Chart Topper Queen

Chapter 134: Final (VII)


While following her mother downstairs for breakfast, Abe told her mother that she had a nightmare.

"Really? Are you scared?"

"No." The little girl jumped down the stairs lively, "I bravely defeated the monster!"

Mom looked amazed: "Beibei is so amazing."

"What are you talking about?" Dad put down the newspaper, opened his hands to greet the little princess, and gave her a good morning kiss on her forehead, "Good morning, my little princess."

Breakfast is prepared by the maid, ranging from toast to noodle cereal, with simple bacon, mushrooms, roasted tomatoes, etc. It is rich in nutrition, but Abe wanted to eat noodles today, so her mother asked the maid to cook another bowl. noodle. Afraid that she would be a picky eater, the servant kneaded vegetable and carrot juice into the noodles. The color was beautiful and Abe had an appetite to eat it.

After the meal there is her favorite mango pudding.

She ate the sweet pudding and narrowed her eyes happily.

It was a day off, and her parents specially made time to accompany her to the amusement park.

She has played in the interstellar amusement park many times, but she is not very interested. She would rather jump to planets and visit remote small planets. She heard from her friends that in those places, if she is lucky, she will encounter Zergs and aliens. The majestic mecha warriors will appear to destroy them, and she can see a wonderful battle, which is very exciting.

But her parents didn't allow her to go, saying it was too dangerous.

Oh, what a pity.

She was playing the virtual spacewalk game with little interest. When she came down from the air, there was a sudden problem with the equipment and she fell. Fortunately, the moment she hit the ground, there was a protective device to buffer her, so she was safe.

But Abe was frightened and developed a fever after returning, and his body quickly weakened. After diagnosis, it was found that she had a latent genetic disease that was rare even in the interstellar era. The disease caused the weakness of multiple organs and required immediate transplant surgery.

The service life of artificial organs is short and cannot last for a long time. As Abe is still young, multiple replacement surgeries will cause considerable harm to her body.

At this time, her parents thought of cloning.

Human cloning is not recognized by mainstream hospitals because it involves ethical and moral issues, but cloning institutions operating underground have repeatedly banned it. As members of the upper class, they have had clones since birth, called organ reserve organisms to be precise.

Abby also has a clone of herself.

They are deprived of consciousness from birth and fall into slumber until they are needed.

This time, Abe's clone was awakened.

She looked at the little girl through the glass, as if looking into a mirror.

They have exactly the same bright sky-blue eyes, the same hair with a little curl at the end, and even the same freckles on their cheeks. As if she could be replaced by the other person at any time.


Abe hugged her mother's legs, shaking because of weakness and fear.

"It's okay, baby." Mom seemed to see what she was thinking, and bent down to stroke her hair gently, "She is not a real person, she is fake, just like those dolls you play with, but she is made like You look alike."

"Mom?" On the other side, clone Abe followed Abe in confusion.

Abe heard this, pointed at her and screamed, "She can still talk, mom, you lied to me!"

Her mother held her in her arms, patted her back soothingly, and coaxed her: "Mom only has you as her treasure, and she only likes you. It was because Beibei was sick that her mother let her out. She is Do you know the medicine for Beibei?"

The clone Beibei over there is still repeating the simple word "Mom". She has been in a dormant state and can't even speak.

So the doctor arranged a minor surgery at my mother's request.

A slender transparent tube is connected between the two girls. Silver particles flash in the tube, which is the source of people's spiritual power. It is a substance in the human body that was only discovered in the interstellar era. People who lack a source of mental energy in their bodies are prone to falling into a state of weakness and are easily affected by ubiquitous radiation.

Abe felt much more comfortable, her energy became full, her pale cheeks were filled with blood, her eyes were bright, and she could joke with her mother calmly.

On the contrary, the clone Abe in the other treatment cabin showed an uncomfortable expression, and was restless because he had lost his spiritual power source.

Abe was giggling while unconsciously paying attention to her, wary of her taking away her mother at any time.

Before the operation, the clone Abby will also live with them. Having replenished his mental strength, Abe currently needs to undergo repair and treatment at home, waiting for surgery. The clone Abe released her dormant state and regained her self-awareness. The underground agency can no longer take care of it for her, and she needs to follow Abe home.

However, Abe was strongly repulsive and aggressive when facing the clone Abe.

If her parents are around, she will act coquettishly with her parents while observing each other's emotions. She will only be happy if she finds that the other person's mood is depressed. Even if her parents are not around, she has to warn him in every possible way not to try to take away her things.

No one can say a word to the clone Albedo, otherwise she will express her dissatisfaction with actions, such as cutting off her father's tie, spilling her mother's perfume, deliberately causing trouble when the servants are working, etc.

Abe has always been a good and sensible child. Her parents understand her uneasiness and always comply with her wishes.

The clone Abe never resisted, but just observed the world ignorantly and silently.

Abe hates her more and more because she makes herself look like a bad person. When Abe reads books and animations, what he hates the most is the villains in them.

She tried hard to verify that the clone was just a dummy, just like her doll, so she wouldn't care.

So during her lunch break, she secretly unplugged a wire from the power bank and dragged it all the way to clone Abe's room.

She has seen simulated humans that are as lifelike as real people. Although they use advanced energy, they also have the most primitive power interface. She didn't understand the concept of human cloning, but if her mother hadn't lied to her, then this clone must also be powered by electricity.

Clone Abe is resting in the room. She lay quietly in the middle of the bed, with her hands on both sides, very well-behaved, just like the new doll she bought and put in the box.

Abe confidently pierced the wire opening into her skin, and a burning smell came from the contact area.

Clone Abby struggled to wake up.

Abe's eyes were dazed, staring blankly at the wires, and asked her: "Where is your power interface?"

But the clone Abe couldn't speak. She could only make a low, animal-like sound from her throat to express the pain she was suffering.

"Where is it? Tell me quickly. I won't bother you if you find it."

Clone Abe's body convulsed due to the electricity, and the burnt smell became more and more pungent. Abe was afraid of being caught doing bad things, so she anxiously urged her, but the clone, who had only learned to understand basic vocabulary in a short period of time, was unable to respond to her at all.

Finally, the servant noticed the movement in the room, took away the wires fearfully, and then hugged Abe away.

Afterwards, her parents showed a rare cold expression, because overloaded electricity would damage the clone's internal organs, and damaged skin was also one of the organs. Abe's actions affected herself.

They punished Abe and tried their best to separate the two, but Abe always had a tentative hostility towards the clone Abe.

But one day shortly before the operation, something unexpected happened. The clone Abe was found to have much higher levels of blood in her body than Abe, and her organs were not suitable for transplantation into Abe's body.

"This is like a person who works in a high-pressure area and suddenly comes to a low-pressure area. He is likely to be unable to adapt to the pressure and fail. For the patient, these organs place too much burden on her, which is detrimental to the body."

"Why wasn't the problem detected before?"

"The test can only detect whether the organ is intact and healthy. It is rare that such a body function is too strong. I'm sorry."

With no use value, Abe's parents angrily asked the institution to bear the corresponding losses and destroy the clones.

On the day when the clone Abe was recovered, Abe looked at her who was about to leave and looked at her mother blankly: "Where is she going?"

"Go somewhere else. Baby, you don't have to see her anymore. Are you happy?" Mom said with a smile.

"Why." Abe didn't understand. "Isn't she the medicine to treat me?"

"Mom made a mistake. She is scrap and needs to be recycled and destroyed. It cannot cure your disease. But dad and I have other ways to treat you. Don't worry, baby."

“…what is destruction?”

The mother smiled, "Don't you like her? Why do you have so many questions today?" But she still answered her daughter's little question, "Destruction means that she will close her eyes, won't speak anymore, and won't use any more words." Eyes on you. She will disappear from this world."

"So mom said she is different from you." Mom said lightly.

Abe opened his eyes wide and helpless.

At this moment, she seemed to realize something.

Why did her parents never look at the clone when they were talking, and why did the doctors in the hospital only act gently when taking over her baby. Even the servants at home would complain to her face that her presence was troublesome after inadvertently admitting the wrong person.

To them, the girl who looked just like her was just a piece of furniture in their home.

Who would smile at furniture

But that's not right.

Abe panicked and felt that something was wrong. There must be something wrong.

Suddenly, she remembered something strange.

In addition to her appearance, this clone can breathe just like her. The flesh on her face is soft when poked. There is a feeling of blood flowing under the skin, and the muscles and veins will beat along with it.

The day she wanted to verify that she was a robot, her skin was electrically scorched.

She cannot recharge.

She is not a robot.

Nor is it cold, lifeless furniture.

She is human.

Now, she is going to be destroyed. She is going to die.

Abe suddenly felt out of breath.

The door was right in front of him, and the servant led the clone out. The clone still followed obediently. Just when she was about to be taken out of the house, she suddenly turned around and looked at the house with her blue eyes, at the girl who lived like a little princess in this beautiful big house.

Just watch.

She can't speak, she can't express, she can't do anything, she's just instinctive.

Even though no one told her what feelings are, she is still a human being and is born with the ability to perceive.

She knows who ignores her and who cares about her, even if this care means... hating her.

"Baby, what's wrong with you?" Mom found out that Abe was in bad condition and was extremely nervous. "You feel uncomfortable somewhere? Is the disease attacking you again?"

"Mom... I feel so pitiful about her." She murmured, feeling as if everything was about to be shattered, and the space was being turned upside down and twisted. But she looked at clone Abe's ignorant eyes and couldn't look away.


She is so pitiful.

Clone Abby is so pitiful.

In a daze, she saw many scenes passing by like movie memories from those eyes.

No one wants the clone Abe, so he can only be recycled and destroyed like an object, numbered 190919.

She was thrown onto the garbage planet, and in order to survive she learned to bite the blood vessels of animals, learn to suck their blood, learn to escape, learn to kill, and learned all the things that children of that age did not need to learn.

She breaks free of the labware that traps her.

She let those who took her as a bet be buried in the garbage star.

Abe looked at it and was so sad that tears fell down. She is different. She has a father and mother, a prosperous life, happiness, sadness, jealousy, and all the emotions that humans can have, while 190919 has nothing.

She sympathized with the clone Abe and the girl numbered 190919.

190919, you know, you are a human being, and humans should not experience this...

190919, if people experience this, they will feel pain, sadness, and fear...

190919, 190919…

The intense pain activated the beating of her heart. In the water prison, the girl's skin became increasingly pale in the algae-green water. She seemed to have had a nightmare. She tried her best to open her eyes, but she couldn't wake up.

Suddenly, the monitored data made a sharp cry—

She remembered.

She is 190919, she is the clone.

She suddenly stopped all struggles, and then like a curled fallen leaf, she slowly hugged herself in her dream.

It turns out that she is just a poor little girl.

It turns out that she can be afraid of those cruel and bloody things.

Mom, Beibei is scared.