Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 302: Join forces


After going out, the girl never entered the hole again, and Jian Chen quickly put on his clothes, his face was slightly red, embarrassed, accompanied by some anger, did not expect the girl to be so ignorant, so silent He came in without even making a sound of footsteps, which was definitely deliberately restrained.

If it weren't for the girl's reaction, Jian Chen really doubted whether the girl still regretted that he had peeked at her body, and wanted to peep back today.

If Jian Chen's thoughts were known to the girl in yellow, she might even have the thought of committing suicide by jumping into a river.

After getting dressed, Jian Chen walked out of the cave, and the girl in yellow stood not far from the entrance of the cave, with her back facing Jian Chen, but Jian Chen could still clearly see her pink neck and The red cheeks on either side.

Jian Chen felt a little embarrassed when he washed his body and was seen naked by a girl, but the next moment his face became serious, and he shouted at the girl, "Hey, why are you so impolite, so you don't make a sound. Come in and peek at me taking a bath." A few years ago, Jian Chen peeked at the girl's body by accident, but he suffered a lot. Today, the girl is sneaking into the cave and peeking at her own body. Taking a bath, Jian Chen didn't want to miss the chance to turn around.

The girl was originally embarrassed, but after hearing Jian Chen's words, who quietly came in and peeked at him taking a bath, her already flushed face was instantly filled with anger, and she could no longer be ashamed. Embarrassed, he suddenly turned around and glared at Jian Chen, "Bah, who peeked at you taking a bath, how did you know that you saw it."

Jian Chen was at a loss for words. At that time, his eyes were closed because of the water, and he didn't see the girl at all. He only heard her scream, but Jian Chen would not be so honest, and his face immediately turned pale. , said: "I saw with both eyes."

"Bah, you stinky rascal, you are so shameless, I still have to ask you, it is obviously my cave, and I let you live in it is benevolent enough, but you don't say hello to my host. Washing in there, it was originally your fault, and there is a grudge against me." The girl immediately counterattacked, in order to save her face and prevent Jian Chen from catching her own handle, she risked it.

"This cave was obviously dug by the predecessors, when did it become yours again?" Jian Chen's face was full of puzzlement.

"This is a cave without an owner. I was the first to enter. Of course, I am the owner of this cave."

Afterwards, Jian Chen was unconvinced and fought with the girl for a few more words. He was soon speechless. He was defeated. He knew that if he continued to fight against the girl, he would definitely lose. It will wrinkle a little, there are not many people who can be stronger than him, but once he quarrels with people, he is not an opponent immediately, and the girl is full of delusions. He was righteous and straightforward, as if he had something to do with it, and ate Jian Chen, who was not good at talking and kung fu, to death.

" can." Jian Chen was full of sulking anger. He wanted to use this to make the girl make a fool of himself, but he didn't expect that just after he said a few words, he was suppressed by the girl, and he didn't turn around. room.

"I looked at your body, and you looked at mine. Besides, I also saved your life. We can be considered even, and we will not owe each other in the future. Let's say goodbye." Leaving these words, Jian Chen nodded. Go away without going back.

"You, you rascal!" As soon as Jian Chen said that he had seen her body, the girl was instantly furious, and the scene of the first time she wanted to see her involuntarily appeared in her mind. Embarrassed and angry, the good mood that just saw Jian Chen collapsed and disappeared in an instant without a trace.

"Why did you save one of me? I haven't saved you once. If I hadn't helped you contain Baoshan Yin, you would have been smashed into flesh by Baoshan Yin." Any chance to fight back.

Hearing this, Jian Chen's body paused slightly as he moved forward. The situation was exactly as the girl said. If she hadn't used the Sun and Moon Bow to restrain Baoshan Yin for herself, it would have been difficult for her to escape from Baoshan Yin, but He didn't want to explain anything, and continued to walk into the distance.

At this time, the girl suddenly realized that Jian Chen's injuries had miraculously recovered completely, and he seemed to be full of energy.

The girl's face was shocked, she really couldn't understand how Jian Chen's extremely serious injuries could be restored to normal in just an hour.

"Hey, stinky hooligan, how could your injury recover so quickly?" the girl asked from behind, still with a hint of anger in her tone, but her big, smart eyes were flashing and full of curiosity.

"I have a better healing medicine." Jian Chen didn't want to answer, but this would inevitably lead the girl in yellow to guess her secret. In order to dispel her doubts, she could only make up a reason.

When he spoke, Jian Chen's figure had already gone farther and farther, and was about to disappear from the sight of the woman in yellow.

Looking at Jian Chen's back, the yellow-clothed woman was hesitant. Finally, Yin Ya bit her and chased after him, shouting at the same time, "Stop, you rascal, where are you going?"

The woman in yellow quickly came behind Jian Chen, Jian Chen walked forward step by step without turning his head, and said blankly, "Why are you following me."

"Bah, who will follow you." The yellow-clothed girl glared at her and said, "You killed the two masters of the Shi family, the Shi family will never let you go, and the stone statue has a barrier defense, attacking With Baoshan Yin, you will definitely not be his opponent when you meet him alone, without my help, it would be difficult for you to even escape when you meet Shi Xiangran."

"You are afraid." Jian Chen said in a light tone.

The girl raised her eyebrows, "What are you afraid of, you rascal, don't talk nonsense, believe it or not, Miss Ben will cut you into eight pieces now."

"If you abandon that bow, you are no match for me at all. Even if you have that bow in your hand, you will not be able to beat me." Jian Chen seemed to have forgotten his previous unhappiness, and returned to his previous appearance with a blank expression on his face. He said without the slightest emotion in his tone.

"You..." The girl was so angry that her chest heaved violently, but she couldn't find anything to say. Jian Chen was able to kill the two earth sages of the Shi family in a very short time while being injured, and he still had the strength to fight Shi Xiangran. This strength was much stronger than hers.

After being silent for a while, the girl slowly calmed down, hesitated for a moment, and finally said reluctantly; "You have also seen Shi Xiangran's strength, he is protected by an enchantment, we can't hurt him at all, but he can be unscrupulous. Attack us with Baoshan Yin. If we meet him alone, we will definitely suffer a big loss. If the situation is bad, we will not even have a chance to survive. My sun and moon bow can just stop Shi Xiangran's footsteps and limit the attack distance of Baoshan Yin. , and you can deal with the helper that Shi Xiangran may invite, this is the only way we can deal with Shi Xiangran."

The girl still couldn't hold back her face and directly picked out the words, so she had to express the meaning in a very clever way of language, and the meaning of joining forces was self-evident.

Jian Chen thought for a while, then nodded and agreed with the girl's plan. He killed the two masters of the Shi family. The Shi family and Shi Xiangran would definitely not let him go, and Shi Xiangran had the power of enchantment left by the holy king. The protection and defense are very strong. Even the Sun Moon Bow cannot be destroyed. Jian Chen can’t guarantee that his Ziqing Jianqi can break through Shi Xiangran’s barrier defense. If even Ziqing Jianqi can’t do anything, Jian Chen will There is no way to kill Shi Xiangran anymore. However, the stone statue can be unscrupulous, holding the barrier to control the Baoshan Yin, chasing and smashing him. At that time, if there is no sun and moon bow in the girl's hand to contain the Baoshan Yin, if he wants to escape from the Baoshan Yin's pursuit, he will definitely have to spend a fortune. Even if he could escape, he would have to face Shi Xiangran's pursuit all day long.

Of course, the stone statue completely relied on the treasure to make Jian Chen helpless. If he abandoned the treasure, Jian Chen would not put it in his eyes at all.

Dong hides and runs everywhere, being chased and killed by people he doesn't care about at all, Jian Chen really can't afford to lose this person, and joining forces with the girl is also a surefire way.

Jian Chen and the yellow-robed girl walked together. They seldom talked, even if they never chatted, and they didn't even know each other's names. In their hearts, there was obviously a layer of diaphragm. .

On the way, many contestants saw that Jian Chen and the two were very young, and there was also a girl who had the appearance of an alluring country. The Great Sage, occasionally there are some strong earth Sage class experts, but they obviously underestimate Jian Chen and the two. The girl in yellow, the girl in yellow took the initiative to kill them all. One of the earth sages was even shot and killed by the sun and moon bow behind the girl in yellow. The death was extremely miserable.

The girl in yellow looked young, but it was obviously not the first time she had committed murder. Although she could not be as obedient and calm as Jian Chen, she did not change her face. Chen secretly admired in his heart, it was indeed rare for a noble child born in a big family to do this, and she was also a daughter-in-law.

Half a month passed in a blink of an eye, Jian Chen and the woman in yellow did not meet Shi Xiangran, and now they were far away from the mountain range that was full of sword-shaped peaks, and came to an uneven ground with grass growing on the ground. in the mountains.

During this period of time, Jian Chen and the woman in yellow still maintained their previous indifference. They seldom spoke, and almost never chatted. It is worth mentioning that in this half-month period, the two of them have gained a lot. From A total of more than 2,000 competition arrows were found on several earth sages, but less than 50 competition arrows were found on the great sage.

It is now the last moment of the knockout round, and there are only a month and a few days left until the end of the competition. After this period of fighting, almost all the arrows in the competition are concentrated in the hands of the Great Sage, and very few Great Sages still keep it. There are competition arrows.

Just as Jian Chen and the woman in yellow climbed up a high slope, the sound of a fight in the distance was heard in Jian Chen's ears, and when he looked up, he saw a person surrounded by a layer of wind-attribute holy energy and two earth saints. The teacher was fighting, and there was a man covered in blood not far away.

The earth sage with the power of the wind attribute is extremely powerful. He defeated the two earth sages with one person's strength. Each of them was covered with wounds, and his clothes were dyed red, turning into two bloods. Humans, but the earth sage, the power of the wind attribute sage, was unscathed.

Jian Chen's eyes inadvertently glanced over at the person who was lying on the ground as if he were dead. The tall and burly body immediately made him feel familiar, and then he looked closely. This sight made his pupils shrink suddenly, and then There were two terrifying and stern eyes in his eyes, and his eyes were instantly full of bloodshots.