Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 314: Entering the cave (1)


In the early morning of the second day, everyone packed up their tents and formed a long procession toward the depths of the deep forest, while Shi Xiangran was probably frightened by Jian Chen's magical attack with the divine sword, and he was still wearing the barrier. Go forward, don't dare to take it lightly.

Walking on the road, Qin Ji opened his mouth to introduce to several people: "There are four magical beasts guarding the cave, all of them are of different species, and each of them is very powerful. The dragon and the pangolin emperor, according to the experience we have gained from playing with them these days, have basically determined that their strength is almost the same, but each has its own talent. Once it flies into the sky, it will be very difficult to deal with, and the purple gold lion has a layer of purple scales on its body. It is best not to get close to its body. Dixilong is a mutated earth dragon, with strong defense and no attack power. The only weakness is the slow speed. In other words, the terrestrial dragon is much less of a threat to them than the other three."

"As for the last pangolin emperor, it's a bit of a headache. The pangolin emperor's attack is the weakest among the four beasts, but it is the most troublesome thing. It is not only very fast, but can also penetrate instantly. Escape from the ground to avoid all the attacks on the ground. The pangolin emperor moves completely silently in the ground, and there is no trace at all. It can appear behind you or under your feet at any time to attack you, although the attack power is not as good as the front. Three beasts, but they are hard to guard against."

Speaking of the pangolin emperor, Qin Ji's brows furrowed tightly. Obviously, he has suffered a lot from the pangolin emperor.

"Qin Ji, then do you think we should deal with that beast?" Jian Chen asked as he walked.

"It goes without saying, of course it's the flying snake. Among the three king soldiers in our team is a longbow. Once the flying snake flies into the sky, it can be shot with a bow and arrow, while the other long whip, It can also restrain the action of the Flying Spirit Snake, and even bind its body to prevent it from taking off, these two weapons together are the nemesis of the Flying Spirit Snake." Qin Ji said without hesitation.

Jian Chen thought about it for a while, and agreed with Qin Ji's proposal, saying: "Yes, the threat posed by the Flying Spirit Snake to us is indeed much smaller than that of the other beasts, so we will choose the Flying Spirit Snake."

Hearing the conversation of Qin Ji and the others, Dugufeng, who was sitting in front, also turned his head and said; "Di Xilong's defense is very strong, and his own strength is not weak, so the attack of ordinary earth sage may not be able to give it at all. Inflicting damage, only the soldiers of the king can hurt it, so we will naturally deal with it, and let the two teams at the back deal with the Zijin Thunder Lion and the Pangolin Emperor."

Soon, the discussion was over. The most troublesome and unpredictable pangolin emperor and the most aggressive Zijin Leishi naturally fell into the hands of the last two teams. Although some people were very dissatisfied with this, they Also nothing to say. The flying snake has the ability to fly, once it flies into the air, the people on the ground can only stare blankly and do nothing to it, and the flying snake in the air can also use poison to attack people on the ground. For such a beast, It would be better to leave it in the hands of Jian Chen, a man with a long bow and a long whip.

As for Dixilong, many people in the field know something vaguely. All creatures that are related to the word dragon are not so simple. Dixilong's defense may be as Dugufeng said. The Holy Master couldn't do any damage to him at all, and it seemed reasonable and reasonable to hand over such a powerful beast with a defensive power to a team holding three King's Soldiers.

Although the Pangolin Emperor and Zijin Leishi are not easy to deal with, the remaining two teams still have a very big advantage, that is, there are more than 30 earth masters to deal with the magical beasts, so the difficulty should not be too big, right? .

After walking a distance of ten kilometers, everyone's footsteps finally stopped, and there are still messes left after the war.

Suddenly, a few huge beast roars came from the front, resounding the heavens and the earth, deafening, and then, three huge monsters appeared in front of the crowd, a python, the body was full of water tanks, and the snake head was bigger than the body of an adult. It was even bigger, with three groups of huge black wings growing behind it, it was the Flying Spirit Snake.

Next to the Flying Snake is a ferocious beast with a body like a lion and a body larger than an elephant. Its body is covered with fine purple-gold scales. From time to time, there are electric lights beating on its body. .

Beside the Zijin Lei Lion was a creature that had always been shaped like a gecko. It was one meter high and more than ten meters long. It supported the ground with four short ones.

When these three demon beasts appeared, the whole world was enveloped by an extremely powerful aura, making everyone feel as if a large stone was pressing on their chests, they could not breathe smoothly, and their chests were extremely tight.

"Let's go together, the pangolin emperor is very likely to be lurking on the ground, be careful." Dugufeng shouted loudly, pulling out the fiery red giant sword on his back, and rushing towards Di Xilong first, while Jie standing beside him De Wukang, Shi Xiangran and more than a dozen middle-aged people also rushed behind at the same time.

At this moment, in addition to dealing with the Pangolin Emperor's team, the other three teams attacked like three monsters at the same time.


With a flash of golden light, the girl in yellow wielded the sun and moon bow and shot at the flying snake.

"Boom!" The golden arrow exploded when it touched the body of the Flying Spirit Snake. The entire body of the Flying Spirit Snake swayed and quickly stabilized. On its huge body, only a bloody blood appeared. Hole.

The Flying Spirit Snake was instantly provoked, made a harsh hissing sound, twisted its body and quickly slid towards the yellow-clothed girl.

Qin Ji took out the one-meter-long machete with a strange shape, and said solemnly, "Use a long whip to bind its body."

Tianmuling's face became solemn, and when he waved his hand, the long whip in his hand turned into a phantom and pulled it towards the Flying Dragon and Snake. When it was still in the air, the long whip quickly became longer, and finally turned into a rope with a length of 100 meters. Tie the wings on the back of the Flying Dragon Snake tightly together to prevent it from flying into the air.

"Let's go!" Qin Ji shouted in a low voice, holding the King's Soldier and leading three middle-aged men to charge towards the flying snake. At the same time, Jian Chen's body also left an afterimage on the spot, holding a light wind sword. Quickly approaching the Flying Dragon and Snake, Doctor An and Yun Zheng also took out their holy soldiers and followed behind Jian Chen.

"Boom!" The violent energy ripples in the field swept the surrounding area like a surging ocean wave. The surrounding field was once again in a mess. The three teams fought against the three demon beasts at almost the same time.