Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 219: Invited by the mayor


"Little brother in front, please stay."

Just as Jian Chen was thinking about his next plan, a voice suddenly came from behind, accompanied by the sound of dense and hasty footsteps.

Hearing the sound, Jian Chen's forward figure paused slightly. When he turned his head to look, he saw a group of soldiers in armor and armor running towards him at a rapid pace, while the two in the front were both walking towards him. A middle-aged man.

When Jian Chen's eyes fell on one of the two middle-aged men in armor, his eyes narrowed slightly. He had only seen this person not long ago, and he was relieved to be the commander of the Wacker City Guards Dolly.

Seeing that the person who came was actually the city guards of Wacker City, Jian Chen's face changed slightly, and he suddenly became suspicious in his heart, whether these people came to arrest him because he killed the Zhou family.

Although Jian Chen is not afraid of these people, he still has to find Uncle Kent's family in Wacker City. Because of this relationship, he is still very reluctant to be the enemy of the Emperor of Wacker City.

"Little brother, please stay!" Seeing Jian Chen stop, Commander Dolly shouted again, and then led a group of soldiers to Jian Chen quickly.

Jian Chen's eyes stayed on the man standing beside Dolly Commander for a while, then his eyes fell on Dolly Commander and asked, "Dolly Commander, is there something wrong?"

Commander Dolly showed a kind smile on his face. He pointed at the middle-aged man standing beside him, and said, "Little brother, this is the city owner of Wacker City."

"The city lord of Wacker City!" Jian Chen was slightly surprised when he heard the words, his eyes fell on the city owner of Wacker City, and then he cupped his hands and said: "It turns out that the Lord of the city owner, I am disrespectful to Jian Chen."

After hearing that Jian Chen had at least the strength of a great saint at the age of 20, the city lord of Wacker City had already decided that he was a person born in a big family with a strong background. At this moment, seeing that Jian Chen didn't have the arrogance and arrogance possessed by wealthy children born in a big family, the impression of Jian Chen in his heart suddenly improved a lot.

The city lord of Wacker City also bowed his hands and said with a smile: "It turns out that the little brother is called Jian Chen, in Xia Yunli, if little brother Jian Chen doesn't dislike it, you can call me Brother Yun. Right." Looking at Jian Chen's indifferent face, Yun Li was more sure of what he was thinking in his heart, whether it was Jian Chen's calm expression or the inadvertently exuding unique temperament, he was not an ordinary person. As far as he could, even though Jian Chen was wearing only a very cheap cloth, not only did this not make the city lord look down on him, but he admired him even more in his heart.

Hearing the words of Yun Li, the lord of Wacker City, Jian Chen already knew in his heart that Yun Li was trying to get close to him, but he did not take it to heart, because with the current Yun Li, Jian Chen was still Didn't take him to heart.

"I don't know why the City Lord Yunli is looking for me?" Jian Chen's expression was calm, with a faint smile on his face, and his tone was extremely flat.

Yun Li chuckled and said, "Little brother Jianchen, it's not convenient to speak on this street. I wonder if you can come to the manor if you have time."

Hearing this, Jian Chen's heart moved, and he suddenly thought of the problem of Uncle Kent's family, and then agreed without any hesitation.

The City Lord's Mansion is located in the center of Wacker City. It is the most majestic building in Wacker City. It occupies a ground area of 10 square kilometers. It is the largest building in Wacker City. Even the Mercenary Union cannot compare with it. In the city lord's mansion, there are teams of patrolling soldiers walking around from time to time, openly and secretly, people are always paying attention to everything that is happening around them, which can be described as heavily guarded.

In the discussion hall in the city lord's mansion, the city lord Yun Li of Wacker gave up sitting on the throne of the city lord above, and was willing to lower his status and sit opposite Jian Chen. The two beside him were only seventeen or eighteen years old. The young and energetic girl was waiting by the side, replenishing tea and some cakes for the two from time to time.

After the two casually chatted for a while, they quickly got to the point.

"Little brother Jianchen, you must also know that our Wacker City is about to face the attack of the wave of monsters. This is a life-and-death test for us in Wacker City. Once we can't resist the attack of the monster wave, then we will The hundreds of thousands of people in Wacker City will become the food in the mouths of those monsters, so I hope that little brother Jianchen can help us survive this disaster." The smile on Yun Li's face disappeared, and his face was serious. He said to Jian Chen with a negotiating tone.

Jian Chen chuckled and said, "The city lord must have looked down on him too much. He is only a loner and weak. How can I help Wacker City resist those thousands of monsters?"

Hearing Jian Chen's words, Yun Li's face tightened. From Jian Chen's words, he seemed to hear Jian Chen's unwillingness to help Wack City resist the tide of monsters, but before he could speak, Jian Chen continued to speak. : "But since I came to Wacker City, I should do my best, but I can't guarantee whether I can successfully block the wave of monsters in the end."

Jian Chen's words caused Yun Li's frowning brows to immediately stretch, and he said with a cheerful smile: "With what little brother Jianchen said, then I can rest assured that little brother Jianchen can join us. I think our Wacker City will be able to get through this crisis safely."

At this moment, Dolly, the commander of the city guards, hurried in from the outside and walked quickly to the city lord Yun Li. He glanced at Jian Chen with a complicated look, and then whispered in the ear of the city lord. murmured something.

I saw that the look on the face of Yun Li, the lord of Wacker City, gradually became serious, and finally full of solemnity, and the gaze that looked at Jian Chen also became a little complicated for a while.

Staring at Yun Li's changing face, Jian Chen also felt a curiosity in his heart. Although he didn't know what had caused such a big impact on Yun Li, from the eyes of Yun Li and Dolly looking at him, he I have already guessed one or two in my heart, I am afraid that most of this matter involves myself.

Suddenly, Jian Chen's eyes flickered, and he secretly said, "Could it be because of the Tianxiong family?" Jian Chen had very few enemies in Wacker City, and something that could make Wacker City Lord Yun Li feel serious, then In addition to the Zhou family and the Zhou family mercenary group, there is only one Tianxiong family left. Moreover, the most important thing is that Tianxionglie knows his name, and the hatred between himself and the Tianxiong family is also due to The death of Tian Xiong Lie's only son, Tian Xiong Kang, became irreversible.