Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 244: Jian Chen shot - such a fast sword


Within a few miles in front of Wacker City, it has completely turned into a killing battlefield. A huge mercenary team of more than 200,000 people and a large number of city defense troops wearing uniform armor are mixed together, and the battlefield has been stretched to several kilometers. The distance, covered in blood, fought with the monster in front of him.

In the rear, there were continuous logistics personnel running around the battlefield, carrying those injured back to the city on stretchers for treatment. On the huge battlefield, it was already dyed red with blood, and the rich blood-greased aura wafted in the air, which was unusually pungent.

Although it has only been a short time since the start of the war, there are already many corpses of mercenaries and monsters lying on the battlefield. Every moment, people are injured, and every moment, people die, and life seems to be at this moment. so fragile.

More than one hundred fourth-order monsters have been blocked by the joint efforts of dozens of great masters and more than a hundred saints. Despite this, the situation is not optimistic. A fourth-order monster usually requires two large masters. Only a holy teacher can deal with it, and now it is almost a great holy teacher facing a fourth-order magical beast. Although he can deal with it for a short period of time, it will be a matter of time before he loses. The capital that can compete with Warcraft is the power of the Holy Spirit. Once their Holy Power is exhausted, there is only a dead end waiting for them.

The dozens of magic crystal cannons on the city wall have never stopped. The dull sound of the cannons is the only thing that can cover up the thunderous screams in the field. The energy cannonballs explode behind the monsters, taking away the lives of the monsters. .

As the fighting lasted, more and more people were injured. The wounded who were carried into the city by stretchers continued to make painful noises. Many of them lacked arms and legs. With their withdrawal, the number of people fighting with monsters outside the city is also rapidly decreasing, and the pressure on everyone is increasing. If this continues, it is only a matter of time before Wacker City is captured by monsters.

On the city wall, the city lord Yunli ran to Jian Chen and the two envoys with a heavy face, and said solemnly: "The number of monsters this time is too large, especially the fourth-order monsters, the number is actually our Great Sage. The teacher is several times, and if it goes on like this, even if the fifth-order monster does not shoot, these fourth-order monsters can smash our Wacker city."

"I have already checked the previous encounters with the monster wave in Wacker City from the books. Even if the situation was the most serious, the number of fourth-order monsters would never exceed 50, and this time, there have been a lot of Hundreds of Tier 4 monsters, damn it, could it be that all Tier 4 monsters in the monster mountain range have escaped this time?" The following situation made the Yunli City Lord sweat profusely and his face full of anxiety.

Seeing that the two messengers were silent, the city lord Yunli continued: "Two messengers, do you have any good solutions for the current situation?"

Katata's face was equally solemn, and he shook his head and said, "No, we can't take action now, the fifth-order monster hidden in the forest is very powerful, and the two of us must remain at our peak to cope. The effort is spent on this, and when the fifth-order beast at the back comes out, there is no possibility of resisting it."

Katata's words made Yunli City Lord's face suddenly pale, his body trembled slightly, his eyes stared blankly at the battlefield below, and two lines of clear tears flowed out of his eyes, murmured: " Could it be that God wants to kill me Wak City this time?" The two envoys with the strength of the earth sage are already the biggest reassurance in the heart of Yunli City Lord, and at this moment, they learned from Katata's mouth that the hidden in the forest in the distance is far away. The fifth-order beast in the middle is so powerful that even if Katata and the two of them join forces, they can only barely cope. Hearing these words in the ears of the Yunli City Lord, it was like a thunderbolt from the blue, making him despair.

Looking at the crying Yunli City Lord, Jian Chen sighed lightly and said, "Let me go down and help, the fourth-order monsters are too much of a threat to us." After that, Jian Chen jumped and jumped directly from a height of fifty meters. The city wall flew down lightly, and in the air, Jian Chen's body unexpectedly accelerated suddenly, like a cannonball, and shot towards a fourth-order monster. At the same time, the silver-white light wind sword It also appeared from the right hand, and the entire sword body was wrapped in a hazy silver-white sword glow, making the Qingfeng Sword look even more mysterious.

Duo Kang, a newly joined Flame Mercenary Group, was dealing with a fourth-order monster by himself. The fourth-order monster he was facing was a three-meter-long black cheetah. It was very agile and had amazing jumping power. The pair of front claws kept moving. Swinging, the sharp claws with a hardness comparable to that of fine iron constantly grabbed Dokang, and coupled with the attack of the bloody mouth that exuded a stench, Dokang was nearly injured several times.

The black cheetah's red eyes stared at Dokang viciously, as if Dokang was already the prey in his mouth, and then roared in a low voice, leaving a vague phantom in the air, rushing towards Dokang like lightning. Go, the sharp claws flashing with icy cold light cut through the air and grabbed Dokang's chest with the slightest sound of breaking through the air.

Duo Kang's eyes flickered, and the great sword in his hand slashed towards the black cheetah with surging holy power without fear. When the great sword collided with the sharp and very hard claws on the cheetah's claws. At that time, there was a sound of steel symphony, and the powerful force shook Dokang's footsteps continuously.

Dokang's powerful blow slashed on the cheetah's claws, but it did not cause any damage to it. The cheetah's hind feet slammed on the ground, and before Dokang could control the body that kept retreating, he lunged at him again.

Dokang's new force has just gone, and the body that has been retreating from the cheetah has not been completely stabilized. Now it is no longer possible to launch the previous attack. In desperation, he can only hold the giant sword in front of him. , to block the cheetah's claws attack.

When the cheetah's claws caught Dokang's holy soldier, the sharp claws immediately kicked back, firmly clasping Duokang's holy soldier, and opened the bloody mouth that exuded the bloody smell of the sky and moved towards Dokang's head was bitten off.

The holy soldier was detained, and Duo Kang's mobility was greatly hindered. Looking at the bloody mouth bitten by the cheetah, Duo Kang suddenly changed greatly, and then his head immediately turned, and his cheek was almost close to the cheetah's head. Dangerously avoided the past.

Without a bite, the cheetah let out a grumpy low roar, then opened its bloody mouth and continued to bite at Duokang's head.

Duokang's face became extremely dignified. This cheetah was unexpectedly cunning. He even used his claws to hold his holy soldiers to limit his mobility. At this moment, he has fallen into an extremely passive state. In this situation, he is probably doomed today, and the fourth-order Warcraft is born with much more strength than humans, making it impossible for Duo Kang to break free from the cheetah's claws from his holy soldiers with brute force.

After evading the cheetah's attack again and again, several bloodstains appeared on Dokang's face, which were scratched by the sharp teeth in the cheetah's mouth. The entire head of the cheetah will be bitten by the cheetah.

"This is a big trouble." There was a hint of despair in Duokang's eyes. Now he was completely entangled by this cheetah. Facing the endless attack of the cheetah, it became more and more difficult for him to dodge.

At this moment, a black tail about the thickness of a child's arm suddenly wrapped around Dokang's neck, making Dokang's entire head unable to move.

Duo Kang's face suddenly turned pale, and there was a look of despair in his eyes. Now that his neck was wrapped, he could no longer move his upper body to avoid the cheetah's bloody mouth. And the holy soldier is the most important part of every saint's life. He would rather die than give up the holy soldier in his hand.

The soaring stench again entered Dokang's nose. In Dokang's desperate eyes, the cheetah's huge bloody mouth was constantly expanding in his pupils.

Just at the moment of Dokang's life and death, suddenly, a silver-white light flashed past Dokang's cheek, and the silver-white light shot into the cheetah's throat at a lightning speed.

The cheetah's rapidly approaching bloody mouth stopped abruptly, and the huge mouth was less than a foot away from Duokang's head.

The sudden change made Dokang stunned for a moment. When he saw the slender long sword that had penetrated deeply into the throat of the cheetah, a look of joy immediately radiated in his eyes. Because of this long sword, he has only seen it on one person.

Duo Kang, who had escaped from death, couldn't help but feel a deep gratitude in his heart, turned his head and stared at the young man who was at most twenty years old standing beside him, and shouted excitedly: "Head of the regiment. !" Walking on the edge of life and death, at this moment, Duo Kang suddenly realized that the feeling of being alive is so wonderful.

Although Duokang has experienced many life-and-death battles, there has never been such a dangerous one. It was only a little bit that he lost his life on the spot, and he still died without a whole body.

Jian Chen slowly pulled out the long sword that pierced the cheetah's throat, and said to Duo Kang, "Go and help other brothers, you must minimize the losses of our flame mercenary group."

"Yes, Captain!" Duo Kang responded immediately, then stretched out his hand and pulled the tail wrapped around his neck, slashed the left ear of the black panther with his sword and put it into the space belt, and immediately went to help the rest of the brothers of the flame mercenary group. .

And Jian Chen didn't hesitate for a moment, and immediately rushed towards the fourth-order beast closest to him. This beast is a poisonous snake as thick as a bucket. It was dealt with by six masters of the master level. Two people have been injured, and it is becoming more and more difficult for the remaining people to resist under the attack of this poisonous snake. , extremely embarrassed, and the venom that spewed from the poisonous snake's mouth from time to time also made those holy masters tied up and did not dare to be contaminated.

Just when the six saint teachers were beaten by the poisonous snake and could only flee in embarrassment, suddenly, a silver-white light flashed away, and before the poisonous snake could react, a slender long sword had already pierced it. of seven inches.

The poisonous snake let out a miserable hissing sound, and then the whole body collapsed weakly. Jian Chen's sword was extremely fast, so fast that the poisonous snake with the strength of the fourth-order demon beast did not notice it, and a direct hit was fatal.

"Leader!" When the six saint teachers who were beaten by the poisonous snake and escaped in embarrassment saw Jian Chen, all of them showed surprise in their eyes. These six people are all new members of the Raging Flames Mercenary Corps, and they naturally know Jian Chen.

"The injured go back to heal, and the rest will immediately assist the rest of the brothers. Remember, help your own people first." After leaving these words, Jian Chen rushed towards the next beast again.

With the addition of Jian Chen in the battlefield, the pressure can be said to have weakened a lot. In just a few breaths, Jian Chen killed several fourth-order monsters, almost all of which were fatal in one blow, at his incredible speed. In front of him, in addition to Jian Chen's completely unexpected attack, there was not a single Tier 4 monster that could avoid Jian Chen's sword, and even many Tier 4 monsters had been pierced by a sword before they could react, and their death was unknown. Not white.

As the fourth-order monsters were killed one by one by Jian Chen, more and more people were liberated, and then they immediately went to help the rest to help resist the fourth-order monsters. The pressure of everyone was invisible. is slowly weakening.

Jian Chen traveled alone in the group of beasts, constantly approaching the direction of the fourth-order beasts. As the silver-white sword light around him continued to flicker, all the second- and third-order beasts that approached Jianchen's attack range were mercilessly beheaded. , where Jian Chen has passed, has completely formed a path composed of blood.

In just one stick of incense, more than 40 Tier 4 monsters died under Jian Chen's sword, and there were countless more Tier 3, Tier 2, Tier 1 monsters.

At the beginning, when Jian Chen's strength was still a high-level saint teacher, he could kill fourth-order monsters, but now his strength has reached the great saint teacher. Although he is only a junior high saint teacher, he is much stronger than a high-level saint teacher. Killing Tier 4 Warcraft is easier, almost effortlessly.

Because Jian Chen's sword was so fast that it was almost impossible for these monsters to react. In Jian Chen's eyes, these monsters were just standing there without dodging and letting him kill.

In the world of martial arts, the only thing that is fast is not broken. Jian Chen's sword is to focus on the word "fast". When your speed has exceeded the opponent's ability to react, then in your eyes, the opponent has completely become a fresh and fresh. The target is waiting for you to hit.

"Roar!" Suddenly, a roar came from not far away, and I saw a giant bear that was two meters high and four meters long suddenly stood up, and the huge bear's paws were fiercely facing in front of him. One of the great sages photographed.


Even though the Great Sage held the holy soldier in front of him, he was still thrown upside down by the vomit of blood from the palm of his hand.

At the same time, the holy soldier of another great saint standing next to the giant bear also slashed at the giant bear's exposed belly with powerful holy power, but this seemingly thunderous blow only slashed Some of the hairs on the belly of the giant bear were broken, but it did not hurt it in the slightest, and the strong rebound force shocked the great sage back three steps.

The giant bear made a roar in the sky, raised its huge bear paw and wanted to shoot at another great saint, but at this moment, a white figure came to it like a ghost, and then, I saw the silver-white light flashed away, and before the giant bear could react, a silver-white long sword pierced its throat at a lightning-fast speed.

However, the fur on this giant bear is very defensive, and the sharp point of the long sword only pierced half of the body and lost its strength.

Feeling the strong resistance from the Qingfeng Sword, Jian Chen's eyes flashed, and he secretly said: "What a strong defense!" Without a moment's hesitation, a strong sword qi burst out from the tip of the sword, knocking the giant bear away. The wound on the neck widened.

The piercing pain from the neck finally caused the giant bear to let out a painful howl, and the bear's paw that had slapped at the great sage immediately slapped towards Jian Chen.

Jian Chen pulled out the Qingfeng sword, the sharp sword energy on the Qingfeng sword soared, and before the bear's paw slapped, another sword stabbed the wound just created on the giant bear's neck.

A great resistance came from the Qingfeng Sword again, but the resistance suddenly disappeared in the next moment, and the Qingfeng Sword broke through the defense of the giant bear's fur and pierced deeply into its throat.

However, due to inertia, the giant bear's huge paw still maintained its original speed and shot towards Jian Chen. Jian Chen clenched the hilt of the Qingfeng Sword with his right hand, and quickly stirred it around the giant bear's neck.

Jian Chen didn't care about the situation of the giant bear, and continued to rush towards the remaining fourth-order beasts. He was very confident in his attack. Just now, his sword pierced through the throat of the giant bear, and the sword energy contained in the light wind sword was in the air. All the organs in the neck of the giant bear were destroyed to pieces in the first time, and the vital part was so severely injured that the giant bear had no chance of surviving.

Not long after Jian Chen left, the huge body of the giant bear finally fell to the ground, and a large amount of blood flowed turbulently from the neck, and soon pooled into a pile of blood.

The great sage who was slapped by the giant bear's palm came to the giant bear with a pale face, looked at the giant bear who fell to the ground, and asked the other person in doubt: "Las, this bear of the earth. Did you kill him?" Jian Chen killed the giant bear for a very short time, and the great saint who was shot by the giant bear did not see Jian Chen's action at all.

The great sage standing in front of the giant bear's body was full of shock and disbelief, and murmured: "It's really amazing, I killed this bear of the earth with strong defense in two strokes. , is he an earth sage?"

"Lass, you haven't told me yet, how did you kill this bear of the earth, you are really amazing." The Great Sage asked relentlessly, his face full of curiosity.

Hearing this, the mercenary called Ras shook his head and said, "I didn't kill this bear of the earth, but a master in white clothes." Si's tone suddenly became excited, and he grabbed the shoulder of the great sage with both hands and said, "Lie Dao, you didn't see that, that person is really powerful, he only stabbed two swords, then The two unparalleled quick swords easily killed the bear of the earth, and the bear of the earth did not even touch the corner of his clothes."

"Two swords killed the extremely strong fourth-order monster, the Earth Bear!" Hearing this, the big man called Lie Dao looked surprised, and quickly asked, "Lass, who is this person, could it be a Is it an earth sage?"

"I think it might be that he's wearing a white coat, and I don't recognize it," Russ murmured.

Hearing this, Lie Dao realized that he was looking around, and sure enough, he found Jian Chen in white clothes not far away, but at this moment, the Qing Feng sword in his hand had pierced the throat of a fourth-order demon beast.

"It turned out to be him..."

city wall.

"This Jian Chen's strength is really strong. It is much stronger than I expected. The fourth-order monster is so fragile in his eyes, and he can easily kill him." Katata looked at the monster. Jian Chen, who was constantly traveling in the group, said with a look of amazement.

"What a fast sword!" Katafi, who rarely spoke, also said.

Katata nodded slightly and said: "Yes, his sword is really fast, and he doesn't miss his head. Every sword is very ruthless, and all stabs at the most vulnerable throat of the monster. Many fourth-order monsters are attacked by He killed him with one sword, and even with such a fast sword, even I had to concentrate to see it clearly, especially sometimes it was so fast that I could only capture a blurred shadow of the sword, facing such a fast sword Speed, how can those fourth-order demon beasts escape, but what I don't understand is how Jian Chen can practice such a fast swordsmanship, is this a combat skill?"

"No, I can see that this is not a combat skill." Katafei said expressionlessly.

"It seems that this Jian Chen's identity is a bit mysterious. He must be a disciple of a certain big family. Otherwise, how could he be so good? Not only does he possess such strong strength at such a young age, but also that quick sword..."