Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 44: Coincidence with big brother


Hearing this, the tower didn't care, "It is estimated that someone is fighting with Warcraft."

Hearing this, Jian Chen thought about it, but the things he experienced with the memories of his previous life are far from what the iron tower can compare to. Under this environment, even the slightest movement will make Jian Chen vigilant, especially after passing After encountering a robbery by a student in the same school during the day, Jian Chen became more vigilant about the surrounding environment. Jian Chen had seen too many people who capsized in the gutter. He didn't want to become a one of them.

With the subtle voices caught by his ears, Jian Chen tried his best to listen to the movement in the distance, but then his brows gradually wrinkled. He had already heard that it wasn't that someone was fighting with beasts, but that someone was fighting. The two groups were fighting with each other, and the sound of the fighting was rapidly approaching them.

Jian Chen looked at the iron tower and said: "Iron tower, it's not that someone is fighting with the beast, but two groups of people are fighting, and the sound is coming to our location quickly, you prepare, maybe it will be later. There is a battle." Jian Chen did not choose to change his position, with their strength, they are enough to protect themselves here, and he is not a person who is afraid of trouble.

The iron tower suddenly became interested, took the axe that was beside him in his hand, and said, "It is estimated that someone has been robbed again, Changyang Xiangtian, do you want us to go and have a look."

Jian Chen sat down in front of the fire with an iron rod cross-legged, and said, "No, if there is no accident, they will be here soon."

"Oh!" The tower also sat down obediently, with a very calm face.

Soon, the sound of fighting from the distance became louder and louder, and even the iron tower could clearly hear it. Not long after, a few figures fled from a distance and ran towards the fire that Jian Chen and the two lit. .

Behind them, black figures kept flashing under the night, apparently chasing after them.

"Two friends, the group of people behind us robbed our magic core. They are not only very powerful, but also have more people than us. I hope we can unite to fight against them. Otherwise, we will work hard to collect them in the past two days. All the magic cores will flow into their pockets." From a distance, someone shouted, although Jian Chen and the others are only two, but if they join, at least the two sides will be equal in strength. .

Hearing this voice, Jian Chen frowned slightly. This voice actually gave him a familiar feeling, as if he had heard it somewhere, but he couldn't remember it, obviously he was not impressed.

Seeing that the four people fleeing in front were getting closer and closer to Jian Chen, a figure suddenly shot from behind at an extremely fast speed. He raised the giant sword in his hand and slashed at the person closest to him.

The man who fled in front also raised the holy soldier in his hand without showing weakness and slashed fiercely towards the giant sword.


The difference in strength between the two was obviously too great. With a low roar, the man who fled at the front was directly slashed out by a sword.

After such a delay, the chasing soldiers behind had already caught up, and they surrounded the fleeing people and attacked fiercely. There were eight people chasing after them, and they were not weak. The huge difference between them made the fleeing people only be pressed and beaten by the other side, struggling to support them, and they would be defeated in a long time.

"Luo Jian, wait for me, I will never let you go." An angry roar came from the fleeing person, and the voice was slightly thicker.

Hearing this voice, Jian Chen, who was standing in the distance, suddenly changed his face. Unlike before, this slightly thick voice was familiar to him, and it was relieved that it was the voice of his eldest brother Changyang Hu.

"Big Brother!" Jian Chen let out a low exclamation, full of surprise, and then his eyes suddenly became sharp. At this moment, he did not hesitate at all, holding his iron rod and rushing towards those few people.

Seeing Jian Chen's actions, Iron Tower also rushed behind Jian Chen with the giant axe. After three days of getting along, Iron Tower seems to have become obedient to Jian Chen. , It is estimated that even the tower itself did not realize it.

In fact, in the past three days, Jian Chen's super-strength combat power that was completely inconsistent with his own strength, as well as his rich experience and thinking about survival in the forest, etc., have completely convinced the tower.

Jian Chen ran on the weeds without touching the ground. The speed was very fast. In the blink of an eye, he was already close to both sides of the battle. The iron rod in his hand turned into a black line that was difficult to detect with the naked eye in the night sky, and stabbed at one of them. Go, from the figure and the direction of the voice, he has already recognized that the person attacking this person is his elder brother Changyang Tiger.

Although everyone had noticed Jian Chen and Iron Tower for a long time, and they were always on guard, but Jian Chen's speed was too fast, and there was no warning, and at night, everyone's sight was greatly affected by the sound, and there was no one at all. He noticed the iron rod in Jian Chen's hand that was only the thickness of a finger.

The tip of the iron rod pierced deeply into the shoulder of the person who besieged Changyang Tiger, and pierced it directly. Suddenly, a scream spread far in the dark night sky, and then, without waiting for the injury The person who was in reflected, Jian Chen kicked him directly on the chest, kicking him far away.

"Ah!" At this time, the iron tower also came in, and with a loud shout, he raised the axe in both hands and slashed towards one person.

The person who was attacked by the iron tower was not slow to reflect. Looking at the axe that was ushered in, the person did not have the slightest fear, and directly raised the two-handed giant sword in his hand to meet it.



With a loud noise, the axe of the iron tower and the giant sword in the man's hand collided fiercely, and the two weapons were separated at the touch of a touch. Shengsheng was blown away by the powerful force on the axe.

In a head-to-head encounter with an iron tower with natural divine power, unless the difference in strength is too great, no one will be an opponent of the iron tower. Just this one confrontation, the young man who had head-to-head with the iron tower suffered a big loss.

However, after this head-to-head encounter, there was another gap on the axe blade of the iron tower. The only thing is that the opponent's strength is not strong, and the energy contained in the holy soldier is still within the tolerance range of this axe. Otherwise, I am afraid that the axe of the iron tower has been destroyed long ago.

"Ah!" The iron tower roared, waving the axe and rushing towards the others again. Seeing this, two of the robbers immediately separated to deal with the tower.

"Clang!" With a loud steel symphony, a person who didn't know the bottom of the iron tower had a head-on collision with the iron tower's weapon again, and suddenly, without exception, he was once again smashed by the powerful force on the iron tower's axe. Going out, there was another gap on the axe blade of the iron tower.

Although the axe of the iron tower is very hard, it is far from being on a par with the holy soldiers, because everyone's holy soldiers contain powerful energy, and with the holy soldiers, they can play an attack far beyond their own strength. But the strength of these people is obviously too weak, almost all of them are at the primary level of the saints. Even if the saint soldiers increase their attack on them, it is very limited. For this difference in strength, the iron tower can completely equalize with his natural strength. This is true, but the axe in the tower's hand can't withstand multiple collisions.

"Be careful, his strength is very strong, don't touch his axe head-on." The person who was smashed and flew out quickly reminded.

After listening to his companion's reminder, the remaining young man who was fighting with the iron tower suddenly became cautious. He no longer collided with the axe of the iron tower, but seized the gap between the tower's attack and attacked...

After Jian Chen stabbed one person at lightning speed, he did not stop because of this. The iron rod in his hand turned slightly, and his body was like a ghost again, killing the other person who was fighting the Changyang Tiger. It had been stained red with blood, and the red-blackened iron rod was like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark under the cover of the night. It wandered silently in the dark night sky at an extremely fast speed, making it difficult for people to notice.

The speed of Jian Chen's iron rod piercing was very fast, and the tip of the iron rod directly pierced his thigh before the person who fought Changyang Tiger had yet reflected.

The man's expression suddenly changed, and he let out a painful groan. His face was full of pain, and the offensive in his hands could not help but slow down. At this time, the Changyang Tiger opposite him was not polite at all. The giant sword in his hand was directly swung down, and he slashed fiercely on the young man's left arm.

Suddenly, a scream came from the mouth. The bone of his right arm had been cut off by Changyang Tiger's sword, and it hung down weakly. Only the skin under the bone was connected one after another, and the blood flowed like a fountain. exposed in the arm.

At this moment, a cyan light flashed in the dark night, and I saw a giant sword wrapped in a layer of cyan light, slashing towards Jian Chen at an extremely fast speed.

"Wind attribute holy power!" Seeing the giant sword wrapped in cyan light, Jian Chen's face became slightly dignified, and then he stepped on a mysterious pace, and his body suddenly disappeared in place like a ghost. At the same time, the giant sword wrapped in cyan light also slashed from the position where Jian Chen had just stood at an extremely fast speed.

Jian Chen stopped three meters away, and not far from where he had just stood, a man holding a giant sword stood proudly there. It becomes dark and not slippery, and it is impossible to recognize the appearance at all.

Jian Chen stared sharply at the man opposite, snorted coldly, and said solemnly: "Luo Jian, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Hearing this, the young man's face was stunned for a moment. The voice actually gave him a familiar feeling. Then he looked at Jian Chen carefully. Even at such a close distance, he could still see Jian Chen's face clearly.

However, after three days of fighting in the forest, and there is no clear water source, in such a situation, everyone's face is black, and it is impossible to recognize each other's appearance.

However, when Chang Yanghu, who was not far from Jian Chen, heard Jian Chen's voice, his face was stunned for a moment, then he looked at Jian Chen with disbelief, and exclaimed: " are the fourth brother." Chang Yanghu's tone was full of surprise and disbelief, and he was familiar with Jian Chen's tone.

Hearing the sound, Luo Jian's face showed a stunned look, and sneered: "No wonder I think your voice is a little familiar, it turns out that you are Changyang Xiangtian, I didn't expect you to be promoted to saint, I am so surprised. That's it." After speaking, Luo Jian's eyes flashed a stern look.

Jian Chen turned his eyes slightly, looked at Changyang Tiger, and said, "Big brother, let's talk later. For now, let's get rid of the immediate crisis. You can help others. Luo Jian will be left to me."