Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 86: Hunt scorpions


Although Jian Chen has killed many second-order monsters in Kargas Academy, the second-order monsters there are far from being comparable to those born and raised in the Warcraft Mountains. , I am afraid that even some first-order monsters in the Warcraft Mountains are not as good, not to mention that the one I met at this moment is a second-order monster born and raised in the Warcraft Mountains.

Just as Jian Chen was slightly stunned, the poisonous scorpion didn't give him any extra time. The six thick and powerful retreats on both sides of its body quickly moved on the ground, and in the blink of an eye, they crossed a distance of several meters to the sword. In front of Chen, the pair of giant pincers shone with a pale green poisonous light in front of him opened wide and pinched towards Jian Chen's head.

For the first time, Jian Chen did not dare to be careless when he faced the beasts born and bred in the mountain range of beasts. Although he never happened to capsize the boat in the gutter, he deeply understood the truth. The memory of his previous life brought him too much. much experience.

Jian Chen's face became a little serious, then his head tilted slightly, dodging the giant scorpion's pincers by a tiny margin, and then he kicked the ground hard, leaving a deep footprint on the ground, his The body has already shot towards the poisonous scorpion's head, which is much smaller than the body, and the light wind sword in his hand is even more shrouded in a hazy white sword glow, the tip of the sword reaching the tiny pair of poisonous scorpions. Eye.

The eyes, throat, and heart are the Achilles' heels of any creature. Jian Chen knows this very well. At this moment, because of the angle of the poisonous scorpion's neck, it is very difficult to stab it. There are also some fine scales protecting the short neck. Since it is impossible to determine the defensive power of these scales, Jian Chen can only choose the eyes of the poisonous scorpion to attack.

Although Jian Chen has a very strong confidence in the sharpness of his attack, some monsters have a very strong defense. Jian Chen is not 100% sure that he can pierce the scales on the neck of the poisonous scorpion and hurt it. fundamental.

The speed of Jian Chen's piece was very fast, only to see a silver-white lightning flashed away, and the tip of the sword had completely reached the eyes of the poisonous scorpion.

Just as the light wind sword in Jian Chen's hand was about to pierce into the eye of the poisonous scorpion, the poisonous scorpion suddenly opened its mouth, and a cloud of green poison mixed with a strong stench spewed out of its mouth, as if being hit by a blast. As if controlled by a mysterious force, it quickly shrouded Jian Chen. At the same time, the poisonous scorpion's eyes also closed suddenly, and his head shook vigorously, avoiding the light wind sword that was attacked by Jian Chen.

Jian Chen's Qingfeng sword was extremely fast. At this critical moment, even though the poisonous scorpion had tried his best to dodge it, he still couldn't dodge it completely, and was finally stabbed in the corner of the eye by the Qingfeng sword.

When Qingfengjian just touched the closed corner of Poisonous Scorpion's eyes, the sword's momentum was blocked and paused slightly, but the next moment, Qingfengjian's fierce sword qi broke through the defensive power of Poisonous Scorpion. The weakly defensive eyelid successfully penetrated into his eyes along the corner of the eye.

At the same time, Jian Chen's entire body was also buried by a thick green poisonous mist.


The corner of the eye was injured, and the severe pain caused the poisonous scorpion to make a very unpleasant hoarse sound. The dark green liquid slowly flowed out from the wound in the eye, and in the wide open mouth, the exposed sharp and small needles were like needles. The teeth look so terrifying.

The poisonous fog swayed slightly, and the image of Jian Chen, who was shrouded in it, retreated from the poisonous fog like lightning. Compared with before, Jian Chen's image was completely different. It was enveloped by a layer of dark green toxins, and the coarse cloth on the body was rapidly melting at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even the hair on the head that was not long had also turned into green threads. broken.

Feeling the burning pain from his body, Jian Chen's face became very solemn, and he said solemnly, "What a violent poison!" After saying that, Jian Chen reached out and quickly removed the toxin that had been corroded by the toxin on his body. The coarse cloth that has become tattered is shredded, and then the holy power within the body is broken out, in order to resist the damage of toxins to the body.

Jian Chen glanced at the poisonous scorpion who was blinded in one eye, and was screaming in pain. He knew in his heart that this was a good time to kill the poisonous scorpion. Immediately, a strong murderous intent flashed through his eyes, and he did not bother to renew it. He took out his clothes from the space ring and put it on. He lifted up his sword naked like this, and continued to attack the poisonous scorpion.

Jian Chen walked lightly and came to the side of the poisonous scorpion at an extremely fast speed. His arm shook and stretched forward at a lightning speed. However, the light wind sword in his hand was driven by his arm and turned into a silver streak. The white light pierced towards the throat of the poisonous scorpion, and at the moment when the light wind sword pierced, a fierce sword energy suddenly erupted from the sword. Sharp as a blade.

As if a flash of lightning flashed away out of thin air, leaving behind bright and brilliant colors in the blink of an eye, it disappeared in an instant and disappeared.


Jian Chen's Qingfeng Sword accurately hit the throat of the poisonous scorpion. When the tip of the Qingfeng sword touched the fine scales on the neck of the poisonous scorpion, it made a crisp sound as if steel collided. However, the scales, which are not weak in defense, only blocked the Qingfengjian in the blink of an eye. The next moment, the sharp sword energy on the Qingfengjian had already broken through the defenses of the scales and penetrated deeply into the throat of the scorpion. .


The poisonous scorpion let out a hoarse scream again, and in the remaining intact eye, a strange dark green light kept beating, and a pair of thick and powerful double pincers quickly grabbed towards Jian Chen, behind the back. The poisonous hook that was five or six meters long turned into a phantom and went around Jian Chen's head, stabbing at the back of Jian Chen's forehead from behind.

Jian Chen pulled out the light wind sword that pierced into the throat of the poisonous scorpion, kicked his feet on the ground, and jumped up, jumping onto the scorpion's broad back.

"Hi!" "Hi!"

The poisonous scorpion was obviously annoyed at Jian Chen who jumped on his back, his body began to sway violently left and right, his mouth kept making an unpleasant hissing sound, and a pair of pincers were waving randomly in front of him.

Judging from the current state of the poisonous scorpion, the sword that Jian Chen stabbed into his throat just now seems to have caused him little damage.

Looking at the still fierce scorpion, Jian Chen's brows were slightly wrinkled, and he couldn't help but said solemnly: "The life is really big, but it's still not dead." Because the scorpion is too large, and Jian Chen is now Restricted by his own strength, for this scorpion, apart from attacking the two vital points of the eyes and throat, he couldn't find any other way.

At this moment, a faint sound of breaking through the air entered Jian Chen's ears. Hearing the sound, Jian Chen didn't hesitate at all, and moved sideways.

Just when Jian Chen was dodging away, a poisonous hook flashing with green light had already pierced his scalp, and finally stabbed the poisonous scorpion on its own back fiercely.

With a soft sound, the layer of armor on the back of the poisonous scorpion, which is not weak in defense, has no resistance in front of its sharp poisonous hook. In his body, dark green blood flowed turbulently from his body.

Seeing this scene, Jian Chen's face was obviously sluggish, but then he couldn't help showing a look of crying and laughing. He really didn't expect that this poisonous scorpion was so stupid that he actually hurt himself.

The poisonous scorpion pulled the poisonous hook, but because the barbs on the poisonous hook had penetrated deeply into its flesh, it pulled some of the flesh up immediately, and the pain caused constant pain in its mouth. The screaming sound, the whole body was shaking, and the severe pain also made it give up the idea of pulling the poison hook out of the body.

And whenever a person or a creature's body is severely injured, there will be a buffer time, and this time is the moment when their strength and reaction speed are the most clumsy.

Jian Chen saw this, seized the opportunity, and jumped down from the back of the scorpion with a turn in the sky, the light wind sword in his hand turned into a silver-white light, and stabbed towards the other eye of the poisonous scorpion.

At this time, the severe pain from the back of the poisonous scorpion caused his nervous reaction to be much slower than usual, and Jian Chen's speed with every move was extremely fast. Under such a state of the poisonous scorpion, if he wanted to dodge and resist again Jian Chen's lightning-like sword was already very difficult.

The light wind sword was unobstructed all the way, and it accurately stabbed the other eye of the poisonous scorpion.

Jian Chen's face lit up with joy, and then he exerted force in his hands to control the Qingfeng sword that had pierced into the poisonous scorpion's eyes and continued to penetrate. Finally, the four-foot-long blade of the Qingfeng sword was completely submerged in half of its length. In the eyes of the poisonous scorpion, its brain was injured.

This time, the poisonous scorpion didn't make any movements of struggle or resistance anymore. The whole body trembled violently a few times, and then its feet softened, and the huge body standing more than one meter tall fell to the ground with a bang.

Jian Chen slowly pulled out the Qingfeng sword, looking at the love sword that was stained with the green blood of the poisonous scorpion and the white **, his brows could not help frowning slightly, and then his thoughts moved, and he saw that it was stained on the Qingfeng sword. The dark green blood and the white ** slipped from the light wind sword, and in the blink of an eye, the light wind sword returned to its original appearance.

Jian Chen looked around the corpse of the poisonous scorpion for a few laps, and then swung the light wind sword and stabbed it towards the head of the poisonous scorpion, but just as the light wind sword had just pierced the shell outside the poisonous scorpion's head, It was blocked. Although this poisonous scorpion was dead, its shell defense was still so strong, Jian Chen's casual sword was still unable to break through its defense.

"This skin is really thick!" Jian Chen frowned and sighed: "Forget it, let's save your energy, the beasts here will be haunted at any time, you can save more strength and life. , let’s start taking the magic core from its eyes.” After speaking, Jian Chen moved his hand again, and after a lot of hard work, he finally took out the magic core hidden in the scorpion’s head.