Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 62: Jian Chen's Strength.doc


Cheng Mingxiang's face became slightly solemn. At this moment, facing a freshman who had only been promoted to sainthood for a few days, for the first time he put his mind to face.

"Cheng Mingxiang, since you injured my eldest brother, don't even think about leaving here intact today." Jian Chen stared at Cheng Mingxiang indifferently, and said solemnly.

Cheng Mingxiang snorted coldly and said in a arrogant tone: "Changyang Xiangtian, I admit that I did underestimate you, but if you want to keep me, it depends on the strength of your newly promoted saint, and you don't have the ability. "

Jian Chen sneered again and again, looked at Cheng Mingxiang with a hint of disdain in his eyes, and said, "If you have the ability, try it and see!" As soon as he finished speaking, Jian Chen's wrist trembled slightly, and the Qingfeng Sword was in him. Under the skillful control, he broke away from the state of stalemate with the giant sword in Cheng Mingxiang's hand. The Qingfeng Sword shook slightly and slapped the sword surface of Cheng Mingxiang's giant sword fiercely.


Accompanied by a rustling of steel, the giant sword in Cheng Mingxiang's hand was directly deflected to one side by the light wind sword. Jian Chen's long sword with only two fingers had an unsettling force on it. The trembling powerful force was slapped by him, and Cheng Mingxiang's palm holding the sword was numb for a while by the shocking force.

At the same time, the Qingfeng Sword in Jian Chen's hand brought up a silver-white light in the air and stabbed towards Cheng Mingxiang's chest at a very fast speed.

Cheng Mingxiang was shocked. Jian Chen's sword was so fast that he couldn't catch it at all. In his eyes, he could only see a silver-white light shooting towards him at an incredible speed. The speed made it too late for him to dodge, and he couldn't even make redundant reflections.

The tip of the Qingfeng Sword pierced the school uniform that Cheng Mingxiang was wearing outside without any obstruction, and pierced directly into Cheng Mingxiang's chest, but under Jian Chen's control, the piercing was not deep.

When he felt the sharp pain in his chest, Cheng Mingxiang realized it, and his body quickly retreated, and as he retreated, Jian Chen's sword that had pierced into his chest was also pulled out.

Cheng Mingxiang glanced at the school uniform that was constantly stained with blood on his chest, and there was a look of horror in his eyes. At this moment, in his mind, he couldn't help but think that Jian Chen was going to the extreme, so he couldn't avoid it at all. He swore that this sword was the fastest sword he had ever seen since he was a child, and at the same time, he was also horrified by Jian Chen's strength. How can a freshman who has only been promoted to Saint for a few days have such a powerful strength.

Jian Chen didn't intend to let Cheng Mingxiang go. He stepped on a mysterious pace and appeared in front of Cheng Mingxiang like a ghost. The light wind sword in his hand was drawn into a silver-white light, and it radiated from the light at a speed that was indistinguishable to the naked eye. Cheng Mingxiang crossed his chest.


Cheng Mingxiang let out a miserable scream, and saw that there was already a bloodstain on his chest, the bloodstain spread from the left side of his chest to the right side, the bone was deep in the wound, and the bright red blood flowed out violently, blinking. He had already dyed his school uniform red.

The anger in Jian Chen's eyes was still strong, and he continued to dance the light wind sword, adding wounds one after another on Cheng Mingxiang's body.

Cheng Mingxiang kept screaming, and the arrogant arrogance on his face had already disappeared. Facing Jian Chen's extreme swordsmanship, he couldn't dodge at all, and his body didn't even have the ability to resist. , Jian Chen's swordsmanship is too fast in his eyes, the speed of each sword piercing seems to have turned into light, so that he can't even see clearly. Although he is much stronger than Jian Chen in terms of the strength of the Holy Power, but now he has no chance to exert the advantage of his Holy Power at all, and has completely lost the power to fight back.

The wounds on Cheng Mingxiang's body continued to increase, and each wound looked ferocious and terrifying, with bones clearly visible, and the original clean school uniform was not only drawn with a few long cracks, but also the entire school uniform. It was gradually dyed blood red, and the range of red was constantly expanding.

Seeing that Cheng Mingxiang, the most powerful among them, had no power to resist in Jian Chen's hands, the dozen or so students around were all stunned and dumbfounded. Cheng Mingxiang, who had completely subverted their cognition, had an unbelievable look on his face.

Luo Jian first reflected that, although he was also terrified by Jian Chen's strength at the moment, but when he saw that there were more than a dozen companions who were at least junior saints by his side, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed. As soon as he saw it, he immediately shouted: "Let's go together, no matter how powerful he is, there is only one person. Are so many of us still afraid that he will not be able to do it alone." After speaking, a light blue giant sword appeared in Luo Jian's hand. With a roar, he rushed towards Jian Chen first.

Hearing Luo Jian's words, the other dozen or so students also came back to their senses, looked at the dozen or so companions around them, and swept away the fear in their hearts that was frightened by Jian Chen's displayed strength. And Kong, then, giant swords, axes, big knives, spears and many other weapons appeared in the hands of the dozen or so people, and then charged towards Jian Chen aggressively.

A cold light flashed in Jian Chen's eyes. Facing a dozen people who were not weaker than himself, he did not retreat but advanced, and rushed into the encirclement of the dozen or so people. The light wind sword in his hand turned into a silver-white light. He stabbed one of them straight in the chest.


Jian Chen's light wind sword easily pierced into the man's chest. His sword, which was going to the extreme, was simply not something that a group of students who had not experienced much fighting could resist.


"go to hell!"

At the same time, Jian Chen also fell into the siege of the dozen or so people, and a dozen of various holy soldiers with strong energy fluctuations attacked Jian Chen from all directions.

There was a sneer on Jian Chen's face, the light wind sword in his hand exuded a bright sword light, and the strong and sharp sword qi emanated from the light wind sword. Then, Jian Chen's right arm turned into a phantom, and the light wind sword was covered He stabbed around at lightning speed. Every time he stabbed, he could accurately hit a weapon. In this short moment, Jian Chen stabbed more than ten swords in a row.

"Ding!" "Ding!" "Ding!"….

In midair, there was a screeching sound from the dense steel collision, and the sound had been connected into one piece, as if there was only one sound.

When the Qingfeng Sword in Jianchen's hand collided with the dozen or so holy soldiers that came, among the dozen or so students who besieged Jianchen, several of them, including Luo Jian, had intermediate-level saints. , his face changed, and then he stepped back a few steps in unison. Among them, many people's right hands holding weapons were trembling slightly. Jian Chen's sword looks extremely small, but the power hidden on it is very huge. When these dozen people collided with the sword in Jian Chen's hand for the first time, they were hit by the powerful shock force generated by the collision of the weapons. It made my arm go numb.

After resisting the attacks of more than a dozen people at the same time, Jian Chen's face did not change, and his movements did not stop because of this. The sword was danced by him at an extremely fast speed, and gradually formed a silver-white sword light in front of him. In the sword light, thousands of sword shadows were vaguely visible in the air, and they disappeared in the blink of an eye.



Along with Jian Chen's ghostly movement, a scream mixed with pain came from the arena. The desolate scream made some people with weak minds feel horrified and chill. Rising from the bottom of my heart.

The blood-covered Changyang Tiger stood beside him with a dull expression, staring blankly at the constantly changing positions in the field, Jian Chen, whose movement was like a ghost, and the dozen or so students who let out a desolate scream. At this moment, his brain seems to have stopped working, completely losing the ability to think.

At this moment, the dozen or so students are all lying on the ground, their pale faces are full of pain, and the intact and clean school uniform they were originally wearing on their bodies has now added a few more lines. The cracks, every crack is full of blood, and the school uniforms have been dyed blood red, and, as the white rays of light continue to flash on them, the wounds on their bodies are also rapidly increasing. The upper part of the body gradually spread to the thigh, and finally the whole body was covered with terrifying wounds, and the blood like a fountain flowed out of the body, quickly turning them into blood people.

Jian Chen moved quickly around the dozen or so students, and the light wind sword in his hand continuously swiped across the dozen or so students, splashing in the air with some blood and broken clothes.

The Changyang Tiger's injury touched Jian Chen's heart very much. Although Jian Chen did not kill the dozen or so students in the same school, he would definitely not let them go easily. If these dozen people were not in the same academy as Jian Chen, and Jian Chen was worried about causing too much trouble to his family, he would definitely kill them without hesitation.

"Senior Changyang Xiangtian, spare me, spare me, I won't dare again next time."

"Senior Changyang Xiangtian, let us go this time, we won't dare next time."

Finally, someone couldn't bear the hell-like torture and begged for mercy in a pleading tone. Someone took the lead, and the people behind also begged for mercy one by one, but there were also a few stubborn people who still insisted on gritting their teeth. It's not that they didn't think about running away, but now they are covered with scary and terrifying wounds on both their thighs and right arms. Even if they move a little bit, it will hurt him, let alone run away, at least , they don't have the willpower to endure the pain that goes straight to their hearts.

Jian Chen gradually stopped, only to see that his face was still as indifferent as before, his face was not red, and he was not breathing, but the Qingfeng sword in his hand was already covered with blood.

Jian Chen's body is like a tall and straight mountain, standing upright in the field, a pair of eyes that seem to be captivating, flickering with icy light, slowly swept over the dozen or so students lying on the ground, saying: "You can also go around and say, who hurt my elder brother."

"It's Young Master Cheng, Luo Jian, Kadiyun, the three of them..."

"Yes, the three of them injured Changyang Tiger..."

"Changyang Tiger was injured by the three of them, and we didn't do anything at all.."

More than a dozen young people scrambled to say, for fear that the slow answer would make Jian Chen dissatisfied. At this moment, they had no idea of revenge on Jian Chen, and some of them regretted participating in this action. .

Among them, only half of them were taken away by Jian Chen and the others in the forest, while the other half and Jian Chen had no grievances and were summoned by Cheng Mingxiang.

A stern look flashed in Jian Chen's eyes, and his eyes turned coldly towards Mingxiang. Luo Jian and Ka Diyun's eyes flashed with strong murderous intent.

Watched by Jian Chen's fierce and murderous eyes, a chill rose from the hearts of Cheng Mingxiang and the three of them. At this moment, the three of them looked at Jian Chen with fearful expressions for the first time.