Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 234: Combat Skills - Unexpected Discovery


Next, Jian Chen stayed in an elegant independent courtyard that Kyle specially arranged for him. In a large and quiet room, Jian Chen sat at a table in front of the window, while on the table , with relief placed three space belts.

Of these four space belts, one of them is different from Zhou’s family, and the other two belong to Tianxionglie and Tianxiong Daoyun of the Tianxiong family. When he left the Tianxiong family, Jian Chen took them off. To bring the space of the two brothers Tianxionglie. After destroying the Zhou family, because he had to face the more powerful Tianxiong family the next day, Jian Chen was so focused on restoring the holy power he had lost during the day that he didn't have time to check the space belt. Things, until this moment, he has no free time to check what is in the different space belts of Zhou.

Jian Chen reached out and picked up Zhou's different space belt, and immediately began to check the contents inside. In Zhou's different space belts, the first- and second-order magic nuclei have piled up into a hill, and the total number is estimated to be more than 200. Next to it, there is a small pile of third-order magic nuclei, but the same as the first- and second-order magic nuclei. In comparison, the number of third-order magic cores is much smaller, only about twenty, while the fourth-order magic core has only a measly two.

In addition, four piles of coins, copper coins, silver coins, gold coins, and amethyst coins were stacked neatly in four small square piles in Zhou's different space belts. According to Jian Chen's estimation, these copper coins, silver coins, gold coins, and Adding up all the amethyst coins, it is estimated that there are more than 10,000 amethyst coins. These coins must be prepared to maintain the daily expenses of the Zhou family.

In addition to these, there are several piles of debris piled up in a corner of the space belt, nothing more than some clothes.

Afterwards, the space belts of Tianxionglie and Tianxiong Daoyun were also flipped over by Jian Chen. Tianxionglie’s space belts also contained quite a few demon cores. There are more than forty tiers, five tiers, and more than 2,000 amethyst coins and a purple-gold card with an unknown amount. And Tianxiong Daoyun's space belt is relatively shabby. In addition to a purple gold card and hundreds of amethyst coins, there are only twelve third-order magic cores and one fourth-order magic core.

After checking the three space belts, Jian Chen couldn't help showing a happy smile on his face. Among the three space belts alone, there are more than 10,000 amethyst coins, and there are more than 400 first- and second-order magic cores. There are more than 60 third-order magic cores, which is a lot of income, and the most important thing is the purple gold card that I don't know how much money I have saved.

Immediately afterwards, Jian Chen took out a ring from his space belt. This ring was silver-white with simple and simple patterns engraved on it.

After Jian Chen took a rough look at the space ring, he immediately checked the contents inside. The space ring is a higher-level storage device than the space belt. The space inside it is so large that the space belt can never match. Even the most expensive space belt, the space in it is only ten square meters. Although the space inside this small space ring is not as big as the spaceless ring that Jian Chenfei’s father Chang Yangba gave him, it is still more than fifty square meters.

In the large space of the space ring, there are some ceramics that can be seen to be valuable at a glance, and in the center, a bookcase stands quietly there, and three books are neatly placed on it. Beside it, a purple-gold card emitting a faint purple light also lay there quietly.

Jian Chen's eyes were immediately attracted to the three books on the bookcase, and without any hesitation, he immediately took out all the three books.

"Exotic Treasures!"

When his eyes fell on the first book, five big characters appeared in Jian Chen's eyes with relief, and Jian Chen's eyes also lit up, forcibly suppressing the thought that he was about to read, Jian Chen immediately took it away The first book, revealing the title of the second book.

"Human-level combat skills, control the wind!"

When he saw these words, Jian Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, and his heart beat vigorously uncontrollably.

"Combat skills, this is actually a book of war skills!" Jian Chen's tone was full of surprise. He never expected that Zhou Wei's body actually had a book of war skills hidden in his body. Combat skills are absolutely precious on Tianyuan Continent. Things are far more precious than cultivation techniques, and even the lowest level of combat skills are invaluable.

Jian Chen glanced at the above words repeatedly, and finally sighed helplessly, and muttered in disappointment, "But unfortunately, this is only a human-level combat skill."

Combat skills are divided into four levels, the highest is the holy level, followed by the heaven level, the earth level, and the human level, each of which is divided into three levels. Human rank is the lowest level of combat skills.

Slowly moving away from the book that had a combat skill in mind, Jian Chen looked at the last book. The cover of the last book had the words "Wind Soul" written on it. The cultivation method is also a human-level method.

Shaking his head in disappointment, Jian Chen's two books on human-level combat skills, Wind Control and Wind Soul are still in the bookcase. All of these things are hard to find in the eyes of others, but to him, they are simply It had no effect at all. Back then in Kargath Academy, he had even watched the same method of the Heavenly Rank, and this kind of human-ranked practice did not give him any interest at all.

Jian Chen gently placed the Rare Treasure Record on the table and read it slowly.

In the blink of an eye, two days have passed. During these two days, Jian Chen and the members of the Flame Mercenary Group all stayed at Kai's house to practice with peace of mind. Under the great pressure, everyone is working hard to improve their strength to ensure that they can survive the wave of Warcraft safely.

In the past two days, some strange people suddenly appeared around the Kai's compound. The appearance of the flame mercenary group attracted the attention of all the forces in Wacker City, large and small, because the five Great Sages Joining a mercenary group at the same time, this matter is a sensation in the city of Wacker, especially these five great masters are still celebrities in Wacker City, so today's Kai family has become Wacker City. The object of attention of all the big and small forces in Kecheng.

The destruction of the Zhou family and the Tianxiong family has also been suppressed by the upcoming wave of monsters, and the impact has been minimized. Except for some forces in Wacker City, few people have paid attention to this matter.

That night, in the pitch-black night sky, the flying beasts that had always been huge in size descended from the sky and fell into the city lord's mansion, and two figures could be vaguely seen on the flying beasts.