Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 240: Rank Six Earth Sage


Although the conversation between the two was very light, the people standing here were all powerful people, so they heard every word of it.

"What, the kid standing next to me just now is Jian Chen. This...he looks too young. I really can't believe that he has such a strong strength at such a young age." The face sighed in surprise.

"Yeah, he is really too young, this son's future achievements will definitely be extraordinary."

Almost everyone knows about the major events that happened in Wacker City in the past two days, and Jian Chen's name is also known to everyone. However, since Wacker City is now facing the attack of the wave of monsters, everyone is focused on resistance. In the aspect of Warcraft, in the face of important matters related to the life and death of Wacker City, the death of the Tianxiong family and the Zhou family is not worth mentioning, so this turmoil can be quickly calmed down, and Jianchen this If the name is not mentioned deliberately, few people will think of him.

"That's not necessarily true." A big man with a big, three-dimensional appearance held back his mouth in disdain and said, "It's a rumor after all, and we haven't seen it with our own eyes. I think this rumor is mostly false, or it's an exaggeration, Look at how old he is, he is only in his twenties at most. How could he have cultivated to the strength of a great sage at such a young age? Did he start cultivating from his mother's womb? The affairs of the family and the Tianxiong family were not done by him alone, but with the help of strong companions."

After listening to Dahan's words, a few people nodded slightly. Dahan's words are not without reason. Rumors are rumors after all. They have experienced too many ups and downs along the way, and they have heard many rumors. , but although a small part of it is true, most of them are too far from the truth and are all exaggerated.

Listening to the guesses of the few people around Jian Chen, the Yunli City Lord showed a faint smile on his face. He felt the slight pain from everywhere on his body, and he sighed again in his heart. Although he is not very clear about his strength, he does know some things. After all, he and the two messengers have just suffered a big loss in the garden not long ago, but he doesn't want to explain such a thing to the people around him.

Jian Chen came to the two messengers and said with a light smile: "Master messenger, whether we can successfully block the tide of monsters this time depends on the two messengers."

Hearing this, Katata stared at Jian Chen with a smile on his face, the amiable expression on his face gave people a very affectionate feeling, and people couldn't help but feel good at first glance.

"Jianchen, I'm older than you, so I'll just call you little brother Jianchen, you don't mind." Katata said mildly.

"Of course I don't mind." Jian Chen said with a light smile, he did not let down his guard completely because of Katata's kind expression. Judging from his experience, Katata's expression on the surface If it comes from the heart, it is definitely a person worthy of being handed over. If he deliberately pretended, then this person is really scary, and you must beware.

Katata looked at Jian Chen and said with a smile: "Little brother Jian Chen, although my brother and I are both Earth Masters, the power of the fifth-order beast is definitely beyond your expectations, even if my brother and I join forces It is extremely difficult to kill a fifth-order beast, so I hope that little brother Jian Chen can help us."

Jian Chen laughed at himself and said, "Master messenger, you are too good at joking. How can the strength of the great sage in the lower districts be able to deal with fifth-order monsters? What's the difference between this and sending death in vain." Having said that, However, Jian Chen was really eager to fight against the fifth-order beasts. However, this was not because he used his own strength to fight against the fifth-order beasts, but with the power of Ziqing sword qi.

"Little brother Jianchen, you are really humble, the powerful force you just burst out in the garden scared me into a shudder, even now, my whole body is still hurting, if If little brother Jianchen can use the power just now, I believe that the fifth-order monster is definitely not the opponent of little brother Jianchen." Katata said with a light smile.

There was a bit of bitterness on Jian Chen's face, and he said, "Lord Messenger, the power just now is definitely beyond my control. However, this time, I will try my best to assist Wacker City in defending the city."

"Haha, with the words of little brother Jianchen, I feel a little relieved." Katata breathed a sigh of relief.

Noticing the change in Katata's expression, Jian Chen's heart moved, and he asked, "Lord Messenger, with the two of you here, this wave of monsters shouldn't be a problem."

Hearing this, Katata sighed slightly and said: "Yes, I didn't take this fifth-order monster in my heart before, but since I stood on this city wall, I no longer dare to underestimate it. ."

Jian Chen's expression changed slightly, and he said in surprise: "Is that the strength of that fifth-order monster so powerful that it is not easy for the two of you to fight together?"

"Yes!" The smile on Katata's face disappeared, and there was a rare trace of solemnity in his eyes, and he said, "Since I stood here, there has been an aura that locked the two of us in the distance. This aura is extremely It was so powerful that it suppressed both of us."

Katata's plain words stopped in Jian Chen's ears like a thunderclap, making him unable to keep his face indifferent and pale, and exclaimed in a low voice: "How is this possible, a fifth-order Demon, you can suppress both of you with just your breath, how powerful is this fifth-order beast."

Katata smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Jianchen, it seems that you still don't know the specific division of the strength of the earth sage. I will tell you now." After saying this, Katata paused slightly, and then continued to speak. Dao: "Each stage of the four stages of saint, great saint, saint teacher, great saint teacher is divided into more specific strengths by three grades, namely elementary, intermediate, and advanced three grades, and Once you reach the Earth Master, there are six levels to divide the specific strength. We all divide these six levels into Rank 6, Rank 1 is the lowest, and Rank 6 is the highest. A higher-level sky sage."

"And my brother Katafei and I are both in the second rank of the Earth Saint Master, and the fifth-order monster in front of me that has not yet appeared, I estimate that it has at least reached the fourth rank, or even the fifth rank, the strength is higher than The two of us are much stronger."

Hearing this, Jian Chen's expression also became serious. After listening to Katata's division of the strength of the earth sage, he suddenly realized how powerful the fifth-order beast in the Warcraft Mountains really is.