Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 84: Wacker City


The actions of the two made those who were watching the fun in the whole restaurant stunned, but the casual look was a matter of course. There are all kinds of people on Tianyuan Continent. Some Chinese characters would rather be thrown away by themselves. Even if their lives are threatened, they are unwilling to bow their heads to admit their mistakes, and some people who are greedy for life and fear of death will do anything when their lives are threatened, and even betray their brothers and friends.

Jian Chen slowly put down the Qingfeng Sword, pointed the tip of the sword diagonally to the ground, looked coldly at the two kneeling on the ground who kept kowtowing and begging for mercy. With a slightly more contemptuous expression, Jian Chen felt the most disgust in his heart for such a person who was greedy for life and fear of death.

Seeing Jian Chen drop the divine sword in his hands, the members of the desert mercenary group who were kowtowing and begging for mercy thought that Jian Chen had really let them go, and a look of joy appeared on their faces. Then, before they were happy for long, An indifferent remark froze the happy expressions on their faces.

"I already gave me a chance before, but unfortunately you didn't cherish it yourself. Now begging for mercy is already playing." A low and indifferent voice came out of Jian Chen's mouth. The arm turned into an afterimage, swept out at an extremely fast speed, and driven by the arm, the light wind in his right hand turned into a silver-white lightning, stabbing towards the two of them.

Before the two mercenaries could react, the sharp blade of the Qingfeng Sword was gently taken by the two mercenaries, leaving a bloodstain as small as a thread. The next moment, a large amount of blood flowed from here. The tiny bloodstains flowed turbulently, dyeing their necks red in an instant.

If these two mercenaries fought hard, Jian Chen would not be able to kill them without a little effort. Maybe they were lucky enough to escape from Jian Chen's hands, but unfortunately they had already been killed by Jian Chen like lightning. The strength of the famous companion was frightened, and the fear in their hearts made them have no idea of resistance, which led to being killed by Jian Chen so easily.

After killing the two of them effortlessly, Jian Chen's body swayed slightly, and he reappeared in front of the last mercenary who was completely frightened. He wiped lightly on his neck.

The five members of the desert mercenary group died in Jian Chen's hands in just a few breaths.

After killing five people, Jian Chen's expression did not change in the slightest. Then he took out a few gold coins from his space belt and still placed them on the table. He said indifferently, "These gold coins are considered as a cleaning fee for you." After saying these words, Jian Chen calmly walked out of the restaurant.

The Tianyuan Continent is a very cruel world. There are disputes and killings everywhere. People living on the Tianyuan Continent have long been accustomed to such things. For the diners in China, as long as the matter does not involve themselves, it can be seen as a good show, and the bloody scene will not affect their appetite for eating.

Watching Jian Chen leave, the entire restaurant fell into a strange silence. At this moment, everyone forgot to eat, and all stared blankly at the direction Jian Chen left and the five dead desert mercenaries. The members of , from their eyes, can still clearly see the shock and disbelief expressions.

After a long time, in the quiet restaurant, there was finally a sound of gasping for air, and then, a voice mixed with exclamation sounded in the quiet restaurant:

"Such a fast sword, not only is so fast that people can't react, but its precise control is also the first time I have seen it since I walked in Tianyuan Continent for so many years." It was a middle-aged man wearing a blue gown who spoke. The man is also one of the few people in the restaurant who can vaguely catch the sword shadow.

"This person looks young, but his strength is not weak, and his shot is also very ruthless, and a direct hit is fatal. It seems that he is not born in a big family, or there is a very amazing master behind him."

"I just don't know what his name is. With his strength, it would be great if he could join our mercenary group. At that time, the strength of our mercenary group will also increase a lot." A young man murmured in a low voice. .

As soon as the young man finished speaking, a man sitting next to him who seemed to be about the same age as him said: "Okay, don't be imaginative here, he looks much younger than you, but With such strength, the identity of such a person is not so simple. We, a small mercenary group, cannot attract such a master to join. Moreover, he killed five members of the desert mercenary group here, the desert mercenary group. The Corps will definitely not give up. If he really joins us, it may bring great trouble to our mercenary group. After all, our small mercenary group does not have a scale of thousands of people. The opponent of the desert mercenary group."

After leaving the restaurant, Jian Chen went directly to the mercenary guild and found a mission to escort the caravan, but fortunately, Jian Chen's escort mission was not far away, so given his mercenary level, Still get the job.

Wacker City is a third-tier city. Although it is only a third-tier city, its tall and thick city walls are comparable to some first-tier cities, because there are a large number of monsters in a mountain range not far from Wacker City. And these monsters also often have some large-scale operations to attack the city, so although the scale of Wacker City is not large, it can only be ranked as a third-tier city, but the city wall is built very firmly, which is also to prevent the attack of monsters.

At noon, the fiery red sun in the sky exudes a thousand zhang ray of light. The intense light makes people unable to look up at the sky. Many mercenaries walking on the road are half-blinded to reduce the effect of sunlight on their eyes. Stimulate.

Outside Wacker City, a caravan of only two or three hundred people was slowly advancing on the official road, slowly advancing towards the not-so-high gate of Wacker City.

"This damn weather, why is it so hot, so that no one can live."

In the caravan, a big man with his upper body twitched couldn't help cursing. After speaking, he took out the water bottle and poured a few mouthfuls into his throat.

Not far from the big man, a young man in a rough cloth was sitting on the quilt of a white horse with his eyes slightly closed. He looked like he had fallen asleep with his serene demeanor.

The appearance of the young man is very ordinary, and he belongs to the kind that can be caught in a large number in the crowd. Judging from his appearance, he is about twenty years old.

Although the sky is scorching hot at the moment, this young man still covers his whole body tightly. Although the clothes are not too thick, this is not something that ordinary people can bear, and the most surprising thing is that in this name There was not a single drop of sweat on the young man's forehead.

Compared with the mercenaries and businessmen in the entire caravan who are either topless or sweaty, this young man's appearance is obviously quite different, although many mercenaries and businessmen continue to ask him The young man cast a strange look, but he did not go up to talk to the young man.

This young man is Jian Chen.

Slowly opening his eyes, Jian Chen's eyes were flat and focused on the city wall in front of him. After two days of rushing, he followed the caravan and finally arrived at Wacker City. Wacker City, but Jian Chen specially chose it for himself. A good place. In the future, he will plan to stay in Wacker City for a long time, and use the monsters in the Warcraft Mountains not far from Wacker City to try his best to improve his strength.