Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 271: Back to Huangjia Village


When Jian Chen opened all the remaining large iron boxes, he never found a single magic core, because the contents of the latter large iron boxes were all the parts of the magic crystal cannon, large and small. A lot, but there are only two barrels of the magic crystal cannon, both of which are four-meter-long high-level magic crystal cannons. From this, it can be inferred that these parts can be combined into two high-level magic crystal cannons.

Although Jian Chen was delighted to have obtained two high-level magic crystal cannons, what worried him was that he did not know how to combine and assemble the magic crystal cannons. Just like a pile of scrap metal.

"Forget it, don't think about it now, and see if I can learn how to assemble some sunglasses cannons when I have a chance in the future." Jian Chen muttered to himself in a low voice. The large iron box of the parts was re-covered, put into the space ring, and then quickly left here after riding a second-order Warcraft mount, leaving only a large number of soldiers who were poisoned by the poison of the gold-silver snake.

As the top three poisonous poison in Tianyuan Continent, although the poison has not yet reached its peak, it is still very violent. In this short period of time, all these soldiers were poisoned to death, and no one was spared.

Jian Chen rode the second-tier demon beast for half a day, 500 kilometers away from the previous small forest, and finally stopped in a dense forest, and then immediately controlled the light holy force to heal his injuries.

Jian Chen's god is inherently stronger, making his level of the light master much higher than the second-order light master he saw in Wacker City. Treat your injuries.

Afterwards, Jian Chen found a river, jumped into the river and charged himself comfortably.

"I didn't expect the last person to escape, but he is the earth sage of the wind attribute holy power. If he wants to escape, I really can't catch up. My speed is probably not even half of his." Jian Chen was in He muttered to himself while rinsing his body in the river.

"Fortunately, my appearance has not been exposed. Once the escaped general spreads out, my identity in Wacker City will be traced soon. At that time, everyone in the flame mercenary group will definitely be wiped out. Disaster." Thinking of this, Jian Chen had a lingering fear in his heart, feeling secretly grateful for his foresight, and almost lost Jingzhou carelessly.

Putting on clean clothes, Jian Chen sat under a big tree and took out five space rings, and began to check the contents. One of the five space rings belonged to the old Patriarch of the Xia family, and the other four were He got it from killing the four generals who escorted the magic core.

In the space ring of the old patriarch of the Xia family, there is a purple gold card and thousands of purple gold coins. There are also a lot of miscellaneous things and some valuable collectibles. In addition, there are a hundred fourth-order magic cores. , there are hundreds of third-order magic cores, and the number of second-order magic cores is more than a thousand.

Suddenly, a beautifully styled brocade box appeared in Jian Chen's eyes. Jian Chen's heart moved, and he immediately took out the brocade box from the space ring and opened it. He saw a simple-looking book lying quietly inside. Made of thick paper, it has begun to turn yellow, and there are still many damaged areas around the edges. It must have been stored for some time.

"Water control decision!"

Three quaint big characters were printed on the cover of the book. Jian Chen slowly opened the book to read the information inside, and then a happy smile appeared on his face. It is only a low-level combat skill of the intermediate level of the human class, and it is only suitable for people with the power of the water attribute to cultivate.

"Forget it, it's better than not. Once the flame mercenary group grows, this kind of combat skill can also be used as a reward." Jian Chen said in his heart.

Then, Jian Chen opened the next space ring, and saw a lot of sparkling magic nuclei appear in Jian Chen's eyes, and Jian Chen felt ecstatic that all of these magic nuclei were fourth-order magic nuclei. There are well over a thousand.

"There are so many fourth-order magic cores. It seems that these magic cores are all combat-ready materials used to charge the magic crystal cannon." Jian Chen's heart beat vigorously uncontrollably. It's definitely very rich.

Jian Chen opened two space rings in a row, and found that the magic cores inside were also all fourth-order, and in addition to these magic cores, each space ring contained a purple gold card and some daily skins. There's nothing of value anymore.

When Jian Chen opened the last space ring, a bunch of demon nuclei the size of a child's fist appeared in Jian Chen's eyes, all of which were actually fifth-order demon nuclei.

Jian Chen's entire body froze suddenly, and then his face was full of ecstasy. He was very aware of the preciousness of the fifth-order magic core. For a fifth-order magic core, even the Xia family and Tian who were thousands of miles away. Hua Zong did not hesitate to come to buy it, and there were at least a hundred fifth-order magic cores in front of him, which made Jian Chen feel so unbelievable.

This time the harvest is really great.

Jian Chen immediately counted the small pile of fifth-order magic cores, and the number he came up with almost made his heart skip a beat. There were actually 232 fifth-order magic cores here.

Jian Chen's body was shaking slightly with excitement. With so many fifth-order magic cores, he would no longer have to make up for the energy of the advanced magic crystal cannons. If so many fifth-order magic cores were used to launch advanced If the magic crystal cannon is enough for him to fire more than 200 times, it can easily destroy a first-tier city.

After a long time, Jian Chen's turbulent mood gradually calmed down, he packed up his trophies, and then rode on the second-tier demon beast mount to continue his journey.

A day later, Jian Chen stopped in front of a mountain that stretched for thousands of miles, abandoned the demon beast mount, and walked towards the mountain on foot.

This mountain range is just an ordinary mountain range. The vitality of the sky and the earth is dry, and the growth is generally of some beasts. Occasionally, some low-level monsters of the first and second orders appear, and there are no high-level monsters.

The dense woods in the mountains block the sky and the sun, and trees dozens of high rise up from the ground. The dense branches and leaves completely isolate the sunlight from the sky, so that the mountains are covered by a layer of gloom all year round.

The environment in the mountains is not as bad as in the Warcraft Mountains. Jian Chen wandered around the mountains for two days according to the memory in his mind, and finally found the Huangjia Village where he had stayed for a while. month time.

Jianchen's return made everyone in Huangjia Village very happy. Rothko immediately proposed to let everyone in Huangjia Village get together. That night, all the people of Huangjia Village gathered together for Jianchen's return. Say congratulations.

Mingdong's injury recovered as early as half a month ago. After the injury recovered, he did not leave Huangjia Village, but stayed in Huangjia Village to cultivate and strive to improve his strength. The strong and sturdy village name went up the mountain to hunt, and it was very easy to hunt down these beasts with the strength of his holy teacher, and because of his existence, the food in the entire Huangjia Village was raised to a higher level.

Therefore, Mingdong has become the most popular person in Huangjia Village, and his powerful strength has been respected by everyone in Huangjia Village.