Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 47: Back to Kargath


PS: There was a sudden power outage at home, which made it impossible to update last night. Please forgive me, but I will make it up today.

Jian Chen and the others walked towards the outer edge of the forest in a hurry. Now three days have passed. If they can successfully keep these magic cores out of the forest, then they will successfully complete the task, and these magic core academy It will not be taken back, it will be completely owned by them.

Walking on the road, Jian Chen and the others were very cautious. This time was the time when things were most likely to happen, and after several battles last night, except for him and Tie Tower, who still maintained their fighting power, the four Changyang Tigers were also very cautious. With injuries all over his body, his strength was less than half of his usual strength. If he were attacked by someone with strong strength, another fierce battle would inevitably occur, which Jian Chen didn't want to see.

Jian Chen walked in front. After the iron tower was broken, the team formed a straight line, and the pale white barrier in the sky appeared from time to time with a ripple that quickly spread in the same direction. It was just dawn today. At that time, the enchantment covering the entire forest in the sky underwent such a change, pointing out the exit for those students who lost their way in the forest.

Jian Chen's spirit was highly struck, and he kept abreast of the surrounding movements. The third area was not as calm as the second area. Here, not only must guard against the monsters that would appear at any time, but also guard against those students. In this hidden weed, there are some people who are waiting for the rabbit. Moreover, the closer the distance to the exit, the greater the risk factor. After all, the enchantment in the sky has already pointed out the direction of the exit. Those students who are still in the forest are all moving in the same direction, which undoubtedly provides some convenience to some people who are standing still.

Several hours passed, and Jian Chen and the two were getting closer and closer to the exit of the third area. The journey seemed quite calm, but every time they walked a certain distance, they would encounter the corpse of a beast, and in some places even At the same time lay the corpses of two or three monsters.

After traveling for several hours again, Jian Chen and his party finally came to the exit of the third area, passed through the barrier very smoothly, and came to the second area. At this moment, everyone could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. , I knew in my heart that the magic calculation I was shouting about was saved, because after they left the third area, no matter if they collected enough magic cores, the mission was over, and no one dared to snatch anything here. .

"Hehe, I didn't expect the road to be so peaceful, it was beyond my expectations." Chang Yanghu had a happy smile on his face, and his tone was a little excited.

Obama also said with a look of joy: "Yeah, I thought we would encounter an attack on the way out, but I didn't expect it to be so calm, which was beyond my expectations."

Dilya reached out and touched the space belt around his waist, and smiled; "I guess those who robbed the magic core in the third area have suffered some injuries, and they don't have the energy to rob the road on the road, and among them The vast majority of people are in the same situation as we are now, they only want to protect themselves, they are satisfied to be able to leave the third area safely, and they have no intention to pay attention to those who block the road and rob."

"Well, that's right, it makes sense." The tower also nodded in agreement.

Jian Chen shook his head slightly and said: "It's not what you think, in fact, there are still people ambushing in some hidden places along the way, but you just didn't notice them, those people who are ambushing in the dark may have seen the number of us. There are many, and it is impossible to infer our strength, and we are not sure whether they can eat us, so they did not attack us, otherwise, we would not be able to walk out of the third area so safely."

After hearing this, the expressions of several people changed slightly.

Changyang Tiger let out a long sigh and said: "Fortunately, the fourth brother let us all pretend to be intact, otherwise, once those people knew that the four of us were injured, I'm afraid we would not be so lucky. ." After hearing this, the three of Aoba nodded in agreement, looking at Jian Chen with a trace of admiration in their eyes.

"Okay, let's go out as soon as possible. After returning to the academy, you should also take good care of your injuries."

The group of six continued to move towards the first area. As they got closer and closer to the exit of the first area, the surrounding academies gradually increased. Although there must be many people who could not persist and gave up the task in the middle, but this There are a total of more than a thousand people who have entered the forest this time. Even if more than half of them gave up the task, there are at least a few hundred people left. There are only a few hundred people scattered in this huge forest. It is almost difficult. There are not many people who can meet in the forest.

Jian Chen looked at the surrounding academies that were walking towards the first area just like himself, and saw that most of the boys were wearing their upper body and covered with wounds, but without exception, all of them were With a sound of embarrassment, the upper body of the **** was even more covered with mud, and it was no longer possible to distinguish their appearance from the face of Hua Buliuqiu.

Only some women are still wearing school uniforms, but without exception, that school uniform has become filthy, with cracks all over the body, it looks like it is not even a beggar's uniform, and some places that do not cover the body are covered. It was covered with wide leaves, and it looked extremely embarrassed.

Among them, there were several people who were injured in their legs and unable to walk. They were helped by their companions and walked out of the forest step by step.

In this area, it may be because of the large number of people, so there are no monsters coming and going here, and it is relatively safe along the way.

Soon, Jian Chen and the others walked through the first area in the direction indicated by the enchantment in the sky, and finally walked out of the forest. Outside the barrier, Bai En, the vice president, was standing straight in a white robe, and a step behind him stood a few indifferent academy teachers, and behind him, a large group of There are nearly 1,000 students in Kargas College. They are divided into two camps. The number of the camp on the right is several times that of the other camp. Although some of them wear school uniforms covered with mud, There are very few broken places, but overall it is still intact.

The other part of the people was more embarrassed. The school uniforms on their bodies were tattered and stained with a lot of blood. Through the cracks in the school uniforms, they could vaguely see scars on their bodies.

The people in the camp on the left only looked like more than 200 people. Without exception, all of them were completely embarrassed. Most of them were wearing some pieces of tree bark or animal skins. Clothes, and there are not a few people who wear their upper body. However, at this moment, all the people who came out of the forest were arranged by a teacher to gather together with the people in the camp on the left.

Afterwards, Jian Chen and the others sat on the grass and waited quietly. At this time, he already understood that all the people in the camp on the left had been in the forest for three days, and they had only left the forest today. The people who came out, and the people in the area on the right, were all people who went out within three days. According to the rules of the academy, whether they got two magic cores or not, they were considered mission failures.

Looking around, Jian Chen found that the people who were in the same camp as him, many of them looked sad, and some people looked at some people with deep anger in their eyes, and their eyes seemed to be fast. Like spewing flames.

At this moment, Jian Chen seemed to sense something. He turned his head slightly to look behind him, and saw a man in animal skin with a black face, supported by two students dressed like him, looking at him with eyes full of resentment. His eyes were filled with anger and... strong murderous intent.

Jian Chen looked at the man up and down, and then a faint sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. He had already recognized it, and the man was actually Luo Jian. Although Jian Chen understands that after what happened last night, he has completely offended Luo Jian, but Jian Chen doesn't care about it. In terms of strength, he is no longer under Luo Jian at all. Saint, then Luo Jian will be less of a threat to him. In terms of family power, although Jian Chen is not very clear about the strength of Changyang Mansion, from all aspects, the strength of Changyang Mansion is obviously not weak. Although Luo Jian is the son of the head of the Luo family, a major force in the Forbidden City, in Jian Chen's view, the Luo family will not come forward to embarrass themselves for a trivial matter. After all, Luo Jian is being trained by the academy. Under the circumstances, he was injured by his own hand, and the situation at that time was that Luo Jian attacked his eldest brother and his party first.

Afterwards, when all the people in the forest came out, Jian Chen and the others in this camp had grown to three or four hundred people.

At this time, Vice President Bai En came to the front of the crowd, glanced at the group of students in the left camp, each in a mess, with a smile on his face, and said loudly: "Very well, you really didn't let me Disappointed, I didn't expect that this year's hunt for monsters would be able to stay in the forest for three days more than the previous few times. Now, everyone maintains the existing formation and sets out in the direction of the academy. ."

Afterwards, the entire team maintained two camps and moved quickly towards the direction of the academy. When they passed a small river on the way, everyone washed their faces and moved on. Soon, when the colleges felt the college, they found that a high platform had been built in the center of the playground.

Everyone stopped in front of the high platform, and then Vice President Bai En and several teachers walked straight to the high platform. Vice President Damian Jindao sat on the chairman's seat and said in a flat tone: "The triennial hunting The beast-killing competition is now over, according to the regulations of the academy, after the task is over, the prizes will be distributed immediately, now, please stay in the forest for three days, and the students who have two or more magic cores at the same time will be listed."

As soon as the vice president's voice fell, more than a hundred people came out of the crowd.

"Now count the first-order demon cores first, and ask the students who hunted the first-order monsters to come to the stage to count the number." The vice president continued.

Afterwards, including Jian Chen and Tie Ta, all the students who hunted the first-order demon cores stepped onto the arena in turn. There was a special teacher in the arena who was in charge of counting and registering the number of demon cores harvested by the students.