Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 202: Purple Sword Qi


These two swords, because the sword spirit is born of the two qi of yin and yang, and the special materials used in refining, are also called the two swords of yin and yang, Ziying is yang, and Qingsuo is yin. The two swords are self-contained. couple. When the two swords of Ziqing are combined into one, it is the intersection of yin and yang. At that time, the merged two swords of Ziqing will have the ability to destroy the sky and destroy the earth.

Although the two swords of Ziqing and Qing will have the ability to open up the world after they are combined into one, but because the two swords are one yin and one yang, they just compete with each other in terms of attributes, as if water and fire are incompatible, so it is extremely difficult to integrate, and In the process of fusion, once the balance of yin and yang is lost, the yin and yang will be in chaos, which will cause a huge backlash. Not only can it not hurt the enemy, but it will damage itself.

The light ones will be seriously injured while holding the sword, and the heavy ones will be destroyed by the sword.

In the past, when the Ziqing Shuangjian experienced a war, the fusion of the two swords failed, resulting in great damage to the two swords and their owners, and the Ziqing Shuangjian was even more destroyed. When it opened, the two sword spirits formed by the yin and yang two qi leaked from the heaven and the earth survived, and finally hid in a spiritual vein underground and slowly recovered.

All these information were transmitted to Jian Chen in a very mysterious way when the sword spirit of Ziqing Shuangjian rushed into Jian Chen's mind just now, which seemed to be a kind of conscious communication.

At the same time, Jian Chen also understands that the current Ziqing double swords and sword spirits have suffered a huge backlash due to their failure to fuse with each other in the past, and the damage they have suffered has not fully recovered. When he was a great saint, he was unable to communicate with himself. It was not until his strength reached the stage of a great saint that he could barely communicate with himself. Even so, they all had to enter his consciousness.

Jian Chen slowly digested the information he had just obtained in his mind. The purple and green light spots in his dantian turned out to be the sword spirits of two divine swords, and he already possessed his own consciousness and was able to think independently. Such a result indeed made Jian Chen somewhat unacceptable.

But he wasn't very human either, and as unbelievable as it all was, he quickly calmed down and accepted it.

Jian Chen sat cross-legged on the ground, slowly closed his eyes, and entered into the inner vision. The scene inside Jian Chen’s mind appeared in Jian Chen’s head. Now, the holy soldier who had been trembling in his dantian, trying to get rid of Jian Chen’s control, had completely stabilized, and was suspended there like a gentle little boy. sheeplike. The only difference is that the purple and blue light spots that were originally entrenched in a corner of the dantian have now moved to the bottom of the holy soldiers, where the way of the Taiji diagram is intertwined with each other and slowly rotating.

Today, although the two light spots of purple and green are still in Jian Chen's body, Jian Chen's heart is now completely at ease. Unknown things are terrifying, and uncontrollable things are fatal. Before knowing the identity of the purple and blue light spots, Jian Chen was really worried for a few days, but now it is different. Now that he has completely understood the identities of these two light spots, his heart has finally been completely put it down.

At this moment, Jian Chen was very happy. Suddenly, he realized that since he became a saint, his mood has never been so relaxed.

Slowly opening his eyes, a smile appeared on Jian Chen's face, and then he slowly raised his right hand. In his right hand, a purple light and a blue light suddenly appeared, forming a faint beam of light in Jian Chen's hand. At the same time, these two rays of light entwined each other in a spiral shape, as if they were a pair of intimate lovers, but they did not violate each other. No matter how they changed in Jian Chen's hands, they never collided.

These purple and blue rays of light are the power of the Ziqing Sword Spirit. Now, Jian Chen has been able to initially use the power of the Ziqing Sword Spirit.

Although the power of the Ziqing Sword Spirit in his hand seems inconspicuous, only Jian Chen can feel how terrifying the sword energy is in this purple and blue light, even though it is only a trace of the power of the Ziqing Sword Spirit. , but just this trace of power made Jian Chen feel a shudder, it was a trembling from the heart.

The sword qi of the Ziqing Sword Spirit has reached the realm of returning to its original state, and it can't be felt from the outside.

"With the help of the Ziqing Sword Spirit, my strength has taken a leap again. Now, even if I meet the Earth Master again, I can use the help of the Ziqing Sword Spirit to fight him for 300 rounds." With this purple-green sword energy in the middle, Jian Chen's face was full of excitement, and he murmured excitedly in a low voice.

The appearance of the Ziqing Sword Spirit made Jian Chen very happy. This not only solved the problem he had been worrying about, but also improved his strength once again.

Jian Chen was excited for a long time alone in the dim cabin, and finally calmed down. After finishing his clothes, he stood up and left the cabin.

Fifty meters outside the cabin, the entire Huangjia Village, men, women and children, gathered there to stare at the cabin and discuss in a low voice. Because of Roscoe's instructions, everyone did not dare to make too much noise, and Stay far away and try not to disturb Jian Chen.

Jian Chen's performance today has opened the eyes of the entire Huangjia Village, the villagers who have never been to the Tianyuan Continent. Until now, they have not realized how powerful some of the outsiders are, and at the same time, Jian Chen has also become a The idol in the hearts of the young and strong young people in Huangjia Village.


At this moment, the wooden door of the hut suddenly opened, and at the same time, the villagers who gathered fifty meters away to discuss in a low voice suddenly became silent, and more than a hundred pairs of eyes stared at Jian Chen.

Looking at the large group of people gathered there, Jian Chen smiled slightly, and now less than half an hour has passed since he entered the cabin.

"I'm fine now, everyone, let's go. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience caused to everyone today, and please forgive me." Jian Chen bowed his hands to everyone, his tone very sincere.

After Jian Chen finished speaking, there was silence in the arena for a moment, and then Rothko broke the peace.

"Young man, are you all right?" Roscoe's tone was full of concern.

Jian Chen smiled slightly: "Thank you uncle for your concern. Now my problems have been completely resolved, and there is no serious problem."

"Little brother Jianchen, please forgive me for asking if you have just broken through to a higher level," the old village chief asked.

… .

Next, a group of curious village generals, Jian Chenwei, were at a loss for questions. As for their questions, as long as they could tell them, Jian Chen knew everything.

Jian Chen had been entangled for an hour, and finally got out with the help of Rothko, and then returned to the house with Rothko, his wife and two children.