Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 65: A visitor from the palace (1)


Jian Chen and Chang Yang Hu each returned to their mother's side, and walked towards the discussion hall of Chang Yang Mansion, accompanied by the other two aunts.

"Hu, you suffered in the academy, look at the scar on your face..."

Walking on the road, Jian Chen's eldest aunt Linglong looked at the scar on Changyanghu's face with a distressed expression, her eyes gradually became moist, and the tears kept rolling in her eyes.

Chang Yanghu smiled nonchalantly, and said, "Mother, this is just a minor injury, it's not in the way, but fortunately my fourth brother saved me, otherwise, I'm afraid the child won't be able to get out of bed and walk now."

After hearing this, Linglong turned her head to look at Jian Chen with a soft smile on her face, and said, "Xiangtian, thank you so much for saving Ah Hu this time."

Jian Chen smiled slightly and said, "Auntie, what are you talking about, if my brother is in trouble, I should help out, and, speaking of which, this matter was caused by me, my brother was just implicated. , as long as the aunt doesn't blame me, I'm already very happy."

There was a smile on Linglong's face, and she said, "Xiangtian, you are getting more and more sensible now, and you are much better than our Jia Ahu."

"Auntie has praised her!" Jian Chen chuckled. Now he could clearly feel that Auntie Linglong's attitude towards him was much better. At least he didn't want to have a lukewarm face like before.

"Mother, what you said is right, the fourth brother's strength is amazing, when he is not yet a saint, he can hunt down second-order monsters by himself, and when the fourth brother's strength is promoted to a saint , even Cheng Mingxiang, who is known as a cultivating genius in our Kargath Academy, and whose strength has reached a high level of sainthood, is not the opponent of the fourth brother. More than a dozen students with strength above the saints attacked the fourth brother together, and they were all easily injured by the fourth brother." Speaking of this, Changyang Tiger seemed particularly excited, and said excitedly: "Mother, you didn't When I saw the scene at that time, the scene was spectacular. The fourth younger brother beat the dozen or so people with bruises all over the body in just the blink of an eye. People have no power to fight back in front of the fourth brother."

Hearing this, Jian Chen's mother Bi Yuntian showed a happy smile on her face, and her eyes were full of love and kindness when she looked at Jian Chen.


At this moment, a cold snort came from the side, and I saw Jian Chen's third aunt, Bai Yushuang, with a frosty face, and said coldly, "It's amazing, but you have offended Hua Yunzong. This is simply causing a lot of trouble for our Changyang Mansion."

Jian Chen frowned slightly. His third aunt, Bai Yushuang, had always had a prejudice against him since he was very young. As for Bai Yushuang's remarks, Jian Chen's mother Bi Yuntian also felt very dissatisfied, but since it was her own son who caused the trouble, she also felt a loss for a while, and he didn't have a good relationship with Bai Yushuang, so It's not easy for her to excuse anything, otherwise this will only escalate a small conflict.

"Forget it, Third Sister, everything has already happened. It's useless to talk about it now. For now, I'm thinking about how to deal with it." Jian Chen's second aunt Yu Fengyan said in mediation.

"Forget it, Third Sister, after all, Xiangtian is also in this trouble to save Ah Hu, and the matter can't be entirely blamed on Xiangtian." The eldest aunt Linglong was also born to defend Jian Chen.

Seeing that there were actually two people defending Jian Chen, Bai Yushuang snorted softly, and immediately stopped talking.

Bi Yuntian sighed lightly, looking at Jian Chen with love and sadness, and said, "Xiang'er, we all know about the achievements you have made in Kargath Academy, I am proud of you for my mother, but Why are you acting so impulsive, you actually cut off the arm of the son of the current sect master of Hua Yunzong, do you know that you not only caused a lot of trouble for yourself, but also involved the entire Changyang Mansion."

There was a trace of guilt on Jian Chen's face, and he said, "I'm sorry, mother, I brought such a big trouble to the family."

"Xiangtian, things have already happened, so don't blame yourself. Now let's go to the discussion hall to discuss how to solve this matter." The second aunt Yu Fengyan said.

Afterwards, the group gradually accelerated their pace and walked towards the discussion hall.

At this moment, in a splendid palace, His Majesty the King of Gesen Kingdom looked at the letter in his hand, and his brows were tightly together. After a long time, His Majesty the King sighed leisurely and said, "This Changyang Xiangtian It's really too impulsive, to make such a big mistake and cut off the right arm of Cheng Mingxiang, the son of the sect master of Huayun Sect. This is a big trouble. Huayun Sect, this is not the Changyang Mansion today. able to fight.”

His Majesty the King slowly put the letter on the table and shouted: "Come here, Bi Dao, the commander of the Iron Armored Army, will come here immediately."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

As soon as His Majesty's voice fell, a eunuch ran out quickly.

Soon, a middle-aged man in black armor, about forty years old, walked over from the outside. The middle-aged man had a flat appearance, a resolute complexion, and piercing eyes, but the most striking thing was , On the middle-aged man's forehead, there is an unusually ferocious scar that runs across the entire forehead, which looks so frightening.

The middle-aged man stopped when he was ten paces away from His Majesty the King.

His Majesty the King stood up slowly, came to the middle-aged man with the letter on the desk, and said, "Go and see it!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man in black armor took the letter from His Majesty the King, opened it and began to read it, but after reading it, his face became very solemn.

"Oh, I didn't expect him to cause such a big disaster." The young man in black armor sighed with a hint of worry.

"Young people are always domineering, they are too impulsive." His Majesty the King sighed and said, "Bidao, since you joined the Iron Armored Army in my palace twenty years ago, you have never gone back all these years. Take this opportunity today and go back and have a look."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" A complicated look flashed in the eyes of the iron-clad young man.

His Majesty's face suddenly became serious and said: "Bi Dao, when you go back this time, you must convince the people in Changyang Mansion to send Changyang Xiangtian out as quickly as possible, otherwise, once Hua Yun is allowed to If the people from the sect come to the door, the trouble will be big. Only by sending Changyang Xiangtian out, and we will mediate in the middle, can the conflict between Changyang Mansion and Huayun Sect be temporarily stabilized. Now the surrounding countries It seems that they have never let go of the idea of invading the territory of my Gesen Kingdom. At this juncture, I absolutely do not allow the slightest accident in my Gesen Kingdom, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Changyang Xiangtian is extremely talented, has unlimited potential, and has unlimited future prospects. He may be the only hope of my Gesen Kingdom for hundreds of years. Therefore, Changyang Xiangtian must be preserved, although we cannot guarantee his future growth. Whether the road is smooth, but at least we will never let him have an accident in our Gesen Kingdom." His Majesty's tone was very solemn.

Hearing this, the iron-armored youth showed a look of pride and joy on his face, forcibly suppressed the slightly excited mood in his heart, and said, "Your Majesty, Bi Dao understands, Bi Dao knows what to do."

His Majesty the King nodded slowly and said, "Bidao, it's not too late, you immediately set off for Changyang Mansion. With your strength, I believe that you will be able to reach Changyang Mansion before dawn."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

… .

In the discussion hall of Changyang Mansion, Changyang Ba Da Ma Jindao sat on the main seat, and on the two sides below him sat Jian Chen, his aunts, and several core figures in Changyang Mansion. Sitting in the first place below Changyang Ba is the housekeeper Chang Bo.

Changyangba's face was full of sorrow, and he glanced at Jian Chen who was sitting below with complicated eyes, and then said, "Everyone must know what happened to Xiang'er in the academy. If the child is cut off, Hua Yunzong will definitely not let it go. I don’t know if you have any good solutions.

After hearing this, everyone was silent. Hua Yunzong was the largest force in the Gesen Kingdom other than the royal family. The strength of the sect and even the royal family was very jealous. It is not the Changyang mansion today. As far as he can resist, Chengming Xianggui is the only son of the contemporary suzerain of Huayun Sect, and he has been very talented since he was a child. At this moment, Jian Chen has cut off his right arm, which will also affect his future path and achievements. A very big impact, it is no exaggeration to say that Jian Chen has completely destroyed Cheng Mingxiang. For this matter, everyone in the sitting is very clear, Hua Yunzong will never forget it.

After everyone was silent for a while, finally an old man in his 60s said: "The best solution now is to invite a Guangming Saint to regenerate Cheng Mingxiang's broken limb, but only the seventh-order Guangming Saint Master has the ability. The strength of rebirth from a severed limb is not something we invited at all. Moreover, the seventh-order bright masters are very rare on Tianyuan Continent. All of them live in no fixed place. It is difficult to find them. The possibility of recovering Cheng Mingxiang's arm is almost zero."

"Hey, that's right, in my opinion, this is the only way to calm Huayunzong's anger so far, other than that, there is no other way, even if the royal family is willing to stand on our side and do their best to help us, but I think Hua Yunzong will never give up, but what is certain is that the fourth young master will be difficult to keep." A middle-aged man opened his mouth and analyzed.

The middle-aged men and the old people sitting here are all high-ranking people in Changyang Mansion. They have long heard about Jian Chen's performance in the academy, and in their hearts, they have already pinned their hopes on the future of Changyang Mansion. It is on Jian Chen, so although Jian Chen has caused a lot of trouble for Changyang Mansion, no one is blaming him. Everyone is trying their best to keep him. In addition, there are now Jian Chen and Gesen Kingdom. Princess Gran in the middle of the world is engaged. If this marriage is facilitated, then the status of Changyang Mansion in the Gesen Kingdom will also rise.

"It would be great if the ancestor was here." An old man let out a helpless sigh.

Hearing this, Uncle Chang's eyes lit up slightly and sighed: "Yeah, if the master is still there, we don't need to gather together to discuss this matter, but unfortunately, the master has been out for decades without any news. , I don't know if it failed or not."

After hearing this, everyone in the hall fell silent.

Jian Chen’s heart moved slightly. In Changyang Mansion for more than ten years, although he had never heard of such topics as Patriarch and Uncle Chang, he was thoughtful and deduced some things from these words. It is clear that the ancestor in the mouths of the people and the master in the mouth of Changbo should be the same person, and this person is not only extremely powerful, but also has no fear of the Huayun Sect, who has two powerful men, and this person is his own ancestor.

This question didn't linger in Jian Chen's mind for a long time, and was quickly dismissed by Jian Chen. Looking at the quiet people in the hall, Jian Chen hesitated for a while, and suddenly said, "Father, why don't you call Chang Bo Yong? Flying monsters send me out, as long as I am no longer in the Changyang mansion, I believe that even if the people of Huayunzong really come, they will not do anything excessive."



As soon as Jian Chen finished speaking, the voices of Bi Yuntian and Chang Yangba rang out at the same time.

Bi Yuntian grabbed Jian Chen's hand tightly with both hands, and some water mist gradually appeared in his eyes, and finally tears burst out of his eyes quickly, and said in a crying voice: "Xian'er, don't be stupid, there are very many people on Tianyuan Continent. Dangerous, far from being as simple as you think, you have never seen the outside world, you don’t know the rules of survival in the outside world at all, and your strength is low, mother will never let you do stupid things.”