Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 43: Anti-robbery


Jian Chen and Iron Tower hurriedly dodged away. Due to too many fights with monsters in the past two days, Iron Tower gradually gained some fighting experience. At the same time as dodging, Iron Tower was already missing a few with a hard swing. The giant axe in his mouth slashed towards the thigh of one of them.

However, the group of people on the opposite side are obviously not so easy to deal with. Just when the giant axe of the iron tower was just looking at the man's thigh, a giant sword flew horizontally and collided with the axe of the iron tower.


With the sound of iron and steel, the axe of the iron tower was immediately blocked. Despite this, the terrifying force on the axe was also transmitted to the giant sword without reservation. Suddenly, the young man holding the giant sword only felt the whole All his arms shook violently, and the powerful anti-shock force shook his tiger's mouth faintly numb.

The young man looked horrified, and exclaimed quickly: "Everyone, be careful, his strength is very strong, it is best not to touch him hard."

Hearing the young man's warning, the other two people who dealt with the tower immediately became cautious, trying to avoid the giant axe in the tower's hand.

On the other side, Jian Chen and two young men with giant swords were also fighting fiercely. Although the weapon in Jian Chen's hand was only a rusted iron rod, in addition to his strength, Jian Chen couldn't compare to the iron tower. The overall strength is stronger than that of the iron tower. After using his flexible movement to deal with the opponent for a while, Jian Chen grabbed the opponent and revealed a flaw, and the iron rod in his hand stabbed at one of them with lightning speed. thigh. Since they were all students from the same academy, Jian Chen didn't dare to kill them at all, as long as he injured them.

Jian Chen's iron rod pierced very fast, and before the academy could react, the iron rod pierced deeply into his thigh.

"Ah!" The young man let out a miserable cry, his pained face turned pale in an instant, and his forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat.

Hearing the screams of his companion, the expression of the other young man who besieged Jian Chen changed slightly. He didn't care to attack Jian Chen, and quickly supported his companion's body and said, "Harry, are you alright."

Although the young man did not continue to attack Jian Chen, Jian Chen did not let go of his plan. He swayed slightly, and had already arrived in front of the young man. All the holy energy in his body gathered in his palm, and then directed towards the young man. The young man's chest was slapped.

Jian Chen's attack speed was very fast, and the lightning speed was too fast to cover his ears. When the young man reflected, Jian Chen's palm had approached his body like a poisonous snake, and finally mercilessly hit his chest.

"Touch!" The young man was directly knocked out by Jian Chen's almost full-strength palm, his body still in the air, and a mouthful of blood couldn't help spurting out of his mouth.

After dealing with the two youths, Jian Chen immediately went to support the iron tower. Now the iron tower has fallen into a hard fight. He has endured many attacks from the three of them, and the wolf skin on him has been cut a lot. There was blood flowing out of the hole. If it weren't for the iron tower's incomparably powerful body and natural divine power, the three people on the opposite side would not dare to touch his axe at all, I'm afraid he would have been beaten to the ground by the three of them.

With the addition of Jian Chen, the pressure on the tower was instantly relieved. Jian Chen's combat power was so powerful that it was not comparable to ordinary saints. All of them were defeated by Jian Chen's hands. All of them suffered some serious injuries. They were lying on the ground in pain and had lost the ability to escape.

Jian Chen's eyes fell on the wounds on Iron Tower's body, and he asked with concern, "Iron Tower, are you all right?"

Iron Tower shook his head nonchalantly and said, "It's okay, I'm very strong." After speaking, Iron Tower pointed at the five people who were lying on the ground in pain, and said, "What should they do?"

Hearing this, Jian Chen thought for a while, then a strange smile appeared on his face, and said, "Iron Tower, take off all their space belts, take out all the magic cores inside, and return the belts to them. "

After hearing Jian Chen's words, the expressions of the five people lying on the ground changed, and then they became a little pale, and some people even showed anger in their eyes. The magic cores in their space belt were obtained after two days of life-and-death struggle. Now it is only half a day away from three days. If these magic cores are lost now, then they will definitely not be able to complete the mission of the academy.

The iron tower smiled, without any hesitation, and immediately did as Jian Chen said, untied all the space belts on the five people, while Jian Chen, holding a bloody iron rod, was staring at the five people with greedy eyes. to prevent them from acting suddenly.

Originally, the five youths planned to resist, but when they saw the blood-stained iron rod in Jian Chen's hands, they all gave up their resistance and obediently asked Iron Tower to untie the belts around their waists. .

After taking off the belt, the tower took out all the magic cores inside, and then casually put the space belt to their side, and then began to count. After some counting, the five of them had a total of ten. Two, all of them are second-order magic cores.

Jian Chen smiled and took out six of them and put them into his space belt, and said happily; "Iron Tower, we are half of these magic cores, and the remaining six belong to you."

"Okay!" Iron Tower was not polite, and excitedly took the remaining six magic cores into his pocket.

However, when the five young people heard the name of the iron tower, their expressions all changed, and then they all became very ugly. The name of the iron tower is probably not known to everyone in the Kargath Academy. The apprentice of the grown-up, although he has not yet become a saint, but looking at the entire Kargath Academy, no one is willing to offend the tower.

At this moment, the five young people are all regretful. If they had known that one of the two was an iron tower, they would not come to rob the apprentice of Lord Dean. The other party resisted the robbery, and the other party's identity also made them dare not take revenge, this dumb loss is settled.

After putting a few second-order monsters on the space belt, the smile on the tower's face became even brighter, and he said excitedly: "Changyang Xiangtian, you are still amazing, you defeated the five of them so quickly, and I will follow you in the tower. It's really with the right person."

Jian Chen smiled slightly and said, "Okay, let's continue on our way. I hope to take advantage of this time to hunt and kill more monsters for our daily practice."

Afterwards, Jian Chen and Tie Ta didn't even look at the five youths with ugly faces on the ground, and continued to move towards the forest.

When Jian Chen and the two disappeared from sight, a young man finally couldn't help cursing: "Damn, it's really unfortunate this time, I actually met the apprentice of Lord Dean, now it's good, not only did the action fail, Instead, they were robbed by others, and they didn't dare to go to others to settle accounts, which is really bad luck."

As soon as the young man's voice fell, the man with the sledgehammer said, "This is not necessarily. Don't forget that there is not only one person who robbed us, but there is another person."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up, "You mean Changyang Xiangtian."

The burly young man with a sledgehammer in his hand nodded and said, "Yes, there is the dean behind the tower. We dare not touch him, but Changyang Xiangtian is different."

"But Changyang Xiangtian's strength is very powerful. Just now, almost all of the five of us were defeated by one person. How could we beat him?" One person said.

"That's right, and the most important thing is that the speed of Changyang Xiangtian's attack is so fast that I can't dodge." It was the young man who was holding a giant sword and was stabbed in the thigh by Jian Chen.

At this moment, the man with the machete suddenly said, "Don't forget that Changyang Xiangtian has offended many people in the academy. Whether it's Young Master Cheng or Young Master Luo, they are much stronger than us. , as long as you find an opportunity to unite with them, sooner or later, you will be able to avenge this revenge."

… ..

In the blink of an eye, the sky has slowly dimmed. Compared with the second area, the number of demon beasts in the third area is obviously much lower. After a long time, Jian Chen and Iron Tower have only found a few. Only monsters, every time they kill a monster, Jian Chen and the two have to go through a tough battle. In one afternoon, the two of them only harvested a total of seven second-order magic cores. Compared with the second area, this number It seems insignificant. However, they felt relieved when they thought that the five students who had reached the level of Saints only got twelve magic cores in two days.

In the third area, there is no peace in the second area. Maybe it is because the second-order monsters are more difficult to kill, and the number is very small, so many people have started robbery, and swords Since the two of them met the five robbers, they encountered three groups of robbers. The smallest group had four people, and the largest group had even seven people. After a hard fight, Both Jian Chen and Jian Chen won the final victory, and the other's demon cores were all confiscated by Jian Chen and the two of them, but what made Jian Chen feel depressed was that there was actually a demon core in a group of four. No, it was only robbed, and that's the case, but thirty-three second-order demon cores were also scavenged from the hands of the other two groups.

At night, Jian Chen and Iron Tower were sitting in front of the fire and roasting the monster meat, and both of them showed a tired look on their faces. After half a day, they were more than a whole day fighting with monsters in the second area. Are still tired.

But at this moment, the school uniform on the iron tower has disappeared. He is wearing his upper body and bare legs, but only covering important parts with a piece of animal skin, looking like a savage. However, the body of the iron tower was covered with more than ten scars, large and small. Although it looked abnormally savage, it was actually only some skin injuries, and did not touch the bones of the iron tower. This strong man Jian Chen, who looked at his body, was blushing.

And Jian Chen is not much better than the iron tower. Although the school uniform on his body is barely able to wear, there are still a lot of wounds on it, but the whole school uniform has been completely stained with blood, and the red is black.

At this moment, the sound of fighting was faintly heard from a distance. Jian Chen's hearing was very keen, and he immediately caught the very subtle sound.

Jian Chen stood up from the ground, looked into the distance, and said, "Iron Tower, someone is fighting in the distance."