Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 243: Hundreds of fourth-order monsters


On the city wall, the dull sound produced by the magic crystal cannon firing shells has never been interrupted, and three kilometers away, the originally uneven ground has been blasted out one after another by the magic crystal cannon. Those soldiers who control the magic crystal cannon are busy one by one, and they are responsible for charging continuously to take out pieces of first-order and second-order magic cores from the large iron box next to them and stuff them into the magic crystal cannon.

Although Wacker City is a small third-tier city, due to the terrain near the Warcraft Mountains, the trading volume of magic cores here is very large, so after so many years of savings in Wacker City, the inventory of magic cores has reached a very high level. The number is terrifying. Although the magic crystal cannons consume a lot of magic cores, the stock of magic cores in Wacker City can still supply the dozens of magic crystal cannons in front of them for two or three days.

Jian Chen and the two messengers were standing on the city wall. Together with several Great Sages and the City Lord Yunli, they did not go down to participate in the battle. It was enough for these first- and second-order demons to deal with the mercenaries below. , and their real opponents are those fourth-order monsters behind the monsters. If you waste your energy on these low-level monsters now, who will resist when the fourth-level monsters arrive

On the city wall, Jian Chen looked at the densely packed at least tens of thousands of monsters of all kinds in the distance. He sighed in his heart, and murmured, "The number of these monsters is too many."

Hearing this, Katata nodded in agreement, and said, "Although this is the first time I have come to assist Waq City in resisting the wave of monsters, I also feel that the number of monsters this time is too large. Look at the back, there are still hundreds of monsters that haven't moved, based on the sense of breath, those monsters should be fourth-order monsters!"

Hearing this, Jian Chen looked around, and as expected, there were hundreds of beasts of all kinds standing there quietly at the back. They didn't launch an attack on Wacker City, but because the distance was really far away, and Jian Chen was not as powerful as Katata, so he couldn't detect the strength of those monsters at all.

Although the number of hundreds of Tier 4 monsters sounds unbelievable, Jian Chen believed that Katata would not make such a joke, sighed heavily, and said in a low voice: "Hundreds of Tier 4 monsters. , This is equivalent to hundreds of great masters of our human beings. Although we have gathered hundreds of thousands of people in Wacker City, among them, the masters of the great master class are probably not more than three digits. You can't compete with those hundreds of Tier 4 monsters."

"The only thing that we rely on now is the magic crystal cannon. With the four intermediate magic crystal cannons in Wacker City, it should bring some damage to those fourth-order beasts. Looking at the positions of those fourth-order beasts, it is almost a distance from this. It's eight kilometers away, this distance is just within the range of the intermediate magic crystal cannon." Katata said with a solemn expression, and then immediately called the Yunli City Lord, pointed his finger at the group of beasts at the back and said; "Yunli, Aim all the four intermediate-level magic crystal cannons for me to shoot at that position, there are all fourth-order magical beasts, only the intermediate-level magic crystal cannons can cause damage to them, and every time you kill one, you will be less stressed."

"Yes, the messenger!" To the Yunli City Lord, Katata's words seemed to be an order from a superior, and he dared not disobey. Without a moment's hesitation, the Yunli City Lord immediately directed four intermediate magic crystal cannons to aim at the last square. A group of Tier 4 Warcraft fired.


Four cannons were fired at once, and I saw four energy light clusters containing extremely unstable energy fluctuations like a dazzling meteor piercing the sky, slamming into the group of fourth-order monsters.

Fortunately, the position of the group of demon beasts is just at the edge of the maximum range of the four intermediate magic crystal cannons. When the four extremely powerful energy cannonballs erupted in a group of fourth-order demon beasts, there was immediately a large area of soil. It was overturned, and the powerful energy fluctuations turned into a arrogant energy storm madly raging towards the surroundings. Immediately, many monsters were thrown away from a distance, and they flew for nearly 20 meters before crashing. When they landed, many of the fourth-order beasts were already covered in flesh and blood, and bright red blood and a very small amount of green liquid flowed out of their bodies, which soon dyed their bodies red. The location where the shells fell was already covered by a large cloud of smoke and dust, so it was impossible to see the specific casualties at all.


The eyes of this group of fourth-order monsters are fierce, especially those injured fourth-order monsters, their eyes are even more bloodthirsty, and a pair of eyes are full of anger staring at the direction of the city wall, and there are several immediately The fourth-order Warcraft opened its hooves and rushed towards the city gate several kilometers away.

"Intermediate magic crystal cannon, give me a savage beating of the magical beast aiming at that position, don't stop!" Yunli City Lord shouted on the city wall, his face became more solemn than ever. From Katata's mouth, he also learned the terrifying news of the large number of fourth-order monsters. There are hundreds of them, and although Wacker City has gathered a lot of foreign mercenaries and some powerful monsters The mercenary group, but the masters of the Great Saint Master class among them are far from reaching three digits. How can such a few dozen Great Master Class powerhouses have hundreds of fourth-order monsters? Now, the only good way is to use the intermediate magic crystal cannons to destroy as many as possible before the fourth-order monsters are shot.

As the four intermediate-level magic crystal cannons shifted their targets, those Tier 4 beasts who stayed at the back and were safe and sound also suffered a huge disaster. The power of the intermediate-level magic crystal cannons was enough to bring them a deadly threat. With each round The launch of it can take away the lives of several fourth-order Warcraft, and the injured are countless.

Some of the beasts immediately retreated far away, exiting the range of the intermediate magic crystal cannons, while the other part of the irritable beasts roared, roaring all the way towards the wall of Wacker City. They were obviously knocked out of their minds by the mid-level magic crystal cannons. They were covered in blood and rushed all the way. Even if they encountered the same kind who were blocking their way, they would directly knock them away, and even a small part had opened their bloody mouths and bit them. Those who stand in their way.

At this moment, the ferocity and tyranny they were suppressed because of the appearance of the fifth-order beasts broke out completely.

The dull sound of the mid-level magic crystal cannon shook the sky, and bursts of energy shells were fired from the muzzle, constantly exploding in the fourth-order demon beasts, blasting the ground into large pits with a diameter of ten meters.

The fourth-order monsters run very fast. When the intermediate magic crystal cannons just fired the fifth shot, they were only 500 meters away from the city wall. However, the magic crystal cannons also brought them very heavy damage along the way. The number of losses has changed from more than 200 to less than 150 today, and most of them have suffered injuries of varying severity. Even so, it still makes the people standing on the city wall a big deal. The Saint Master's face became extremely solemn.

At this time, without the need for the city master Yunli to speak, some of the great sage masters standing on the city wall jumped down the city wall and rushed towards the more than one hundred fourth-order monsters below. Only they can block this group of fourth-order monsters. If these beasts are allowed to rush into the mercenaries whose strength is only saints and great saints, it will bring very heavy casualties.

In a blink of an eye, the dozens of Great Sages scattered all over the city wall were all engaged in the battle. At this moment, apart from the City Lord Yunli, Jian Chen and the two envoys, there was no one else on the city wall. A person with the strength of the Great Sage.

Including the newly added seven Great Sages of the Flame Mercenary Group, all of them fought with the fourth-order Warcraft.