Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 35: Liang Xiaole


After taking out the black panther's magic core, Jian Chen and Iron Tower continued on their journey of hunting monsters.

Hunting first-order monsters with less than the strength of a saint is definitely an extremely difficult task for ordinary academies, and life will be in danger at any time, but in the eyes of Jian Chen and Iron Tower, it is completely regarded as a After playing, the second area has completely become a golden treasure for the two of them to hunt for magic cores.

A day passed quickly, and night fell. Jian Chen and the iron tower were sitting in a clearing out. A torch was built between the two of them. The bright fire light kept beating in the dark night, making The backs of the two people's reflections are constantly twisted, and it looks like the Buddha is a devil with his teeth and claws.

It was pitch black all around, and out of the range of firelight, it was almost impossible to reach out and see. The night was not so calm. In the woods that I don't know how far away, there was always a roar of monsters. , it makes people horrified, if the timid people spend the night in this environment, I am afraid they will be frightened.

The iron tower turned over a large piece of unknown monster meat that was on the fire stand. With the illumination of the fire, you could clearly see that the clothes on the tower and Jian Chen were all tattered, and they were covered with stains. bloodstains.

These bloodstains are all on the body of the beast, and the clothes are all cut by some thorns.

"Changyang Xiangtian, you are really amazing. I didn't expect your rusty iron rod to be so powerful. Almost all of the monsters we killed today were killed by you alone. That little snake was killed by me." The tower said with admiration.

With a faint smile on Jian Chen's face, he said, "I just seized the opportunity. If you hadn't cut those monsters into serious injuries, I would have struggled to kill those monsters."

Iron Tower laughed, and finally found some comfort in her heart, and continued: "Changyang Xiangtian, can you tell me why you always find out in advance that there are beasts approaching." Iron Tower's face is full of curiosity, this doubt is already there He had been holding back for a whole day, and now he finally found the right opportunity to speak out.

Jian Chen didn't hide anything, pointed to his ears and head, and said, "Use this and this."

Following Jian Chen's actions, the iron tower also pointed to his ears and head, and asked curiously, "Do you mean to stop with your ears and think with your head?"

"You're half right!" Jian Chen kept grinding and grinding the tip of the iron rod on a large stone he had deliberately moved beside his feet, and replied nonchalantly, "Apart from listening by ear, I also You need to feel it mentally and feel the movement around you, but the latter method is still a little too difficult for you at the moment.”

"Oh!" The tower nodded in understanding, and then a thoughtful expression appeared on his face.

Jian Chen put the iron rod that was almost the size of a mole by his side, and took off the space belt around his waist, saying: "Iron Tower, let's look at today's harvest." As he spoke, Jian Chen kept shaking the space. Belt, and poured out all the magic cores placed inside.

As the magic cores rolled out from the space belt one after another, they gradually piled up in front of Jian Chen into a one-foot-high hill.

The iron tower also followed suit, untied his space belt, poured out all the magic cores inside, and finally piled it up into a one-foot-high hill.

"I have a total of forty-eight pieces here." Jian Chen's face had a satisfied smile on his face. Today's harvest is undoubtedly huge.

"I have a total of forty-nine here, one more than you." The tone of the tower was full of excitement. It was definitely the first time in his life that he had seen such a large number of magic cores. Before, he had never thought about himself. One day there will be so many magic cores, although all of them are first-order, but for an iron tower born in a civilian family, this is already a huge wealth.

"It's not bad to have such a rich harvest on the first day. I don't know if we can become the person who paid the most magic cores with our current number of magic cores. After all, the reward is very rich. The fourth-order magic core and a space ring." Jian Chen is also tempted by such a rich reward, the most important thing is the fourth-order magic core, the energy of the fourth-order magic core can be purer than the first-order magic core. too much.

At this moment, Jian Chen's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he shouted in a low voice, "Put away the magic core, someone is coming." After speaking, Jian Chen immediately put the magic core on the ground into the space belt and hung it on his waist again. superior.

The iron tower's movements were not slow. As soon as he heard Jian Chen's reminder, he started scrambling to clean up the demon cores on the ground. When Jian Chen had just finished cleaning up, the iron tower also put all the demon cores into his belt.

After the two put all the magic cores into the space belt, they waited for a few more breaths before the weeds in the distance began to sway slightly. The thin man came out of the weeds, and when he saw Jian Chen and Iron Tower standing in front of the fire, he was obviously stunned, and then he let out a cry full of surprise, like a weak girl grabbing Like a life-saving straw, he ran over in a messy pace.

"I finally found someone, I finally found someone, please save me, don't leave me alone, I'm so scared, I'm really scared, those monsters will eat me..." The man's tone Very flustered, full of panic, but the voice is very delicate.

Hearing the sound, Jian Chen and the two realized that this person was actually a woman. Through the blazing firelight, you could vaguely see that the woman was wearing the school uniform of Kagas Academy, but the school uniform had been cut out countless numbers from the thorns in the forest. The cracks were already a little bare, and even the white underwear inside leaked out, and the clothes were covered with mud, I think it was a lot of falls.

The woman's face was full of mud, and she could no longer see her appearance, but there were two lines of clear tears hanging on her long cheeks at the moment, and her watery eyes looked at Jian Chen pleadingly, looking very pitiful. , in his eyes, is so helpless.

"Sit down first." Jian Chen tried his best to keep his tone gentle. For the girl's situation, he had already guessed 100% of the time. In this kind of environment, even some men who haven't been through the wind and waves will feel creepy, let alone a girl's home.

Seeing that the other party was actually a delicate girl, the tower also relaxed her vigilance, gently put down the axe in her hand, and stared at the girl curiously.

Jian Chen looked at the girl indifferently and asked, "Can you tell me what your name is?"

"I... my name is Liang Xiaole." The girl replied timidly, looking at Jian Chen and the two with dodging eyes, full of fear, and some vague worries and fears.

"Why don't you, a girl, stay with other people? You are so courageous that you have to walk alone in the forest. Just the sound of roaring and screaming scared you into that." Iron Tower asked in a loud voice road.

Liang Xiaole glanced at the iron tower timidly, and said in a low voice, "I was originally with a few friends, but unfortunately I met a beast, that beast is so powerful that we can't beat it together. Several people were injured very quickly, and I was accidentally separated from everyone when I was running away."

After hearing this, Iron Tower held back his mouth in disdain and underestimated: "How many people can't even deal with a first-order monster, it's really useless, Changyang Xiangtian and I have killed nearly a hundred people today. It's only a monster." Thinking of this, a sense of pride arises in the iron tower's heart.


At this moment, a strange sound suddenly sounded. Suddenly, Jian Chen and Tie Tower's eyes focused on the source of the sound. It was actually Liang Xiaole's stomach. At this moment, her stomach was constantly making "gurgling". cry.

"Are you hungry?" A smile appeared on Jian Chen's face.

"Yeah!" Liang Xiaole nodded shyly, and said in a thin, text-like voice, "I haven't eaten for two meals." After saying that, Liang Xiaole kept glancing at the fire from the corner of his eye. Roasted to golden yellow, she was constantly moving towards the beast meat dripping with oil on the fire. Her nose was a little greedy and smelled the faint fragrance, but the more she did, the more her stomach growled. The rumbling sound of thunder was almost in the ears of the two of them.

Jian Chen smiled slightly, picked up the wooden stick with the meat of the demon beast, not afraid of being hot, he tore off a large piece with his hands and brought it down in front of Liang Xiaole, saying, "Take it and eat it, be careful of being hot."

Liang Xiaole rubbed his hands, wiped his hands covered in dirt with the broken corners of his clothes, and carefully took the meat of the beast.

Liang Xiaole guessed that he was starving. He quickly finished eating such a large piece of monster meat, and looked at the remaining large piece of monster meat.

Jian Chen smiled slightly, and once again tore off a large piece of demonic beast meat and put it in front of Liang Xiaole, saying, "Take it and eat it."

Looking at the piece of monster meat placed in front of him, Liang Xiaole hesitated for a while, but in the end he didn't reach out to pick it up, but looked at Jian Chen and Tie Tower, and said in a soft voice: "I'm done eating, then What do you eat?"

Hearing this, Iron Tower laughed and said, "Don't worry, we still have a big one, look under that tree." After speaking, Iron Tower pointed his finger in the direction.

Liang Xiaole looked in the direction of the tower's fingers, and as expected, there was an unknown monster lying under the big tree not far away. One of its legs had disappeared, and there were still bloodstains on the ground.

Looking at the corpse of the beast, Liang Xiaole swallowed hard and said, "You guys are really amazing, two people can kill a first-order beast."

"Cut... what is this?" The tower didn't care.

Time passed quietly, and soon, Jian Chen and Tie Ta had finished eating, and they were preparing to rest.

"Hey, where do I sleep?" Liang Xiaole said with an embarrassed expression.

"Jian Chen pointed to the big tree not far away, and said, "Go to the tree to rest, so that even if you encounter a monster attack at night, it won't hurt you. "

"Ah, there are still monsters attacking at night." Upon hearing this, Liang Xiaole's face turned pale, his eyes were full of fear, and his whole body was shaking.

"What about you, where are you going? Don't leave me alone, or I will definitely be eaten by those ferocious monsters." Liang Xiaole asked immediately, staring nervously at Jian Chen. People, for fear that they will leave themselves alone and run away.

Jian Chen sighed secretly, he really had no choice for this timid Liang Xiaole. This kind of young lady who was born in a noble family basically had no trouble. She grew up in a greenhouse since she was a child. Disordered.

"Don't worry, we won't go far, just rest under that tree." Jian Chen said.

Hearing this, Liang Xiaole finally got a little comfort in his heart, but the fear that remained in his heart was still not removed.

"This damn academy, damn dean, why do you want everyone to participate in this kind of activity? Isn't this intentional to kill people." Thinking of the reason why he fell to this point, Liang Xiaole couldn't help it. He swears, and when it comes to the back, there is a faint taste of crying in his tone.