Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 72: Cang Mang Bandit (1)


At night, after eating the dry food, Jian Chen entered the tent and sat cross-legged with a few first-order demon cores in his hands to cultivate. Now that he was roaming the Tianyuan Continent, he would encounter danger at any time. Only a strong strength can protect himself. Safe, so Jian Chen will not waste a little time to improve his strength now. Moreover, Jian Chen also knew in his heart that he would only be able to return to the Gesen Kingdom to reunite with his family when his own strength became strong in the future, to the point where he was not afraid of Hua Yunzong. Otherwise, as long as he showed up, he would It will attract Hua Yunzong's pursuit.

It's very quiet outside now, only some light footsteps can be heard from time to time, that is some mercenaries in charge of patrolling past Jian Chen's tent.

Time passed quietly, and it was already late at night in a blink of an eye. At this time, most of the mercenaries in the tent had already fallen asleep, and even the mercenaries in charge of patrolling were drowsy. It seems that the spirit is in a very slack state.

At this moment, a black light suddenly appeared, and under the cover of the night, it flew over at a very fast speed from a distance and shot straight at a mercenary who was patrolling, and finally hit the mercenary silently. His throat, this black awn is obviously a murderous force, the mercenary who was shot in the throat by the black awn could not even let out a scream, and he lay down straight.

The black light is extremely small, and the speed is very fast. It is completely silent in flight, making it difficult to detect, and the range of the caravan camp is very large. The mercenary in charge of patrol is alone in a far away place place, so after he lay down, no one noticed the situation here.

Just after the mercenary lay down, in the distance, several black men shot towards the caravan camp at a very fast speed, killing all the mercenaries who were in charge of patrolling and were far away from the camp.

Jianchen's tent was at the outermost periphery. Among the mercenaries who were shot, there was just a distance of less than thirty meters from Jianchen's tent, just after the mercenary closest to Jianchen's tent fell to the ground. , Jian Chen, who was sitting cross-legged in the tent cultivating, moved his ears slightly, his slightly closed eyes suddenly opened, his eyes rolled, and Jian Chen immediately bowed and carefully opened the tent door to a gap. Watch what's going on outside.

Just when Jian Chen opened the tent door to look at the situation outside, another black light shot from a distance at a very fast speed, hitting a mercenary who was in charge of patrol in the distance. The mercenary fell without making a sound.

Seeing this scene, Jian Chen's expression changed slightly, and he immediately understood that his caravan was attacked by an enemy, but Jian Chen, who had previous life experience, did not panic at all, and immediately shouted in the tent: "Everyone be careful. , there is an enemy attack."

The sound of Jian Chen's roar was very loud, and the entire camp could hear it clearly. As soon as he finished speaking, the originally quiet camp suddenly became boiling, and countless mercenaries quickly ran from the tent. After coming out, in a short period of time, there were hundreds of noisy mercenaries in the originally very quiet camp.

Jian Chen's words are absolutely sensitive to the mercenaries who have been roaming the Tianyuan Continent all the year round and living on the knife edge. Therefore, upon hearing Jian Chen's shouting, all the mercenaries rushed out of the camp at the fastest speed. ran out. The mercenary who just ran out of the tent glanced around habitually, but all he saw were his own people, and no trace of the enemy was found.

"Enemy attack? Where is the enemy..."

"Who was shouting just now, where is the enemy..."

"Where is the enemy, who the hell is screaming..."

Many mercenaries are starting to shout loudly. If they find out that it is someone who is shouting and teasing them, it is estimated that no one of them will easily let go of the person who is shouting and attacking.

"No, Captain Lang Tian, Du Mulan, who was in charge of the patrol, is dead."

Just when many mercenaries were cursing, a high voice overwhelmed the cursing of all the mercenaries and passed from a distance.

Hearing this, all the mercenaries became quiet one by one. However, at this moment, three black lights shot from the dark place in the distance at an extremely fast speed, hitting three straight. The mercenary's chest.

The mercenary shot by the black light didn't even have a chance to let out a scream and lay down. Just before the bodies of the three mercenaries fell to the ground, three more lines flew out from the dark place in the distance. Heimang, hit three mercenaries again.

The black mans shot continuously from a distance, and through the cover of the night and the completely silent flight, it was difficult for people to notice its existence.

The frequency of Heimang's shooting is very fast. In just a short period of time, more than a dozen mercenaries were shot by the black mang and fell to the ground. At this time, someone finally exclaimed: "Everyone. Be careful, there are enemies..." Before the mercenary finished speaking, a black light flashed away and shot straight into the mercenary's body, and then the mercenary's body lay down weakly. .

"Everyone spread out and find cover." A middle-aged man with a tall stature and a scar on his face shouted. As soon as he finished speaking, a fiery red double hammer appeared in the middle-aged man's hand, and he rushed towards the direction of the black light by himself.

"Captain Lang Tian, be careful..."

Seeing that the middle-aged man was rushing in the direction of the enemy alone, many mercenaries exclaimed in surprise, and their voices were full of worry.

Just a few steps after the middle-aged man rushed out, more than a dozen mercenaries who claimed to be not weak rushed out, followed closely behind the middle-aged man, and rushed in the direction of the black light in the distance. And go.

The black light is still flickering constantly, but this time the shooting angle of the black light has changed the target. I saw one after another through the cover of the night. The mercenary shot.

However, since they dared to rush forward without knowing the situation of the enemy, the strength of these dozen mercenaries is definitely not weak, and the fiery red double hammer held in the hands of Captain Lang Tian, who rushed in the forefront, flashed red like a flame. Mang, like a beacon in the dark night, is so eye-catching.

Looking at the two black lights that shot at him, Colonel Lang Tian showed a sneer in his eyes, and then the two hammers in his hand slammed violently, smashing the two black lights that shot at him.

With a slight collision, Colonel Lang Tian's double hammers hit the two black awns accurately. After that, the black awns disappeared silently. The long hands are so unbearable.

And the strength of the dozen or so mercenaries behind the head of Lang Tian is also very strong, and they are not afraid of the threat of this black light. Then wave the holy soldiers to directly disperse the black light.

At this moment, a mutation protruded, and a sharp and piercing sound came from the dark place in the distance. I saw countless arrows rushing with a piercing sound, and the number of arrows was very large. dense like locusts.

In the face of so many arrows, among the dozen or so mercenaries, several immediately stopped their forward momentum and resisted the arrows that were shot in the face.

"Ding ding ding ding..."

These arrows are all made of fine iron, and they collide with the holy soldiers, making a clanging sound of steel.

Head Lang Tian and several mercenaries still did not stop rushing forward. In the face of the dense arrows shot in the face, these mercenaries roared one after another, and the powerful holy power in their bodies penetrated through their bodies. There is a shield that is completely condensed by the power of the Holy Power. Although this shield is weak, its defense is very strong. These arrows made of fine iron are shot on their shield, which can only make The shield trembled slightly, and it was impossible to break through the defense of this passport.

"Brothers, kill me!"

Just when the few powerful mercenaries were about to rush into the enemy's camp, a loud shout came from the darkness in the distance. In the dark night, a large number of black shadows suddenly appeared, rushing towards the caravan camp.

"The robbers have appeared, everyone is ready to bow and arrow."

In the mercenary camp, a mercenary roared loudly. After hearing this, many mercenaries immediately took out the iron longbow they carried on their backs, pulled the bow and loaded the arrow, and aimed at the black patch that appeared in the distance. Shadow, waiting for the opponent to enter the range of the bow and arrow.

Jian Chen stood on the periphery of a group of mercenaries, looking at the figure in the distance in the dark night, the expression on his face became a little dignified, although the other party was still far away from the camp, and the visibility was very low due to the dark night, but with his With his eyesight and experience, he immediately judged that the number of opponents was at least several hundred, not much less than the mercenaries in his own caravan, and the few powerful mercenaries who rushed up against the arrow rain before, It has been taken off by the masters in the enemy camp.

"Fire arrows!"

At this time, the robbers had already entered the range of the bows and arrows. Following the order of one person, the hundreds of mercenaries with bows and arrows in their hands immediately loosened the strings of their arrows. Sora shot towards the robbers rushing forward.

Although there are some people who are not weak in this group of robbers, the strength of most of them is not necessarily strong. In this round of arrow rain, more than a dozen people from the opponent fell.

Three black lights shot silently from the back of a group of robbers at an extremely fast speed, directly hitting the chests of three mercenaries holding bows and arrows. The three mercenaries shot by the black lights immediately appeared on the chests. A finger-sized hole, and then immediately fell down and died.

The frequency of the black light shot is very fast, and every time it is the same three, nine mercenaries died under the black light in a short time.

Looking at the wounds on the chests of the mercenaries, a middle-aged man's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately shouted: "Everyone, be careful, there are people in the enemy camp who have the power of darkness attribute holy power."

While speaking, three more black lights shot from the night sky, and one of the black lights pointed to the middle-aged man who reminded everyone.

The middle-aged man's strength is obviously not weak, I saw his face sank, and a silver-bright machete appeared in his right hand. The black awns that were shot were chopped off.


This shot of black light was completely formed by the condensation of energy. When the black light and the machete in the middle-aged man collided, there was a slight explosion sound, and then the black light disappeared silently.

The middle-aged man's body swayed slightly, but his face suddenly became solemn, and he said solemnly: "Damn, there are actually three people with dark attributes in the enemy camp, and all of them are professional bows and arrows. Hand, in this area, only the gangster bandits have such strength."

"Deputy Captain Liu, what are you talking about, is this group of robbers from the Cang Mang Bandit?"

"Oh my god, they're actually a gang of robbers..."

"This is over, how did you meet the gangster bandit..."