and it spreads around.

Rothko, who once roamed the Tianyuan Continent and possessed the strength of a holy teacher, quickly deduced the truth of the matter based on this phenomenon, and the next pair of eyes stared at the place where Jian Chen lived in disbelief. A small wooden house, lost his voice: " this the movement that Jian Chen made when he was cultivating?" At this moment, Rothko's heart set off a huge wave. He knew very well that in order to create such a scene, what was needed What a powerful strength, at least ten years ago when he had the strength of a holy teacher, he was far from being able to do this, and what made him even more unbelievable was that Jian Chen was only in his early twenties. , has far surpassed him back then.

"It's really misunderstood. The young man's strength is definitely stronger than that of the Saint Master. It is estimated that his strength is at least as good as the Great Saint Master." Roscoe said with a sigh, although he has become a cripple now, but once The experience of Jian Chen is still there, and Jian Chen's strength can be guessed at once.

"Everyone, this gust of wind seems to be blowing in that direction." An old voice came from a distance, and a white-haired old man pointed to the direction where Jian Chen lived and said loudly.

Hearing this, the rest of the people also turned their heads to look at the place where Jian Chen lived, and immediately someone said: "The village chief is right, this gust of wind is indeed blowing from that direction. Look at the smoke and dust in the air. It spreads all around."

"Come on, let's go and see..."

"Yes, let's go over and see what's going on together..."

Afterwards, a group of people followed closely behind the village chief and walked towards the wooden house where Jian Chen lived. The arrival of their group was immediately discovered by Rothko, and Rothko hurried over to stop them and said, "Village Chief, let's not go there now, so as not to disturb young Jian Chen."

"Rosco, what the hell is going on? I think this gust of wind seems to be blowing from that cabin." The village chief asked Rosco, his tone full of doubts, the wrinkled The old face is also very serious.

"Yeah, Roscoe, what exactly is in that wooden house, isn't there any treasure hidden there?" As soon as the village chief finished speaking, someone immediately replied.

"That's right, Roscoe, you are so unkind, and you won't let us all open your eyes when you find the treasure."

"Hurry up and take out the baby and let us all see it. I have never seen a baby that can blow the wind."

Following the man's words, the rest of the people also thought that there must be some treasure hidden in the cabin, and they also followed suit and said loudly.

"Shhhhhhh, everyone keep quiet." Rothko hurriedly made a gesture of silence, and after everyone was quiet, he lowered his voice and said innocently: "Don't get me wrong, where do I have any treasures? Ah, this is clearly a phenomenon caused by young man Jian Chen's cultivation in the house. Based on my previous experience, I can preliminarily conclude that this phenomenon should have occurred when young man Jian Chen had reached the most critical moment in his cultivation. This kind of moment is I am most afraid of being disturbed by others, otherwise, it will cause very serious consequences, and it will be very unfavorable to the young man Jianchen. Let’s walk, let’s all stay far away, and don’t disturb the young man Jianchen’s cultivation.”

"Oh, so that's how it is..."

"Impossible, I've seen Jian Chen before, how come I didn't realize that he is so powerful, he actually has the supernatural ability to call the wind and call the rain."

"Roscoe, you're not lying to us, are you?"

Everyone questioned, after all, they were all people who grew up in mountain villages, and they almost never went to Tianyuan Continent, so many people were skeptical about Rothko's words, and they simply didn't believe in a person who was not as old as them. To actually have such a great ability, this scene in front of them seems to be a great magical power in their eyes.

The old village chief stared at the wooden house where Jian Chen lived for a long time, his eyes were deeply shocked, then he sighed and turned back: "Everyone, what Rothko said makes sense, as for Whether the matter is the same as what Rothko said, we will naturally find out later, and now we should step back to avoid disturbing little brother Jianchen.”

The old village chief obviously has a high prestige in the hearts of everyone. As soon as he spoke, everyone stopped talking, silently backed away, and stopped until fifty meters away, and everyone stopped there. He looked at the small wooden house where Jian Chen lived.

The gust of wind continued to wreak havoc in the surrounding area, but the area affected was not large, only a few hundred meters in radius, just covering the entire Huangjia Village.

Everyone has been watching from the 50-meter exterior for nearly half an hour. During this period, even some old and frail elderly people, some women and children have left the house one after another, watching what happened here with the sand flying in the sky. .

At present, there are more than 100 people in the entire Huangjia Village. As long as they are still able to move in Huangjia Village, almost all of them are gathered here, watching the scene that they have never seen before. If the scene in front of him was placed on Tianyuan Continent, it might not normally attract anyone's special attention, but in this small mountain village that was almost isolated from the world, it was very fresh.

"Why do I feel that my heart is getting more and more uncomfortable, and it is very difficult to breathe on the uncomfortable face." Suddenly, an elderly man stretched out his hand and rubbed his chest, and said very suspiciously.

"Yeah, I also feel stuffy in my chest, so stuffy that people panic, and it seems like I'm still carrying a heavy load." As soon as the old man finished speaking, a middle-aged man standing beside him also said.

"Me too, my chest is so tight, it's like a big rock is pressing on my chest, and I'm almost out of breath."

"It's strange, you all feel the same way. I thought it was the symptoms caused by my discomfort."

"I feel the same way too..."

"I have that too… .",

Hearing the crowd's discussion, Rothko was startled, and then seemed to have thought of something, his face changed slightly, and he immediately shouted: "Everyone, step back, this is an invisible form that only powerful people can emit. His aura will directly have a huge impact on the people around him, and some top powerhouses can even directly suffocate people to death with their aura."

Hearing what Roscoe said, including the old village chief, everyone's expressions changed greatly, and they hurriedly backed away until they stopped 100 meters away, although many of them simply did not understand what aura was. What, but they heard one sentence clearly, that is, some top powerhouses can directly suffocate and suffocate people with their aura.


Just when everyone had just stepped back to a hundred meters away, a loud noise suddenly came, and the small wooden house where Jian Chen lived was instantly shattered, and then a figure smashed through the roof, like a cannonball. It soared into the sky, and in the blink of an eye, it flew into the air fifty meters high.


Jian Chen was suspended in the sky at a height of fifty meters, and he raised a long whistle in the sky. The sound was rolling, and it spread far away. Immediately, the powerful and surging power of the Holy Spirit gathered in his left hand. The pure energy light group formed by the force came out of his hand and flew towards the ground in the distance.


When the energy light group bombarded the ground, there was a loud roar, accompanied by a large amount of smoke and dust slowly rising from the ground. When the smoke and dust dissipated, it was shocking to find that there had already appeared there. Three meters, five meters deep pit.

The surging holy power emerged from Jian Chen's right hand again, and quickly condensed a silver-white long sword. Under the sunlight, the silver sword god reflected a dazzling light, making people dare not dare. Looking directly, this long sword seems to be more dazzling than the sun in the sky.

I saw the silver light flashed away, and the long sword has been thrust out at a lightning speed. A sharp sword energy with a dazzling light broke away from the shackles of the long sword, and shot at the front at a lightning speed. A few hundred meters in the open space, silently submerged into the hard stone slab, leaving only a very small gap on the surface, with no cracks around.

After this sword was pierced, Jian Chen's body also slowly fell to the ground. Although he jumped to a height of fifty meters, he could only stay in the air for a short period of time.

When he landed on the ground, there was a faint smile on Jian Chen's face. It was a confident smile. After more than half a month of constant training day and night, now his strength has successfully broken through from a high-level saint teacher to a great master. Master stage.