Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 245: Despair - three fifth-order monsters


An hour later, more than 100 Tier 4 monsters had all been beheaded, and 99% of them were all killed by Jian Chen alone, and with the death of Tier 4 monsters, those great sages also followed suit. Freeing up his hands to deal with the rest of the low-level monsters, the pressure on everyone was greatly reduced.

And Jian Chen didn't stop. Now the third-order monsters have become his target. He has left the big team and went to the place where the monsters are dense to start killing. The surrounding mountains and seas of monsters completely cover him. body shape.

Jian Chen kept swinging his sword and stabbing his sword in the group of demon beasts. The extremely fast speed and various movements made from time to time looked more like dancing in the group of demon beasts. Wherever he passed, only corpses were left on the ground. , Almost all the monsters were fatally hit by one blow. These monsters with the strongest strength were only third-order monsters, and they did not pose any threat to Jianchen at all. The back of his head seemed to have a pair of eyes, no matter how many monsters were behind him. A sneak attack, he can always dodge the past in time, even if he falls into an encirclement, he is not afraid, like a killing god, constantly smashing out a bloody path.

Facing Jian Chen, who seemed to be the incarnation of the God of Killing, not only did these monsters not have the slightest fear, but the smell of blood soaring to the sky made them even more crazy, and they rushed towards Jian Chen one by one desperately. The roar of the eardrum shattering was even more continuous, echoing in the vast sky.


At this moment, a thunderous roar came from the forest in the distance, and the rolling sound shook the ground slightly. There was a look of fear in their eyes, and they stood there shivering, letting a bunch of mercenary weapons slashed at them, without giving any counterattacks, one by one, as if they were suddenly frightened.

Jian Chen stopped the action of slaughtering the beasts, and stood up with his sword drawn. The tip of the sword pointed diagonally to the ground, and drops of bright red blood continued to fall to the ground along the tip of the sword.

Jian Chen ignored the shivering monsters around him, but stared at the direction of the monster mountain range with a very solemn expression. Just by the sound, he already understood in his heart that the fifth-order monster hidden in the monster mountain range was powerful. to what extent. Perhaps, it is really as powerful as Katata said, and it is so powerful that even if Katata and the two join forces, at most they can barely hold it back.

The jungle in the distance began to tremble slightly, and a five-meter-tall monster came out of the forest. It was a monster that looked very similar to a human ape, and the only difference from the human ape was that he did not have any. The hair, the whole body is covered with a layer of small green scales, like the scales of snakes, the green light glitters under the sunlight in the sky, dazzling.


The orangutan slowly walked out of the lush forest in the distance, and raised a roar in the sky, the sound shook the sky, and the rolling sound shook the clouds in the sky to dissipate a lot, and this loud sound was heard in the ears of a group of mercenaries, It made their eardrums hum for a while.

The bodies of those monsters who fought fiercely with the mercenaries trembled even more, turning around suddenly one by one, crawling on the ground in the direction of the orangutan, ignoring the gang of mercenaries.

"This turned out to be a green phosphorus magic ape. It is said to be extremely powerful, and the layer of green scales on its body also has strong defensive power. It is very difficult for the earth sage to break through!" Staring at the ape in front of him, Jian Chen murmured with a dignified expression, from the Demon Ape, he felt an enormous pressure.

Katata, who was standing on the city wall, also became dignified, and said in a low voice: "I didn't expect it to be the Green Phosphorus Demon Ape, the Green Phosphorus Demon Ape's defense is very strong, and he has at least reached the The strength of the Fourth Rank Earth Master is very difficult to deal with."

"It's hard to deal with!" Standing beside Katata, Katafi said with a dignified expression on his face. This is the first time he has changed color since he came to Wacker City.

At this time, from the forest in the distance, three figures slowly walked out, standing quietly behind the green phosphorus magic ape.

These two figures turned out to be two huge monsters, one of which was a giant tiger covered with golden hair, two meters high and five meters long. Next to this giant tiger is a monster that is more than ten meters tall and stands half-human high like a crocodile. The crocodile's jet-black leather armor looks very hard, and it flashes a cold black under the sunlight. The seven rays of light, about two meters long, flashed with a cold and cold light, and the black bone spurs like sharp swords were inserted on the back, which seemed to make this crocodile even more powerful.

Looking at the two magical beasts standing quietly behind the green phosphorous ape, Katata's face suddenly turned pale, his face was full of disbelief, and he said in a voiceless voice: "Golden Tiger King, Sword Crocodile , this...this...there are actually three fifth-order demon beasts."

KatafĂ­'s cold face also revealed a bit of paleness. The three fifth-order monsters in front of him also made him feel a little scared, not to mention the green phosphorus demons who are much stronger than the two of them. Ape, just the golden tiger king and the sword crocodile that appeared later, any one of them is very difficult to deal with, so these three monsters shot at the same time...

Katata took a deep breath, at this moment, he felt that his hands and feet became a little cold, and then without the slightest hesitation, he immediately yelled at the Yunli City Lord beside him: "Quick, immediately notify the fastest speed. The people of Wacker City, let them evacuate as quickly as possible, Wacker City can't keep it."

"Yes... yes... I'll do it right away." Yunli City Lord is also pale as paper, three fifth-order monsters, this is simply not something that Wacker City can resist, even the intermediate magic crystal cannon can't constitute them. Threat, unless Wacker City has at least five more powerful earth masters, but the probability of such is very slim.

"What should we do now!" Katafi, who has always rarely spoken, asked.

"Now we can only try our best to hold them back and buy time for the people living in Wacker City to evacuate. Although we can't defeat it, we can still do it by delaying for some time. If possible, it is best to lead these three monsters away. , However, the two of us must be careful and try not to get injured, otherwise, I am afraid that we will not be able to escape the pursuit of fifth-order monsters." Katata said in a heavy tone.

Katafi nodded slightly and remained silent.

Standing in the pile of monsters, Jian Chen naturally noticed the two monsters that appeared behind him, but his eyes fell straight on the golden-haired golden-haired tiger king. Like a movie, the scenes from the past are constantly echoed.

Once, it was the golden tiger king who chased himself and everyone in the mercenary group of flames and fled in embarrassment... .

Once, it was this golden-haired tiger king who left the flaming mercenary group alone...

Once, it was this golden tiger king who killed Uncle Kent and the rest of the brothers of the Flame Mercenary Corps...

Kent, who cares most about himself, Amber, a big man with a bold personality, and a cheerful and enthusiastic knife...

The appearances of the former members of the Flame Mercenary Corps reverberated in Jian Chen's mind like a picture scroll. The adventurous team, which was originally like a big family, had all happened because of the arrival of the Golden Tiger King. Huge shift.

Today, although the flame mercenary group still exists, it has long been different.

The past deeds can only form a rigid picture that can never be changed, buried deep in the memory, the long-dead brother will never come back, the familiar soul has dissipated in the vast world, What remains is only a deep memory with grief.

A strong killing intent flickered in Jian Chen's eyes, the sword energy on the Qingfeng Sword soared, and the inch-long sword light was unsteady at the tip of the sword, and there was a faint purple and blue light mixed in it.